Power Customization: A Job Half Finished




Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
By the way, if anyone has suggestions about the most unobtrusive Force Field colors, I'm interested.
I think Dark Blues seem to work well.



Originally Posted by Sun_Runner View Post
We'll get the remaining power customization when they feel it is appropriate to charge for it; and we'll get charged per power pool (and potentially per character per power pool).

Or they can surprise me. (I don't expect to be surprised.)
I was thinking they would charge us per character, per pool and per color.

But yea, I would not be surprised if this wound up in the store at one point or another.

Maybe they're saving it for a rainy day when sales are down? Who knows...

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Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
I think Dark Blues seem to work well.
They do look good in the creator, but I haven't tried them in the field, so to speak.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Personally, I'd have power customization for Pools and Epics before I had a singe new powerset, because it would make my existing characters a lot better looking.
Yes, this, a thousand times this. What, do they think we're all going to make new characters with whatever new shiny they just put out, get those characters to level 30 and....what? Let them sit there so they never have to worry about mismatched APPs and Hasten hands? Why do they think people wanted an end game? For new lowbies?

If the core of this playerbase subscribed to the same "forget that old stuff, here's something new and look how shiny it is, let's chase it" mentality the devs do, we wouldn't still be playing a 7-year-old game.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
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Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
By the way, if anyone has suggestions about the most unobtrusive Force Field colors, I'm interested.
I'm running a white/6th or 7th red on mine. They're fairly unobtrusive. Try a white primary and then tint it with the color of your choice. It worked for me.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
In the same podcast, they also talked about how they have plans for bases about which they can't talk. But I've been hearing stuff like that for years, so I'll believe it when I see it
To tell you the truth, that little nugget terrified me.

The dev team does have this habit of, when it DOES change things, doing it in a manner that sort of sweeps all before it. Like the original CoT "upgrade."

The bases we have now are actually pretty good. I'd be happy if they just moved all the defense items into decorative so we could use as many as we want wherever we want (since they've pretty much said base raids aren't even on the radar) and then leave it alone.

Lots of us have built really elaborate bases with the stacking tricks and throwing lights together to make stairs, pushing cabinets together to make a piano, using desks for floors, etc.

I'm desperately afraid they're going to "fix" bases and I'm going to walk into a base I've poured hundreds of hours in to see a jumble of desks and stuff strewn all over the place because when they put in actual floor/stair parts, they remove the ability to stack or whatnot.



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
My biggest complaint with power customization? I CAN'T MATCH "ORIGINAL" COLORS.

On my force field/energy defender, I wanted to make the energy blasts with the same colors and the force fields (which I didn't change). But there's no way to find out what the Original colors are. As soon as you hit Customized, some sort of random colors comes up. Which then requires me to trial-and-error my way into matching the colors.

(I've had to do this for several characters. The above is just one example. And I'm rarely pleased with the results, even after several iterations.)

The primary reason for that (Kinetics is a set that it's particularly obvious on) is the original graphics aren't limited to two colors. Or the color palette we have. The combination of those two things means there is often no possibility of duplicating the original art using the customized settings.

So there's no pair of colors the UI could select as "defaults" that would work. They could go through all the sets and come up with something close, but it still wouldn't be right, and it would be a substantial amount of work.

Synchrotron, level 50 Radiation/Radiation Defender
Fighting crime on Champion since 2004



IF they gave a monkeys, they'd have finished power customization ages ago, but the clearly don't so don't be expecting them to EVER get it done. Not without the dev who was the impetus for it in the first place.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I've wanted a Cerulean PB since i first heard of power Customization. Hell, at this point even though i'd hate it I'd pay PPs for it.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
IF they gave a monkeys, they'd have finished power customization ages ago, but the clearly don't so don't be expecting them to EVER get it done. Not without the dev who was the impetus for it in the first place.
I think you're mistaken. We got power customization for the Incarnate powers - which, while clunky from a UI perspective, does work. So they're aware it's important, and willing to do some work to get it done.

But adding customization for epic/ancillary/temp powers is obviously more work than it appears, on the UI/data front anyways. As an example, for the Incarnate powers we don't get the power we currently have slotted, or all the powers we have built, we get every possible power for that slot.

The implication is that for pools, we'd have to list every single pool/temp power. And toss around the data for all of them. Plus whatever work there is to attach the per-character color data to the pool powers. If I had to guess, it's not making colorizable versions of the powers that's the holdup.

So I suspect it'll come eventually, but it may be a while. It gets brought up all the time on the weekly ustreams, and they seem quite (painfully) aware of how requested this is...

Synchrotron, level 50 Radiation/Radiation Defender
Fighting crime on Champion since 2004



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
I agree with you. Pool power customization - including the APP/Patron powers - should be on the TOP of the list, in my opinion.

Unfortunately, Paragon has a habit of letting something "into the wild" and then abandoning it. Simple bug fixes (like the female heads on the Beast pack - yes, I will keep complaining about that, because I paid for that booster and I only play females for the most part) are considered too much time to spend. Actually continuing to develop and improve (lookin' at you bases, Alignment system!) seems way beyond the scope.

And that is super sad.

The idea that the way we're going to get Pool Customization is to have to buy new aspects of the power is just sad frosting on this sad cupcake.
I agree wholeheartedly with everything here (except the wolf pack thingy...don't have it and don't know what's being said there ).

I really, really want more customization....but sadly I think it is in the very back burner since it would be "free" and couldn't "nickel and dime" us for it

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#1 on my wish list easily for power customization of epic pools.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Powers still lacking Power Customization:
  • Granite Armor
  • Pool Powers (Travel and otherwise)
  • Soldiers of Arachnos powers (besides weapons)
  • Kheldian Powers
  • Patron Powers
  • Epic Powers
  • Probably others I missed
I will put the Prestige Sprints in the "other you missed" category. I LOVE my Prestige Power Slide power - have ever since I got it waaaaaaaaay back when. While I have all the other Prestige Sprints, i never use them. I really like how Slide looks and works, but the color....

As to further Power Customization, well if I recall correctly, BaBs was stated as being a huge push behind the scenes as to why it got done in the first place. And it took over a year to get done.
BaBs is no longer with the company.
Power Customization is no longer something they are actively working on.
Coincidence? You tell me...



See, I said about this being a half-***** job when power customization first came out and got shouted down by almost everyone for being ungrateful and how I should be happy for what they have done and be patient, they will get round to Power Pools etc in the future.

This was before it was even released.

I'm STILL waiting!

I hate the look of Hasten and Super-Speed but they are damn near ubiquitous, especially for me. I know builds can be made with Hasten but it's a bloody useful power that lots of people use, so why not sort it out??

Glad to see people are also wanting these things changing over. What's the point of having one of the games greatest features, the awesome costume creator, spoilt by the power pools?

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Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Powers still lacking Power Customization:
  • Granite Armor
Granite Armor has no customization because it has no visible power effects to customize. Now, I realize that there are a lot of you reading this and calling fewmets on that statement, because everyone can see when a character turns on Granite Armor. However, the statement is correct, albeit incomplete.

Granite Armor does not have a visible power effect the way other powers do -- creating a glow or shape around the character. Granite Armor works the same way that a costume code or a Halloween costume does -- the Granite Armor character model replaces your character's model completely. And being a completely separate character model, all of its characteristics are inherently baked into it -- there's nothing to customize. In order to make Granite Armor customizable, the devs are going to have to change the fundamental mechanism of how this power works visually.

Which isn't to say that it can't be done. Look at Animated Stone -- there are different character models for that depending on whether you want a rocky or crystalline pet. But the fact remains that it's going to be a lot more work to make Granite Armor customizable than it was to make other powers customizable, because the character's appearance isn't hooked to the power; it's buried in the game's rendering.

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Originally Posted by Coin View Post
See, I said about this being a half-***** job when power customization first came out and got shouted down by almost everyone for being ungrateful and how I should be happy for what they have done and be patient, they will get round to Power Pools etc in the future.

This was before it was even released.

I'm STILL waiting!

I hate the look of Hasten and Super-Speed but they are damn near ubiquitous, especially for me. I know builds can be made with Hasten but it's a bloody useful power that lots of people use, so why not sort it out??

Glad to see people are also wanting these things changing over. What's the point of having one of the games greatest features, the awesome costume creator, spoilt by the power pools?
Coin hereby receives rights to "I told you so! And you called me mad! MAAADD!!!"

Abuse your newfound power well

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I just want to be able to set Hasten to "No FX". I don't mind the activation animation (quite the opposite; I think it looks pretty badass), but the continuing FX are an eyesore that clash with just about every costume I've ever made.


Also on Steam



If you didn't get a chance to watch the mega-ustream (or read the summaries), they answered a few power customization questions. From VK's 1st Massive summary:

Kheldian power customization is not a priority at the moment, it's still on the table, but the effort required could be better applied elsewhere for better returns.


They do have tech in place to make Granite Armor customizable, but as a result it won't look as it currently does.
Could be more info in the streams/summaries, but these were the two that caught my eye.




Finishing Power customisation is massively important to me, it _constantly_ annoys me that thematically similar powersets can't be visually similar (like fire/fire/fire blasters for example) IMHO the critical ones are:

Power Pools

In that order. I don't _care_ that code time and UI time are needed it should be a _trivial_ amount of code time (Yes write I software for a living) I love my Khelds and VEATs but don't have any need to alter their powers, they look fine and consistent as they are. Just think how much more popular path animation would be if they could be used as alternate PFX for superspeed or super jump. Imagine if the auras could be used as replacement PFX for teleport. This is stuff you can sell!



Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
I just want to be able to set Hasten to "No FX". I don't mind the activation animation (quite the opposite; I think it looks pretty badass), but the continuing FX are an eyesore that clash with just about every costume I've ever made.
I agree.
My Plant/Fire Dom has a really neat looking aura around his hands that matches his gloves really well. I never get to see it. I daresay I would be willing to wait on all other power pool customization if they would just do a no graphics option for Hasten.



I'd love to have Fly customisable, from poses (come on, where's the traditional super man pose?) to different types of flight trails



Originally Posted by srmalloy View Post
Granite Armor has no customization because it has no visible power effects to customize. Now, I realize that there are a lot of you reading this and calling fewmets on that statement, because everyone can see when a character turns on Granite Armor. However, the statement is correct, albeit incomplete.

Granite Armor does not have a visible power effect the way other powers do -- creating a glow or shape around the character. Granite Armor works the same way that a costume code or a Halloween costume does -- the Granite Armor character model replaces your character's model completely. And being a completely separate character model, all of its characteristics are inherently baked into it -- there's nothing to customize. In order to make Granite Armor customizable, the devs are going to have to change the fundamental mechanism of how this power works visually.

Which isn't to say that it can't be done. Look at Animated Stone -- there are different character models for that depending on whether you want a rocky or crystalline pet. But the fact remains that it's going to be a lot more work to make Granite Armor customizable than it was to make other powers customizable, because the character's appearance isn't hooked to the power; it's buried in the game's rendering.
I know the difficulties around customizing Granite Armor due to the avatar swap-out. I know BAB was working on fundamentally changing the animations of the power's activation at some point (even opened a thread about it). I even know that some of his work was in the game files (not sure if it's still there, but they rarely remove stuff from game files, even if it goes unused later).

Obviously, such a solution wouldn't work well for Kheldian transformations. Honestly, as much as I'd like to see PwrCust for Epic ATs, Khelds would prob be at the bottom of my list due to the additional tech problems involved with shape-shifting.

It seems that most players would want EPP/APP and PPP PwrCust, as well as Pool Power PwrCust. These should definitely be at the top of the list, IMPO. It's like characters get to level 4 (Pool Powers) and 34 (APPs/PPPs), and the game says "You can pick from all of these nifty powers now! Don't expect to customize them like you can other powers, though." To new players, that would seem sort of wonkey. And as many other posters have pointed out, they can even clash with your standard powers that you've customized.

Now that they've done a lot of work revamping the new character experience (revamped character creation & tailor windows), I hope they put some time reworking the later character experience in regards to customization and tailoring.



Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
I prefer to think of it as a work in progress.
That would imply it is being worked on, there has nothing to give me that impression.

Really, this should have already been done. It should have been done within an issue of the initial release. I agree that they are just chasing the new shiny. I love this game, and I really like most of the Devs, but this is a ball that has been dropped.

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Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Powers still lacking Power Customization:
  • Granite Armor
  • Pool Powers (Travel and otherwise)
  • Soldiers of Arachnos powers (besides weapons)
  • Kheldian Powers
  • Patron Powers
  • Epic Powers
  • Probably others I missed
The brand new Venomous Gas from Poison has no customisation.

Edit: Also Liquify is... odd.



There are three things I want...

- No FX for Hasten
- No FX for Superspeed
- Other kind of teleport eh...poses...

It are those three that keep me from creating some characters for which superspeed and teleport fits just perfectly. I normally do take hasten but only use it when necessary because it's so damn ugly.

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