What is the Kheldian surprise?




Originally Posted by Kheldian's Grace
Okay, first off, with the latest changes Human form needs more resists like it needs a hole in the head. So Im giving that one a big "NO! Bad Paragon!" on that one. Give us something else...anything else really, how bout some defense? Or Recovery? Or just about anything BUT resist. We don't need resist...really we don't...

Nova, more damage, our damage cap is 300%, nova grants 45%, we'll potentially be able to stack inner light...at least twice, so around 56%-57% from that...and then we're getting 20% from every defensive AT we've got on our team. Thats not counting any people running assault, or fulcrum shifts, or fortitudes, etc...so we're skirting the damage cap fairly close too (Warshades are banging their heads against it). Right now theres shift times that'll keep the stacking of inner light down, but if/when they do/should lower them...well, right now its 3 seconds every 30, if it stacks that'll go down, if shift goes down it loses alot of the annoyance factor for keeping it running.

Dwarf...eh, more HP is more HP...but we cap off essence boost don't we? I don't recall the exact max HP for us, I just know essence boost good, and use it..heh

Anyways...on to a serious point.

We're doing alot of grumbling and griping right now, and rightfully so, more wonky decisions for a wonky AT that we've been claiming has had wonky decisions for years now. I do however want to make it clear, that I do appreciate Paragon actually making some attempts at this, I really do...I just definitely want them to get it right, and I really wish they'd talk to us, bounce ideas off us, tell us why our ideas may or may not work...



Far more depressing than a bit of conversation from the Rednames about Peacebringer issues is the lack of a dedicated Feedback Thread to Kheldian Power Changes. That right there is rather indicative.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Tabcef View Post
don't the other sets that are archetype specific give defense instead of resistance...?

between the brilliant "peacebringers do more AOE damage than SS" and this it's just...

what the heck are they thinking when designing anything with peacebringers?

also, fun thing to note:
at the damage cap of 300%, peacebringer human form single target damage is only 229~ DPS according to smiling joe's spreadsheet.
just.. lol

very cool to include the damage cap as part of the calculations though.
Wow, is it really capped at that? That's not terrible, but I think there are Tank sets that outdo that, if I'm remembering the pylon thread correctly.

Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
depending on how it works, it might not be. if it just add a bigger buff on top of the 40% it just gets us that much closer to the cap which my WS is already hitting anyway. seems rather pointless if it works like that.
True, didn't think of that. Another issues with our caps, inherent, and the damage buff from Warshades.

Originally Posted by Zenyth View Post
Okay, first off, with the latest changes Human form needs more resists like it needs a hole in the head. So Im giving that one a big "NO! Bad Paragon!" on that one. Give us something else...anything else really, how bout some defense? Or Recovery? Or just about anything BUT resist. We don't need resist...really we don't...

Nova, more damage, our damage cap is 300%, nova grants 45%, we'll potentially be able to stack inner light...at least twice, so around 56%-57% from that...and then we're getting 20% from every defensive AT we've got on our team. Thats not counting any people running assault, or fulcrum shifts, or fortitudes, etc...so we're skirting the damage cap fairly close too (Warshades are banging their heads against it). Right now theres shift times that'll keep the stacking of inner light down, but if/when they do/should lower them...well, right now its 3 seconds every 30, if it stacks that'll go down, if shift goes down it loses alot of the annoyance factor for keeping it running.

Dwarf...eh, more HP is more HP...but we cap off essence boost don't we? I don't recall the exact max HP for us, I just know essence boost good, and use it..heh

Anyways...on to a serious point.

We're doing alot of grumbling and griping right now, and rightfully so, more wonky decisions for a wonky AT that we've been claiming has had wonky decisions for years now. I do however want to make it clear, that I do appreciate Paragon actually making some attempts at this, I really do...I just definitely want them to get it right, and I really wish they'd talk to us, bounce ideas off us, tell us why our ideas may or may not work...
Yeah, we're kind of in a negativity zone, but it gets like that when things sit without feedback. If anyone has the time and the inclination for a an overall plan for Kheldians, go for it. Give something more positive to focus on and point to for the devs. I was going to work on a plan for our inherent, but haven't had the time lately.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Wow, is it really capped at that? That's not terrible, but I think there are Tank sets that outdo that, if I'm remembering the pylon thread correctly.

True, didn't think of that. Another issues with our caps, inherent, and the damage buff from Warshades.

Yeah, we're kind of in a negativity zone, but it gets like that when things sit without feedback. If anyone has the time and the inclination for a an overall plan for Kheldians, go for it. Give something more positive to focus on and point to for the devs. I was going to work on a plan for our inherent, but haven't had the time lately.
here's positive feedback for ya, i'd feel alot better about that set and khelds in general if they buffed the forms. gave dwarfs a higher cap/a little higher base HP and buffed the individual form blasts on top of taking whatever the 40% damage buff is and adding that into the attacks as well.

change the enhancement from more damage in nova form to a proc on all attacks, and the HP buff would be more noticeable with a higher cap since my PB hits that with perma essence boost.

those along with the human form changes i listed a few posts up would put khelds on par with veats, which i think should be our ultimate goal here. obvsiously that much harder to do if the devs aren't communicating with us; telling us how they view kheldian's power level(inb4 >9000) and how close/far away it is from being on par with other sets.

but as is, I can't see how buffing afew underperforming powers in human form/bugged powers and buffing the forms would make khelds OP. As for the negetivity zone, I think everyone is disappointed here because everyone has a pretty good idea of what we think needs to be done and that if we don't get these things now, when they're supposedly looking at the AT, the chances of getting more fixes next issue dramatically drops, even if the devs say otherwise (see sig).

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
so extracted essence bug doesn't get fixed, essence drain doesn't get fixed, photon seekers doesn't get fixed, solar flare doesn't get fixed, and pulsar doesn't get fixed, and the animation times don't get fixed.
I was under the impression that the Dark Extraction bug DID get fixed, based on reading the first bit of this thread.

The Kheldian specific IO's look totally silly. and mostly useless. A damage boost in Nova won't help Warshades very often, since we spend so much time at our damage cap already. Damage Resistance? Are you kidding me? You just gave us Perma LF and we already have Perma Eclipse. Most of the people who are serious enough about their Kheldians (the kinds of people you should be keeping in mind when tailoring Enhancements to the AT) will have little to no use for extra Resistance. The extra HP in Dwarf sounds nice, granted... But majorly disappointing overall. The highlight of this set is the 8.75% recharge bonus for 5 slots, assuming that the enhancements themselves have good stats.

Also, since PB's and Warshades are not the same AT I am assuming Scrappers, Brutes, and Tanks will all be sharing the same "Attack of the Melee" enhancements, and Defenders, Corruptors and Controllers will be getting "Power of the Support class," right? There's no chance that Kheldians would be shortchanged here. Or is it that everybody knows PB's play just like Warshades.. Just like Scrappers play just like Tanks. :|



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Also, since PB's and Warshades are not the same AT I am assuming Scrappers, Brutes, and Tanks will all be sharing the same "Attack of the Melee" enhancements, and Defenders, Corruptors and Controllers will be getting "Power of the Support class," right? There's no chance that Kheldians would be shortchanged here. Or is it that everybody knows PB's play just like Warshades.. Just like Scrappers play just like Tanks. :|
From what I saw of the AT sets posted, they all have basically the same stuff. With two exceptions, they all have an acc/dam, dam/rech, acc/dam/rech, dam/end/rech, quad, and rech/special thing. The two exceptions are Dominator and Controller, which replace "damage" with "control duration."

Those are just ones I've actually seen, though. I haven't seen Masterminds yet, and it stands to reason theirs would be different somehow. I don't know how, exactly...but somehow.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
I was under the impression that the Dark Extraction bug DID get fixed, based on reading the first bit of this thread.

The Kheldian specific IO's look totally silly. and mostly useless. A damage boost in Nova won't help Warshades very often, since we spend so much time at our damage cap already. Damage Resistance? Are you kidding me? You just gave us Perma LF and we already have Perma Eclipse. Most of the people who are serious enough about their Kheldians (the kinds of people you should be keeping in mind when tailoring Enhancements to the AT) will have little to no use for extra Resistance. The extra HP in Dwarf sounds nice, granted... But majorly disappointing overall. The highlight of this set is the 8.75% recharge bonus for 5 slots, assuming that the enhancements themselves have good stats.

Also, since PB's and Warshades are not the same AT I am assuming Scrappers, Brutes, and Tanks will all be sharing the same "Attack of the Melee" enhancements, and Defenders, Corruptors and Controllers will be getting "Power of the Support class," right? There's no chance that Kheldians would be shortchanged here. Or is it that everybody knows PB's play just like Warshades.. Just like Scrappers play just like Tanks. :|
Both VEAT's and HEAT's share an IO (Dominion of Arachnos & Kheldian's Grace) the other AT*s don't.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Lightform gets status protection now? Did it always have that? And does Eclipse? I'm sure I recall being held while Eclipsed on my WS..seems a bit..unfair?



Im confused about what the AoE potential has to do with changing the attacks from KB to KD.
What the heck does a Tank or Brute using Footstomp have to do with my PB? SS/Fire Brutes pretty much make this argument INCREDIBLY stupid.

Which does more AoE damage.. the double stacked Rage, fury enhanced Brute with Firey Embrace..Footstomp, Blazing Aura and Burn with the ability to add in Melt Armor and Fireball

Or the PB...

Are you SERIOUS ?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Here I thought the Kheldian surprise was that they were dumping the Kheldians and introducing a good Hero Epic AT...

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
And... that's saddening. First Evil Geko, now you.
Whoa, there, cowboy! I'm sick of spreadsheets, not Peacebringers! I'm not abandoning the archetype or anything so dramatic as all that. The most dramatic thing I intend to do when these changes go live - and I believe they will go live as is - will be respeccing out of my two non-human forms and rocking a human form build.

....which is saddening in it's own way, since I've long been a tri-form enthusiast. There's just not enough of a reason to take the forms now.

Originally Posted by Zenyth View Post
Okay, first off, with the latest changes Human form needs more resists like it needs a hole in the head. So Im giving that one a big "NO! Bad Paragon!" on that one. Give us something else...anything else really, how bout some defense? Or Recovery? Or just about anything BUT resist. We don't need resist...really we don't...

Nova, more damage, our damage cap is 300%, nova grants 45%, we'll potentially be able to stack inner light...at least twice, so around 56%-57% from that...and then we're getting 20% from every defensive AT we've got on our team. Thats not counting any people running assault, or fulcrum shifts, or fortitudes, etc...so we're skirting the damage cap fairly close too (Warshades are banging their heads against it). Right now theres shift times that'll keep the stacking of inner light down, but if/when they do/should lower them...well, right now its 3 seconds every 30, if it stacks that'll go down, if shift goes down it loses alot of the annoyance factor for keeping it running.

Dwarf...eh, more HP is more HP...but we cap off essence boost don't we? I don't recall the exact max HP for us, I just know essence boost good, and use it..heh

Anyways...on to a serious point.

We're doing alot of grumbling and griping right now, and rightfully so, more wonky decisions for a wonky AT that we've been claiming has had wonky decisions for years now. I do however want to make it clear, that I do appreciate Paragon actually making some attempts at this, I really do...I just definitely want them to get it right, and I really wish they'd talk to us, bounce ideas off us, tell us why our ideas may or may not work...
This. AT FIRST GLANCE, that IO is the most poorly designed piece of faldercarp I've seen come down the pike since I started playing this game six years ago.

Like Zenyth says, Essence Boost + Dwarf Form puts a Peacebringer at the hit point cap, and they want to give dwarf form more Hit Points?

Nova can't cap damage quite so easily (With effective slotting, it still takes Inner light in conjunction with six tankers, defenders or masterminds on the team for an SO'd Nova to cap its damage outside of external damage buffs) but even that is ridiculously underwhelming.

But given the changes they just made to light form, giving human form more resists is the absolute DUMBEST design decision I've seen in a long while.

Or at least it would be, if what is in that image is all there is to those IO's. That's why I can't believe that's all there is to it. Nobody's that stupid.

I know you can pass the damage cap with proc effects - I wonder if there is some way to bypass the hit point and resistance caps as well?

I just can't believe that even made it off the drawing board without somebody on the developer side at least looking at the caps. They had to have taken that into account in some way we haven't guessed.

Maybe they're raising the caps.

....too soon? (yes, that last sentence was a joke)

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Lightform gets status protection now? Did it always have that? And does Eclipse? I'm sure I recall being held while Eclipsed on my WS..seems a bit..unfair?
Light Form has always had status protection. Before these changes, it was balanced because Light Form locked you out of forms, whereas an eclipsed Warshade could always go Dwarf to break mez.

Now? ::shrugs::

I'm already on record wondering what Arbiter Hawk is thinking.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by UberRod View Post
Here I thought the Kheldian surprise was that they were dumping the Kheldians and introducing a good Hero Epic AT...
You think you're funny. But one dark night you'll be on a pug, and when you least expect it I'll be ON UR TEAM, KNOCKIN' ALL UR SKULZ OUT OF KILLZ RANGE!!!111!!!!

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Whoa, there, cowboy! I'm sick of spreadsheets, not Peacebringers! I'm not abandoning the archetype or anything so dramatic as all that. The most dramatic thing I intend to do when these changes go live - and I believe they will go live as is - will be respeccing out of my two non-human forms and rocking a human form build.

....which is saddening in it's own way, since I've long been a tri-form enthusiast. There's just not enough of a reason to take the forms now.

This. AT FIRST GLANCE, that IO is the most poorly designed piece of faldercarp I've seen come down the pike since I started playing this game six years ago.

Like Zenyth says, Essence Boost + Dwarf Form puts a Peacebringer at the hit point cap, and they want to give dwarf form more Hit Points?

Nova can't cap damage quite so easily (With effective slotting, it still takes Inner light in conjunction with six tankers, defenders or masterminds on the team for an SO'd Nova to cap its damage outside of external damage buffs) but even that is ridiculously underwhelming.
with good slotting you could probably bring perma inner light + io bonus + nova form damage bonus to a constant 90% (30~+15+45) with the occasional boost to 200% every now and then.

the real comedy is that it'd still be less effective than every other ranged attack archetype DPS wise (and probably humanform, too).



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
I was under the impression that the Dark Extraction bug DID get fixed, based on reading the first bit of this thread.
It was reported later in the thread that after testing, it wasn't fixed. It works with dying mobs, not fading corpses.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Well, the Kheld I/O set further validates my not taking any of the kheld shields. Slot that and you get extra resist making those shields even less useful. Perma-light form + tough + any team bonuses - what more do you need?

I don't know the raw numbers, but it seems like tough and weave (for defense) is a better way to spend three slots (including the melee power you have to take first) than those shields are even though Tough is only Smash/Lethal resist.



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
And... that's saddening. First Evil Geko, now you. *sighs* I dunno, I understand the frustration and feel it as well, but I hate to lose people that help bring attention to the topic. It's regrettable that we aren't hearing more, but it doesn't mean the devs aren't listening.

It would be nice if Kheldians did get more work on par with the fix to Dominators. That was a wholesale AT problem, and I think much of what bothers Kheldians is the overall design, mainly Cosmic Balance.
Pilgrim, I understand but its like beating your head against the wall. The recent changes are nice, but I feel insufficient. That and no feedback, other then handing us a cookie, and telling us they aren't gonna fix anything else right now.



Originally Posted by Blitzy View Post
Pilgrim, I understand but its like beating your head against the wall. The recent changes are nice, but I feel insufficient. That and no feedback, other then handing us a cookie, and telling us they aren't gonna fix anything else right now.

They've obviously had their hands full with developing many things at once as of late... Personally I think these changes are a big deal, not that they are the final say on the matter but as a sign that they did not forget about us and will dedicate more time to the remaining issues when they are able to.

I am a big fan of "fixing the broken stuff" before "making new stuff," but in the case of Freedom a lot of this "new stuff" is going to (hopefully) result in the Developers having more resources to continue to improve upon things while pumping out more new content.



if you plan to slot out your PB then it's fine to drop all the powers you really needed before for "survivability" in the loosest sense.

by frankenslotting light form with the 4 high level resist/recharge IOs from sets you can get 81.97% resists to everything and a 2m33s recharge time so there's no major point in taking any of the resist or anti-knockback sets (though acrobatics might still be needed since you only get 3 points of mez protection...)

as of now my current build on the beta server has 76.25% recharge from 5 lotgs plus set bonuses, 40% s/l defense with toggles on and near capped resists. the selection of powers humanform peacebringers get lets them slot things out really decently and achieve seemingly great numbers but the problem is their actual powers suck so the output isn't even close to equaling what other powersets capable of such slotting can do (and even powersets that don't have as much slotting capability)

instead of taking tough you should probably take boxing/kick as to allow for more kinetic combats to be slotted in if you're running a pure humanform PB.

also the crash really messes with the idea of 'tanking' with the PB seeing as you lose your effectiveness every 1m30s...



These changes, especially the mezz protection available in all forms is a welcome change. Khelds have been so far behind VEATs it's not even funny.

My only gripe is with Solar Flare still being KB. Everything else looks bueno.

"PvP Messiah"



Originally Posted by Cold_X View Post
These changes, especially the mezz protection available in all forms is a welcome change. Khelds have been so far behind VEATs it's not even funny.

My only gripe is with Solar Flare still being KB. Everything else looks bueno.
Well at first glance it all DOES look like good changes, and they aren't BAD changes; but then you start thinking about caps, and builds, and how you're already bumping against them...and all the other things that could use changing, and then you talk about it, and then you only get silence in return, and then you're getting grumpy, and here we are...grumpy squidlobsters...grumpy grumpy squidlobsters...

Then someone throws fuel on the fire, and the grump ratchets up a couple notches on the Grump-O-Meter.

At this point, I just want some confirmation that Arbiter Hawk is listening to us, and that they aren't going to just shove this back on the backburner (again) because they've given their nod to fixing us for the next three to four years or so.



Originally Posted by Zenyth View Post
Well at first glance it all DOES look like good changes, and they aren't BAD changes; but then you start thinking about caps, and builds, and how you're already bumping against them...and all the other things that could use changing, and then you talk about it, and then you only get silence in return, and then you're getting grumpy, and here we are...grumpy squidlobsters...grumpy grumpy squidlobsters...

Then someone throws fuel on the fire, and the grump ratchets up a couple notches on the Grump-O-Meter.

At this point, I just want some confirmation that Arbiter Hawk is listening to us, and that they aren't going to just shove this back on the backburner (again) because they've given their nod to fixing us for the next three to four years or so.

They're not going to make Peacebringers /WP no matter how much people want it or give PBs Mind Link because +def is what everyone does now with IOs. PBs are extremely survivable as it is and holes exist for a reason. They have great Res, ok damage that is getting better with these changes, a self heal, +max hp, mezz protection in the form of lightform (which no longer has a crash) is tough stuff. With a good +rech your heal is up all the time, so dying on a PB should be rare as is.

My biggest complaint ever was mezz protection on PBs, and they got it. It dumbfounds me that they ignore the KB issue though. Hand Clap animation sucks as it is. I rather have the Foot stomp animation.

Edit: The only things I think they could really honestly use are some minor +Psi res and some more dmg. They're ok as is, but I think they would become stellar with those additions.

"PvP Messiah"



Originally Posted by Cold_X View Post
They're not going to make Peacebringers /WP no matter how much people want it or give PBs Mind Link because +def is what everyone does now with IOs. PBs are extremely survivable as it is and holes exist for a reason. They have great Res, ok damage that is getting better with these changes, a self heal, +max hp, mezz protection in the form of lightform (which no longer has a crash) is tough stuff. With a good +rech your heal is up all the time, so dying on a PB should be rare as is.

My biggest complaint ever was mezz protection on PBs, and they got it. It dumbfounds me that they ignore the KB issue though. Hand Clap animation sucks as it is. I rather have the Foot stomp animation.
I just want them to actually make some LOGICAL decisions with the AT. Im SELF CAPPING my resistance, and yet my inherent is supposed to give me 10% MORE resistance PER Offensive AT in my group...the unique enhancement shown gives me MORE resistance. That is a great big giant WASTE. Its a great big giant waste before we even look at our inherent or the IO or even DWARF FORM. We are getting TOO MUCH RESISTANCE.

Im not asking for PB's to be miniature /WP or to be hauling Mind link around all the time, I just want the AT to MAKE SENSE. There are so many counterproductive choices that have been made for them. Their best attacks are melee, so MOST of their melee AoE's are gonna do knockback. That makes no sense. The whole "We don't want to change it to Knockdown because they'd bring more AoE to bear than SS" is downright RIDICULOUS. Up until this patch solar flare required you to be on the ground...this was given to a FLYING AT, who could teleport in dwarf form. Its counterintuitive decisions like these that I want to see changed.

Is that going to make PB's more powerful? Yes, I'm not gonna deny that its gonna make them VERY powerful, simply because they've got a bunch of tools to draw from, if you take out all the ideas working against each other they're gonna improve ALOT...and thats what I want, I do want my PB to improve. Im not asking to be OP here, im just asking for my AT to not be its own worst enemy.



Originally Posted by Cold_X View Post
They're not going to make Peacebringers /WP no matter how much people want it or give PBs Mind Link because +def is what everyone does now with IOs.
Where, specifically, are you getting that people are asking to make Peacebringers /WP or to give them Mindlink? Got a quote for me? Or is that just hyperbole?

PBs are extremely survivable as it is and holes exist for a reason. They have great Res, ok damage that is getting better with these changes, a self heal, +max hp, mezz protection in the form of lightform (which no longer has a crash) is tough stuff. With a good +rech your heal is up all the time, so dying on a PB should be rare as is.
It's not a matter of Peacebringers being unable to survive - ANY archetype is
"extremely survivable" if played correctly. It's a matter of performance. But before I go any further, let me (AGAIN) post the numbers that I did a few pages back that resulted from the numerical comparison between Peacebringers and their nearest kin Warshades:


Single Target DPS Potential:
Human: 117
Dwarf: 82
Nova: 101

AoE DPS Potential:
Human: 170
Dwarf: 137
Nova: 196

Max Survivable DPS:
Human: 165
Dwarf: 331
Nova: 106

Fatal Burst:
Human: 5387
Dwarf: 10773
Nova: 3859


Single Target DPS Potential:
Human: 186
Dwarf: 196
Nova: 182

AoE DPS Potential:
Human: 264
Dwarf: 302
Nova: 383

Max Survivable DPS:
Human: 1 Foe=99 10 Foes=876
Dwarf: 1 Foe=345 10 Foes=1506
Nova: 1 Foe=82 10 Foes=868

Fatal Burst:
Human: 1 Foe=1772 10 Foes=3981
Dwarf: 1 Foe=6476 10 Foes=9169
Nova: 1 Foe=1478 10 Foes=3941
This data is derived from two spreadsheets:

Peacebringer Analysis

Warshade Analysis

Feel free to check the math if you're so inclined.

Now that that is out of the way, I've numerically proven that - even with the changes - Warshades will still be more survivable than Peacebringers (Just barely, due partly to the Psi resistance in Eclipse but also to the harmony in their mitigation tools) AND they will SUBSTANTIALLY (read that as: INSANELY TO THE POINT OF INSULTINGLY) out-damage Peacebringers.

But let's not quibble over the subjectivity of phrases like "okay damage" and "extremely survivable." Let's not look at anything but Peacebringers.

Is it balanced at all to you that human form can cap its own damage resistance and give itself even limited mez protection on a potentially permanent basis when that was ostensibly what dwarf form was supposed to give us? When human form outperforms dwarf form to the extent that dwarf form becomes only marginally better in only one area (slightly better mez protection) then it's out of balance in my opinion. But I'll lay dimes to dollars that you personally don't care about dwarf form. Just a hunch on my part.

But what about nova form? Look at the damage numbers. Human form out-damages nova form against single targets, and nova is only marginally better at aoe (and it also has knockback). Now that Solar Flare can be used from the air, even the flight advantage is marginalized. Seem balanced to you?

Judging by this part, however:
My biggest complaint ever was mezz protection on PBs, and they got it. It dumbfounds me that they ignore the KB issue though. Hand Clap animation sucks as it is. I rather have the Foot stomp animation.
I have a feeling that you play exclusively in human form. In which case the changes ARE awesome. I'll be joining you soon.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



I still sort of think a fairly good, and somewhat unique solution would be to add an extra slot per level when and for each form chosen, that way you can get a good (read properly slotted out) tri-form build without compromising. An extra bonus would be more set bonuses. Granted it won't fix the damage differences between a PB and WS, but it might help some compared to normal AT's and VEAT.