Discussion: Announcing the City of Heroes Freedom VIP Head Start! September 13, 2011




Huh, I never saw Issen's reply to my directions before.

Anyway: I can verify it does work because that's how I got my live directory updated in 3 minutes the last time we had beta testing. Slap the piggs over, tell the Launcher to repair my live installation, good to go!

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Accessing the store on a mac doesn't cause a complete lockup for the majority of mac users. There are another couple store-related issues (none worth pitching a fit over, annoying but not show-stopping) but the majority of store-related lockups were fixed in one of the last couple patches.
Are you playing on a Mac? And do you mind if I ask you what version of the OS you are on?

The situation you are describing is not what I see reported in the majority of the posts on the Mac forum and elsewhere. And it is certainly not my own experience. Any information you can share about your set-up might really be helpful in solving this.




Originally Posted by Xenos View Post
Are you playing on a Mac? And do you mind if I ask you what version of the OS you are on?

The situation you are describing is not what I see reported in the majority of the posts on the Mac forum and elsewhere. And it is certainly not my own experience. Any information you can share about your set-up might really be helpful in solving this.

I am judging by posts in the beta forums, not the mac forums. The majority of the complainants have stated a huge improvement with the last couple patches. The biggest complaint I've seen lately is the lack of font, which is not a show-stopping bug and will be kludge-fixed (before being actually fixed).

Yes, there are still people having crashing issues, a lot of them unrelated to the store (which was beyond the scope of my post). Yes, there are still some people unable to access the store reliably.

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



For the record: The minimum amount you'd have to pay starting fresh to get all the permanent bonuses out of the reward system as a premium player is 345 dollars. That'd buy you VIP status for nearly two and a half years, during which you'd have access to things you straight up can't buy.

I guess I'm mainly not buying the "premium is better value than VIP" because by the time you actually GET those reward tiers that let you skip purchases.... you've already sunk enough money in to get a lot more out of it, and there's always going to be stuff you can't get. Unless you honestly believe they're going to be doing BOTH A: Making tons and tons and tons of new content, and B: Charging everyone for all new content from now on and making nothing free for VIPs (which has been directly stated as false), then the people that actually get any money to content value out of dropping to premium are going to be very rare.



Does this mean that I will not get my vet reward that is due to come up on the 1st of October?



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
I am judging by posts in the beta forums, not the mac forums. The majority of the complainants have stated a huge improvement with the last couple patches. The biggest complaint I've seen lately is the lack of font, which is not a show-stopping bug and will be kludge-fixed (before being actually fixed).

Yes, there are still people having crashing issues, a lot of them unrelated to the store (which was beyond the scope of my post). Yes, there are still some people unable to access the store reliably.
Ahhh, too bad, I had hoped you had a solution that worked.

If you check over on the Mac forums, you may find somewhat different posts than in the beta forums. We mostly stayed over there with that issue, because we had Zwillinger's ear, who was in contact with the engineers of the Transgaming client as well as the in-house Devs.

In short, at this point the font issue seems to exist under Leopard and Lion (OS names, just in case), and if you can't read most of the content of the store (including how many points you have) it makes shopping pretty interesting. I think the judgement is still out about how stable the store itself is for all Mac users. Extended use seems to crash it for many if not most. And lastly, if you access the store, the launcher is still unable to start the game back up unless you trash your preferences (which includes your finely tuned graphics settings).

I consider this a pretty unsatisfactory situation. And even though we were assured that Freedom would not go live with this problem unresolved, I understand that there are other pressures. It just sucks for us.

But thanks for your interest.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The head start will be great for running the First Ward arcs, new low level Hero content and the Underground Trial so that everything's done in time for the full launch, and I can lurk in Atlas Park to greet the freebie hordes
More time to update your newbie comic ( ' ;




Originally Posted by nytflyr View Post
Does this mean that I will not get my vet reward that is due to come up on the 1st of October?
You'll get one of the new tokens, which can go into any of the available rewards you have.



Originally Posted by WanderingAries View Post
Ya I remember the whole server consolidation screen-wise, but I didn't realize it was locality-wise too.
The locality consolidation happened some time before the server list merge, but wasn't as widely mentioned since it didn't really affect most players very much. Germany's data infrastructure is bad enough that moving the EU servers to the US actually improved latency for many EU players.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Arctic Man View Post
Followed by an emergency maintenance shortly after the servers come back, and then more of the same on and off for a few weeks as is standard now?
I think I'll just watch the forums on Tuesday...I'm guessing the servers will be a bit spotty with stability...I'll jump in full fledged Thursday.

"Forgiveness is between them and God..it is my job to arrange the meeting."



Originally Posted by Thany144 View Post
You keep to your opinion man thats cool. I disagree greatly but i am a capitalist. The main thing is this..:............... Come Tuesday freedom launches an i get wings lol

And here I thought Red Bull was responsible for giving wings.



99% of this I personally don't care about, but this bit, I would like to address

Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
For example, how many of you would argue that the incarnate slot grind and new incarnate merit purchase grind are "fun"?
They're obviously the most obvious "carrot on a stick" I have seen in almost any game.
Then you've never played that big fantasy game with 11 million subscribers. Firbolg reputation grinding took well over 240 hours just to get the ability to craft a few items. And that was just one faction out of literally dozens. Incarnate trials are nothing by comparison. Or that british free flash fantasy MMO with a name about runes. It has no levels, all skills are grinding out the same action over and over and over. check out what's required to get the ability to burn the highest level of wood. Or to mine the top ore. Then notice there are only 4 spawns for the top ore on each server, and they replenish once per 6 hours (unless it's been changed since I last played) and you need about 30 of them to make anything significant. And prayer is even worse. Try getting a couple million experience at a rate of 100 exp per action or less.

iTrials are barely grindy at all compared to any other MMO I have ever played going back to MUDs in the '90s. And unlike any other MMO I am aware of, you have the option (I agree it is a terrible option that should be avoided but it still exists) to get all of your slots unlocked and all powers crafted using shards gathered from doing any action you want in any area and at any level of game play. Again, bad choice, but it does exist.

MMO companies think we won't play a game past a few months without a really long leveling grind and then endgame grind.
Originally, CoH had only a relatively short endgame grind and yet we stayed. FPS games have pretty much no grind and even the things that would qualify as gridn there are not thought of as grind because they're so fun and don't ram numbers down your throat, just waves of dynamic enemies.
the thing is, all of that same end-game still exists in COH. You can choose to keep playing it or not. The main reason not to, is if you feel the need to compete with other people in an ePeen contest. I'm not saying that's your reason, just saying it is the most common I see. Everyone is afraid they'll be too weak if they don't. That's one of the reasons I love having Memphis Bill around to inject a voice of reason and perspective on the powerscale in COH.

I agree with you 100% on the perspective of companies about grind vs fun and do wish they would do more that is fun and bears repeating vs grinding. Posi clearly understands the difference per a blog post of his about gated content. But seems that grindy is easier.

1) Is it really fun to have 16-24 people having trouble with ONE AV when we used to, and still do, only need 8 to take own incarnate Statesman?!?

2) Is it really fun to grind out for weeks, per character, just to make that character slightly more powerful with the new incarnate slots beyond the alpha?
Where is the taste of the power we got on the alpha unlock arc when we experienced our future power with "Limitless Radial FREEM"?

3) Is the IO system necessary? The devs say "no, it is not". It's definitely another long grind for the more powerful stuff that actually make s the invention system worth it, not to mention it is a huge INF sink.

Honestly, I'm happy to unsubscribe and pay piecemeal without all the grind that subscribers "are privileged to have".
I want fun, but the grind and lackluster rewards compared to time and effort needed really make the incarnate and IO systems a pain and not fun, especially when we'll eventually likely need 40 incarnate players to take down Emperor Cole and need to do some gimmick or we won't be able to(like a hamidon raid where you need a lot of people and need to take out the mitochondria spawns around him to defeat him).

I am not looking forward to playing "just one small cog in a huge war machine" in the final battle against Cole.

Weren't we supposed to end up more powerful than the signature characters yet we still need help for non-incarnate AVs and GMs on most characters and incarnate content AVs(even non-incarnate AVs in incarnate trials) require an even larger team of full incarnates?!?

The incarnate system is, apparently, making us less powerful in relation to the endgame content.
That is not fun, but it is also a symptom of traditional MMO design where you start out weak and have to grind just to reach "barely satisfactory" and end up int he endgame "even weaker than level one" against the big bad guys.

Where did "being a superhero" go?
Where did "Superman and his equally matched archenemy Doomsday" type of action and epic combat go?
I understand that a few people were able to solo AVs back in the days of SOs. Are you aware that Elite Bosses are supposed to be more powerful than a single player can handle and require grouping to defeat?

Have you seen the damage that fully Tier-4'd incarnates can put out?

Have you seen how many people not only solo AVs, but solo the most difficult AVs and GMs and even solo entire task forces. Hell, some have solo'd the Lord Recluse Taskforce, including taking down over 8 AVs at once in that final battle. And anyone who solos the ITF is defeating not just Romulus but 4 AV-class nictus plus all the ambushes. I've seen 2-man Rikti Mothership raids including spawning and killing Ukon Grai.

We already have teams of 4 people completing the Apex and Tin Mage taskforces, and teams of 2 completing the Lamda trial.

Have you been on a Cathedral of Pain post i20? I've seen a single group of 6 pull it off. According to them it's easier because fewer people to screw up the timing.

Is that not epic enough for you?

Are you unable to project forward into time?

With a few more incarnate slots people will be soloing the content that currently takes teams. Sure it takes 14 poorly or average built i20 characters to beat Siege and Nightstar. It'll only take 1 or 2 poorly built i23 characters and it already only takes 2 well built ones.

Power is a progression. The leading edge is always were things are hardest. But even so, the best of the best are definitely getting more and more powerful and doing things that are more and more impressive. a team of two taking down marauder in the Lamda or a single villain taking out the whole freedom phalanx in the Lord Recluse Strike Force is a significant jump in power from previous issues.

I do agree that the league function can make things appear weaker. And I do agree that a bit more focus on solo play would let us feel more powerful more often. Those are things that I really do hope the devs take into consideration.

Anyway after my tangential rant, I do think subscribing is not worth it and will be worth even less later on, specifically because the VIP exclusives(as the only true difference between VIP and Premium since both pay) are just not fun compared to the base game features which make me feel more heroic(like the Positron TF part 1 with the shadow duplicate fight that is absolutely epic with "8 hero players versus 8 archvillain NPCs" - actually only boss rank or EB, but an even match for the players - which is the best designed fight in the entire game).
I do love that fight also. And while your rant was a tangent, it is an important one because it really hits the perceived value of some of the most important new content. Without which new players and returning players both would have less reason to pay using either method.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by Dark Sweater View Post
Just to pick a nit, currently subscribers don't get Praetoria or anything from Going Rogue (including Incarnate stuff) unless they've bought the expansion. After Freedom launches every VIP subscriber will get all this content. Granted most current subscribers are likely to have GR, but those who don't or new players won't even be able to buy Going Rogue, but will have to buy all its parts separately (if they want it all), at a higher total cost (at current prices $40 for the powersets, $15 for the alignment system, $15 to create a Praetorian, ...). So although from the point of view of someone who already has GR this might not be worth much, for someone just starting to play the game it will be significant.

As for the issue itself, Freedom was designed deliberately to offer long time subscribers the option of dropping to Premium without losing much, while stiff providing value and exclusive content for VIP's. The more someone has invested in the game, the less VIP will offer over Premium. This gives veteran players the choice of continuing the subscription if they feel it's worth it, or dropping to Premium if they don't, as well as alternating between them.

If you feel that the subscription isn't worth the price, you have the choice of going Premium. If you don't want to go Premium then obviously the subscription has enough value for you. I can understand the wish to get more than you already get (it's only natural), but arguing that you're not getting enough value is only affirming that the devs have done a good job providing a smooth downgrade path for the subscription.
Just to pitnit Going Rogue is included in the VIP subscription.

And if you don't own it already and don't want to pay a sub you'll have to buy it ad-hoc... isn't that the whole point of Freedom?



Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
They gave me the perfectly valid, by design, choice to unsubscribe.

Also, that doesn't really apply to the new players who start because of the "no subscription" option.

So, do you want to try to appear more elitist or more like a snob?
Or, would you like to finally admit that they need to treat all customers like their money is worthwhile and like they matter so that maybe they will "want to subscribe"?

You don't get people to want something by restricting them from it. They just resent the restriction and leave if they have a choice.

Good luck getting people to become VIP just for forums access, especially with all the types of "grumpy old man" posts saying things like "deal with it" and "subscribe or GTFO".

I'm done with this little argument.
They need to give at least some limited forum posting access for free players or they can kiss a lot of money goodbye.
Free Players - That is those that have never dropped any money in any form on the game should (and I'd guess will) have the ability to read the forums, but shouldn't have the ability to post spam - which you can be sure some would.
Premium Players - That is those that have made some form of investment into the game - Should have somewhere to post on the forums.

But even if they don't I doubt the devs will lose either much sleep or money over them not having the ability.
Originally Posted by Dark Sweater View Post
I think that's the reason they didn't provide forum access to free and Premium players: there's a percentage of the subscriber base who's prejudiced against "free" players and would disrupt any attempts by them to post legitimate concerns and questions.

A solution to this would be a forum where only Premium players can post, and VIP's aren't allowed.
Open mouth insert foot.

They don't plan on providing access to free players to a)Cut down on data overheads for people not paying for the game and b)To prevent people who have no reason to accept a ban from posting spam.

If you post <insert link to pancake enlargement> currently and get a ban you have wasted at least $15, plus whatever amount of previously paid fees. If you haven't paid anything for the game but gain access to the forums you get to post anything you want including <insert link to pancake enlargement> without the devs being able to punish you.

A section where premium players can post and chat with VIP players would be a good idea (IMO). A section just for premium players where VIPs cannot post is stupid. Yes some VIPs will slap premiums down, most won't and they would be the best people to help newbies among the premiums.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I will point out that with the currently known prices, the above statement is wrong.

Controllers: 1,200
MasterMinds: 1,200
Peacebringers: 1,000
Warshades: 1,000
Arachnos Soldiers: 1,000
Arachnos Widows: 1,000
Apologies, was mainly quoting from the top of my head.



Originally Posted by Lost Ninja View Post
Apologies, was mainly quoting from the top of my head.
No problem. I just didn't want to see any more complaints from people that looked at the Paragon Market.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



quick question when freedom goes live !! do all old accounts become active or do we need to register them first.

There are only three alternatives. It thinks were either a threat, food, or a mate. Its gonna either kill us, eat us, or hump us.



Originally Posted by Cerulean_Shadow View Post
No one can "win" this argument, because it's unwinnable. If you want to stay a subscriber (and I do) then stay a subscriber; if you don't, well, then don't. For me, the benefits to being a VIP subscriber as stated in everything I've read thus far far outweigh the benefits (not paying $15/month) to dropping to Premium. If you don't feel the same way, then don't subscribe. It's a pretty simple solution.
Amen to that, couldn't add anything that stated better my feelings aout the game; I'm also remaining a subscriber, after all I've been paying for 6 years, so paying more time is not that big issue in my economy. And having more rewards for that is also cool

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).

My alts: http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/13494



Originally Posted by Gilliam_EU View Post
quick question when freedom goes live !! do all old accounts become active or do we need to register them first.
I believe that all old accounts are made active. Don't quote me on that, though.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Apart from the badges, are the Dev's "in-game prizes" account wide?

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



Originally Posted by Texarkana View Post
More time to update your newbie comic ( ' ;
I won't actually be updating that one - timeline-wise, it was done before the Atlas Park revamp, or the destruction of Glaxy City, or the first Praetorian invasion - but my 2nd comic, which I also started before any of those events, and which should be finished pretty soon, does actually have a little bit of I21 content in it

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I just hope it doesn't take six to seven hours to download this patch. Some people only have access to DSL level broadband speed of only 7-15MBpm.

I miss the days when we can prefetch a week or more before an issue launch.
I was waiting for the massive prefetch. Does the new updater not do that any more?

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
True.But, almost every example you cited still supports being mainly premium and temporarily subscribing for VIP stuff.
The only example that supports being premium only temporary is the "new low level alt/return VIP for incarnates" idea.

In most situations and most of the time, it is better to be mainly premium, non-subscription, because they get a better value for their money that doesn't get worse over time due to recurring payments "just to maintain" what they have.
As I said, IMO it's mainly a matter of personal preference. Some people have no problem budgeting $15 a month for a game, and choose to subscribe because they feel it's convenient to not have to buy everything separately, or that the extras are worth it for them, or they just love the game and feel they support it better that way. Other people prefer to feel ownership, that they can buy stuff and not just rent it, that they don't feel like they're losing money if they play only a little during a month.

The bottom line is, far from being purely about dollar cost, this is about psychology and feeling. People who do care more about money and what they get for it are likely to gravitate towards Premium. That doesn't mean that VIP isn't worth it, just that it's not worth it for them.

The only way to truly judge the worth of a subscription is see how many people stay subscribed and how many new subscriptions the game gets once Freedom launches.



I am also curious about the download and when on Tuesday I-21 will be up and running. Will they be down a maintenance patch and if so have they posted times for that work on Tuesday?

Celtic Fist - Victory