Discussion: Double XP postponed to August 11-14




The OP says it does not start for another 1:15, but the servers do appear to be back online (it appears they fixed the servers status page because I see "Updated: 2011-08-11 14:40:03 UTC"), which is usually when DXP starts.

I believe they have also notified us when it's officially on in the past.

Justice Superteamer
Current Project - Water Blast Superteam starting Friday, 7/20/2012.
Come out and join us Fri/Sun 8pm ET on the "Justice Superteamers" channel.
All players welcome!



So quick question, does AE not award the double exp/influence?



Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
So quick question, does AE not award the double exp/influence?
No, it does not.

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Originally Posted by nightphall View Post
a rescheduled 2xp weekend? Fine, i can deal with that.

The memory leak however, is not welcome and must go.



I just do not understand this....I agree with everything else you said, but can't understand this.

I rarely ask time off of work for anything. NcSoft announced a double XP weekend which I have always loved...so I fought for getting to enjoy some of it....and I succeeded.

For people like you who probably team, team, and team, and use the AE building to team even faster Double XP is no big deal.

For folks like me, who do not team, Double Xp is a BIG deal....and I try to not miss any of it.

To have come sooo close, and have it yanked away due to someone not testing it before giving out a date is....hard to swallow.

Typing out jeers because you can...is that the sort of person you want to be?

Let's start here.

For people like you who probably team, team, and team, and use the AE building to team even faster Double XP is no big deal.


Lisa, you're acting like you know exactly how I play the game because I made one innocent comment. There's a term for that - flamebait, and I'm extremely disappointed that someone who goes on to patronizingly ask if that's the 'sort of person I would be' makes such a condescending statement.

Do you have any idea how infuriating that is? Just the use of people like you. How's it even applicable like me? What's the statement? Anyone who doesn't agree with you must be some horrible exploiter?

Here's the very simple, very barebone facts. Yes, I do team ... when I have a friend I want to team with. Not to "exploit" and "maximize my exp per hour." I'm the polar opposite of that. Normally, I'm out solo'ing when I'm on the game.

Do I use the Architect Entertainment system? Yeah, happily - I go there for the stories, that's about it. I'm far more likely to report a no-story farm than I am to play it.

The whole MA = farm attitude disgusts me flat-out, but that's a debate for another time.

So I find that comment rather rude- and totally off base.

Where was the jeers? Did I say "OMG You're so lazy? Of course not. It'd be ridiculous statement. If I sounded like I said I was, I do apologize.

My comments actually weren't aimed at you. Some of the statements are borderline whining; I don't think that could be applied to your initial comment. (Although your replies to my comments were less than polite.)

And let's not forget, when you're not on the game constantly, you're building up rested experience. 1.5 times normal experience. Exactly how much anger is them being forced to move an event back worth?

Because if people's reaction to this is to threaten to quit, then they're better off cancelling future double exp points - if the potential negative response might outweigh the positive aspects of it.

Would that really be what you want to happen?

Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/
/ AIL - Celebrating five years!



Ok, like to add another 2 cents here now that the weekend is almost over.

This was a great fun time. Not because of the x2 xp (though nice). It was that PI was alive with TEAMS not farms, not doorsitting, not AE. But real teams running arcs and radios. People played other things than ss/fire Brutes. People were nice and forgiving of mistakes. It was like the game got sent back 2 years in how the players were acting. Maybe the Devs should rethink the xp rewards in game a bit. Better XP in the game outside of the AE was the cause for the teaming. I actually dread Monday when its back to AE grind and finding a pug will no longer be easy.



I wonder if this was the last one ever because the store will be selling XP boosts.

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