When are you going to update all the models




Id rather have CoH's Mitten hands rather than that other games sausage fingers.

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
What it all comes back to is that this game is aging and rather than slapping yet another new paint job on a rusting jalopy, the devs should focus on keeping it running, putting enough bobble-heads on the dashboard to distract from the seats starting to crack until they're ready to get a new car.
I find this to be a profoundly disappointing position to take, Johnny. You're essentially suggesting that we don't bother doing anything interesting with the old game until the new game comes out, when you know full well that a new one may (and probably will) never come, and that even if it did, not everyone will want it. I'm not sure I will, for one. You're essentially damning everyone who likes the game he's currently playing because you don't, for the sake of chasing after what may never be.

Personally, I feel that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. I firmly believe that we should focus on making THIS game great first and foremost, and if another one comes out, we'll worry about it then. I certainly don't want to neglect City of Heroes because there's no point. There's still point. Yes, it's a seven-year-old game. It still has some of the best, most diverse art styles of any game out today, and I'm including all competition. City of Heroes is still a very viable MMO, and I want the best for it. Not "maintenance mode," but the best.

The graphics aren't that bad, and the places where they are can be fixed.


Personally, I don't want a City of Heroes 2. A lot of what's cool about this game is the legacy of unexpected design consequences. Our ability to solo AT ALL is a direct result of Geko's miscalculation that allowed SO-stocked characters to reach greatly unexpected levels of power. This wasn't intended, but once it was a fact, even Jack Emmert's powerful vision couldn't shift the players off what they wanted to do. I have no reason to believe that a brand new game with a brand new combat system (and they won't make a new one with the old system, I can promise you that) won't patch up all of the loopholes that allow us to make the game too easy.

City of Heroes already has seven years worth of content and customization items. A new game with a new graphical engine won't be able to use those, so I'm almost positive it would end up with rather a lot fewer pieces to go around. It'd be like going from City of Heroes to Champions Online - better graphics, more customizable characters, complete lack of costumes and content. No, thank you.


If City of Heroes 2 is to be released, then it will be released. I don't want to bother my brain worrying about it until that happens. What I want right now is to make City of Heroes: Freedom the best game it can be, regardless of what sequels it may or may not get. Because I think the game has the potential for it, and because I feel the game deserves it. I don't want to play another game, be it a sequel or a competitor. I want to play THIS game. It's what I bought, it's what I want, it's what I intend to keep paying for.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post
But I do have a nagging feeling that the art overhaul will also be known as City of Heroes 2.
I'd hope that City of Heroes 2 would also include a new engine and entirely new power mechanics.

If it's just an art overhaul for sale as an expansion set, I'd call it something like "City of Heroes Renewed Freedom"



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I find this to be a profoundly disappointing position to take, Johnny. You're essentially suggesting that we don't bother doing anything interesting with the old game until the new game comes out, when you know full well that a new one may (and probably will) never come, and that even if it did, not everyone will want it. I'm not sure I will, for one. You're essentially damning everyone who likes the game he's currently playing because you don't, for the sake of chasing after what may never be.

Personally, I feel that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. I firmly believe that we should focus on making THIS game great first and foremost, and if another one comes out, we'll worry about it then. I certainly don't want to neglect City of Heroes because there's no point. There's still point. Yes, it's a seven-year-old game. It still has some of the best, most diverse art styles of any game out today, and I'm including all competition. City of Heroes is still a very viable MMO, and I want the best for it. Not "maintenance mode," but the best.

The graphics aren't that bad, and the places where they are can be fixed.


Personally, I don't want a City of Heroes 2. A lot of what's cool about this game is the legacy of unexpected design consequences. Our ability to solo AT ALL is a direct result of Geko's miscalculation that allowed SO-stocked characters to reach greatly unexpected levels of power. This wasn't intended, but once it was a fact, even Jack Emmert's powerful vision couldn't shift the players off what they wanted to do. I have no reason to believe that a brand new game with a brand new combat system (and they won't make a new one with the old system, I can promise you that) won't patch up all of the loopholes that allow us to make the game too easy.

City of Heroes already has seven years worth of content and customization items. A new game with a new graphical engine won't be able to use those, so I'm almost positive it would end up with rather a lot fewer pieces to go around. It'd be like going from City of Heroes to Champions Online - better graphics, more customizable characters, complete lack of costumes and content. No, thank you.


If City of Heroes 2 is to be released, then it will be released. I don't want to bother my brain worrying about it until that happens. What I want right now is to make City of Heroes: Freedom the best game it can be, regardless of what sequels it may or may not get. Because I think the game has the potential for it, and because I feel the game deserves it. I don't want to play another game, be it a sequel or a competitor. I want to play THIS game. It's what I bought, it's what I want, it's what I intend to keep paying for.

I think you make a lot of assumptions Sam that the devs are not aware of the pitfalls of trying to migrate players to a new game or even a potential continuation of the current one. I think it's same to say that the devs will not sacrifice the things that players love about this game will not be sacrificed on the alter of new shiny graphics.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I find this to be a profoundly disappointing position to take, Johnny. You're essentially suggesting that we don't bother doing anything interesting with the old game until the new game comes out
No, what I'm suggesting is that there are far more interesting and practical uses of the art team's time than recreating already existing assets for purely aesthetic reasons.

I firmly believe that we should focus on making THIS game great first and foremost, and if another one comes out, we'll worry about it then.
I happen to believe that this game is already great. Parts of it are worn. As much as you want to put hydraulics on your 2002 car, it's probably a better idea to fix the failing exhaust first.

Personally, I don't want a City of Heroes 2.
I personally do. I've got a list the length of my arm of changes and features that I want in a CoH game that are simply not feasible to do in an existing game as opposed to a new one. For example, I think there's a number of power sets they could do better the second time around and they're extremely unlikely to revamp the existing ones due to the Cottage Rule and simple common sense.

Also speaking of common sense, why remake every costume piece and zone in the game when you could be making a whole new game with a better engine that would look even better; you'd have to remake them anyways. It just doesn't track with me.

It'd be like going from City of Heroes to Champions Online - better graphics, more customizable characters, complete lack of costumes and content. No, thank you.
Apples to oranges as far as business models go. CO had no content because instead of growing the game they sent half the team to work on STO. They didn't have any plans in place for substantial new content because they planned to be putting out a title every year. They planned to make money on MTs and box sales of the Next Big Thing. In short, they tried to be the EA of MMOs shoving out a new Madden each year.

What I want right now is to make City of Heroes: Freedom the best game it can be, regardless of what sequels it may or may not get. Because I think the game has the potential for it, and because I feel the game deserves it.
The potential for the genre is far beyond what this game can offer and beyond what the competition is currently offering. Paragon Studios will never reach it as long as they're trying to play catch up by bolting new stuff onto an old title. The Model T was a better car for its time than the newer Edsel, but no amount of work to the T will make it a Mustang.




When a game is under development, you tend to have a much larger team of people simply to handle the volume of art assets that the game needs. With this game we had the original launch going to the CoV launch and the GR launch which was when the staffing levels were a lot higher than the times in between. So it does boil down to a simple manpower issue.

Also it's probably unlikely that all the textures were first done up at a very high resolution and were then sampled down to the current texture size. If that was the case then it would be a lot easier to create a higher rez texture pack. But I doubt that was every the case.

Also IIRC bump mapping was only added to the game at the time CoV came out. And while bump mapping may be able to offer the illusion of depth between the fingers (the way brick walls and the sidewalk are given the illusion of varying depths), it's still a matter of having high enough resolution of the hand texture maps so it would look somewhat acceptable. Even if the texture maps have enough resolution, it will still require someone to add in the bump map, test it, tweak it for every hand/glove model the game has.

Personally I'm a lot more interested in improving the old faces and improved/standard resolution for the chest logos than worry about mitten hands.

Maybe if there's a huge influx of money from Freedom they will be able to hire more artists for costume item revamps, otherwise I don't see it coming anytime soon.

Just my 2 inf.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



To make a CoH 2 could solve many many issues that we currently have. A whole update to the graphics of the game, a clean slate for powersets to be updated and adjusted, new game mechanics and engine to allow the use of new types of powers that we can't get currently(Swinging/Growing & Shrinking/etc). Lots of possibilities.

But it also comes with huge risk. You never want to split the player base and that's exactly what would happen. Some players would migrate to the new game, others would find that their favorite thing just wasn't possible in the new game and ignore it. And now you have two half-populated games, which will cause a bleed in subscribers 'cause no one wants to play in an empty game. Ok almost no one.

They also have to worry about getting the money to MAKE this new cutting edge game. They'll have to split resources between two games and maintain them both. If there's not enough of a bump from the new game, this could stress them to the breaking point.

The biggest most important issue I see though is the sheer amount of stuff IN CoH1. No matter what they do with CoH2, it's not going to have the same amount of content, costume pieces, villain groups, powersets. It's not going to have the same number of systems(flawed or not). There will be no social groups established unless they're pilfered from CoH1 which will never be a 100% transmission.

What I imagine to be large sections of the player base, if allowed, will just keep playing CoH and waiting for CoH 2 to get updated enough to be worth switching. Which means a smaller amount of players playing CoH2. Now they could decommission CoH 1 but that would just anger tons of players. Trying to force them into a new game so NCsoft, looking at the numbers, wouldn't axe the game for not drawing enough people.

So, yeah, I see two main outcomes of making a CoH 2. Either the playbase splits and we see a slow death for one or both of them. Or they shut down CoH 1 in favor of CoH 2 and enrage a large section of their players(The Vet players).

Personally, I think they need to upgrade CoH 1 INTO CoH 2. Make a massive update that adds in multiple new graphic updates, engine updates, and so forth. And slowly transition from the game relying on the old stuff, to the new stuff. Add in a toggle that lets us switch from the old models to the new models in our options.

Like Ever Quest did with... what was it called... The Tiger People update. They added in new Player models and gave players the option to view the old or the new ones. So, as the new models have the old existing parts converted over into new ones and added into the new Costume creator, the players who have costumes that can't be re-created in there can just use the legacy models.

Leave the powersets in the game as they are, with new options for CoH 2 players(Obviously we'd have to pay for this). Add in a 10th power, new updated animations and effects. Whatever new options they wanted to have. Update all the villain groups and the zones. Add in new "CoH 2 only" zones as well.

Anything they wished to get rid of, the multiple currencies for example, could just be ignored in the new world order. Yeah it would take more then a year of slow transition to get to this point. But at the same time it allows us to keep everything we want to keep and throw away the rest while also gaining all sorts of new things.

Replace this game from the inside out, one organ at a time, until it is an entirely new beast.

That's my insane proposal for the day.



You know, I never really noticed we didn't have fingers.

Enjoy your day please.



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Plus every glove texture in the game. This topic comes up from time to time, and we'd certainly love to do it. But I think it's going to take some kind of tech wizardry to make an undertaking like this feasible. If attempted right now, this one task would cost thousands of man-hours and nullify all other animation and character projects for months. Given the dozens and dozens of other cool things we could make for you instead during the same amount of time, you can see why it's not the best investment.

Then again, Ultramode happened, so it wouldn't be the first time we did a large-scale cosmetic upgrade. Never say never, I suppose.
But you could do the feet, right? :P

Est sularis oth Mithas



Originally Posted by BashfulBanshee View Post
You know, I never really noticed we didn't have fingers.
Me neither. And now that I know, I don't care. I hardly ever see my hands, because of the camera angle and power effects (like perma-hasten). And when i do see them, I don't notice. And if I did notice, I still wouldn't care. I remember another game I played put a huge amount of effort into animating faces, so characters could smile and yawn and whatnot. But when you're communicating in game, you mostly look at the text in the chat channel, not the face of the person you're talking to, who probably isn't facing the right way anyhow. Cute and clever tech, but 90% wasted as far as I was concerned. And fingers are a lot less important than faces.

In terms of visual changes to the game, my biggest concern is that my computer won't be able to keep up much longer. I bought this computer when CoV came out, because I was getting frame rates in the single digits. Ultra mode is pretty much invisible to me. "Improvements" to graphics are pretty much the only thing that can drive me out of this game, just because I can't afford to keep up with the hardware. Although I suppose I could quit paying my subscription once Freedom comes out, and put the savings towards a new graphics card. That's not something that would really make me or NCSoft happy, though.

Gaining fingers but losing the ability to play at all? Not a good trade for me, personally.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



OP, thank you!

I have been asking for fingers for a long time. At this point I don't even care about how much work would be needed to add fingers. We need to have fingers like a big-boy game.

The mittens was a poor design 7 years ago. This game is only a tiny bit older than WoW and they have fingers.

Simply speaking it is time for fingers at all costs.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



Originally Posted by Caios View Post
... and we still don't have any stinking fingers!


Where are you putting your fingers, huh?

(i agree tho, some updated player models would be grand).



...ALL the models?

All dem models needs updatin'.

Honestly, I seriously would detest to a sequel coming out, if that's what you mean. I kind of sunk the last 7 years into this game alone.

@Leetdeth - Virtue | MA Arcs(all challenge arcs): Big Magic Blowout! #369774 | Who Really Cares About This? Z! #509577 | That Meddling King! (teams recommended) #21450



And another thing...

Would it be possible to somehow split hair and hats from each other, so that they can be selected individually?

Yes, I know that it would mean that you would have to rebuild all hat models AND add some magic tech to somehow remove part of the hair model from the renderer.

But... please?

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post
And another thing...

Would it be possible to somehow split hair and hats from each other, so that they can be selected individually?

Yes, I know that it would mean that you would have to rebuild all hat models AND add some magic tech to somehow remove part of the hair model from the renderer.

But... please?
At this point, I think the topic's starting to shift into future request territory. Could you guys please post items like that in All Things Art? Thanks!

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at