No Borg In Star Trek Sequel. Will it be Kahn?




As for Khan......ok honestly now, WHO could possibly play Khan with the same charisma, magnetism and power that Ricardo Montalbon conveyed?
Antonio Banderas, but that doesn't mean that he should.

The whole time-travel aspect of it was unnecessary. James Bond didn't need a time warp to reboot his franchise, and he got to keep one of the old actors, too.

I agree with the sentiment upthread that iTrek (sic) was not Trek. But it's what we're stuck with. It would be for the best if Kurtzman and Orci were not involved with it (even better if they were instantaneously blasted into space) but unfortunately the garbage they laughingly call writing sells so we're stuck with them, too.

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Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Antonio Banderas, but that doesn't mean that he should.
scarey, I had the exact same thought before I read your note. He may be a bit long in the tooth to play the younger Khan though.

Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Hear! Hear! I hated when he Borg became such a major villain in TNG.
It was the invention of the Queen that broke it for me. The Borg were so much more interesting and harder to hurt as a decentralized hive mind. But I still wouldn't want Borg stories everywhere. That'd be like...Daleks. *runs for cover*

Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
Would they have been overpowered for a TOS setting? Probably... but still, (as with anything) if it was done correctly, it could've been awesome
In counterpoint to the idea of "overpowered", it is my understanding that the cut Klingon segments revealed what the universe was doing with a ship with technology from 150 years future: learning. Apparently the movie didn't express it well, but the Enterprise of the movie was different because of retro-engineering from the scans of the Romulan mining ship which the Kelvin crew brought back. And the Klingons advanced by having the ship in their possession for a time. Ironically, in that situation, the one TOS power that might not advance as fast were the Romulans, unless Nero transmitted the tech at some point. Therefore, though still outgunned, the Alpha and Beta quadrants might be a bit better prepared for the Borg.

That's also got me thinking: if they are going to tap into established lore for their next story, let it be against Kor, Koloth, and Kang. Test the new Klingon tech against the new Fed tech.

Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
Please let it be V-ger, please let it be V-ger, please let it be V-ger.
Nah, they need to zip over to the center of the galaxy, like its the next city over, and push through that impossible barrier which can't possibly be a warning of anything dire.

Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
And on a side/personal note, I really wished that they would've done a movie that incorporated characters from TNG, DS9 and Voyager - A Star Trek Universe film so-to-speak. It would've been hilarious to see some interaction between Neelix and Quark!
Neelix and Rom, too. They're both such easy-going personalities, they would have hit it off together, and it would have been double nails-on-chalkboards to Quark.

That said, Neelix got left pretty far behind. I think he's close to the Delta/Beta border, which puts him years of travel away.



Originally Posted by ZephyrWind View Post
The only thing that bothered me about the reboot was the fact than in EVERY other instance in the entire Star Trek universe that the characters realize that the timeline has changed, they work for the rest of the episode (oe movie, whatever) to RESTORE the previous timeline.

This time, they just sort of look at each other, shrug and move on. Really?
That's actually not precisely true. For example, in Star Trek Generations Picard has no problem with deliberately using the Nexus to return to his own timeline prior to when Soren fires his rocket in order to change (what is for him) the past. Technically that would be a violation of the Temporal Prime Directive, but no one seems anxious to correct it.

A potentially even bigger one: Picard sends the Enterprise-C back in time to Narendra 3 to defend the Klingons. Time travel *forward* in time is not a temporal violation: it would be no different if the explosion shoved the Enterprise-C forward at ultra-high relativistic speeds and ended up in the future. Picard sending the Enterprise-C *backwards* in time could be interpreted as a huge violation of the Temporal Prime Directive from his point of view, and all because Guinen decides that the altered timeline is the more appropriate one than the original one where the Enterprise-C wasn't sent back.

What's more Picard allowed Tasha to go back, another huge timeline violation because ultimately she survives Narendra 3 and her daughter becomes a historically significant figure. No discussion is ever made to consider for a moment attempting to return the timeline to its original form, even though Sela is a living, breathing temporal violation.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
As far as them redoing a Khan movie I think it's kind of sad that JJ Abrams would make all that effort to change the entire Star Trek universe only to fall back on one of the most notable villains of the prime timeline. Does he really not have the balls to do some else semi-original at this point? Being such a Star Wars geek I'm almost surprised he's not giving us a "Deathstar" with a villain named Varth Dader.
While I see your point about using the new timeline to explore a different path, the argument can be made that events that started before the timeline was altered could still have some resolution along the new timeline.

Khan led his revolt and got put into suspended animation on the Botany Bay long before the timeline changed so it's still possible that the alternate Kirk/Enterprise might encounter him. Not likely but possible.

This still falls under my personal dislike for retcons even tho the Star Trek is well known for retcons.



Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
In TNG the Borg were pretty badass. 1 cube tore through how many starships in that initial battle? Yea... exactly.
Or one could say that Federation military is pretty pathetic if 1 cube could wipe out their entire fleet.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Or one could say that Federation military is pretty pathetic if 1 cube could wipe out their entire fleet.
One cube operated by a collective whose main voice was Locutus of Borg, formerly Captain Picard of Starfleet whose head was filled with knoweldge of the Federation and its technology including all data they downloaded when the Enterprise D first encountered them after Q zapped them to Borg-space.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Or one could say that Federation military is pretty pathetic if 1 cube could wipe out their entire fleet.
What they needed was a giant space horse to eat the cube.

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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
While I see your point about using the new timeline to explore a different path, the argument can be made that events that started before the timeline was altered could still have some resolution along the new timeline.

Khan led his revolt and got put into suspended animation on the Botany Bay long before the timeline changed so it's still possible that the alternate Kirk/Enterprise might encounter him. Not likely but possible.

This still falls under my personal dislike for retcons even tho the Star Trek is well known for retcons.
To be honest if I were Spock-Prime I think I would alert young Kirk and young Spock that if they ever find the Botany Bay drifting in space to lock all phasers and photon torpedoes onto it and vaporize it into it's component molecules.



Here's a funny thing regarding Khan: in the Shatner novel THE RETURN, Spock was trying to deduce who would mostly likely have taken Kirk's body from it's grave in the previous novel (Ashes of Eden).

He's sitting at a terminal and had punched up data files on Kirk and all the enemies he made over the years, many being Klingon of course, some being corrupt Federation officers that Kirk broght down, and more. He then begins to logically eliminate candidates from the list using the main criteria of who would have the resources to still be alive in the present and who would hate Kirk so much as to still carry out a vendetta after the past 80 years...... Well Spock whittles the list down to a few candidates to investigate (i think funnily enough that Harry Mudd was still on it), and Ryker points at one entry that Spock left on the list and says "But Khan's dead!" Spock merely says "I know".

The one enemy of Kirk whose hatred of Kirk would indeed transcend time, space and even death.



This is one of the few things on this forum that has literally made me laugh out loud:

Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
John Q. Public wants to see Captain Kirk of the starship Enterprise, and he's not going to be up for sitting through Mr. Midshipman Kirk, Lieutenant Kirk, Kirk and the Hotspur, Kirk During the Crisis, and Kirk and the Atropos just to get there.
I was hoping that the next Star Trek movie would be Admiral Kirk in the West Federation.

In an unrelated matter, does anyone know if they ever made any more of those Hornblower movies with whathisname, who later appeared as a very strange Mr. Fantastic, after the ones based on Hornblower and the Hotspur?

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Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
In an unrelated matter, does anyone know if they ever made any more of those Hornblower movies with whathisname, who later appeared as a very strange Mr. Fantastic, after the ones based on Hornblower and the Hotspur?
Not so far, although I believe the gentleman (Ioan Gruffudd) has said he'd be up for it, schedule permitting - and he'd be old enough to be convincing as the mature Hornblower of Beat to Quarters et al. now.



Could be wrong, but didn't Kirk get control of the Enterprise a few years earlier than in the original universe? If so, then Kirk could change things because it is Kirk on the Enterprise instead of Pike. Might be some interesting stories that Pike had that could be retold as Kirk stories.

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Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
As for Khan......ok honestly now, WHO could possibly play Khan with the same charisma, magnetism and power that Ricardo Montalbon conveyed?
No one. It isn't humanly possible. Ricardo Montalban was the only human being capable of being more overdramatic than Shatner.... that's no ordinary feat.

J.J. Abrams and crew don't have it in them to write a decent, original story IMO. I'll be skipping this next film. These flicks are just Star Trek in name only to me.

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For a new movie I would go and look at some of the old episodes. Not about Kahn but how about the Planet Killer Doomsday Machine. They know at least two are out there and that it takes at least a ship blowing up in it's mouth to destroy it.

However with most of the fleet destroyed already what are they going to do?

On second thought that's not as Epic as I first thought. The Romulans could take the advantage of having both the Klingon and Federation fleets so devastated. There also a reason to do so like someone pointed out both the Klingons and Federation had access to the Future ship where the Romulans didn't, big motive my view. This would in hence make the major threat the Romulans like they wanted in the Original TV airing. What stopped them was the cost of the makeup for the Romulans so the Klingons were made the Major threat.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
To be honest if I were Spock-Prime I think I would alert young Kirk and young Spock that if they ever find the Botany Bay drifting in space to lock all phasers and photon torpedoes onto it and vaporize it into it's component molecules.
Khan would have kicked Kirk's butt if he only had Herve Villechaize to point at the main viewscreen and shout

Hey Khan, The Enterprise! The Enterprise!



But... but... me likey da Borg!



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
But... but... me likey da Borg!
I don't think the Borg have any place in the TOS era setting even in Abrams' "re-imagined" timeline. It's a matter of matching Kirk and Crew up with an appropriate classed villain. As an analogy think of it in terms of difficulty levels in CoH: The technology level of TOS makes the Federation of that time like a level 20 character. The problem is that the Borg are suited to be enemies of the later TNG/DS9/VOY Federation when their technology makes them more like level 40 characters. If you set the Borg against Kirk it'd better be like setting guys with machine guns up against guys with flintlock rifles or it simply wouldn't be believable. It's not that I don't think Kirk is badassed in his own setting - it's just that he doesn't have the tech to make it a fair fight.

Of course as I already mentioned Abrams has no real understanding of how the Star Trek universe works so I wouldn't be surprised in the least to see the Borg make an appearance in the next movie.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Of course as I already mentioned Abrams has no real understanding of how the Star Trek universe works so I wouldn't be surprised in the least to see the Borg make an appearance in the next movie.
Hell CBS owns Star Trek and they have no idea how the Star Trek universe works.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I don't think the Borg have any place in the TOS era setting even in Abrams' "re-imagined" timeline. It's a matter of matching Kirk and Crew up with an appropriate classed villain. As an analogy think of it in terms of difficulty levels in CoH: The technology level of TOS makes the Federation of that time like a level 20 character. The problem is that the Borg are suited to be enemies of the later TNG/DS9/VOY Federation when their technology makes them more like level 40 characters. If you set the Borg against Kirk it'd better be like setting guys with machine guns up against guys with flintlock rifles or it simply wouldn't be believable. It's not that I don't think Kirk is badassed in his own setting - it's just that he doesn't have the tech to make it a fair fight.
They could be steampunk Borg. Which also might make them more interesting.

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-- The Fox and the Hound



Hmmm...hadn't thought of it before, but hasn't Star Trek had both timelines and alternate dimensions as two different things?

Going back in time didn't usually create an alternate universe. Or else, they would have made an alternate universe everytime one of the captains went back in time.

Also the new Star Trek isn't a rewrite of the old Star Trek timeline, it's an alternate dimension one, much like the Mirror Mirror ones.

Prime Universe is still going, just without Spock in it, who didn't die, but rather travelled to a new dimension and never returned to his own, where'd he see his friend Kirk (or maybe not depending on if he's considered a live or not) and Picard and company.

I'd say that's why they didn't change anything in the movie. They see it as a different dimension now.

Which is probably some of the fail people have with it. When dealing with time travel storylines into the past, one has to set out the rules and stick to them...does it change the current timeline or does it not change it and instead creates an alternate timeline/dimension or can it do one or the other under certain circumstances (which ST has never elaborated on).

As for the movie itself, I was just let down with the Kobiashi Maru scenerio. I think it was done so much better in the ST novel of the same name, for how Kirk went about reprogramming it and playing out, the movie was such a let down for it. Maybe I was expecting to much.

As for the new enemy of the next movie, I think there's a few actors who could do Khan just fine, maybe even better, but I think they should avoid it. Even if someone did it better, there'd just be those who say "There's no replacing Ricardo! No!"

Best bet is all new enemies! Save the meeting of this timeline's Khan for a ST novel if it needs to be done.

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I just assumed that they rebooted Star Trek to undo the damage that Scott Bakula did with Enterprise.



Originally Posted by ChaosAngelGeno View Post
I just assumed that they rebooted Star Trek to undo the damage that Scott Bakula did with Enterprise.
Ironically the point where Abrams rebooted the timeline would have been AFTER the timeframe of ENT. Technically speaking if Abrams remains true to what he created then he'd have to accept everything that Enterprise established.

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Originally Posted by ChaosAngelGeno View Post
I just assumed that they rebooted Star Trek to undo the damage that Scott Bakula did with Enterprise.
More examples of why time travel should be kept away from Star Trek unless it involves a young Joan Collins

Actually I liked Enterprise when it was about Blue Skins and Pink Skins and Vulcans holding Earth back. Hated it when it involved aliens we had never heard of before and time travel

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