I have time traveled from Ouroboros from the year 2005...




glad to see you back, one nitpick. we werent told pc was impossible, juts that they did not have the manpower/resources to do it. they got more money and staff with the ncsoft buyout, so they bridged that limit, but impossible was not the word used. just unlikely at the (then)current staffing. also, to my particular glee, pc not only was done for colors, but for actual alternate animations for some powers. something that is rare in the mmoscape, i was very happy babs pulled that chestnut off.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Ultra Mode = shiny water and reflective windows (you have to make at least 1 metallic character)
Ultra-Mode Man!

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Welcome back [whats with all the players returning now just before i21? ]

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Damn, and I so wanted to post "First post after Ultimus!" Accursed time zones and... Sleep...

That out of the way, yes, quite a few things have changed. Inherent Fitness was a big surprise to me, and I have the sneaking suspicion that Castle got overruled on that one, since I know he was a huge opponent of that change. Power Customization was also a big surprise, not because anyone said it was impossible (no-one ever did), but rather because I have a feeling it was VERY expensive and a LOT of work. Still, BABs has my praise for this one.

The solo game hasn't changed all that much. There was no reason for it to change. When Jack Emmert left, there really wasn't anyone else on the team that was so hell-bent on preventing me from soloing my own story arcs. Matt Miller recognised that we liked to be able to solo and ran with it, which I still consider to be a good thing. Granted, the new Incarnate system doesn't exactly have a solo option, but given what that constitutes, that's not a big loss

I didn't hear about a Brute damage cap nerf, but I can't say it's ever affected me. Not sure what people do with Brutes, but with the sets we have now and Fury the way it is (here's something else you may not have thought would happen - a buff to Fury generation), I've never really seen my damage buff go much past 250% for short periods of time.

You may recognise quite a few familiar faces that even I was surprised to see back. The Friggin Taser is around and I've even seen Mr. Samoa here and there. I half expect to see Dr. Zeus pop up, though that seems unlikely. But, eh - with the game offering limited access for free, who knows who we'll see show up again? Not on the forums, not likely, as posting access requires a subscription still, but possibly in-game.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Hello, dude who made long-winded posts to claim credit for stuff other people did before you and that you learned from them. I do remember you.



pohsyb is also gone. No goodbye posts. No announcement here. Not fired from all indications.

He posted on Facebook when he checked in his last code at Paragon Studios, was at the birth of his daughter, and then posted on Facebook after completing his first day working for Apple. Since his Employment info on Facebook lists his time with NCSoft as ending the same month as his start time with Apple, and his FB post about checking in his last code was almost a month before that ... well ... it appears to have been a rather amicable parting.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
What happened to Castle and Back Alley Brawler?

Can you elaborate on the incarnates ? I read about them but its a bit confusing. Are you saying a tanker can get ALL those powers at once? How are people soloing the Giant Monsters without a -regen component? Even with a pre nerf EM brute (When ET was 1.0 sec cast) and at damage cap (I pulled a GM next to a contact and kept myself at damage cap with reds) I couldn't out damage their regen. The only person I had that could do that were /Rad controllers (Ill/Rad) and Traps mastermind cause of the -regen.
Lore pets usually. Some Lore pets have a -regen component, the other aspect is just the Lore pets have that much overpowering damage [especially true of an Musculature slotted build].

Also, it's possible they are using Diamagnetic interface procs, but to be honest, Paralytic and Reactive are better choices still.

Lusca is usually the odd one out because of the multiple targets issue [which the Lore pets have a more difficult time handling before they poof].

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Hello, dude who made long-winded posts to claim credit for stuff other people did before you and that you learned from them. I do remember you.
Heh. I was going to say something similar but I'm trying to cut down on my infractions per month.



Posting in an epic thread.



You forgot one.

Stalkers (in PVE) are still the butt of jokes.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
You forgot one.

Stalkers (in PVE) are still the butt of jokes.
Right. Even though they got a sizable improvement with being able to Crit on any attack even when not Hidden (which improves the more people they are teamed with) and their AS causing a chance for enemies nearby to become Fear mezzed.




Hey, look, another Ultimus post...

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Right. Even though they got a sizable improvement with being able to Crit on any attack even when not Hidden (which improves the more people they are teamed with) and their AS causing a chance for enemies nearby to become Fear mezzed.

stalkers are to scrappers what tankers are to brutes. :P (red headed step children!)

It is hard to have 4 melee classes with many different primaries and secondaries and make sure they are all balanced across the damage/defense spectrum. I dont envy the dev team one bit there.

But there have been some good changes to both stalkers and tanks that have helped smooth out the damage/def line on the 4 melee toons. Of course IOs and Incarnate powers seem to have blurred the lines a bit.

Ohh and welcome back Ultimus! Bots/Traps are still very strong but the new level 54 content has not been very kind to MMs. Some of the new changes looks like alot that have been fixed (pets now get +3 levels in the trials, massive AOE def/resists on pets), but Apex/Tin mage are still brutal to MMs.

GM and AV hunting is now passe with incarnate powers, if you want to grow your epeen, you gotta get some sub 2 minute times soloing pylons in the rikti war zone. Check it out in the scrapper forums.

Bots/Traps Guide for I19.5
RO Network



Welcome back

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Mephe View Post
stalkers are to scrappers what tankers are to brutes. :P (red headed step children!)

It is hard to have 4 melee classes with many different primaries and secondaries and make sure they are all balanced across the damage/defense spectrum. I dont envy the dev team one bit there.
I don't envy them either, but I do blame them.
It's a situation they created. Even if an individual team member inherited the problems of the past, it's still their job to do something about it. As opposed to passing the buck until the next guy fills the seat.

There's still real issues regarding the melee ATs and the current dev stance seems to be "well, just let 'em do whatever" at best. At worst, I suspect there's a heavy personal bias going on. That's the only way I can explain stuff like the AT-specific IO sets with Brutes and Scrappers getting buffs to Fury and Crits, but Tankers getting stuck with a stupid +Res proc.

But there have been some good changes to both stalkers and tanks that have helped smooth out the damage/def line on the 4 melee toons. Of course IOs and Incarnate powers seem to have blurred the lines a bit.
IOs and Incarnate powers simply allow Scrappers and Brutes to become more survivable to everything in the game without giving up any damage. My Incarnate Brute is tougher than ever. Meanwhile, my Incarnate Tanker hit the damage cap long ago and is still out damaged. Even if the devs added more damage buffs to the Incarnate system, they'd do my Tanker no good.

And no, it doesn't take a high end build or maxed Incarnates for a Tanker to hit the damage cap. Rage, Hasten, Musculature and Assault from the Leadership pool put you dangerously close. It's even easier with Shield, which I don't even have.




Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Ultimus, I remember ye!

I suggest you take a look at the player screenshots here for a peek at the upcoming Issue!
Thanks I actually have beta access since I never let my account lapse. So I can check that out too

The screenshots are cool I am looking at them



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Actually BaB, who would have known, said that it would take either a really huge effort or for someone to find some clever workaround like they did for custom weapons. No one ever found that clever workaround, so BaB and his people put in the required huge effort and here we are with mostly customizable powers.
If I'm not mistaken, some brilliant programmer at Paragon Studios (not sure if that programmer is still there) wrote a script that was a workaround for stripping the animations down to grey-scale, or something like that. So, there was a workaround for Power Customization. They still did a lot of work with alternate animations for some powers, which came after power color customization for some of those affected sets.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Is Positron still around? I remember him handing reigns over to War Witch. Is anyone from the original team really still around?
They're both still around, and Positron seems to have the reigns back. I'm not sure when that exactly happened though but the first time I noticed it was when they made the Freedom announcement.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



How about the Coming Storm? Was it ever answered who was sending those notes in Ouroboros? Or what exactly the Storm was?



Oh and another random question regarding badges, are there any new accolades that grant powers? How did side switching effect accolades? Example would be the Villain version of the accolade Demonic (That granted like +res all but psi) gave a blue fiery aura, I believe the hero version didn't.

Also what about the villain starting area badge jailbird? Can it be acquired? If I remember correctly the contaminated badge was obtainable post the tutorial but I forgot how. Does Praetoria tutorial have a badge?



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Oh and another random question regarding badges, are there any new accolades that grant powers? How did side switching effect accolades? Example would be the Villain version of the accolade Demonic (That granted like +res all but psi) gave a blue fiery aura, I believe the hero version didn't.

Also what about the villain starting area badge jailbird? Can it be acquired? If I remember correctly the contaminated badge was obtainable post the tutorial but I forgot how. Does Praetoria tutorial have a badge?

It might be easier to just point you to a number of tools that you can use instead. The wiki and redtomax's stuff should cover most of your questions. Mid's and Titian Sentinel cover dealing with builds.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
8) Combined Auction Houses: Oh I remember people debating how this would destroy the economy of COV because Infamy was much more valuable then Influence... etc etc. We stand here today with a combined auction house.
What allowed the Auction Houses to combine was combining both economies of blue- and redside into "INF". Where everything is completely tradable and fungible to both sides. So, there was the collapse of the redside economy, but it got absorbed and evened out by the huge amounts of INF that flowed from blueside to redside alts.

And the reason they combined economies was because of Going Rogue. The coding that was needed to keep three separate economies separate required to much coding investment.

Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
How about the Coming Storm? Was it ever answered who was sending those notes in Ouroboros? Or what exactly the Storm was?
Issue 21: The Coming Storm has started. And to those who do the latest Incarnate Trial, its nature is revealed.

9) Familiar faces, at a quick glance I saw Arcanaville and EvilGeko still posting. I also remember that Zombie guy that I think really hated me because I would start a new topic on everything
Oh, don't be silly. There were so many other reasons why I hated you!

Welcome back.

PS. Still in modeling?

Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
How about the Coming Storm? Was it ever answered who was sending those notes in Ouroboros? Or what exactly the Storm was?
The Coming Storm is the Battalion. They're almost here.
People are still debating the letter writer.

The accolade powers were normalized so every hero one had a villain counterpart and vice-versa and getting one automatically got you the other.

There were a few new accolade-like powers added for the Morality Alignment system that you get for maintaining an alignment for more than seven days. As an example, if you are a Hero already, you must do 10 hero alignment missions followed by the Hero morality mission to affirm your heroic alignment and then wait seven days to get the power. If you change alignments, you lose your previous alignment's power and begin the countdown for the new alignment's power.

Call to Justice for Heroes:
6 minutes recharge
PBAoE, Allies +DMG, +To Hit for 30 seconds
+40% Damage(All) for 30s
+10% ToHit for 30s

Duplicity for Rogues:
3 minutes recharge
PBAoE, Foe Confuse, -Damage
2 magnitude Confuse for 10s
-10% Damage(All) for 15s

Fear Incarnate for Vigilantes
3 minutes recharge
PBAoE, Foe Terrorize, -To Hit
2 magnitude Terririze for 10s
-10% ToHit(All) for 15s

Frenzy for Villains:
6 minutes recharge
Self +Recharge, +Special
+30% Recharge for 20s
Brute: +100% Fury
Dominator: +100% Domination
Stalker: Hide, +40% Damage(All) for 20s
All Others: +60% Damage(All) for 20s
