If you could tell a noob one thing...




Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
Only with the right Paragon Reward slotted.
No they changed it for everyone. Anyone can now pick a travel power at level 4.



"Welcome to the best gaming community around, just don't post on the forums if you want it to stay that way" I jest, kinda, sorta....( ' ;

But seriously, I would say "welcome" and "throw away all of your previous notions about MMOs, because they don't apply here; now go have fun!"




One of the things that's a consequence of the game being so big is that there are LOTS of things to try. My advice is to try them.

Seriously, some people play one character on one server with one supergroup and only really learn that AT and powersets. You can do that if you want, but after 7 years I find I keep discovering new powers, powersets, missions, and other cool things I hadn't really tried before.

It's okay to concentrate on one character, but don't hesitate to try new things, you may be very pleasantly surprised.

Also, although this is common to many games, it bears repeating -- you may start out weak, but you will get stronger, so don't feel too frustrated if it's tough at first.

Lastly, there's a button above your power trays called "powers." If you expand that, there's a button above THAT called "Combat Attributes." Clicking that will let you look at a vast number of stats showing your defenses, percentages, speeds, etc. You can right-mouse on any stat and display it continuously on your playing area (up to a total of ten stats). This is very handy for a tracking a variety of things. One I always monitor is "Last hit chance" (found under "Base" stats). When the Last Hit bottoms out, it usually means some power has debuffed my to-hit, or that the enemy has activated a good defense power. Then I can take action to fix the problem.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
No they changed it for everyone. Anyone can now pick a travel power at level 4.
True story. I don't even know what "Paragon Reward" means, and I can teleport alllllll over the isles. And people's faces. It's a glorious feeling.



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Lastly, there's a button above your power trays called "powers." If you expand that, there's a button above THAT called "Combat Attributes." Clicking that will let you look at a vast number of stats showing your defenses, percentages, speeds, etc. You can right-mouse on any stat and display it continuously on your playing area (up to a total of ten stats). This is very handy for a tracking a variety of things. One I always monitor is "Last hit chance" (found under "Base" stats). When the Last Hit bottoms out, it usually means some power has debuffed my to-hit, or that the enemy has activated a good defense power. Then I can take action to fix the problem.
That... is the most amazing thing I've ever heard. Trying!



I am a noob myself, but have learned a few things.

1) Mail to yourself. That includes pez (inspirations) and influence. Your other characters can use the boost.

2) Do the Hydra run early. It's a great leveling tool, drops fantastic enhancements (you may have to run it a few times) and some good titles. Also a great way to get introduced to how things work in this game and what the players are like.

3) AE early on is good for dual enhancements, can't use them until your 12 or 13 methinks but you can still build up some tickets when you are ready. Look for maps in your level range, especially ones recognized by the devs.

4) With the exception of some of the new freedom quest lines most early quests are generated. That means you could use AE to level and not miss a thing.

5) You can get an additional costume slot and unlock capes for each individual character at level 20. Look up the quests and do them. It's worth it. Also, changing your costume is pretty cheap. Keep at it until you get the look you want. Don't be worried about making mistakes. Invest in your toon's look.

6) You can only respec within your chosen power sets...you can not choose another primary power set. If you don't like your build...toss it. Roll a new toon. But, you can choose new supplemental power sets if you chose one you didnt like (like fighting, flying, etc).

7) You are not limited to one supplemental power set. You can choose a new one if you want to go with the prior choices. Flying AND Speed for instance.

8) You can't afford to buy things off the auction house. You also do not have enough vault space.

9) This is not your ordinary MMO. A few rules:

-Unlearn almost everything you know.
-Players are not mean in this game. Really. Don't expect them to be.
-Opinions in the game are embraced. Opinions in the forums are reviled.
-Try a stealth/melee combination. You might be surprised how fun it can be in this game.
-Go Hero first.
-You can sell your recipes and salvage early in the game. Really. You won't regret it. Don't be a pack rat. Space is scarce.
-Inventory counts total items, not stacks.
-Travel is a time sink.
-You will be attacked as you travel. Sometimes you will die. XP debt is not the end of the world.
-Strategy is your friend. Especially if you like to solo.
-Raiding is easy breezy in this game. It is NOT like other games. Don't be afraid to join a Raid. Your gear and/or build means next to nothing to most players, at least early on. Get this...people here play FOR FUN.

10) Save your costumes. There is no limit, you never know when you might need to pull back up the design. Save and load buttons are in the designer UI. And the great thing...you can save costumes that have locked items. For a future "unlock and then just load the saved costume to save time" thing.

11) You can change 3 same pez into a different single different pez. If you can't buy the pez you need, buy three of what they offer and change it to one of what you want.

12) Throw a few rez pez into your mail to yourself. You will need them.

13) Con colors are bit different here.


That explains it all. Get used to the colors, and note whether or not your target is a minion, lieutenant, boss, etc. It MAKES A DIFFERENCE.

14) You can increase your action bar to three bars, and also add floating bars that you can place anywhere you want. Not only that, the floating bars have different configurations you can use if you wish.

15) Have an older graphics card? No problem. Fog is your friend. Reduce world detail to 65 percent, now you can have nice shadows and good character detail and not lose frames.

One final piece of advice...and you will know what I mean when it happens. It's a good idea to kill EVERYONE in the bank, not just the robber...and don't let anyone escape out of the door. Trust me, it's good advice.

That's it for now.



One thing I completely forgot to suggest; Global Channels.

Have a look in the "Servers" section of the forums for whichever server you're playing on and have a look around for the server-specific global channels on offer as they're an excellent way to find teams/events and also ask for advice - they also allow you to start characters on one server without losing touch with what's happening on others (As the global channels are always available, whichever server or character you're logged into).

Omnes relinquite spes, o vos intrantes

My Characters
CoX Chatlog Parser
Last.fm Feed



One thing I think is important to point out to new players:

You can set the difficulty level. If you want to fight large groups that are 3 levels higher than you, no problem. Want to fight lower level enemies, that's not a problem either. Exceptions are the street level missions and playing on someone else's team. Most of the game however is instanced door missions. Since this selection is per character, if you feel the character is too powerful or not powerful enough, it's easy to fix that.



Originally Posted by General_CoH View Post
One thing I think is important to point out to new players:

You can set the difficulty level. If you want to fight large groups that are 3 levels higher than you, no problem. Want to fight lower level enemies, that's not a problem either. Exceptions are the street level missions and playing on someone else's team. Most of the game however is instanced door missions. Since this selection is per character, if you feel the character is too powerful or not powerful enough, it's easy to fix that.
This is a great one...but a side note to it: Naturally, -1 is going to spread out your leveling speed quite a bit, since you will fight many blues, and +1 will cause you to face a red more often than you might think.



Find lot of purple enemy and give them hugs. Lots and lots of hugs.

If to say anything to new player that helpful I notice recently like in beginning there is confusion of using awakens (rez inspiration) in middle of enemy that killing you. I always explaining that use awaken, breakfree, heal/green, then blue. Breakfree stops dizzy effect of waking and usually you able to get out of situation as long as you not running into other enemy.

Good luck!




Originally Posted by quickfire View Post
I am a noob myself, but have learned a few things.

Great list, though I'm not sure you can call yourself a noob at this point, you've learned more than enough to qualify as Hero.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Wow quickfire you're the only person I ever heard to say that travel is a timesink in this game. Made my laugh... sorry no offense.

Originally Posted by Megajoule
We're being invaded. Again. This time, instead of aliens, zombies, or eyeballs with teeth, it's the marching band.



Originally Posted by quickfire View Post
-Travel is a time sink.
But much less so than on other games, especially now that travel powers are available at level 4. Some travel powers are faster than others, and there are various ways to enhance their speed. Plus there are mission teleports, Ourboros portals and other fun stuff.

Not at all. This may be true at low level, and would depend on AT, but at high levels some people like playing only against purples.



Originally Posted by Razia View Post
Wow quickfire you're the only person I ever heard to say that travel is a timesink in this game. Made my laugh... sorry no offense.
Pretty much my take on the matter. I've seen travel handled very well in games, and I've seen it handled very poorly. This one tends to linger toward the "well" end of that spectrum.

The key thing for me is that travel in CoH is fun, and it has a great sense of speed to it. I rarely find myself doing the anxious foot tap of not being where I want. In fact, I frequently find myself just wandering around to see where I end up. It's like Crackdown, but without the suck.



I would tell you to be cautious about blindly accepting supergroup invites.

As a new player, I did so, and was quite disappointed in the result. Depending on your servers population, you may find that you run into the same people as you level. If you find their chatting to be amusing, or perhaps intelligent, I suggest you friend them. Don't worry about the caliber of their play, as we have our own learning curves, and it took me 50 levels to realize that I really don't enjoy playing a stone tank.

It is easy to make friends in this game. It also requires effort to make enemies. Part of what draws many people to this game, and one server more than another is the interaction among players.

I would suggest you make a toon on each server and play to level 5 or so. It's only a glimpse, but it might help you find a server that shines out above the rest.
Lastly, join one of the public global channels on the server you play. Ask questions there or on the forums. Many of us think we know it all and would love to share.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Don't be fooled into thinking you have to reach level 50 a.s.a.p.

There are so many rewards to doing as many contacts as possible by turning off xp earning so that you don't out level them.



So you're using teleport for your travel power, was it?

Try typing in the following...

/bind SHIFT+LCLICK powexec_name Teleport

You can now hold down shift and click places to more easily teleport about! You can of course change SHIFT to CTRL/ALT or LCLICK to RCLICK if you like.

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



Originally Posted by Bags View Post
I was, until recently, heavily involved in another MMO (which shall remain unnamed), and, as such, I have been left with certain preconceptions. This other game was exceptionally action/customization focused, which are two things I love, so I won't be entirely leaving that one, but I have started playing CoH to supplement it. And, frankly, I'm playing alot more CoH than the other one.

My MMO background from my other game taught me a number of things, and I'm sure they will work against me, here. First, it taught me that DPS and HP are king. There was exactly zero effective damage mitigation at end-game, which makes for a whole lot of glass cannons running around. Second, it taught me that there is no better means for DPS than using tons of DoTs. AoE DoTs, if you can manage them.

Lay it on me.
My honest, not trying to be funny, advice for new players if I can ONLY say ONE thing: This is a game where your choices don't doom you forever. Have fun, do whatever, don't worry that you will pass anything up or make wrong choices. Nearly every single thing you do will be able to be "fixed" later.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



Originally Posted by Leese View Post
So you're using teleport for your travel power, was it?

Try typing in the following...

/bind SHIFT+LCLICK powexec_name Teleport

You can now hold down shift and click places to more easily teleport about! You can of course change SHIFT to CTRL/ALT or LCLICK to RCLICK if you like.
Holy sweet bejeezus. Cheat codes!

Seriously, I feel like a total bawss, now. Thank you, truly.

Also, the Yuki avatar is hypnotizing me into doing pretty much anything, so I'm not sure if it's that or the cheat codes that has me so woozy...



Originally Posted by Bags View Post
Holy sweet bejeezus. Cheat codes!

Seriously, I feel like a total bawss, now. Thank you, truly.

Also, the Yuki avatar is hypnotizing me into doing pretty much anything, so I'm not sure if it's that or the cheat codes that has me so woozy...

Note that you can also do that with any power or command which requires you to Target a spot.

So on my Traps/Beam defender I have :
/bind SHIFT+LCLICK powexec_name "Seeker Drones"

which lets me hold shift and click in the middle of an enemy spawn to summon my pair of Drones smack-bang in the middle of the group (where they promptly* explode debuffing a large chunk of the spawn)

*"Promptly" may be a slight exaggeration



Originally Posted by Razia View Post
Wow quickfire you're the only person I ever heard to say that travel is a timesink in this game. Made my laugh... sorry no offense.
Note that quickfire isn't doing low-level content. Seems like he doesn't even know that it exists, judging by his list. (No offense, quickfire)

Travel isn't so bad now. Back in the day... blah, blah, blah.



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
You can pick a travel power at level 4 now just saying
Yeah. I was totally wrong about this.



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
10. Yes, SteelClaw actually enjoy's playing that way.
Don't tell them about Steelclaw yet.

Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
For some idea of how Mids is viewed around here, take a look at today's thread announcing the release of an updated version with all the Issue 21 changes in it: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=273029 - we really do love it that much
ITS OUT! 'scuse, got to go download!

Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
You can pick a travel power at level 4 now just saying
I would still send them to KR and the jetpack. It is really cool to get travel powers that early, but you are giving up a primary or secondary power and it isn't like you have a lot of either at that point. I really think they should have left it at level 6.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Originally Posted by quickfire View Post
I am a noob myself, but have learned a few things.

That was really an excellent list for someone who calls himself a noob, or for anyone really. Kudos.

Adding: visit your server forum (here on these forums) and say "Hi," and ask about global channels. They are your best bet for getting teams, help, and what not.

Sell your salvage and inventory on the market. Don't save it. Don't worry about prices much, sell everything for 1 inf. Although if you have a recipe that sells for 1 million or more, take the time to craft it and then sell the result, it should be worth it. The University (Cap au Diable or Steel Canyon) has a tutorial for you on crafting. Check your contacts.

Around level 35, look into crafting recipes for yourself. Before then it's kinda expensive and not worth it so much.