How Much Notice Will We Get For CoHFreedom?




Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
We can be reasonably sure that there's an i21.5 with another Incarnate Trial on the way before the end of the year, but if they add anything new, it'll be additional powers for the existing slots (the way that i20.5 added a ton of new pets for the Lore slot).
Please be Sonic Judgement, please be Sonic Judgement...

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Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Please be Sonic Judgement, please be Sonic Judgement...
I'd like a physical Judgement attack - like Nova Fist or Foot Stomp - or if they prefer to make it a ranged AoE attack, then some kind of body slam/shoulder charge like Shield Charge.

But until that happens, my Judgement slot will remain unfilled

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'd like a physical Judgement attack - like Nova Fist or Foot Stomp - or if they prefer to make it a ranged AoE attack, then some kind of body slam/shoulder charge like Shield Charge.
I'd love to see both of those options!
Not that I wouldn't want to see a Sonic one as well.

A pass of additional Judgment Powers would be great.

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and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Don't they usually give us a respec heads up at least a week before a new issue drops?



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
Given how close they were to launching VIP Head Start before someone detected the potentially serious Level Pact bug, Paragon might be advised to have us road-test CoH Freedom for a little longer than a couple of days. (They might also consider a few precautionary stress-test events after yesterday's server outage.) Call it Thursday-Thursday for next week.
What was the level pact bug?



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
You will know *well* in advance before Issue 21, and conversely Freedom, goes live.
So it won't be any time in September, then.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
What was the level pact bug?
The devs' realization that they didn't have any way to prevent VIPs from pacting with F2Pers. That's the way I interpreted the announcement coinciding with the significant date of the CoH Declaration of Freedom ending. If that's the case, since they've decided on their workaround for it, i.e. no new level pacting in CoH Freedom, they can presumably pull the trigger on VIP Head Start when they like.

Then again, that's not the only major bug in the beta, so it's entirely possible I could be wrong.

Post scriptum: I got randomly DC'ed in the game just now, so I really do hope they road test the new servers.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'd like a physical Judgement attack - like Nova Fist or Foot Stomp - or if they prefer to make it a ranged AoE attack, then some kind of body slam/shoulder charge like Shield Charge.

But until that happens, my Judgement slot will remain unfilled
Various weapon based Judgement Powers would be nice too!

Dual Pistols, Assault Rifle, Bow, Dual Blades, Sword (Katana/BS), Axe and Mace.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'd like a physical Judgement attack - like Nova Fist or Foot Stomp - or if they prefer to make it a ranged AoE attack, then some kind of body slam/shoulder charge like Shield Charge.

But until that happens, my Judgement slot will remain unfilled
Kinda bummed about Spring Attack, that was my idea for a Smashing Judgement attack. Except, you know, flashier, bigger damage, knockdown/stun, etc.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
You will know *well* in advance before Issue 21, and conversely Freedom, goes live.
Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
So it won't be any time in September, then.
Given that in the past we've had as little as a couple of days warning of an Issue in open beta being pushed live I'm going to presume that the definition of *well in advance* could still only be few days at best. Since we know the Devs seriously planned to have this thing launched by now we know the only thing holding them up is some kind of game stopping bug. Frankly if it takes them a FULL MONTH to fix such a bug that would be amazingly bad/sad.

Therefore if this Issue doesn't launch by as late as September 13th then we'll know the bug(s) are so bad that they went far beyond any expectations they anticipated. I just can't see that being possible at this point.

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Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
Don't they usually give us a respec heads up at least a week before a new issue drops?
Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Usually, not always.
Always. I'm not sure it's as long as a week but, yes, we will ALWAYS get advance warning. They made an explicit commitment to that. On the occasion they failed in that commitment, they then issued ANOTHER freespec with appropriate advance warning.

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Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Please be Sonic Judgement, please be Sonic Judgement...
Not till I get my Zombie Lore powers.

Also for the sword based Judgement, make it a small cone like the DP power please? Just so I can make a character that uses it and yell "Getsua Tensho!"



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
Things are going crash and boom on servers, and I realize that Paragon Studios may have actually planned CoHFreedom to go Sept 1... and it did not exactly work out that way.

Will PS just suddenly one day say, "TA-DA! CoH is F2P, sign up now!" and the VIP server will suddenly be open or will they announce a date certain in advance?

How much notice do you think we will get? Or will they just "TA-DA!" one fine morning?
We'll get a "The servers are going down for maintenance in 5 minutes. Have a good day." warning.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
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Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
Soon? ™
Well said. I really don't get how it'd possible to reconcile "soon" for the head start with "well in advance" for I21. I can understand it for Freedom in the sense of free players being allowed to play, but it looks to me like I21 needs to be there for the head start.



Originally Posted by Dark Sweater View Post
Well said. I really don't get how it'd possible to reconcile "soon" for the head start with "well in advance" for I21. I can understand it for Freedom in the sense of free players being allowed to play, but it looks to me like I21 needs to be there for the head start.
Freedom isn't coming without I21. Freedom is just a system layer on top of the game. The content update is I21. There is no reason why Freedom would be started before I21 went live, especially when part of the reason there is even a head start to begin with is to allow paying customers a chance to start creating characters with the new powersets. Without I21, there's not much worth getting a jump on.

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Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
Extrapolating from all that, my bet is next week, either Tuesday or Thursday, on the assumption they've fixed the show-stopper bug.
I really hope they fix more than the bug with Mac users. The inverted mouse control with your camera angle being reset whenever you zone might be one of the truly most annoying bugs I have seen.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Freedom isn't coming without I21. Freedom is just a system layer on top of the game. The content update is I21. There is no reason why Freedom would be started before I21 went live, especially when part of the reason there is even a head start to begin with is to allow paying customers a chance to start creating characters with the new powersets. Without I21, there's not much worth getting a jump on.
Thanks for taking my "looks to me like I21 needs to be there for the head start" into "no doubt about it", but did you want to make another point with your post?



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
Things are going crash and boom on servers, and I realize that Paragon Studios may have actually planned CoHFreedom to go Sept 1... and it did not exactly work out that way.

Will PS just suddenly one day say, "TA-DA! CoH is F2P, sign up now!" and the VIP server will suddenly be open or will they announce a date certain in advance?

How much notice do you think we will get? Or will they just "TA-DA!" one fine morning?
I would think the advance warning we get will be the pre-download after we log out ofthe game as they have done with all other new releases.



Originally Posted by Mr_Body View Post
I would think the advance warning we get will be the pre-download after we log out ofthe game as they have done with all other new releases.
I wonder if the new "download as you play" technology renders this a thing of the past?

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My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!
WARNING: I bold names.



They'll announce Freedom head-start tomorrow.



Originally Posted by ObiWan View Post
They'll announce Freedom head-start tomorrow.
Right, you better be. I will hunt you down, if not.



Wait, is the VIP head start only for the VIP server? That would be a massive letdown.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Wait, is the VIP head start only for the VIP server? That would be a massive letdown.
Can't imagine this being the case. Judging from what we see on Beta, the VIP server is in the same server list as the regular servers. In order to headstart *just* the VIP server, they'd have to have two different clients, since the regular servers would still require the current client, and VIP the new one.

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