Discussion: Double XP postponed to August 11-14




Not to rain on the pity parade (hey, I had asked for my Friday off at work too, so there) but I'd like to remind all those who whine about getting chaffed that the game will still be there and playable.

You announced to The World At Large® that you'd be glued to your screen for 72+ hours this week-end? Knock yourself out, I know I will. So what if we'll level at the usual rate instead of double, I know I can still squeeze 25+ levels easy in about three days of intense play. Not like we'd get anything else to drop twice as fast either (oh I-Shards, why have thou forsaken me? )

It's a pain that they cancelled so close to the event, YES. But Sh** does happen, and I for one prefer to know they are fixing the issue now instead of getting mired in whatever it was this week-end. What do you prefer, a rescheduled 2XPWE and a normal playable one now, or finding on the morning of your Friday off that due to a problem that they can't magic away, they'll have to turn off the servers for half the day you got off at work?

Now for those who could be there this WE and can't make the next one, I feel you. Sincerely too, as I'm not yet sure I'll be there either. But there will be other ones down the road... At least as long as our whine doesn't cheese off the devs too bad.



I had actually managed to get a 4 day weekend that fell on the original 2xp weekend. When I found out that it was on my extra long weekend, I was really excited. Now I am... less than happy. I didn't go out of my way to change my schedule around, but I know a lot of people did.

It's great that you found a bug, and wonderful that you're going to fix it, but don't you think that maybe you should test these things before you announce them so stuff like this doesn't happen?

You've upset (and from the posts I'd say inconvenienced) a lot of people with this, and it could have been avoided with testing it before you announced it.



Eh. Double XP just ain't that big a deal anymore with all the ways the devs have made leveling so much easier.




Two band gigs this weekend and I wasn't going to be able to take advantage of DXP, but now I can!

/e happydance

Creepy - Claws/WP Clown - 50 - August 10, 2008
Juniper's Daughter - Fire/Regen Scrapper - 50 - April 12, 2009
Fae Leigh - Grav/Kin Troller - 50 - May 30, 2010



Originally Posted by HT_Ingram View Post
What i do not understand is the game is SO vast. Yes I'll admit there are some arcs that I play far too many times, and some we have too for required powers. BUt there is also so many more that people tend to never really look at at all. So why not work on some lowbes the way the game is DESIGNED to be enjoyed? By playing the content and not being powerleveled all the way to 50 and skipping everything in between. I know I know its a waste of time? I hear that ALL THE TIME. But what else is a GAME for I ask you? really. Its a game. Play it. There are poepl in this game that I care about dearly, but honestly its SO frustrating when i can not get a lowbe team together Even when no one is doing ANYTHING to speak of. We all say were bored and want to do something but at times cant decide what, so why not go for some content we have NOT played in a long time. I'm not just talking about TFs, I mean even regular mission arcs and even paper missions. I am happy to say I go do that on high settings rather then being in AE farming the same missions over and over just adding to boredom, and the reward for that is halfway decent drops on occasion. I been pulling respec recipes, Purples, and rare Luck of gamblers and Miracles just doing missions with lev 30-45s. If anything of late the lowbes are funding my 50s build development rather then the other way around. I honestly believe the reason this is happening is because people have seemed to abandon the normal method of leveling in favor of skipping all this content.

OK Rant over. Sorry, just wanted to say it. This is a very massive game. Its a shame to see people only playing maybe 20% of it.
I am a ..I forgot how many month Vet I am but I just got the Vet reward which allows you to have both Ghost Axe and Sands of Mu....Think I will be in 7th tier when Freedom goes live. I have soloed almost every mission in this game

I don't think I was looking for a powerlevel, as much as I was commenting on the fact that I never see Powerleveling offers in Broadcast on Victory, when they are thick as cheese on Freedom..."Powerlevel meeee" I commented on this in response to a Post where someone said the AE is faster than Double Weekend. The toon I was interested in getting levels on is one of my two current Doms....a Electric/Ice who is as weak as my other Dom is mighty..a Electric/Psi. This little Electric/Ice is having great problems doing normal content much less farming in the AE

But, she is excellent at holding and stopping the enemy in their tracks. My Elec/Psi can both hold and Kill though

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Well... I took a day off with the intent of levelling and, frankly, I won't bother doing that for the changed weekend. I was looking forward to this event, and now that's been pulled on short notice. But I look at it and think "well, honestly, I'm pretty much used to being disappointed by this game at the moment, they've done nothing which has not been disappointing in over a year, so what's new."

Also, I'll probably end up doing something more creative than sitting on by behind watching an animated half-naked behind running around. So, really, this is probably a good thing.

Seriously guys, Freedom better be so fricking awesome it's untrue.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Eh. Double XP just ain't that big a deal anymore with all the ways the devs have made leveling so much easier.
Big wide grin...try to solo an Electric/Ice Dom

Hmmm..right..instead of complaining about her anymore, I am going to make breakfast, drink two cups of coffee, and start tinkering with her build. Could be I put too many slots into the Electric/ and not enough into the /ice...and hmm..there is such a thing called Red Inspirations....

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Rockinghorse View Post

Two band gigs this weekend and I wasn't going to be able to take advantage of DXP, but now I can!

/e happydance
And I am truthfully happy for you. I remember how thrilled I was when I went to being able to get little playtime in, to getting a decent amount in.

I guess what drove me over the edge is I tried like a fury at getting the time and I succeeded. Then, while flush with happiness, I found it was all for nothing.

Oh well, it wasn't in the cards for me, but for you and others...SQUEEEE...big hugs all the way around.

Lisa-Thinks the Pole set might be for Dominators.

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



im speech less , words arent forming what i really want to say about this delay. They have been doing this event for all 7 yrs of this game and now they come up with a problem , what did they do have too much fun at sdcc and started screwing around with the xxp and say woops we broke it now we have to postpone, alot of people have taken days off for this. I'M SO PISSED . I know its just a game but i get a lot of relief from playing this game. I know what everyone wants is triple xp, not going to happen know what i want i want a invite to issue 21 that is all.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Awww, Lisa, don't worry. Maybe you can do your prison time in a place that has mmorpg farming as the labor...

Okay, that was a tasteless joke in hopes of making you laugh.

Seriously though, I think the least Paragon Studios could do is to give you all notes to give to your employers, explaining why you need the weekend off!

Okay, seriously, seriously... I'm sorry some people got a bit screwed by this. All in all, it's not that bad (you've still got your... well, whatever you've got). That doesn't mean it doesn't stink and all, but it's just stink... it'll wash off.

Also, Lisa, I'm sure you'll be A-Okay with the jury thing, hehe. They probably never even noticed you didn't reply, haha. Call and it'll be fine.
Also... maybe they'll reschedule your jury duty for a special case during the new double xp weekend...

The good news is... I wasn't going to be around this weekend. So, everyone can just be happy for me, right? All I wanted to do was get some double prestige for my villain base so I could do some more designing!

I will say this... I thought that the initial announcement was a bit too short of notice for a double xp weekend. I mean, I don't really care, as the only thing I ever like about them is double prestige, but that's just me. Others seem to love double xp and I'd think a bit more notice would help them forge more of those doctor notes for excusing them out of work.

Loved this post


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



I understand people who work on the weekends try to take time off to get extra play time in on Double XP Weekends. Last I knew most places allow you to request time off 2 weeks in advance. Just ask for it again. Not that I am trying to make light of it all.

I work in IT. I am on call 24/7 (Hell I had to do emergency work for clients on my VACATION last year). It sucks, but it is part of life.

I also set up and organize The Cape Radio's Double XP Music and Madness Weekend, where we make sure to have live DJs on for the whole Double XP Weekend. I have had to cancel the schedule for this weekend and open up sign ups for the new dates. It happens. There are some DJs who were originally scheduled, who now won't be because of conflicts. It happens. I will actually be "working" as part of the station all weekend, making sure everything gets covered, that our server doesn't have any issues, and that things go smooth from my end. It happens.

The now I can't play group due to working on the weekends, do you work 24 hours a day? I doubt it, so use what time you don't have to work to play. Those that can't because they are out of town, busy with a wedding, family stuff etc... where they won't be near their machines, Yes it sucks. In the same breath, this is only a game. Its not a life or death thing.

Also, Double XP Weekends are a perk, a gift from Paragon Studios and NCSoft. They don't have to do them. Heck we have gone over a year without them between 2010 and 2011 (Yes the last one was the first time in a year they had it).

For those that say this is the last straw, Paragon screwed up, well, there is no pleasing you. they would have run it this weekend, it would have been messed up, and you would have said, "Paragon Screwed up." Go find an MMO that has such a responsive group of Devs, such an awesome community, and gives perks like CoH does. I wish you luck on that.

For those who say nothing good has happened to CoH in over a year, that is an opinion I don't share, and don't state something like that as a fact, because it is an opinion. One which you are allowed, but one which I don't share.

Good luck to everyone, Enjoy the game, Stay Super, and I'll catch you on the flip side.

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post
The now I can't play group due to working on the weekends, do you work 24 hours a day? I doubt it, so use what time you don't have to work to play. side.
I work hard on the weekends...often I come home and am too braindead to do much ...grin..I am not a youngwhippersnapper who requires zero sleep

On a positive note, I won't be thrown into jail. I have to report to the local convention center on the 17th where I will be given a new date

I am off today, so I will call work request the 17th off, and explain that Double XP was delayed...mayhaps I will be as lucky as I was with my Jury Duty problem, and something can be done.

As it says in my sig, Winners are losers who try one more time

Lisa-Still curious as to what the XP Boost is all about.

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



I too took a day off that I now have NO IDEA how to spend. Maybe I'll go outside.

Sigh... standard nerdrage rant. Doooom. End of gaming as we know it. You know the schtick. That's about all the angst I've got the energy to summon this morning, although for a lark I will insert this

Ridiculous Compensation Demand For A Minor Inconvenience:

I think the devs should give us a miniature pony path aura. You know, you've got five to seven six inch steeds with rainbow-colored manes frolicking along in your wake.

Yeah. That's the ticket.

Now where in hell is my coffee? I might have still been asleep for that last part...

See everyone on the 11th!

EDIT - Lisa, at least, deserves the ponies path aura to celebrate not going to jail!

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Put me down as one that was able to play during the original weekend and won't be able to on the new one.

How about a "double" double XP weekend two weekends in a row for people that were inconvenienced.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
I think the devs should give us a miniature pony path aura. You know, you've got five to seven six inch steeds with rainbow-colored manes frolicking along in your wake.
I second this. It would be called Robot Unicorns Attack Aura ! It would be made of win and rainbows.



Originally Posted by volcainc92 View Post
They have been doing this event for all 7 yrs of this game and now they come up with a problem
And each year the there's another year of content to deal with - for example, this is the first year a 2XP weekend has had Incarnate XP to deal with.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Just wanted to voice my disappointment on the date change.

I would venture to guess that there's a substantial portion of the CoX community that works full time for a living and this really throws a monkey wrench into people's plans.

Yes, things happen - I get that.

But I was always taught that if you say you're going to do something, you make sure you're able to do it (and you do it).

Anyway, this opinion has been brought to you by Klondike Bars(tm). What would you doOOoOOoOOoooOo.... etc etc etc

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Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
How about a "double" double XP weekend two weekends in a row for people that were inconvenienced.
This would be awesome.

Allyriah - 50 Ice/Ice Blaster
Cyrrena - 50 Sonic/Dark Corr
Ally Stryke - 50 Inv/SS Tank
and so many more...



Its better off for them to delay the event than to give us a an event full with bugs. We should be glad that they found the bugs before it went live. Things happen people.



Originally Posted by Allyriah View Post
Oh and thanks for the snark, that's always soooo constructive on forums.
What makes this total win is how much snark you ladled into your original post. Seriously, don't dish it out and pretend for a second like you shouldn't get some in return.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Actually, can coh send me some double non-wife aggro insps for that weekend instead?



Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
Hi all,

An issue has cropped up that prevents us from activating Double XP on the live servers this week between July 28 and July 31. The good news is that we’ve identified the problem that has caused this delay, and will be putting a build up on the Training Room soon that should resolve the issue. We will also be hosting an event later this week in order to ensure the stability of the new build.

We understand this is will be a great disappointment for some of you and appreciate your understanding in this matter. We wouldn't be resorting to cancelling this popular event at such short notice if we could at all avoid it, you can be sure of that.

Instead, we will be hosting Double XP on all live servers between August 11 at 9:00 a.m. PDT (12:00 p.m. EDT / 5:00 p.m. BST / 18:00 CEST) until August 14 at 11:59 p.m. PDT (2:59 a.m. EDT / 7:59 a.m. BST / 8:59 CEST)!

Thank you all!

Now I'll have time to actually prep for GenCon without having to worry about missing out on "muh dubble ecks-peez".

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Wow this is great, i took the weekend off and traded my working hours with a co-worker for the 28-31 xp fest....i have missed the previous two.....screwed again GIGANTIC sad face !!

CoX for life !!



...makes me kinda wish that double xp would have been a redeemable thing like tokens and such.

That way people could get their double xp at their leisure, even if issues arose that prevented double xp from being activated, they would still have the tokens.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by StarCrusader View Post
Wow this is great, i took the weekend off and traded my working hours with a co-worker for the 28-31 xp fest....i have missed the previous two.....screwed again GIGANTIC sad face !!
Hello Star-Crusader, maybe your co-worker will give you your hours back. I just called the co-worker who took my Saturday hours, and explained that I can work on Saturday, but she really, really wanted my hours so I am still off.


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung