When are you going to update all the models




All this talk of freedom and all new powersets and costumes and auras and effects ...

... and we still don't have any stinking fingers!

At this point it's starting to get down right embarrassing. We can get really shiny costumes. In fact we practically are forced to because all of the high rez costume options will make any part of your character using one of the lower res costume options look like pure crap. But even with the best high res costumes, the core character models used by every PC and NPC in the game is still exactly the same as it was almost a decade ago.

Even now if you use the wrong emote or have your camera too close during the wrong animation, you get to see how your buti turns into a squared cardboard cutout. Or see the lovely cylinder that is your forearm as it cuts into your upper arm showing all four of it's polygon edges in full display.

I mean if you're making such huge visual changes to everything with freedom when are you going to get down to changing this basic and most significant failing?

Caios - Modern. Vampire. Cowgirl, not Catgirl.
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Queen Armitage - Caring. Exiled. and out of Options.



I believe fingers would require a new skeleton.

Which has massive complications.

Let's Dance!



Anyhow, yeah, I wouldn't mind proper hands, myself. I've also got a couple of characters who, thematically should go barefoot, but the current bare feet are boots with toes painted on and just look bad.

So, yeah, fingers and toes, please.

Est sularis oth Mithas



The devs have said before it'd require a rework of the basic model of the figures, which in turn would require a rework of every single costume part that uses both hands and feet. The VEAT models got made to accomodate them, and you've seen how well (or not) those have turned out.

You can't 'just replace' these things. Every change has an impact on other systems. If they can change this, they will, but you'll note in the more recent hand/feet pieces they've done a lot to add definition to them. I mean seriously...what do you want? Finger waggling?


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



I would also like to note that as nice as functional fingers would be, they would also have clipping issues with several existing costume pieces, namely the actual boxing glove vet rewards, or the wrapped gloves.

I think NON-FUNCTIONAL fingers like the SoA have could be done as an update to bare hands and some other gloves that have free fingers, and I would like better detailed bare feet, but I'm not holding the Devs to this since they've got enough on their plate.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by reiella View Post
I believe fingers would require a new skeleton.

Which has massive complications.
They don't need a new skeleton - the major hold up with adding fingers is the need to redo all the animations

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Seconded! The Distinguished Competition has lovely, articulated fingers. There is no reason whatsoever that CoX can't have the same, even if only on new models. Make it happen, devs!



Would think better bare feet would be a lot more doable than fingered hands, if only because you wouldn't need to re-animate them. Just make em a bit thinner, maybe give a lil bit of definition to the toes, and make sure the texture lines up to the legs. Could even use the same texture we have now, if they so chose. No need to redo the other foot models in this case since they're, you know, shoes. And no need to add animation to the toes.

I'd like fingers, too, of course! But I know what a hassle that kind of stuff can be, especially when you start talking about all the other gloves, and all the animations that use the hand, etc etc. In the meantime, the hand-stumps don't really bother me.



Originally Posted by Kyasubaru View Post
Would think better bare feet would be a lot more doable than fingered hands, if only because you wouldn't need to re-animate them. Just make em a bit thinner, maybe give a lil bit of definition to the toes, and make sure the texture lines up to the legs. Could even use the same texture we have now, if they so chose. No need to redo the other foot models in this case since they're, you know, shoes. And no need to add animation to the toes.
I know some people use the zombie feet or the "wrapped" (don't remember if that is the proper name) option with the bare heels and toes. Either of these could just be redone a bit, removing the zombie look or the wrapping. The shape of the foot is much better on these.

But I have been asking for better bare feet for long enough that I am starting to sound like a fetishist.

Est sularis oth Mithas



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
They don't need a new skeleton - the major hold up with adding fingers is the need to redo all the animations
So you're saying the current skeletons have had the "bones" for fingers since launch and they just never got around to animating them? Interesting. i could swear that contradicts a Dev post from some years ago.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



If giving us these magic fingers that people seem adamant about means having a different art style than we currently have, I don't want em!

I've seen that other MMO with the fingers. Both of them. I didn't care for their art styles at all (more the first than the second).

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
No, I mean they just need to add new hands to the current skeletons.
Adding animated fingers means altering the current skeletons. You really have no clue what you're talking about, do you?

You can create hand models that appear to have separate fingers, but they're still just mittens with no independent articulation unless you modify the character skeletons to have separate "bones" for each finger to be animated.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Well I imagine they *could* add fingers in without modifying the current skeleton, if they had them animate in unison.. So they'd still animate as a block, but be visible fingers..

Which is bound to look fairly goofy I'd imagine.. But don't certain SoA costumes have fingers that work like that?



Personally, I never understand what all the fuss is all about with this request. On a 24-man BAF, I don't think I'd ever stop to admire the fact that I can see all my fingers.

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
You can create hand models that appear to have separate fingers, but they're still just mittens with no independent articulation unless you modify the character skeletons to have separate "bones" for each finger to be animated.
I could happily live with this option. And it would still need a massive amount of work, even if it´s just skin and tights, 'cause the Devs had to wrap the patterns around it in a whole new way to not cause any lapses.


ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.



On bare feet:
You don't really need to do much. We already have a mesh model that looks like bare feet - ExoProto and Stealth. The boots for both sets use the same foot model, and both look like a bare foot painted like fabric. The existing "bare foot" is just a texture for the Flat boots, and as such is not at all appropriate. The solution is to take the Stealth boots, swap their texture for skin, carve a few wedges in the mesh to denote borders between the toes, then put it as its own major option. Job done.

On fingered hands:
Assuming individually articulated fingers are out of the question, there is a next best thing - the Monster gloves. These are still mittens, but they have individual fingers mostly carved out of them just the same. The borders between fingers are denoted by trenches along the mitten, both above and below, and the tips of the fingers are denoted by protrusions out of the tip of the mitten. Imagine supergluing all four of your primary fingers together into a single conjoined mitten - that's what I'm talking about. You can get away with a hand that's still a mitten, but at least still has the shape of fingers carved into it, and it would look significantly better.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I know update the hands to have individual fingers is HUGE amount of work for little in return.
(I am a 3d modelator using Maya autodesk)
I would rather have APP/PPP/Power pool and Epics archetype customization instead and the devs will end it sooner.

There are some things they can do to update the models:

Higher res faces, like the Steampunk pack ones but with better expressions. Blinking eyes.

Update bare foots and hands textures, and new textures tights with skin. The costumes and tights are fine, the problem comes when you see some skin...

Give us separated hands like SoA NPCs have, instead of individual fingers that move on their own. Would improve the look of our hands and is much, much less time consuming.

I hope the Paragon store comes with some updates, like faces, new skin tights, hairstyles, etc... For the model itself, the bare character.
The costumes we been getting since first booster are AWESOME, no nothing to argue with them.
Our models just need some tweaks in the skin section.

Also for the OP... Change your manners not the right way to suggest or ask for something to happen.
Develop a game needs so much time, we cant say our devs are being lazy in the last 2 years. They adding the best content lately, and the best is still to come.



While asking for the impossible work to update all the models (which won't happen, since it would require far too much work), here are some more things that won't happen but I sincerely wish could:

  • Eye colour separate from face map.
  • Eye appearance separate from face map.
  • Shape sliders for eyes.
  • More head polygons, or at least a better bump/normal map.
  • Animated hair.
  • Jiggle physics.
  • Longer skirts.
  • Skirt physics.
  • Four, six or eight-arm cossie option.

At least the top five on that list are things I would kill for.

Oh, and please add the option to customize signature models in MA. I want to make a Statesman zombie, nao!

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



No need to make articulated fingers. But they could at least (and CAN) make fingers with better texture quality and normal mapping. Y'know, that wonderful stuff they used on the Victorian faces that adds more detail? That would make the hands look less blocky. There are already hands in-game that have this look (monstrous for one), so it already is possible.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
There are already hands in-game that have this look (monstrous for one), so it already is possible.
To be fair, the monster hands have indented inter-finger spacing drawn into the actual mesh. It's not just textures and shaders. But if it can be done for Monster hands, it can be done for all other hands, too, and it should.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



eh...how often do we really look at a character's hands?

Now, I admit the wooden spoon hands the Huntsmans had bothered me, but soon as I get into the game, it's a distant memory.