I have time traveled from Ouroboros from the year 2005...




Yay, Ultimus is back! I21 just keeps getting better and better.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
What allowed the Auction Houses to combine was combining both economies of blue- and redside into "INF". Where everything is completely tradable and fungible to both sides. So, there was the collapse of the redside economy, but it got absorbed and evened out by the huge amounts of INF that flowed from blueside to redside alts.

And the reason they combined economies was because of Going Rogue. The coding that was needed to keep three separate economies separate required to much coding investment.

Issue 21: The Coming Storm has started. And to those who do the latest Incarnate Trial, its nature is revealed.

Oh, don't be silly. There were so many other reasons why I hated you!

Welcome back.

PS. Still in modeling?
Yep still work out every day



Welcome back, Ultimus!

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
The Coming Storm is the Battalion. They're almost here.
People are still debating the letter writer.

The accolade powers were normalized so every hero one had a villain counterpart and vice-versa and getting one automatically got you the other.

There were a few new accolade-like powers added for the Morality Alignment system that you get for maintaining an alignment for more than seven days. As an example, if you are a Hero already, you must do 10 hero alignment missions followed by the Hero morality mission to affirm your heroic alignment and then wait seven days to get the power. If you change alignments, you lose your previous alignment's power and begin the countdown for the new alignment's power.

Call to Justice for Heroes:
6 minutes recharge
PBAoE, Allies +DMG, +To Hit for 30 seconds
+40% Damage(All) for 30s
+10% ToHit for 30s

Duplicity for Rogues:
3 minutes recharge
PBAoE, Foe Confuse, -Damage
2 magnitude Confuse for 10s
-10% Damage(All) for 15s

Fear Incarnate for Vigilantes
3 minutes recharge
PBAoE, Foe Terrorize, -To Hit
2 magnitude Terririze for 10s
-10% ToHit(All) for 15s

Frenzy for Villains:
6 minutes recharge
Self +Recharge, +Special
+30% Recharge for 20s
Brute: +100% Fury
Dominator: +100% Domination
Stalker: Hide, +40% Damage(All) for 20s
All Others: +60% Damage(All) for 20s


Thanks interesting, and the Battallion? Wasn't that the group that was shown before COV was even released? That sounds really familiar.

On another question, are incarnate powers on their own recharge timer and damage? Basically does haste effect them or a damage buff like build up?



Only incarnate powers affect incarnate powers. Except the recharge incarnate powers, which do not.

Internal or external buffs, set bonuses, etc do nothing with regards to the released incarnate powers.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



Hi Ultimus! Not sure if you'll remember me or not, but I'm glad your back. Your the main reason i swapped to Mu master on my bot/traps (that, and they unlocked Patron Pools, so you can respec into different ones now, and pick any of them no matter what contact you run)



Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
Hi Ultimus! Not sure if you'll remember me or not, but I'm glad your back. Your the main reason i swapped to Mu master on my bot/traps (that, and they unlocked Patron Pools, so you can respec into different ones now, and pick any of them no matter what contact you run)
Yes I remember you



Too late for this, but, **** SPOILERS ABOUT THE COMING STORM ****

Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Thanks interesting, and the Battallion? Wasn't that the group that was shown before COV was even released? That sounds really familiar.
The Battalion only existed as an undeveloped faction in the game files for a really long time until they got mentioned by Serpent Drummer in a Clue (which disappears once the arc is complete) when he mentions that the Rikti fought off their dimension's version of the Battalion a hundred years ago (if indeed it was a different dimensional version and the Battalion are not transdimensional).

Prometheus now spills the beans that the Battalion are The Coming Storm and the Shivans are their scouts. And the Well has nearly fused with Praetorian Cole hoping he'd be the Champion to drive off The Coming Storm, but Cole is slipping due to a two front war: Praetorian Hamidon and Primal Earth Supers. So, show the Well you'd be a better Champion by putting down Cole, saving your dimension, soaking up Incarnate power, and then drive off the Battalion.

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That sounds awesome. Although I am still trying to wrap my head around Incarnate and how these NPCs work mechanically. I understand if you enter an incarnate TF you get a -4 levels put on you. Outside of that, if you have full incarnate powers (Which increases your defenses and offense ten fold) I don't see how the enemy group is a match unless they deal untyped damage (Because if you are at resistance cap?) or if they have so many hit points that you need the extra damage.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
That sounds awesome. Although I am still trying to wrap my head around Incarnate and how these NPCs work mechanically. I understand if you enter an incarnate TF you get a -4 levels put on you. Outside of that, if you have full incarnate powers (Which increases your defenses and offense ten fold) I don't see how the enemy group is a match unless they deal untyped damage (Because if you are at resistance cap?) or if they have so many hit points that you need the extra damage.
The -4 is only for Apex and Tin Mage. Any other trial and you are at zero, or up to +3 depend on what T3s you have in your incarnate powers. Once you put something into your alpha slot, you lose the -4 penalty.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
I don't see how the enemy group is a match unless they deal untyped damage (Because if you are at resistance cap?) or if they have so many hit points that you need the extra damage.
Even the easier Incarnate trials, they generally don't throw anything less than a Lieutenant at you. It's mostly Bosses and you're looking at sheer numbers of greater than formerly so-called 'hazard size' spawns.

In general, the enemies make use of stacking buffs and debuffs. They summon multiple drone pets that buff them and debuff you.

They exploit common weaknesses that are harder to build to cover (psi damage to threaten the Invul tankers, Regeneration debuffs to target Willpower and -Def debuffs for everyone else).

They also pull outright cheating tactics like Mag 999 Holds, autohit unresisted damage, placating and confusion.

Lastly, a good portion of the Incarnate trials are about misdirection. They just put enemies in as padding/distraction to cheap shot players who are paying attention to more immediate threats. Imagine trying to dodge lightning while grey con Minions mez you. The enemies are no threat in themselves and would melt with a single Fire Ball or Foot Stomp. Nor do they really reward anything for defeating them. They just exist to be annoying and cheap if you forget even once to cull them regularly.

Ultimately, they function as a time sink, needing large numbers to be defeated arbitrarily to progress.




More or less what johnny said, except most of the massive, unresistable mechanics can be avoided (anti matter is the only one that really can't, but his time stop hold is on a timer, so it only happens a few times throughout the fight)

Basically, the trials are something entirely new to what we had before. Its not quite tank and spank, but its not like 'run around like a chicken with its head cut off' either. Organized Chaos is probably the best way to describe some of the trials.

And the 'MMs have it the worst' is really dependent on who you ask. My bot/traps/mu can pretty much solo crates/containment chambers, and survive long enough for her pets to show up (as you'll likely out run them) thus increasing her survival even more. Almost all of the Avs AOEs do about 50% damage to pets (thus benefiting Bodyguard mode usage) and the massive unresistable damage types either completely unaffect pets (like Marauder's nova fist) or do very little actual damage (the towers in BAF)

If you don't like you don't having to resummon a few pets every once in awhile, you'll hate the trails because the trash mobs will kill your pets pretty quickly if your not paying attention, but all in all MMs have it much easier then other ATs due to the reduced damage, and immunity to most mechanics that was bestowed to their pets.



Come on folks. Can't you see that somebody hacked Ultimuses account? There is only one topic started by him on the general discussions page.

Until at least half the discussions have his name on them I refuse to believe he has returned.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
Come on folks. Can't you see that somebody hacked Ultimuses account? There is only one topic started by him on the general discussions page.

Until at least half the discussions have his name on them I refuse to believe he has returned.
Don't worry I am getting warmed up



When Issue 21 launches I plan to start a new character to re-immerse myself in everything. I made a character temporarily to mess around with and had a question about Praetoria.

With Praetoria as a new starting zone, how long do you stay there for? I mean can you do 1-50 in Praetoria (Via soloing and not run out of story arcs) or is it something where after like level 10 you are going to be put in Paragon or Rogue Isles?

Also I assume that at some point in Praetoria you become either a hero or villain?



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
When Issue 21 launches I plan to start a new character to re-immerse myself in everything. I made a character temporarily to mess around with and had a question about Praetoria.

With Praetoria as a new starting zone, how long do you stay there for? I mean can you do 1-50 in Praetoria (Via soloing and not run out of story arcs) or is it something where after like level 10 you are going to be put in Paragon or Rogue Isles?

Also I assume that at some point in Praetoria you become either a hero or villain?
right now praetoria is limited to 1-20 (will be up to 30 when first ward is available)

while in praetoria you can be a loyalist (essentially villain) or resistance (essentially hero), each of those has 2 different story arcs which make morality a really grey line for everything

upon reaching lvl 20, you can choose to become a hero or villain and get sent through a portal to shark (if you went villain) or to heroside (ive never taken a praetorian to go heroside after reaching 20 so i dont know where it dumps you lol)

you *can* lvl 1-50 in praetoria now, but once you run out of story arcs you can exemp down (i dont know how high the contacts with infinite repeating mishs go, i think they max out at 20 though)

i personally hate praetoria because while your there, you cannot leave praetoria except to go to pocket d (other poeple can go to praetoria though), you cannot join a super group until you leave, and there are no tfs or anything you can do until you leave aside from contacts, and its extremely hard to PL praetorians unless the winter or spring events are going on