If you could tell a noob one thing...




Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
I doubt the rest of the team has much appreciation for what I am doing or that the main reason they aren't getting attacked very often is because of all the annoying mist/snow/ice/fog all over the place, but it doesn't matter.
You'd be surprised; good players will notice you. The rest won't until you're gone.

I ran an ITF the other day on my Storm/Ice Defender; I was the only really support toon in the team. We were at the console and had it down to about 10% HP, all was going well and everyone was happy. Then the final wave kicked in and all my toggles, pseudopets and AoEs attracted a bit of attention, I died before I could react. Within about 10 seconds, we had a team wipe.

The effects of Freezing Rain + Hurriance + Snow Storm + Tornado + Steamy Mist + Lightning Storm + Ice Storm along with Leadership toggles make one hell of a difference to the survivability of anyone nearby (and piss off melee toons no end ) but it's not that obvious until they're not there any more and suddenly people start getting hit.

The same is true of other ATs. A good tank can often look like they're standing around not doing much, but if they go down it's suddenly extremely apparent exactly what they were doing - namely keeping everything focused on them rather than you.

It's nice to know that you're making a difference, even if it doesn't seem like the team has noticed.

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I would tell them that....

"True power is not with your powersets...but the power of friendships you will make throughout your game time, with each unique individual! That deep inside we all remember that we were new once, and should be treated like unique and beautiful butterflies, reaching for the heavens, arms outstretched towards the sun".

Thats what I would say!



Originally Posted by quickfire View Post
13) Con colors are bit different here.

Great list, but a little clarification on this point. It's best to stay away from the Wikia wiki for City of Heroes. It's at least two years out-of-date, filled with ads, and, on occasion, malware. The real online reference for City of Heroes is

Paragonwiki.com (a.k.a. wiki.cohtitan.com)

-- It's officially preferred by the devs, too.

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1. Purple does not mean better..

2. You will want to understand the game mechanics so you can understand how to create a build in mids. Also understanding the game mechanics will help you understand why player picked the powers they did when posting up builds. Also it will help you understand when a person fails with a build.

3. Those are the reasons my Sig has that info.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives



If I could tell a "noob" one thing...it's this: be a newb, not a noob. But you made this thread so you're off to a good start.

If I could tell a "noob" a second thing...it's this: don't be this guy.

But no seriously, the advice you're getting in this thread is just about perfect. Just a couple additions.

Don't be afraid to team with lower level people, you will keep all powers up to 5 levels higher than you drop to. Though most teams in this case would ask you to get missions so that's not a problem most of the time anyway.

While even the basic IOs can be quite pricey at times they will save you lots of inf in the long run since they never "go red". Some people will say to wait until mid-high 30s for IOs, but 99.999% of the time they're referring to IO sets and not just the basic IOs.

From what I read, this next one might be redundant but here it is anyhow. Don't feel you need to rush through levels. Just because there's an "end game" doesn't mean it's any better than the content in the previous 50 levels. Every one of us has probably seen at least one person at level 50 who doesn't even know how their basic powers work because they got powerlevelled to 50.

Above all, have fun and remember the one and ONLY rule to City of Heroes gaming: If it moves, shoot/punch it til it stops twitching.

edit: one last thing, remember, Dark Armor Sucks.

"And yes, it worries me that people know how many pipelines their graphics cards have and the bus speed of a PCIe-16x, yet don't know how to convert between bordering time zones."

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Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
Hurricane, how often do you use it? Which ATs do you cover with it? Lightning Storm, how often? Gale?
Well, I don't have Tornado or Lightning Storm yet. This toon just turned L32 after all.

As for the others, well I use Hurricane very situationally, and almost only in emergencies. I use it when the ranged squishies start to aggro another mob by accident or an ambush hits us from behind and I need to keep the adds away from everyone. I'll also stand at a "Protect" target with it on so that mobs can't get close enough to hit with melee attacks. Or if the entire team gets overwhelmed I'll use a little bit o' Hurricane to keep the nasty melee-oriented mezzes away from my teammates. As soon as the situation seems under control, I turn it off immediately. Gale is similarly situational and probably gets used even less than Hurricane. I didn't pick up Freezing Rain because most teams with tanks or PBAoE scrappers seem to hate it with a burning passion.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
Well, I don't have Tornado or Lightning Storm yet. This toon just turned L32 after all.

As for the others, well I use Hurricane very situationally, and almost only in emergencies. I use it when the ranged squishies start to aggro another mob by accident or an ambush hits us from behind and I need to keep the adds away from everyone. I'll also stand at a "Protect" target with it on so that mobs can't get close enough to hit with melee attacks. Or if the entire team gets overwhelmed I'll use a little bit o' Hurricane to keep the nasty melee-oriented mezzes away from my teammates. As soon as the situation seems under control, I turn it off immediately. Gale is similarly situational and probably gets used even less than Hurricane. I didn't pick up Freezing Rain because most teams with tanks or PBAoE scrappers seem to hate it with a burning passion.
Well, for the most part, sounds like you already know what to do in teams, but others not so much. Which sorta proves my point... Knowing what helps your team helps you be more effective was what I stated in the start, after all, and you've demonstrated that you're pretty well aware of this.

That being said, one of us can still take my advice, and if it's me, well, that doesn't diminish my point in the slightest.... I refer to your comments on Freezing Rain. I play plenty of scrappers and tanks, and have never had a problem, but I may have missed lesson. Or maybe you did. I was under the impression that a slow that's almost across the board as effective as Snow Storm, but also has a big Def Debuff, and a big Res debuff, and can take a load of procs, and has a knockdown, but not KB levels of KB, and can be made perma pretty easily was almost universally loved. But, regardless, my advice on learning your team will apply to one of us.. (I have to admit, I'm really curious as to which of us, as I'd never heard this before, but I could easily have been missing something all this time. It wouldn't be the first time.)

As for Lightning Storm and Tornado, you'll love those, also situationally...



Freezing Rain is AWESOME, why the HECK would you skip it? Who the heck hates it? I'll learn them a thing or two. Single best AoE -res in the game - it lasts for 30 seconds AFTER the last time a mob is ticked ... that's assuming anything is left by the time it stops ticking!!

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Freezing Rain is AWESOME, why the HECK would you skip it? Who the heck hates it? I'll learn them a thing or two. Single best AoE -res in the game - it lasts for 30 seconds AFTER the last time a mob is ticked ... that's assuming anything is left by the time it stops ticking!!
That's what I always thought, but I'm willing to accept this as a learning experience. I *KNOW* it's awesome solo, but for teaming, I don't know how it's perceived. I know I always like it if I team with a stormy, but since my earlier point was "don't just assume you know what's best for your team mates, but find out," I'm going to take my advice and wait for feedback.



Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
That's what I always thought, but I'm willing to accept this as a learning experience. I *KNOW* it's awesome solo, but for teaming, I don't know how it's perceived. I know I always like it if I team with a stormy, but since my earlier point was "don't just assume you know what's best for your team mates, but find out," I'm going to take my advice and wait for feedback.
If Freezing Rain is hated in teams I missed the memo, but Ice Storm and Rain of Fire must be much worse in that case as they only do damage but have the same "scatter" effect.

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I am probably mixing Freezing Rain with Ice Storm in my mind. I saw a Fire Brute in an AE farm bark out orders to "Turn off the damn Ice Storm!", I assume because of its scatter effect.

Looks like I'll be respec'ing Freezing Rain into my build tonight! Thanks guys!

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
I am probably mixing Freezing Rain with Ice Storm in my mind. I saw a Fire Brute in an AE farm bark out orders to "Turn off the damn Ice Storm!", I assume because of its scatter effect.

Looks like I'll be respec'ing Freezing Rain into my build tonight! Thanks guys!
Heh, I wouldn't take Fire Farmers' words as gospel

On a farm, yes mob scatter is the ultimate disaster as it reduces your kill rate (especially with Fire as you rely on Burn a lot), but in actual gameplay, both Ice Storm and Freezing Rain are great powers, especially in combination.

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I hit level 20 last night, and I must say, I am downright overwhelmed. I spent the first 19 levels feeling like I only had 1 or 2 things to do, just a bare handful of contacts, then I had literally 5 contacts go "Hey, Bags! Psssssssst. Remember how penned in you felt five minutes ago? Come do something awesome."

I feel hurt and offended that you all kept this from me. Now, I just need to hit 24 so I can have yet another set of intense decisions and overwhelming options.



Heh. The leveling pace nowadays sure is different than when I first started playing. Back then the "terrible teens" were excruciating. Now there are so many ways to hook up with Lvl 50s and watch your xp bar fill up it isn't funny.

These tips missions (which are utterly new to me) are turning out to be a rocket ship to god-like power.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
Heh. The leveling pace nowadays sure is different than when I first started playing. Back then the "terrible teens" were excruciating. Now there are so many ways to hook up with Lvl 50s and watch your xp bar fill up it isn't funny.

These tips missions (which are utterly new to me) are turning out to be a rocket ship to god-like power.

I love tips missions. I enjoy running them as a lvl 50 and never mind a lvl 6 or 13 coming along. Bonus both ways.



If I could tell a noob one thing.....

It would be play what you enjoy to play. Play any archtype and powerset combination you want that you feel is fun to you and once you've done that to your heart's content then start worrying about what's best, because what is best isn't always the most fun to you.