Discussion: Double XP postponed to August 11-14




i too am glad that they at least let us know now instead of friday or saturday and then they dont say anything till rage on the forums

granted they are getting near the same rage posting it almost a week in advance

i never really make plans for 2xp weekends, actually didnt even really participate in the last one cause i was kinda burned out lol



Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post
No matter when it is, it will affect someone. They had given us 2 weeks notice for it starting this weekend, and now they pushed it back 2 weeks. Same amount of notice. Does it suck? Yes! Am I glad that they found an issue before it started and everyone complained about how poorly it was done? Heck yes!

No matter what happens someone isn't going to like the decision made. I know of some people who couldn't be around for it this weekend and will for the push back weekend. Can't pelase everyone all the time.

Thanks Paragon for nipping problems in the rear before they got to us.
I agree. I am glad they found the problems early too...I just wish they could be fixed in time for the planned event....stuffz happens.

After I logged off the forums, I logged into the game and tried to kill some Council in a flashback mission, but my Dom flashed back to a time before she had her awesome powers and I was in no condition to be canny and use science, so I faceplanted more than a couple times. The third time I died, I sat back and laughed until I started to cry again.

Then I got up and started doing a bit of housecleaning to clear my mind..and found a forgotten Jury summons. Never in my life have I failed to attend Jury duty, and it is against the law to fail to report, so naturally that got me hysterical again.

No Double XP weekend, and I might be goin' to jail for not reporting for Jury Duty...I will call tomorrow and find out how much hot water I am in. Hopefully instead of tossing me into the nearest jail cell, they will reschedule me...fingers crossed.

Watery grin..I am not having a good evening, and sorry for my meltdown..I am good with major problems, but the little things get to me...going to jail though...all joking aside, do they throw folks in jail if they forgot a summons only once in 32 odd years of receiving them?

Lisa-Future jailbird

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
I agree. I am glad they found the problems early too...I just wish they could be fixed in time for the planned event....stuffz happens.

After I logged off the forums, I logged into the game and tried to kill some Council in a flashback mission, but my Dom flashed back to a time before she had her awesome powers and I was in no condition to be canny and use science, so I faceplanted more than a couple times. The third time I died, I sat back and laughed until I started to cry again.

Then I got up and started doing a bit of housecleaning to clear my mind..and found a forgotten Jury summons. Never in my life have I failed to attend Jury duty, and it is against the law to fail to report, so naturally that got me hysterical again.

No Double XP weekend, and I might be goin' to jail for not reporting for Jury Duty...I will call tomorrow and find out how much hot water I am in. Hopefully instead of tossing me into the nearest jail cell, they will reschedule me...fingers crossed.

Watery grin..I am not having a good evening, and sorry for my meltdown..I am good with major problems, but the little things get to me...going to jail though...all joking aside, do they throw folks in jail if they forgot a summons only once in 32 odd years of receiving them?

Lisa-Future jailbird
I'm sorry you're having a rough day :-/ As far as the jury summons, call them tomorrow and just explain that it was misplaced. I had one not even show up once and didn't know about it until I got a notice weeks later. I freaked out, called, and they were very nice about it, and said they'd send out another.

I'm really bummed about DXP being moved as well. My speakers died over the weekend so I had to order more this morning and used expedited shipping to make sure they got here by Thursday -- money wasted now. Ah well.



Originally Posted by dougnukem View Post
Stuff happens. Its called reality.
Yes it is reality. Grin. I said stuff happenz before I read your post

Reality was double Xp being scheduled after my boss had done the schedule. Reality is my going through hoops to wrestle some playing time during the event. Reality is I succeeded somewhat. Still had to work a bit on Friday and Sunday but I got all Saturday to play. Reality is after all that....the treat is yanked away. Reality is I probably will not be able to repeat the process as I already begged and pleaded.

Reality is...reality bites sometimes...especially when you care.


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



******************************************** !

Is it sad that I really don't care about double xp weekends what with ae being faster then double xp? :P

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
******************************************** !

Is it sad that I really don't care about double xp weekends what with ae being faster then double xp? :P
So very true...



Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post
No matter when it is, it will affect someone. They had given us 2 weeks notice for it starting this weekend, and now they pushed it back 2 weeks. Same amount of notice. Does it suck? Yes! Am I glad that they found an issue before it started and everyone complained about how poorly it was done? Heck yes!

No matter what happens someone isn't going to like the decision made. I know of some people who couldn't be around for it this weekend and will for the push back weekend. Can't pelase everyone all the time.

Thanks Paragon for nipping problems in the rear before they got to us.

And when people who don't have very flexible schedules get one chance to move things around in order to enjoy a scheduled event (in game or otherwise) and then have it rescheduled, they'll be pretty disappointed after lining things up.

Yeah "stuff" happens. Baseball games get rained out, football players go on strike, you eat a bad calamari burrito and have to stay home ...

Not delivering on what you say you're going to do, even with good reason, will always leave some negativity.



Originally Posted by Broken Voltage View Post
I'll be the first to say it. DOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
DOOM for me, I've away all that weekend

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Originally Posted by Abhorrent View Post
I'm sorry you're having a rough day :-/ As far as the jury summons, call them tomorrow and just explain that it was misplaced. I had one not even show up once and didn't know about it until I got a notice weeks later. I freaked out, called, and they were very nice about it, and said they'd send out another.

I'm really bummed about DXP being moved as well. My speakers died over the weekend so I had to order more this morning and used expedited shipping to make sure they got here by Thursday -- money wasted now. Ah well.
Hi Abhorrent. Your post made me smile...thank you

Err, not about your speakers..but being kind enough as to tell me not to worry

Devs, I hope you all are reading this.

Lots and lots of people have lost out on vacation time, time off, using expensive shipping to make sure they could hear what was going on in the Double XP weekend. Double Xp weekends are precious things.

Reality bites.

Lisa-Gives Abhorrent a big hug.

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



I don't know why people are saying things like "The devs need to be made aware" and "Devs, I hope you're reading this."

They're human, too. They know this affects people (probably part of the reason for the additional two week stretch.) They've had it happen to them, too. Believe it or not (and I'm not picking on lisa here, just what seems to be an attitude in some of the posts,) they're not sitting back with cupcakes and bourbon going "Bwahahaha! We got 500 of them to take off, and *yoink* pulled a Lucy on their Charlie Brown! What can we do to screw the players over next?"



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
******************************************** !

Is it sad that I really don't care about double xp weekends what with ae being faster then double xp? :P
I play on Victory though....never do I see people offering to sell powerleveling there. I logged into Freedom one day, and that is all I saw in Broadcast. "Powerlevel meee, I have the influences"

That Elec/Ice Dom of mine..she needs levels bad and is too weak to get them on her own.She got out of Praetoria just fine..and did well from 20-24 but once she got to level 25..oh meee. the critters in Croatoa think she is a tasty bit of snackfood.


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by nolagrits View Post
This is really bunk. I took some time off of work! and now I cant get off for the new dates. You guys need to do better than this. really.
I never cease to be amazed by sentiment like this. Also, wow at the time off of work part.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Woohoo, I can actually make a Double XP weekend for once thanks to this change!

But still I fear and still I dare not laugh at the madman!

One man's "meh" is another man's "zomg". - Leatherneck

Procrastination meter coming soon.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I don't know why people are saying things like "The devs need to be made aware" and "Devs, I hope you're reading this."

They're human, too. They know this affects people (probably part of the reason for the additional two week stretch.) They've had it happen to them, too. Believe it or not (and I'm not picking on lisa here, just what seems to be an attitude in some of the posts,) they're not sitting back with cupcakes and bourbon going "Bwahahaha! We got 500 of them to take off, and *yoink* pulled a Lucy on their Charlie Brown! What can we do to screw the players over next?"
I know, I know..I apologized but I worked sooo hard to carve some playing time, and I know I won't get another chance. And I laughed at the vision of Charlie Brown and Lucy. I really enjoyed that comic strip

Cupcakes. yummmm..Bourbon yuck.....Cupcakes and Mountain Dew???

Lisa-Going to log back into the game and this time I will use science and beat some Council tail

And, thanks Bill

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



C'mon guys, just lay out of work or call in sick. It's just a job. Or do like me and join a union that fights to keep a 40 hour work week AND get us a high enough wage that we can live well on those 40 hours.

PS I know unions aren't for everyone and I might have to take some crap for this, but I never let a chance to promote Brotherhood pass me by. IBEW LU 613!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
We need a tripple XP event to compensate for the delay.
Two Triple Events... aw hell, let's make it Tripe Triple Events.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Bugger. This weekend just happened to be my monthly free one. I have to work during the rescheduled one. Late shift too.*sad face*

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I never cease to be amazed by sentiment like this. Also, wow at the time off of work part.
Hey, my house is paid off, my car is paid off, I have vacation hours and earned time off hours....I need three weeks or so to request them though...and August is no good because we are changing the store around and the further we get into season the more important my job gets, and, I begged and pleaded for some playing time this weekend...

If I want to try to take time off of work for an event that gives me pleasure, what is wrong with that??????????????????


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Which is worse?:

Having 2XP weekend as scheduled, but having so many problems with it that they end up turning it off early and rescheduling it anyway, or preventing a huge headache by creating a tiny one in comparison by just fixing the problem first and then turning on 2XP later?

Everyone that has some sense would much rather play 2XP without the extra bugs. The extra lag is enough to deal with.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by Slickwill613 View Post
C'mon guys, just lay out of work or call in sick. It's just a job. Or do like me and join a union that fights to keep a 40 hour work week AND get us a high enough wage that we can live well on those 40 hours.

PS I know unions aren't for everyone and I might have to take some crap for this, but I never let a chance to promote Brotherhood pass me by. IBEW LU 613!
I could not "Call in sick" if I wasn't...not in my nature. Just a job you say..Jobs are precious things.


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
NOOOOOOOOOOOO....I jumped through hoops to get some playing time during double XP. I begged my bosses into letting me off early on two days of it, and I talked a coworker into working for me on Saturday.

Everything had been planned, and set into stone.

/this X1000 I did the same thing. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I never cease to be amazed by sentiment like this. Also, wow at the time off of work part.
Why "Wow at the time off work?"

I've just (not rubbing it in) taken that friday off. I build up enough paid time off that I try to take a day off each month. Haven't done it quite so much this month, since I'm taking a longer vacation later to go to a wedding and do other visiting. Last year, I took a day off each month and still ended up having to burn time or lose it at the end/beginning of the year.

It's not exactly a stretch. If you've got to take time off... why not? *shrug*



Well, dang it! My family is out of town, and I'm not on call this weekend! I was gonna play Double XP until I looked like one of the kids from the South Park WoW episode!

Now, well heck, I might have to... go outside.

Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide



Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
I play on Victory though....never do I see people offering to sell powerleveling there.
Part of why I like it there.
That Elec/Ice Dom of mine..she needs levels bad and is too weak to get them on her own.She got out of Praetoria just fine..and did well from 20-24 but once she got to level 25..oh meee. the critters in Croatoa think she is a tasty bit of snackfood.

Shouldn't be *that* bad....



Originally Posted by dougnukem View Post
I'm going to go with a different response here:

Thanks for realizing a potential problem with this, and taking the time to fix it instead of having to shut servers down over the weekend, and try to rush to fix the problem. I commend you for this.
chances are it was a problem with players getting too much rewards for something. Like raids or the like.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages