Female Only Server




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
When TOR launches, I'm going to be Darth Bob. My backstory will be that I saw a late night television ad for a Galactic trade school, and it was either blaster repair or Sithing.
Did you get your pre-order in yet? I'm saving up and splurging on the Collector's Edition. Haven't heard if they plan on offering an LTS.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Did you get your pre-order in yet? I'm saving up and splurging on the Collector's Edition. Haven't heard if they plan on offering an LTS.
I've preordered the collectors

Also, no word of a life time sub.



<sigh> I wish they'd say something now cuz I have to save up for several months if they're doing it.



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Better than the soon to be defunct Star Wars MMO where 90% of an entire generation of role played characters were orphans whose parents were killed by Imperials or Rebels or Vader or Boba Fett and/or 50% of them were ex-slaves.

No, I'm really not kidding. Sitting in the cantina on a sunday night and reading bios was a hobby.
... I remember commenting that in-game to a friend, who pointed out my character was a now-homeless Alderaanian and that, essentially, made me one of the "family killed by Imperials" crowd even if I never brought it up. I hadn't even noticed I'd done that-- it just seemed a natural way to explain a dead-broke character with barely the clothes on his back struggling to start anew. It also fit well with how I only dabbled in the game, never earning enough to get past the "dead broke" feeling :P .



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
The "black history," "women's history," etc. were deliberately created because in western society, History class is "celebration of white dudes." Though I guess how realistic that is goes back to where a person is educated, but it certainly was true of my own upbringing/education. To learn about the great things non-white dudes did meant reading (very) occasional asides about the occasional female/non-European descent person. These were only punctuating the long passages on generals, inventors, scientists and philosophers of a very decided lineage. Learning more about other cultures (or even sub-cultures) often required me to seek books/courses 'off the beaten path.'

But again, your mileage may vary based on where/when you received your education.

Change "Is" to "Was at the time the decision was made", and you'd be on track for 2011. Society has evolved quite a bit, and we're still criticizing ourselves as though nothing were different.

Only old timers who got their education back in the 70's, or 80's, or earlier are seriously ignorant enough to think the world revolves around Europe.

Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
Exactly. Maybe I can just hope the new discriminations would be interesting, this male/female, black/white crap is boring. Can't we just dislike people because they are dislikable?
The people who go around doing the disliking are the dislikable ones, so they'd have to dislike themselves.

I'd like to see people choose it on the basis of an actual honest-to-goodness coin toss. Heads we hate them. Tails they're one of us. It would be so much less pretentious than what we do now.



Originally Posted by 8-J View Post
Only old timers who got their education back in the 70's, or 80's, or earlier are seriously ignorant enough to think the world revolves around Europe.
As someone who got my education in the 70s and 80s and doesn't think the world revolves around Europe, I'd like to ask...overgeneralize much?



Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
As someone who got my education in the 70s and 80s and doesn't think the world revolves around Europe, I'd like to ask...overgeneralize much?
It wasn't even a (comparatively) reasonable generalization. I don't know anyone who fits that description.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by 8-J View Post
The people who go around doing the disliking are the dislikable ones, so they'd have to dislike themselves.

I'd like to see people choose it on the basis of an actual honest-to-goodness coin toss. Heads we hate them. Tails they're one of us. It would be so much less pretentious than what we do now.

My father was a disagreeable acoholic drug user who gave me a lot of bad advice that I never took to heart...but even he said...."Hating anyone because of their race, creed or color is stupid....there's plenty of perfectly good reasons to hate just about everybody"



Originally Posted by 8-J View Post
Only old timers who got their education back in the 70's, or 80's, or earlier are seriously ignorant enough to think the world revolves around Europe.
Sorry to disappoint you younguns but everyone from the 70's and 80's knows the world revolves around New York City. The home and birthplace of the world's best Pizza.




Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Did you get your pre-order in yet? I'm saving up and splurging on the Collector's Edition. Haven't heard if they plan on offering an LTS.
Couldn't see forking over $150 for the collector's - and a friend who was looking for it said the run on EA was out within an hour. (Though it's supposedly available still elsewhere. I went with digital deluxe. Really, I have too many boxes and other things anyway.)

Originally Posted by sleestack
As someone who got my education in the 70s and 80s and doesn't think the world revolves around Europe, I'd like to ask...overgeneralize much?



Originally Posted by 8-J View Post
Only old timers who got their education back in the 70's, or 80's, or earlier are seriously ignorant enough to think the world revolves around Europe.
Yes, the post 60s/70s movements and the Jim Henson era grew children ignorant to love and respect on a global level.

Fortunately, today's education system is raising them right!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by 8-J View Post
Only old timers who got their education back in the 70's, or 80's, or earlier are seriously ignorant enough to think the world revolves around Europe.
Well that's because it does, why do you think Europe is in the center of most maps? Don't tell me you're one of the Round Earth crackpots?



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Did you get your pre-order in yet? I'm saving up and splurging on the Collector's Edition. Haven't heard if they plan on offering an LTS.
Couldn't justify the collector's edition. Registered pre-order a while ago though.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



The whole time I was reading this thread, I was remembering an article I recently saw that surprised even the author.

The tricky business of being a woman on Vent


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Chainsaw_Chicken View Post
I hate getting harassed in game, and so I wish they would create a female only server. They have female only gyms for a reason. An online video game is not a dating site.

If we can have VIP servers please make one female only.


Seriously though? If you're getting harrassed in-game, you need to:

1) Ask the person to stop,

and if that doesn't work,

2) Report the person,

and then

3) Ignore the person.

If you're trying instead to make a ha-ha over something I've seen friends leave the game over, then congratulations. I'm sure your parents would be proud of you if they cared.

"Ooo! A little fight in you! I like that..."

"Then you're going to love me."



Anyone trying to date anyone online is a hassle. There is only one server where I play as my proper gender. On all the rest, I like getting a break, and not having to worry about dating politics.

Even if it's not outright harassment, it can get really awkward if you're in a SG or something, and somebody has misread your ques. ... Which still happens when I'm playing the other gender too..... I may need to rethink this whole strategy.

Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
As someone who got my education in the 70s and 80s and doesn't think the world revolves around Europe, I'd like to ask...overgeneralize much?
You're overgeneralizing my statement.

I didn't say "all old timers" I said "only old timers". There's a difference. "Only" implies that no one outside the group does something (which is ... of course.. still a stretch), however it in no way suggests the number of people inside the group is large.

I said it in answer to another posters overgeneralization that white male history is overwhelmingly taught in schools. I was merely suggesting that the time when that was true has passed. I didn't mean to (inadvertently) imply that those old timers who were taught the other version would not be smart enough to learn better later in life. Just that some of them may have been taught the other version originally.



Yeah, anyone trying to put the moves on someone while in a video game is really being inconsiderate.

I mean... if two people form a connection and a friendship that truly does extend beyond the video game and their characters (beyond a role-played relationship) and enough time has gone by that the two people are really getting to know each other... totally different story...

But to just try and put moves on, hit on, ask out, etc. someone from casual video game playing (or even from only sharing in some role-play together [as I have certainly seen that happen]), is just completely inconsiderate and, honestly, often speaks to some pretty big problems and disconnects with the person in the wrong.

Logging on to a video game is not saying that I am here to find a partner, be hit on, looking for a date or any such thing.
And I find it to be a breach in trust of fellow video-gamers (again, especially role-players) when someone takes that tremendous leap in thinking that it is appropriate.

Half the time, you're probably dealing with a happy spouse, a loving parent or just someone emotionally developed enough to not be looking for love in all the wrong places.

All due respect to those who have found love through playing a video game together. Some have even found it by meeting at bars too... but it doesn't make most of the other attempts any less of utter failures.

On-Topic Rant provided to you by some odd notion to type this that I have no explanation for!

P.S. I am taken.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
The whole time I was reading this thread, I was remembering an article I recently saw that surprised even the author.

The tricky business of being a woman on Vent

I was heartened to see that the writer of that article had a better time of it than Teilios back in 2005, but the stuff posted at http://fatuglyorslutty.com made me angry, and also irritated me, since the site's tagline 'You play video games?' is too generalising. As far as i can see, all of those tosspots who're belittliong female gamers are players of games such as counterstrike and Black ops and XBox live arena games (with a smattering of card games thrown in). If you youtube 'XBox live smacktalk' you'll find thousands of unbelievable arsewipes spouting all kinds of racist, sexist, homophoic bollocks, and I personally feel insulted to be included in the catch-all 'gamer' with those knobheads. I'd happily see all of them banned from the internet forever.

If I set up a site dedicated only to communiques taken from Tale of the Desert or Portal 2, I'm sure the asshattery would be rare. it's not about being male or female. It's about being a normal reasonable person or an illiterate ignorant cleft.

I loathe plotless arena multiplayer, and one of the main reasons is that in my admittedly limited experience, people who like repetitive narrative-free ganking are predominantly plonkers of the highest degree.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



This thread makes me kinda sad.


Most of the responses have fallen into the standard stuff that I see thrown at the female gender when complaints arise about how they are treated.

"Well, men are just gonna be that way. It's how they are. Get used to it."

"You should just hide who you are"

"Well, what about the MEN who are getting harassed, huh? You can't start a thread about women getting harassed without also talking about the men!"

"Lulz, pics"

"Just report them, there's nothing we can really do about the existence of jerks."

And the best of all.

"Well, it's your fault that you get harassed for letting slip you're a girl."

No. No no nonnonononooo.

What the HECK people!? This is a game about superheroes! How do we let this stuff slide!?

From what I've seen, the entire culture seems to say "You have no right to stand up for yourself. Either flee and hide yourself, sneak around in the shadows and dare not let a sliver of light reveal your true self lest ye be torn apart by the beasts." It's not just a problem on any one internet forum or even gaming as a whole.

How come we don't go after the beasts? How come it's always left on the shoulders of the victims to fight the endless tides alone? Not a single person here(That I saw) offered to help the OP, she was just told that her ideas were stupid and she should deal with her problems on her own. There was no sympathy, no empathy. Just, "No you're dumb. Get over it."

We're creating yet another micro-culture where women who speak out against being treated like garbage get yelled at for speaking out. Not everyone here was doing it overtly, but the majority was at least letting it slide. And letting it slide is even worse in my eye. It means there's no hope.

This sort of thread will pop up again some day. And when it does I bet I will see the same responses. Again telling people that it's your fault you got harassed for being you. Next time, you should change who you are or hide it.

Even other women who pop in to say "I don't have a problem with this stuff", which is about as useful as saying "Well, I've never seen a polar bear, so NO one must have seen one." Or worse yet, "Suck it up like I do."

No! No. We do not DO that. You do not "Suck it up." When, in the history of history, has "Shut up and be quiet" made harassment stop? All it does is encourage the jerks, 'cause no one ever stands up to them they feel they get to do what they want and get away with it. BECAUSE THEY GET AWAY WITH IT.

Do you know how enraged I am at this thread?! DO YOU?! IT MADE ME AGREE WITH GOLDEN GIRL! ARGH!

Ok, calm down... *sigh*

How about this. A set of guidelines on how to deal with sexism in games. I'll write it right here and now.

If you yourself are harassed? I see two major options. If it is by a random stranger entirely through /tells or some other untraceable random harassment. Tell them that what they are saying is not welcome, do not send further tells. Then /ignore + /petition. If you are instead harassed by /tells inside a team or an SG or a Vent server. Do not let it slide. Make sure that the group knows what this person is doing. And also send in petitions and /ignore as needed. Silence is death. Silence is approval of what is, has, and will be done. That is how it has always been and how it will always be. The silence cannot continue. This applies mostly

If you see someone harassing someone else. Do two things. First? Say something. Tell the bugger to bugger off, tell them they're being a jerk and they need to stop. This shows the victim that they are not alone and it shows the harasser that they can't get away with that. Second? Do something. Petition, kick them from the team, kick them from the SG, kick them from the Vent server. Whatever, but do not make hollow statements you are not willing to back up. The above guideline should never go uncontested. If someone says "Hey, leave me alone." There should be a chorus of voices agreeing. Not silence.

If you hear someone get "outed," and phrasing it that way makes me sad, do not say "Wow, are you REALLY a girl!?" Just say "Okay." Do not, i shouldn't have to explain this, do not oggle or boggle over them. There is nothing magical here. Move on. Don't even make the single off-hand joke. And if you see others going at it? Tell them to stop, that becomes harassment in a nano-second. See the previous guideline for more details.
There's nothing special about being one 50% of the population. If they were hiding it and told you they were something and later became "outed" willingly or otherwise? THEY HAD A REASON FOR HIDING. Respect it, maybe in a casual or private moment you can ask about it. But never pressure, never badger. It's none of your business. And it sure has no place in the actual gameplay situations. It's off-topic and easily causes a cascade of questions, accusations, insults, "jokes" and other fun things that all build an environment that makes people want to flee and never return. Don't start it. Stop it if you see it.



I only have a few points to make here.

Originally Posted by SDragon View Post
"You should just hide who you are"
There is a difference between hiding who you are, and not advertising who you are.

Originally Posted by SDragon View Post
How come it's always left on the shoulders of the victims to fight the endless tides alone?
You are only a victim if you wish to be a victim.

Originally Posted by SDragon View Post
Not a single person here(That I saw) offered to help the OP, she was just told that her ideas were stupid and she should deal with her problems on her own. There was no sympathy, no empathy. Just, "No you're dumb. Get over it."
You were asserting your prerogative of selective reading then.
Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
It's already against the rules to harass people.
Report the offender and be done with it.
Originally Posted by Bright View Post
How about we just report and/or ignore list the creeps?
Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Don't give out personal info.

Toss creeps on the ignore list and avoid them.

Just treat them like you would any other troll, because trolls will go anywhere, including a female-only server.
Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post
  • Ignore him. There's an ignore list that will help you in that respect.
  • Petition him. GMs will look into the matter and take action.
  • Find a good gender-mixed supergroup. In a close circle of friends, people rarely overstep like this, because there is a self-policing habit in a group.
  • Educate people. It won't help you now, of course, but the next generation may be more aware of gender issues.
Just to list a few of the helpful suggestions put forth on the first page of this thread. The one I used a lot when I was harassed in high school for being different was /ignore. They got tired of attempting to annoy a person and getting no reaction in response and went away.

Originally Posted by SDragon View Post
We're creating yet another micro-culture where women who speak out against being treated like garbage get yelled at for speaking out. Not everyone here was doing it overtly, but the majority was at least letting it slide. And letting it slide is even worse in my eye. It means there's no hope.
What I saw was a person, who was informed that their suggestion for a segregated server was not the best idea. Granted, it wasn’t phrased in a politically correct manner. But then, color, gender or religion is not the first thing I look at when judging the merits of a suggestion, or a person for that matter.

Originally Posted by SDragon View Post
If you yourself are harassed? I see two major options. If it is by a random stranger entirely through /tells or some other untraceable random harassment. Tell them that what they are saying is not welcome, do not send further tells. Then /ignore + /petition. If you are instead harassed by /tells inside a team or an SG or a Vent server. Do not let it slide. Make sure that the group knows what this person is doing. And also send in petitions and /ignore as needed. Silence is death. Silence is approval of what is, has, and will be done. That is how it has always been and how it will always be. The silence cannot continue. This applies mostly
That was already suggested, multiple times. Also, there is a difference between ignoring someone, and being silent. I’ll give you a hint. One of them is a passive response, the other is not.

Originally Posted by SDragon View Post
Do you know how enraged I am at this thread?! DO YOU?! IT MADE ME AGREE WITH GOLDEN GIRL! ARGH!
This will probably enrage you even more, but this thread didn’t make you do anything. You had the free will to agree or disagree with anyone you wish. You chose to agree with Golden Girl all on your own. You ignored the many helpful suggestions put forth in this very thread. Ones that you put into your “guide”, I might add.

Have you ever stopped to think why bullies (or people that harass others) do what they do? Nine times out of ten, it is because they are looking for a reaction. If you refuse to give them that reaction, then they lose. The first time they do something that you find disagreeable, inform them, politely, that you find it disagreeable. After that, just ignore them. Blowing up at them will just be giving them what they want, and they will harass you even more. You might think about that the next time you are offended.

Also, my dad used to tell me that you can only be offended, if you accept the offense.

edit: punctuation and formatting corrections.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by SDragon View Post
Do you know how enraged I am at this thread?!
Apparently, enraged enough to resurrect it just to spend half an hour foaming and screaming at a bunch of people who were manifestly glad that it had died. So, uh, well done you, I suppose.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Apparently, enraged enough to resurrect it just to spend half an hour foaming and screaming at a bunch of people who were manifestly glad that it had died. So, uh, well done you, I suppose.
Also enraged enough to ignore all the relevant and helpful advice in the thread as well as the more pragmatic reasons given for why the OP's demand wasn't reasonable or useful in order to set up a straw man and then blindly flail away at it.

i suppose everyone needs some sort of hobby to release stress.

At least it didn't involve harassing someone in game.

i hope.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



The point you COMPLETELY missed in all your ranting is that the OP was saying we should get a server that ONLY females can play on.

Couple problems with that:

A) Creating a server that only females can play on does not SOLVE the problem, it only allows people to RUN AWAY from the problem.

B) Creating a server that only a specific group of people can play on is DISCRIMINATORY. It doesn't matter what that group of people is. If you exclude people based on their gender, ethnicity, religion, social caste or sexual preference, you are discriminating against them. Plain and simple. And you can't say that men cannot be discriminated against because they are men. If you exclude men from playing on a server simply because they are men, you are discriminating against them, plain and simple. There is a HUGE difference between excluding people based on their account status and excluding them based on any of the above criteria. One is okay, the other is most definitely NOT.

C) There is absolutely NO way short of webcam verification to ensure that only females are playing on the server. There are men named Kerry, and Kelly, and Shannon. The name attached to the account means nothing.

D) Relating to C) Since there is no way to ensure that only women are playing on the server, you are setting up a situation where harassment will be MORE likely. People who like to harass others tend to flock to a place where they know their harassment will have the most effect on ther targets. Create a female-only server and you are sending up a flag that says "Come HERE if you want to harass women and get them really offended!"

F) The problem the OP had is the EXACT REASON the /ignore feature exists. If you /ignore the person who is bothering you, your problem goes away without resorting to demanding the devs make it go away FOR you (which, as I explained here, wouldn't work). If you /ignore and /petition those people, your problem is solved.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



That was a heck of a necropost. Resurrect a thread that all involved are glad died by constructing a gigantic straw man and acting irate about it. It's not even worth weeding through that necro mess to piece-quote and explain everything that's wrong. Next time, actually read the thread before you comment on what is and isn't in it, Dragon, because you're being pissed off at imaginary people.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.