Discussion: Double XP postponed to August 11-14




They should make it where we get x2 IXP because of there screw up.



Originally Posted by BeastMan View Post
You know Lisa, you seem to be bothered by this as much as I've been stewing about it. Yeah folks state that they don't have to offer double xp but also is the case we don't have to sub either.

Heck I just stopped my twin brother from re-subbing for six months each on two accounts. He's been gone for two years and I've went month to month on his accounts. I'm considering cancelling both of mine and just saying "thanks" and be done with. Whats $308 to this company?

Maybe this is a good enough reason for me to quit defending the game to my gaming buddies and admit defeat. Since talking them into trying out the game during the double xp event just blew up in my face.
I know I'm quitting as soon as I hear when the release date for SWTOR is out. Only reason I stuck with this game was because of hope this game could get better. And they have failed repeatedly these last several issues.



midgard can i haz ur stuf?



I don't see x2 xp as any big deal any more. Patrol XP is 1.5 xp and since I alt hop most I'll gain is .5 xp. Also since I know some good farmers if I really want a 50 fast well 3 hours is all thats needed.

Fast leveling doing regular game content forces you to miss some arcs becuase of the fast leveling. And if you are only doing radio/paper missions to gain levels fast well see the above with 3 hour farming.

x2 xp had its place in the past but now its not really needed.
Now x2 merits of all types that would be cool.

Honestly I would rather have all the holiday events go live for the weekend; Halloween, X-mas, and V-day.



Originally Posted by Major_Ravenick View Post
do people even use those? i dont see the benifit in hopping around servers, pick one and stay, if you want to leave then maybe you never should have gone XD
Yes folks use them. They are beneficial for servers that rarely run the incarnate trials during certain hours of the day. I do it to clear a 50 I don't want to delete but would be nice to have on another server.

Originally Posted by GPBunny View Post
I don't see x2 xp as any big deal any more. Patrol XP is 1.5 xp and since I alt hop most I'll gain is .5 xp. Also since I know some good farmers if I really want a 50 fast well 3 hours is all thats needed.

Fast leveling doing regular game content forces you to miss some arcs becuase of the fast leveling. And if you are only doing radio/paper missions to gain levels fast well see the above with 3 hour farming.

x2 xp had its place in the past but now its not really needed.
Now x2 merits of all types that would be cool.

Honestly I would rather have all the holiday events go live for the weekend; Halloween, X-mas, and V-day.

Now don't go ruining my complaint that I had to get away from the game. I mean I blow $60 on a restaurant with the family you'd think $77 for 6 months is no big deal...BUT IT IS...to my self esteem.



Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
Yes it is reality. Grin. I said stuff happenz before I read your post

Reality was double Xp being scheduled after my boss had done the schedule. Reality is my going through hoops to wrestle some playing time during the event. Reality is I succeeded somewhat. Still had to work a bit on Friday and Sunday but I got all Saturday to play. Reality is after all that....the treat is yanked away. Reality is I probably will not be able to repeat the process as I already begged and pleaded.

Reality is...reality bites sometimes...especially when you care.

Perspective is advised.

This is a really out-of-proportion reaction to something. There will be other events, levelling at 'twice' the speed will just have to happen some other time.

I'm just glad major problem/s is/are being looked at.

I'm not going to be free for the new proposed weekend, but I think I will live without breaking down.



This thread cracks me up so much.
1. You all remind me of my 2 year old son who cries and waves fists when he won't get somthing he wants
2. Your consistant erge to use large words in a self proclaimed mission to prove your intelligence, doesn't, won't and can not justify your 2 year old behaviour.

Guess what this is a game and yeah its also a game that runs on technology. In case you didnt know? Technology tends to stuff up from time to time.

Did you ever consider that far more seriouse events are occuring at this very moment?? Like murders, theft, famine, pestiliance, earthquakes, tornado's oh and economic collapse?

I can just imagine it now? Tornado outside "i just gota get on the forums right now so i can winge about not being able to play because of the stupid life threatning chaos outside".

I dont really know what to say
Electric Armour and the Soft cap
Electric Armour and the 1st 20 levels
Thundra Knight
click here for You want the best TANK!? I'll let you decicde!



Originally Posted by untoldhero View Post
2. Your consistant erge to use large words in a self proclaimed mission to prove your intelligence, doesn't, won't and can not justify your 2 year old behaviour.
Since you seem to think you're taking some moral high ground here, I should point out that the quoted section was un-necessary.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
Since you seem to think you're taking some moral high ground here, I should point out that the quoted section was un-necessary.
I dont think im taking a moral high ground and I do apologize for the offending manner, it was said in frustration. Im very passionate about the privilages we have, living in the country we do and fortunate to have such entertainment at our expense.

It upsets me when I see people complain about such trivial matters when others are so worst off.

I dont really know what to say
Electric Armour and the Soft cap
Electric Armour and the 1st 20 levels
Thundra Knight
click here for You want the best TANK!? I'll let you decicde!



Originally Posted by Lymebt View Post
. *NOBODY* works a 9-5 Mon-Fri schedule.
I do. Just FYI.

Originally Posted by untoldhero View Post
I can just imagine it now? Tornado outside "i just gota get on the forums right now so i can winge about not being able to play because of the stupid life threatning chaos outside".
I loled

From Twitter:
@Lord_Voldermort7 #amomentofsilence is trending. Some people need to take that moment and make it permanent.

www.repeat-offenders.net now playing GW2 with RO in Crystal Desert
RIP Sailor Rush, September 7th 2010.
Sign the petition to save CoH please.



Originally Posted by untoldhero View Post
I dont think im taking a moral high ground and I do apologize for the offending manner, it was said in frustration. Im very passionate about the privilages we have, living in the country we do and fortunate to have such entertainment at our expense.

It upsets me when I see people complain about such trivial matters when others are so worst off.
There's nothing wrong with "customers" venting their feelings about changes, events rescheduled and what not. I've given my praise for this games particulars and this one event I had lined up several friends with free trials to try the game during the double xp weekend. They activated them before the announcement to postpone and were interested in higher level powers in sets which the double xp "would've helped them reach. They don't want to be AE farmed but rather experience the game. Whether or not they sub afterwards would've been a gamble but I decided to take a chance. These are adults who game casually. There are more "casual" gamers than the "I game 50 hrs a week so I don't know what your complaining about" gamers. This game needs subscribers, its what keeps it going. I tried doing my part to get more subs, unfortunately this "trivial" matter ended that goal.



Originally Posted by BeastMan View Post
There's nothing wrong with "customers" venting their feelings about changes, events rescheduled and what not. I've given my praise for this games particulars and this one event I had lined up several friends with free trials to try the game during the double xp weekend. They activated them before the announcement to postpone and were interested in higher level powers in sets which the double xp "would've helped them reach. They don't want to be AE farmed but rather experience the game. Whether or not they sub afterwards would've been a gamble but I decided to take a chance. These are adults who game casually. There are more "casual" gamers than the "I game 50 hrs a week so I don't know what your complaining about" gamers. This game needs subscribers, its what keeps it going. I tried doing my part to get more subs, unfortunately this "trivial" matter ended that goal.
Since we seem to play the "FYI" game I thought I would mention few minor details that upset me. I do not play 50 hours a week. I work full time (in the 50hr vicinity) im a full time husband, full time dad to a 2year old and I regularly exercise. I maintain a healthy social life too.

I play when my son sleeps in the afternoons on weekends 4-6hrs at most. Oh and I live in australia to, which means when I do usually play your all in bed. If anyone should winge about dbl xp its me, but guess what.... Its a game

I dont really know what to say
Electric Armour and the Soft cap
Electric Armour and the 1st 20 levels
Thundra Knight
click here for You want the best TANK!? I'll let you decicde!



I'm not saying it's "the last straw" or some silly bit like that. I'm saying it's annoying and frustrating. I'm military. Getting time off is like pulling teeth for me. Especially if they know I am not traveling, cause I usually end up on call during my time off if I don't leave town, or get drunk, and since I don't drink... ::sighs::

So anyway, what I'm saying is that going from 72+ hrs of double xp cause I managed to get the time off, to less then 24, cause they "found a problem," without explaining what it is or telling us anything having to with it at all... yea it's quite disappointing.

I think they could very well do a Double XP week as an apology without killing the game, easily. That would give everyone time to get in they're playtime regardless of when they have to work. It would work Cape Radio to the bone, sorry guys, but that would be one EPIC radio marathon

Let us think on this idea, what's the downside?


"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
I hope the fix also corrects the memory leak crashes
A rescheduled 2XP weekend? Fine, I can deal with that.

The Memory Leak however, is not welcome and must go.

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



I have a question regarding the Weekly Strike Force and double xp weekend. Will the bonus you get at the end of the WSF be doubled for toons under 50 because of the double xp?




is it a game wide xp thing?



Originally Posted by Thany144 View Post
is it a game wide xp thing?

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Meaning Do I have to be on a trial or specific arc?



Originally Posted by Thany144 View Post
Meaning Do I have to be on a trial or specific arc?
Game Wide



Question for the masses...

Double XP or I21 Open Beta??



Double XP for me. Beta testing is too much like work as far as I'm concerned.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon






Originally Posted by dr_zemius View Post
i don't work on weekends anyway. Doesn't affect me in the least. Winning.
lol! Winning!

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



So is this thing happenin or what? It's kinda odd not to see an announcement the day of.