Discussion: Double XP postponed to August 11-14




Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
...makes me kinda wish that double xp would have been a redeemable thing like tokens and such.

That way people could get their double xp at their leisure, even if issues arose that prevented double xp from being activated, they would still have the tokens.
Dang..the forum ate my response..I hope it was tasty... We might be getting something similar to what you are describing. They are selling a Double XP Boost when Freedom goes live but I don't know any details.

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
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***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Zerlina View Post
Honestly I really don't get the fuss. Yes people make plans for 2xp and it sucks they canceled it on such short notice but at the end of the day its just a game. For every weekend they could possibly pick there is always going to be people who wont be able to participate for a variety of reasons. What works for me doesn't work for others and what works for others doesn't always work for me. Sadly they can't schedule these things at the convenience of every single person who plays this game.
The thing is that when they announce and then reschedule, they get a lot MORE people that can't join in- because they could only make it by rescheduling in the first place, and now they have no opportunity to schedule for it. It's not a case of "not everyone can make every time period", it's a case of "a whole bunch of people could make any time period, but suddenly can't because of the change". Of course there's a fuss. People went to specific effort to make it, and they can't do it again at the drop of a hat.



Originally Posted by Taiyanna View Post
The thing is that when they announce and then reschedule, they get a lot MORE people that can't join in- because they could only make it by rescheduling in the first place, and now they have no opportunity to schedule for it. It's not a case of "not everyone can make every time period", it's a case of "a whole bunch of people could make any time period, but suddenly can't because of the change". Of course there's a fuss. People went to specific effort to make it, and they can't do it again at the drop of a hat.
Well said.

Thank you.


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
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***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
I could not "Call in sick" if I wasn't...not in my nature. Just a job you say..Jobs are precious things.

Agreed. Too many people nowadays lack any discernible trace of a "work ethic".

Anyone who can actually say "just a job", even in a humorous context is simply someone bucking for and extended bout of unemployment.

In the last 20 years, I've been out of work once. For a year. It completely trashed my savings. And I NEVER want that to happen again.

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Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
Hi all,

An issue has cropped up that prevents us from activating Double XP on the live servers this week between July 28 and July 31. The good news is that we’ve identified the problem that has caused this delay, and will be putting a build up on the Training Room soon that should resolve the issue. We will also be hosting an event later this week in order to ensure the stability of the new build.

We understand this is will be a great disappointment for some of you and appreciate your understanding in this matter. We wouldn't be resorting to cancelling this popular event at such short notice if we could at all avoid it, you can be sure of that.

Instead, we will be hosting Double XP on all live servers between August 11 at 9:00 a.m. PDT (12:00 p.m. EDT / 5:00 p.m. BST / 18:00 CEST) until August 14 at 11:59 p.m. PDT (2:59 a.m. EDT / 7:59 a.m. BST / 8:59 CEST)!

Thank you all!
Give us some free server transfers XD that'll make up for the delay of double exp!!!!



I don't think that anyone is owed double xp. It's a bonus you may oy may not be ablt to take advantage of. While it's a shame if you made special plans and can' t change them, it's not worth the vtriol. Certainly no malice was intended.

@SBeaudway on Pinnacle, TaskForce Titans Supergroup.



Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post

Loved this post


Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
Lisa-Still curious as to what the XP Boost is all about.
I am not positive, but I have been thinking it has got to be similar to the current Veteran Reward Patrol XP bonus or whatever that is.
Don't ask me exactly how that works though, as I don't have it and am not one who ever focuses on such numbers!!

Was also going to say that everyone who took off and planned to double xp should absolutely make solid plans for something this weekend to take its place.
Whether it be in-game or something completely different.
Look at the time you have set aside!! Blank canvas!!!! I love blank canvases! They could become anything!!!

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and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
Big wide grin...try to solo an Electric/Ice Dom

Hmmm..right..instead of complaining about her anymore, I am going to make breakfast, drink two cups of coffee, and start tinkering with her build. Could be I put too many slots into the Electric/ and not enough into the /ice...and hmm..there is such a thing called Red Inspirations....
I'm confused... why don't you just team with her then? I've never had trouble soloing a Dom, but they work like gangbusters on a team, and there's people running scanners and tips at all hours usually.



I have an electric/ice dom as well...he's a bit painful during the lower levels but later on he shines. Team up as much as you can and hang out near arachnos bases so you can get as much xp as possible. Hang in there.



Originally Posted by SBeaudway View Post
I don't think that anyone is owed double xp. It's a bonus you may oy may not be ablt to take advantage of. While it's a shame if you made special plans and can' t change them, it's not worth the vtriol. Certainly no malice was intended.
Just because no malice was intended doesn't mean they can't do something to make up for the inconvenience folks could have been put through. Heck, just make something as simple as having it last an extra day or two.

It's not like these XXP weekends are intended for *our* benefit. They're used as draws to hook old players into resubscribing. Adding on a bit extra would certainly help bring in more people that were teetering about whether to pay or not- or convince people that bought a month for a postponed event that it's worth buying the month after this one too.



First you give us less than 2 weeks notice that 2xp is coming. A lot of us scrambled to clear some time off work, including me.

Now we get less than 72 hours notice that - woops, there'll be no 2xp.

Devs, is there a way that you can at least give us some further advance on this stuff? My boss is going to start thinking I'm some kind of flake.



Damn. Looks like I am now going to have to restructure by super-busy cognitive schedule so that my brain remembers to help me log into my game account expecting to engage in a double XP weekend of City of Heroes, 2 whole weeks after the previous scheduled appointment of seriously important gaming.

My life is ruined.



Wow, having read all the replies to this thread, I have a few things to say:

Many of us work 40 hours a week at not-crappy jobs that pay just fine. We just happen to work non-traditional hours - where I work is open 24/7/365. *NOBODY* works a 9-5 Mon-Fri schedule. So don't tell us to 'get a better job'. Sorry that my working a job for the past 4 1/2 years where my normal hours encompass almost ALL of 2XP weekend - thus meaning I miss *all* of it unless I take time off of work makes you think I'm some kind of loser because, hey, I'd like to get in on all the fun that I usually miss. Because maybe I'm not the sort who likes to fake sick and call in work when I know that I'll be putting stress on my coworkers. And some of those jobs? They require more time in advance if you want to request leave time.

And for those people going 'durr, well, just play after work' - I work 10 hour days and when I get home at 3AM, not only do I have much less time to play than people who work shorter days, it's kind of hard to find many people on at that hour of the day. Not to mention, someone has to cook dinner, feed the pets, and tend to the other various around-the-house chores that crop up daily. Which'd leave me all of 1/2 hour to play, which is probably just about as long as it takes to get logged in and find a team running a TF, let alone play with them.

So maybe before you all harangue those of us who took time off work, maybe you should consider that not everybody works the same days and hours of the week, and some of us aren't willing to lie to our bosses and call in sick, and for some of us, getting that leave time off maybe isn't so easy as it is for YOU.

And to anyone saying 'well you can just get xp faster in AE' - maybe some of us would rather enjoy the game content instead of just farming our way to 50.

Devs, a lot of this would be avoided if you gave us, say, maybe a month's notice that 2XP is coming instead of 2 weeks.

And for those of you who think you're being clever by saying 'oh yeah, I'm SO SURE they moved it just to ruin your weekend!' - we KNOW that isn't the case. But thanks for the smarm. We're upset that some poor planning went into scheduling the event. Or, sorry, did I miss the notice that no negative feedback is allowed?



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Agreed. Too many people nowadays lack any discernible trace of a "work ethic".
Maybe true- but kind of an odd way to defend wanting to time off work for a video game event.

Originally Posted by Lymebt View Post
And to anyone saying 'well you can just get xp faster in AE' - maybe some of us would rather enjoy the game content instead of just farming our way to 50.

Devs, a lot of this would be avoided if you gave us, say, maybe a month's notice that 2XP is coming instead of 2 weeks.

And for those of you who think you're being clever by saying 'oh yeah, I'm SO SURE they moved it just to ruin your weekend!' - we KNOW that isn't the case. But thanks for the smarm. We're upset that some poor planning went into scheduling the event. Or, sorry, did I miss the notice that no negative feedback is allowed?

1) If you'd rather enjoy the game instead of just rushing through it, would double exp matter either way?

2) This announcement is them being forced to cancel it at the last minute. How does it matter how long previous to that that they announced it.

3) Oh, sorry, sarcasm fail. I didn't see anyone say you aren't allowed to post negative feedback. Of course, if something's posted on a public forum, people have a right to disagree with it publicly.

Oh guess what? Your post is public, too. Sooo, yeah, if you defend your right to post negative feedback, you're defending their right to disagree with you.

Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/
/ AIL - Celebrating five years!



yeah..sadly I moved some stuff around too...now I have appointments that friday afternoon AND am having surgery that monday morning, so far..I guess I can just play til 3am EST since they are doing carpal tunnel surgey on my right hand/wrist that monday morning lol. So ill just have to play my heart out thursday through friday til I have to go to my appointments and then when i get back.

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
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Originally Posted by joshdex View Post
Maybe true- but kind of an odd way to defend wanting to time off work for a video game event.
Wanting the time off? No. Not odd. People want time off for vacations, holidays, and other forms of recreation right? Why such differentiation for a video game?
Actively arranging the time off so it's okay with your boss and co-workers? Not odd. Again, see vacations, holidays, etc.
Abusing sick call to get the time off? Bad. Regardless of whether it's a vacation, holiday, or a video game.

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Great.. unfortunately it will happen during the time I'm out of town away from my computer, thanks a whole lot....



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
******************************************** !

Is it sad that I really don't care about double xp weekends what with ae being faster then double xp? :P
Agreed the only real bonus to DXP is you get a chance to get purples from doing normal mishes. Time to clean my farmers of inf and prepare to have them hit the cap 2 times over.



Wow, talk about a late notice. This totally sucks since I accrue my time off at such a slow rate (6 hrs vac a month) and I've scheduled friday off. I can't bail on it since I setup other things to do with the family.

Lets just see, 7 years of this game, plan a double xp event, and bugs prevent you from doing it on the scheduled date even though you've had weeks to prepare?? This truly sucks since I was excited for it. I guess this teaches me "NEVER" to take a day off for this game!



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
I'm confused... why don't you just team with her then? I've never had trouble soloing a Dom, but they work like gangbusters on a team, and there's people running scanners and tips at all hours usually.
Hello Feycat.....Yes indeed this toon would work like gamgbusters on a team....I can hold and slow, sap, and sleep, and even mass confuse....problem is I do not team. I do not type fast, refuse to have sprint on in missions, and compared to the young whippersnappers, I have poor hand eye coordination.

Which is why pulling the rug on Double XP hurts me so much. Levels come dear on a squishy who is more controllerish than Damageish.

She is the first toon I got through Praetoria and into Blueside. I love everything about her except damage wise she is like a tank.

Such is life


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***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
I have an electric/ice dom as well...he's a bit painful during the lower levels but later on he shines. Team up as much as you can and hang out near arachnos bases so you can get as much xp as possible. Hang in there.
Hi Negate.
I am Blueside with her so no Arachnos bases to hang around

Thanks though...err..any hints for what I could do Blueside with her?


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Ha! All is not lost, at least in my case. I just noticed that the 11th falls on a thursday. I don't leave for my weekend away until the friday. I get a day of DXP!

Well, that's cheered me up a bit.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
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[QUOTE=joshdex;3765613]Maybe true- but kind of an odd way to defend wanting to time off work for a video game event.

I just do not understand this....I agree with everything else you said, but can't understand this.

I rarely ask time off of work for anything. NcSoft announced a double XP weekend which I have always loved...so I fought for getting to enjoy some of it....and I succeeded.

For people like you who probably team, team, and team, and use the AE building to team even faster Double XP is no big deal.

For folks like me, who do not team, Double Xp is a BIG deal....and I try to not miss any of it.

To have come sooo close, and have it yanked away due to someone not testing it before giving out a date is....hard to swallow.

Typing out jeers because you can...is that the sort of person you want to be?


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by OminousVoice View Post
Ha! All is not lost, at least in my case. I just noticed that the 11th falls on a thursday. I don't leave for my weekend away until the friday. I get a day of DXP!

Well, that's cheered me up a bit.
Thursday????? If so, that is my fixed day off !!!!!!!!!!!

I am cheered too


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung