Discussion: Announcing the City of Heroes Freedom VIP Head Start! September 13, 2011




Originally Posted by Bright View Post
And once they're "done" and i21 is live, we'll have a window of about an hour to play before they have to call an "emergency shut-down" (with no more than five minutes notice, of course-) that'll have everything off-line for another five or six hours while they fix something they forgot to see to the first time around.

I'm kidding, of course. They're usually pretty good about that sort of thing... But with recent history being what it is, and the new servers apparently being the evil monstrosities that they are, you never know.
Don't you hate to be right?




So in other words on my only day off this week the game will be offline........................



Um... does anyone know where the costume contests are being held?

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Danheg View Post
It looks like the same time as before.
It also looks like Avatea edited the original post yesterday around the same time she posted her update above, so she was probably highlighting the change she made to the OP.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



I'm pretty sad with the costume contest, where i can only attend to 1, the Historical with a twist. The other 2 are at 02.00 till 04.00 and being weekdays, but those are exactly the 2 i had in mind

(i assume some of 'our' famous historical figures are not quite famous oversea? As we dont own any right of famous historical superheroes, i gues its only related to reallife people?)

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
It is a Global Badge. Same as last time. Additionally, it's not *just* during the events, but during the entire first week of the Headstart.

I'm still locked out because of the login bug, I really hope I'm not gonna miss this on my badger!!!!



Dear NCSoft...

You do know the Hive is 45+ right? Right???

No love

Onion lowbies.

| dave | onion | @davejb |



I didn't win at the costume contest (which I only made it to by being late for work :3), but because of it, I was able to catch this cute little shot.

The Beta is full of bugs? How can that be?!



I'm very disappointed in the inconsistent statements you've made about level pacting and the VIP head start.

The VIP Head Start period, based on your posting of activities, lasts until this Friday, Sep 23.

You explicitly told us that Level Pacting, while going away, would be available through the VIP Head Start period.

Then today, I get a patch, log in and discover you've disabled the feature PRIOR to the end of the VIP Head Start period and WITHOUT WARNING that you were doing so. Even a simple "Hey, Level Pacting ends tomorrow!" would have been nice.

Why did you do this?



Originally Posted by Crysys View Post
I'm very disappointed in the inconsistent statements you've made about level pacting and the VIP head start.

The VIP Head Start period, based on your posting of activities, lasts until this Friday, Sep 23.

You explicitly told us that Level Pacting, while going away, would be available through the VIP Head Start period.

Then today, I get a patch, log in and discover you've disabled the feature PRIOR to the end of the VIP Head Start period and WITHOUT WARNING that you were doing so. Even a simple "Hey, Level Pacting ends tomorrow!" would have been nice.

Why did you do this?
yup, that's the same answer I'm looking for. No one's bothered to respond yet. Pretty shoddy behavior for this CS team.



Originally Posted by Crysys View Post
Then today, I get a patch, log in and discover you've disabled the feature PRIOR to the end of the VIP Head Start period and WITHOUT WARNING that you were doing so. Even a simple "Hey, Level Pacting ends tomorrow!" would have been nice.
You mean like this one? Where they said on 9/19 level pacts would be turned off on 9/20?

Granted, yes, they *DID* say level pacts would last until after the head start has ended, which it hasn't. But they *did* give notice, which you seem to be under the impression that they did not.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
You mean like this one? Where they said on 9/19 level pacts would be turned off on 9/20?

Granted, yes, they *DID* say level pacts would last until after the head start has ended, which it hasn't. But they *did* give notice, which you seem to be under the impression that they did not.
OK, you got me...I didn't see notice of level pacts ending inside a server maintenance announcement. Shame on me.

But it still contradicted their earlier commitment that we'd have Level Pacts available through the entire VIP Head Start program.