Is It Too Soon For Another Trek TV Series?
Talks of a new series being pitched have me wondering if I'm ready. From the late 80's to 2005, there was always a Star Trek series on air. Then we got kind of burned out and things seemed finished.
Honestly, I'm not sure it's time for a new one or not. But I'll watch it regardless. |
After reading the article I LOVE that they're willing to ignore the shenanigans J.J. Abrams created with his "new timeline" but at the same time I'm kind of leery of seeing anything set in the "post Voyager" timeframe. One of the many reasons I didn't like Voyager is that I think they let the technology get so advanced that it just seemed like all the needed to do every episode was construct the "anti-photonic neutrino beam reconstructor" device, turn it on and presto end of problem.
Like you I'm such a multi-decade slave to Trek at this point that I'll at least give any new series a try. But honestly I probably wouldn't mind seeing new episodes of TOS on TV at this point, even if had to be Abrams version of TOS.

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Actually! I think it could be awesome if they do a giant leap forward style series.
Star Trek crew set in TNG/Voyager Time Frame, young crew, setting out on it's voyage, when something happens and they're hurdled into the future, which turns out to be a sort of post apocalyptic type scenerio but in SPACE!
Add in some small space fighter craft (as I really do think this is what's needed to make Star Trek as profitable as Star Trek), include some modern age music, as I'm tired of everyone in the future listening to classical or jazz (Hearing Kirk listen to Beastie Boys was one thing I thought the movie did right).
Maybe add some sort of space age zombie virus that's spread through the quadrant, and they're fighting to survive as they come into small desolate locations, fighting to cure it, or possibly fighting to make it back home so they can stop it.
Or ignore the Zombies, but give it a feel of somehow the future becomes like the old west!
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
If the writing/characters are good, there's no Branon/Braga involvement, and they don't to an Enterprise-esque leap backward, then I'd watch it.
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
Actually! I think it could be awesome if they do a giant leap forward style series.
[snip] |
Just set it after Voyager. By a little or by a lot. And just continue the saga, boldy going where no man has gone before, on board an Enterprise.
Let strong characters and stories be the draw, not gimmicks.
If the writing/characters are good, there's no Branon/Braga involvement, and they don't to an Enterprise-esque leap backward, then I'd watch it.
I grew up on Star Trek. Captain Kirk remains one of my great childhood heroes. Hearing that Shatner would be at a Toronto convention that I might actually be able to get to made me giddy. I love Star Trek.
That said, I think I watched about 3 episodes of Enterprise and tuned out much of Voyager. If they can do it well, I'd be all over it.
Est sularis oth Mithas
They’re going younger. Here’s how they explain what it will be about: The series is highly energized with a much younger cast... |
Star Trek Babies.
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I was going to suggest a series that showed what happened while Voyager was in the Delta Quadrant.....
....turns out, I didn't know as much about Star Trek as I thought.
While Voyager was in the Delta Quadrant, the Dominion War was going on, so Voyager knew nothing about the war until it had been over for some time.

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include some modern age music, as I'm tired of everyone in the future listening to classical or jazz |
As for classical and jazz, it seems those are the types of music other species like the most from humans. I wouldn't expose another species to rap or country, for example.

*To be honest, if networks keep going the direction they're going now, it may be much earlier....LOL

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I guess it really sort of depends on direction the next series will take.
After reading the article I LOVE that they're willing to ignore the shenanigans J.J. Abrams created with his "new timeline" |
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All depends if it sucks or not. If not, then no.
Of course, my idea of a cast didn't include all young cast, infact I had the idea of Barclay being the cheif engineer on the ship (because I just loved Barclay

BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I default to the brand name needing fresh blood. If you saw pictures from this past Convention, the *popular* actors are some cases, very old.
Though I am not a Trekkie, I have always enjoyed the shows and would say it is never too early to continue the Star Trek trek.
Kinda. When I was younger, back when there was just TNG and DS9, I had thought of a ST series where it basically had the Federation in pieces and the galaxy torn asunder to give it more of an old west feeling.
Of course, my idea of a cast didn't include all young cast, infact I had the idea of Barclay being the cheif engineer on the ship (because I just loved Barclay ![]() |
To be honest I think I'd prefer JMS work out the details and give us a TV miniseries or regular series about Babylon FOUR and how Valen/Sinclair had to make sure the future was set to how he knew it was supposed to be and defeat the shadows.
Star Trek was never burned out before. Enterprise failed and is looked back negatively on because #1 it never got to finish it's overarching story and it was a series that planned for a several year run and then got told you got 3 halfway through the 3rd season and #2 it was moved around so much that it could never get an audience, either noone could find or when they could it was on repeats or it was moving again the following week.
There are 3 places that I think could really make another Star Trek a great show...
#1. 31st century. Instead of focusing all the writing on one cast and crew and ship and time with this the writers could get a small main cast which would keep costs down and then they could travel to other time periods in the star Trek Timeline which would allow them to go back to any of the previous show's time periods and ships.
#2. The point where Humans are exploring alternate dimensions... this would let them trek through new stars and meet new species which is really cool
#3. Humans vs Q in the distant future it is always assumed that humans will reach Q level along with several other races Q messing with humans seems an attempt to mess with this future. This would a hard thing to write well but it would be fun ^.^
One problem with a ship being blasted into the future is that supposedly in the future the Federation can time warp as easily as warping thru space and they have a Temporal Prime Directive and are dedicated to maintaining the timeline. So eventually such a person would have to come along and zap them home.
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
Star Trek was never burned out before. Enterprise failed and is looked back negatively on because #1 it never got to finish it's overarching story and it was a series that planned for a several year run and then got told you got 3 halfway through the 3rd season and #2 it was moved around so much that it could never get an audience, either noone could find or when they could it was on repeats or it was moving again the following week.
There are 3 places that I think could really make another Star Trek a great show... #1. 31st century. Instead of focusing all the writing on one cast and crew and ship and time with this the writers could get a small main cast which would keep costs down and then they could travel to other time periods in the star Trek Timeline which would allow them to go back to any of the previous show's time periods and ships. #2. The point where Humans are exploring alternate dimensions... this would let them trek through new stars and meet new species which is really cool #3. Humans vs Q in the distant future it is always assumed that humans will reach Q level along with several other races Q messing with humans seems an attempt to mess with this future. This would a hard thing to write well but it would be fun ^.^ |
Also TOS was about 40+ years old when Enterprise was made, and now Paramount decides to make a prequel series to TOS???? From an FX standpoint alone that was a bad idea....
God if anything needed to be retconned from Trek, this would be it. The whole USS Relativity/proactive temporal police thing was a stupid idea. It can't be reconciled with previous time travel stories, and all future time travel has to account for it in some ham-handed way. It was easily one of the worst things Voyager did (the worst being Neelix).
Time being messed up and policed by 31st century people can ONLY police event that take place AFTER the point at which the originator of the temporal problem occurred. Time travel that originate BEFORE the 31st century is not handled by the temporal police because to them those time alterations were meant to and had to happen from their perspective.
The only events that the temporal police have to account for are actions taken by beings that traveled backwards in time after their establishment. In this way no other time travel story has to be accounted for.
I default to the brand name needing fresh blood. If you saw pictures from this past Convention, the *popular* actors are some cases, very old.
Though I am not a Trekkie, I have always enjoyed the shows and would say it is never too early to continue the Star Trek trek. |
Fresh blood is definitely needed for the franchise, but what's needed more is a good approach to the stories and characters without the feeling of "been there, done that" or "deja vu" being felt by the fans.
Also they should avoid Deus Ex Machina characters like Data and Wesley. How many episodes was it Data or Wesley saving the day?.......then comes the episode The Game where it was a combined effort of the two of them to save the day.
Continuity must also be respected: case in point: in TNG Season 1, Data was vulnerable to the "drunk disease" just like everyone else, in all other episodes he was the quasi-invincible android....... make up your minds, writers.
Whatever new show emerges, I hope the writers get advice from JMS on how to maintain a strong sense of continuity and plot integrity throughout the series, as Babylon 5 did. Please note: I'm not saying B5 was flawless, but it was more solid then the Trek series have been.
Another interesting take would be if instead of the future they told stories about the galactic power that ruled from the last generation of space fairing species.
Another interesting take would be if instead of the future they told stories about the galactic power that ruled from the last generation of space fairing species.
How about this: the Botany Bay wasn't the only ship of super-humans to escape Earth. There was another, it landed on an uninhabited planet, the crew awoke and made the planet their they are returning.....
Wtf are you talking about?
Time being messed up and policed by 31st century people can ONLY police event that take place AFTER the point at which the originator of the temporal problem occurred. Time travel that originate BEFORE the 31st century is not handled by the temporal police because to them those time alterations were meant to and had to happen from their perspective. The only events that the temporal police have to account for are actions taken by beings that traveled backwards in time after their establishment. In this way no other time travel story has to be accounted for. |
Though really, didn't all they really do is record the why and that was it?
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I have actually been thinking about a new Star Trek series ever since Enterpirse bit the dust (in a VERY bad way, I might add...)
If I were in charge of pitching an idea to studio execs I would go in a rather different direction than what has been suggested in the link.
I think we should pull the series back to the beginning. Not the "back-in-time" beginning but the beginning of ANY Federation hopefull's career. I want to see a show centered around the Federation Academy.
You could bring back older characters like Jean-Luc Piccard, Data, Janeway, etc as visiting guest speakers or Professor's emeritus. The series would have a young core cast with a whole group of varying races all intermingling with each other for practically the first time, so all those prejudices and pre-conceptions would be in full force.
We would FINALLY be able to explore the Star Trek Universe from the perspective of planet EARTH. How does society function without capitalism? How well have humans REALLY managed to expunge war and conflict from their nature? What form of government exists in terran earth? How does the average human feel about the Federation?
I would also like to see some avenues explored that haven't before. One of the primary character ideas I had (and would LOVE to see implemented) is the concept of a half-Vulcan, half-Klingon. Said child was not "born" in the classic sense but was created in a genetics lab; possibly with some links to Khan and his experiments/creation. A Federation Starship found the lab and the child that was cryo-incubated within. The parentless child, not wanted by either the Klingon culture (who view it as an abomination) or the Vulcans (who have deep concerns about its ability to master emotions that would most certainly turn out to be incredibly volatile); the child ends up in the care of humans. This hybrid would be female and her emotional maturation/development would be key to a great many episodes.
If we really wanted to make things interesting we could introduce a Betazoid as the Kling-Vulc's best friend or possible love interest. Imagine being able to read the emotional state of THAT kind of being?
Other characters, like a disenfranchised Borg, an Andorian and others would join the cast to give it a bit of flavor and depth.
The school itself would be a main character, with hidden nooks and cranies, historically important relics and recordings, tests, subjects and odd professors would abound. I would LOVE to bring back John Billingsley as Doctor Phlox from Enterprise to reprise his role as head of the Medical Education department.
Anyway... as you can tell I've put some thought into it... but that is generally what I would love to see Star Trek put on television. If not for the next series; at least sometime in my life time.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
Too soon??
We haven't had one since 1994!
Y'know what I'd like, a Star Trek series without a gimmick.
Just set it after Voyager. By a little or by a lot. And just continue the saga, boldy going where no man has gone before, on board an Enterprise. Let strong characters and stories be the draw, not gimmicks. |

Whoa... what a great idea!
Sadly... That is obviously not an option.

...infact I had the idea of Barclay being the cheif engineer on the ship (because I just loved Barclay
![]() |
The only complications in making a new, good Star Trek are: cast and characters (always huge and THE most important thing), actual good writing and stories that jive with the compositional values of what Star Trek was always supposed to be about (As Roddenberry got sick and then died, these aspects fell short many times, even within ST:TNG), battling idiotic notions that today is different and requires certain aspects and elements of coolness to appeal to audiences.
Rite Gud Stuff!!!!!!>Gimmick
On a more philosophical level... Star Trek is a tougher sell because it was always about ideals and advancement of technology and society... aspects of human civilization that are becoming less and less valued and believed in... But anyway... What that civilization needs now is more art and entertainment to reinforce those ideals... not more of such that mirrors people's loss of it.
On a more humorous level... we need more aliens with funny stuff on their foreheads.

and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Talks of a new series being pitched have me wondering if I'm ready. From the late 80's to 2005, there was always a Star Trek series on air. Then we got kind of burned out and things seemed finished.
Honestly, I'm not sure it's time for a new one or not. But I'll watch it regardless.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.