How Much Notice Will We Get For CoHFreedom?




Things are going crash and boom on servers, and I realize that Paragon Studios may have actually planned CoHFreedom to go Sept 1... and it did not exactly work out that way.

Will PS just suddenly one day say, "TA-DA! CoH is F2P, sign up now!" and the VIP server will suddenly be open or will they announce a date certain in advance?

How much notice do you think we will get? Or will they just "TA-DA!" one fine morning?

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
Or will they just "TA-DA!" one fine morning?
Ta-da! seems likely, given the near-miss of the unannounced VIP Head Start on Tuesday (unless I obtusely missed advance notice of it).

I already have a couple of PMs to community management but have yet to hear back.

Extrapolating from all that, my bet is next week, either Tuesday or Thursday, on the assumption they've fixed the show-stopper bug.



I think that a few days before this happens, they'll post a message saying, "Hey everyone the VIP head start starts this Thursday!" On Thursday, the VIPs will be able to log into Exalted. In the meantime, they'll also be posting hot and heavy that CoH: Freedom will be live the following Monday. Then the following Monday, we'll have extended maintenance on all non-Exalted servers (possibly even Exalted, if there are any minor patches that need to be applied), and then the free and premium players will be able to log in.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



I just hope I know a day in advance; I'm going to try to fandangle working from home that day... For purely professional reasons, of course.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I think that a few days before this happens, they'll post a message saying, "Hey everyone the VIP head start starts this Thursday!" On Thursday, the VIPs will be able to log into Exalted. In the meantime, they'll also be posting hot and heavy that CoH: Freedom will be live the following Monday. Then the following Monday, we'll have extended maintenance on all non-Exalted servers (possibly even Exalted, if there are any minor patches that need to be applied), and then the free and premium players will be able to log in.
i think the head start period would be longer than 5 days

my guess is they will have the head start period for around 2 weeks just ot make sure all the kinks are ironed out then they will open it up to everyone



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
i think the head start period would be longer than 5 days

my guess is they will have the head start period for around 2 weeks just ot make sure all the kinks are ironed out then they will open it up to everyone
Head Starts usually don't run longer than a couple of days (usually something like a Head Start Weekend). For Going Rogue it was actually one day and was a surprise that wasn't even announced in advance.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
Head Starts usually don't run longer than a couple of days (usually something like a Head Start Weekend). For Going Rogue it was actually one day and was a surprise that wasn't even announced in advance.
true, but i figure they would want more time to iron out any remaining bugs since this is almost a complete revamp, while GR was nothing more than a big issue (i dont even really consider it an expansion since praetorians only go up to 30 and they arent even a real faction since they are essentially forced to leave at lvl 20)



I think Tony nailed it, and I think the head start will be only a weekend like Thursday - Monday or Maybe Friday to Tuesday.

I also did not believe one second that they would roll out a new issue or Freedom over the Labor Day weekend. Does anyone remember Issue 2 and the weekend of no instanced missions? The current trouble with the servers although undesired were also predictable considering the hardware upgrades and changes in the game in store for Freedom. If they loaded Issue 21 on top of 'virgin' hardware we would have looked just like a comic book MMO that had their servers hacked -- down for an intolerable amount of time.

I support the pace and planning the developers have exhibited in a momentous change to this established and successful MMO franchise

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Given how close they were to launching VIP Head Start before someone detected the potentially serious Level Pact bug, Paragon might be advised to have us road-test CoH Freedom for a little longer than a couple of days. (They might also consider a few precautionary stress-test events after yesterday's server outage.) Call it Thursday-Thursday for next week.



"Maintenance tomorrow is expected to be 6-8 Hours. We are sorry for the downtime, patch notes will be available after we bring the servers back online".

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

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You will know *well* in advance before Issue 21, and conversely Freedom, goes live.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
You will know *well* in advance before Issue 21, and conversely Freedom, goes live.
"*Well*" meaning what, a week? Two weeks? A month? (Guessing not the latter at this point.)

Just sayin'... I usually don't take the day off for issue releases, but if I were going to, I'd need 2 weeks notice to put in for vacation time.

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Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
You will know *well* in advance before Issue 21, and conversely Freedom, goes live.
Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
"*Well*" meaning what, a week? Two weeks? A month?
Soon? ™

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



'Well in advance' makes it seem like it's still not for another month or something if they haven't announced anything yet. Bleh, kinda biding my time waiting for I21. Don't wanna start any new characters until it comes out. Then again, I'm more waiting for Street Justice to come out than any I21 feature. Good thing Twisted Metal got delayed, so I won't have any console-related distractions until mid November or so.

Shadowblaze - Lvl 50 Dark/Thermal Cor, Alexander Kalsoa - Lvl 50 BS/Regen Scrapper, and a whole bunch of other Alts. Global is @Shadowblaze.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
"*Well*" meaning what, a week? Two weeks? A month? (Guessing not the latter at this point.)

Just sayin'... I usually don't take the day off for issue releases, but if I were going to, I'd need 2 weeks notice to put in for vacation time.
My guess would be several days to (at most) a week. New issues are generally pushed live early in the week in case Something Bad™ happens and they have to spend the next few days fixing it. Devs like having weekends too.

In any case, they won't specify a date until they know they can make that date with a product that's stable and working on all platforms. Once they feel they have a stable product, there's not point is delaying any more than they have to.

So my guess is that Issue 21 will go live the Tuesday after they feel they have a stable product.


"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -- Dr. Seuss



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
You will know *well* in advance before Issue 21, and conversely Freedom, goes live.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
You will know *well* in advance before Issue 21, and conversely Freedom, goes live.
Is that some sort of reference to the Well of Furies?

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Is that some sort of reference to the Well of Furies?
You heard it here folks! Next incarnate tier coming in I21! :P



Originally Posted by Prexx View Post
You heard it here folks! Next incarnate tier coming in I21! :P
I21.5 would be more likely

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I21.5 would be more likely
A mid-issue release with new Incarnate slots? I highly doubt it.

Anyway, they said on the Facebook Freedom Friday thing this afternoon that there are no new Incarnate slots coming in i21. We can be reasonably sure that there's an i21.5 with another Incarnate Trial on the way before the end of the year, but if they add anything new, it'll be additional powers for the existing slots (the way that i20.5 added a ton of new pets for the Lore slot).

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
You will know *well* in advance before Issue 21, and conversely Freedom, goes live.
That wouldn't be a "Well, its going live tomorrow" type of deal, would it Z?

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
You will know *well* in advance before Issue 21, and conversely Freedom, goes live.
What no shutting the servers down for a few hours then turning them back on with Freedom loaded? And that being the announcement? Drat I liked that idea.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
You will know *well* in advance before Issue 21, and conversely Freedom, goes live.
So the first week of September is gone, but all my guesses are still alive in the pool.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
You will know *well* in advance before Issue 21, and conversely Freedom, goes live.
Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I don't think that word means what you think it means.

If working as intended, then the use of conversely in the context Z utilized would indicate that we'll know about I21 "well" in advance but NOT Freedom..
So.. we won't know about Freedom coming, therefore it will be a surprise, so it must be coming RIGHTNAOOMGMUSTGETONLINE !

[adj. kuhn-vurs, kon-vurs; n. kon-vurs]

[adj. kuhn-vurs, kon-vurs; n. kon-vurs] Show IPA

1. opposite or contrary in direction, action, sequence, etc.; turned around.

2. something opposite or contrary.

3. Logic .
a. a proposition obtained from another proposition by conversion.
b. the relation between two terms, one of which is related to the other in a given manner, as “younger than” to “older than.”

4. a group of words correlative with a preceding group but having a significant pair of terms interchanged, as “hot in winter but cold in summer” and “cold in winter but hot in summer.”

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