Dev Chat Highlights, July 20: Paragon Rewards

Adeon Hawkwood



Appreciate the answers, makes things a whole lot clear. To see if I've got this straight, I'll try to run it down using the info and slides in the thread.

If Freedom launches prior to mid-October, I'll start with 32 Reward Points. 33 if after. According to the slide of the exact tier buys, it'll cost me 25 Reward Points for all the Vet Rewards I have right now. I'll fill Tiers 1-5, have one slot (Blazing Path Aura) missing in Tier 6, and one slot missing in Tier 7 (Seismic Path Aura). Buying those two slots will bring me into Tier 8 with either 5 or 6 Reward Points left depending on when Freedom launches. That's 1-2 months, or 1200PP ($15) or 2400PP ($30) from Tier 9 VIP status at launch.

So long as I've got it all right, anyone with at least 84 months of Vet status banked when Freedom launches will be able to crack Tier 9.

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I'd also like to point out the following:

Positron-1: N/3+((N/3)/4)= Paragon Reward Tokens at launch (N is your number of months on your highest vet badge)

formula simplifies rather trivially to N/3 + N/12. So you get one Token for each three months, plus one for each year.

I think what Posi is trying to say is that the two terms above drop fractions, which is why he didn't say 5N/12. Thus it's actually:

|_N/3_| + |_N/12_|

where |_x_| is the floor function of x.



Okay, checking in for a minute...

Originally Posted by Positron View Post
Tier 9 VIP will feature rotating bonuses, new bonuses will come in and old ones will retire. So there WILL be future new content for the system. It's just that in this way the tree won't become infinitely huge and unwieldy.
That's interesting. And since I think I have a good handle on how the system operates...hrm...

Let's say that you max the tree out the day I21 goes Live. Next month...what happens? You just buy the consumables and hope for new stuff the following month?

Also, let's say someone qualifies for the Tier 9 VIP, and "purchases" all the rewards. Do they have to purchase all the new rewards, or once you've "bought" the last tier is everything automatic?

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
For those wondering "What tier will I be?", I made the following chart. Rednames please point out any errors.
What Tier?    Vet status
Tier 1:     0 F2P
Tier 2:     0 Premium - 7 Months VIP at launch date
Tier 3:     8 - 16 Months VIP at launch date
Tier 4:     15 - 21 Months VIP at launch date
Tier 5:     22 - 33 Months VIP at launch date
Tier 6:     34 - 50 Months VIP at launch date
Tier 7:     51 - 67 Months VIP at launch date
Tier 8:     68 - 83 Months VIP at launch date
Tier 9:     84+ Months VIP at launch date
It may be slightly off due to some rounding issues, but it should be a good approximation of what to expect for Freedom Launch.
Hey, thanks for this.

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Um, you don't have to unlock Tier 9... I suspect that the new powersets will not be reward choices.
I don't have a problem with them being purchased in the market, since I'll be getting about $7 a month (more than half my sub on the discount year plan!) in folding money for the Paragon Market. At that point, they might as well be free.

Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
YES, this! This is the piece I've been waiting for, and there was no way I could be there for it, or even anywhere near my home computer. Thank you!

And it looks good. As a long time subscriber, it looks like I keep all the stuff I've already got, get more stuff right off the bat, and then keep getting more stuff in the future no slower than I have been in the past. That's what I expected, but it's nice to see some of the details. Actually, it looks better than I expected. I didn't think we'd be getting immediate bonus stuff, but that's what it looks like to me.
Agreed, P^2. Looks very nice for all players, at all levels of experience. I'm very impressed.

Originally Posted by Westley View Post
But, as I said before, they don't care about any of that.
You are debating something that can see no errors.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
And did nobody see the last panel where it says "Veteran players may start at Tier 7+." And then goes on to say, "They'll get nearly everything for free."?

That part really worries me. I've been playing almost five years now. Perhaps by the time i21 hits, I -will- have six years under my belt. I surely don't want to pay anything to get back to where I am now, nor wait until it becomes available to me again.
Prefer redname confirmation on this.

How am I only teir 6-7ish when "they'll get nearly everything for free?" Spending points of stuff I've ALREADY earned is just ridiculous, regardless if the points are handed to me or not.



Originally Posted by Everything_Xen View Post
This is a bit bigger than an expansion being added for free.

I've been subbed for 6 years... Paragon has gotten over $1000 dollars from me during that time.

Someone else can come in, spend half that, (a 3 year sub being about $540...) and get all the rewards I have access to and MORE (the tier 8, 9, and VIP). But why doesn't my extra $500 entitle me to THE SAME?

If a newbie can sub and get to tier 9 in 3 years, then I and everyone else over that mark should be there already. Especially given the whole "we care about our loyal customers" schtick.
All it entitles you to is having those things for the amount of time you've had them so far, which is in advance of when anyone who joins the game today will get them.

It's really just that simple. It's there stuff to give out when and how they choose. They're not taking it from you after you've already gotten it, they're just making it easier for people now to get them a bit sooner, because face it: the amount of time the game is going to be here in the future is more than likely less than the amount of time it's been here so far.

You've gotten what you're entitled to. Don't go thinking you're entitled to more.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Everything_Xen View Post
Someone else can come in, spend half that, (a 3 year sub being about $540...) and get all the rewards I have access to and MORE (the tier 8, 9, and VIP). But why doesn't my extra $500 entitle me to THE SAME?

If a newbie can sub and get to tier 9 in 3 years, then I and everyone else over that mark should be there already. Especially given the whole "we care about our loyal customers" schtick.
Those extra 500 bucks? They let you play the game for the past 7 years before the free to player buying up the Paragon Points to get the same amount of vet rewards.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Would like more information on the Enhancement Boosters.

How do they work in general? Is it just a level shift on the enhancement? Is there a limit to how much you can 'boost' an enhancement?

How do they work with special enhancements?

How do they work with purples which are effectively fixed level?

More will be revealed as time goes on I'm certain [after all, we should be able to figure it out once we can start using them ].

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Citation needed.
Look under Content Features.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Would like more information on the Enhancement Boosters.

How do they work in general? Is it just a level shift on the enhancement? Is there a limit to how much you can 'boost' an enhancement?

How do they work with special enhancements?

How do they work with purples which are effectively fixed level?

More will be revealed as time goes on I'm certain [after all, we should be able to figure it out once we can start using them ].
From what was mentioned, it seems like it was a +1 in level to the enhancement. No idea about specials or purples.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Would like more information on the Enhancement Boosters.

How do they work in general? Is it just a level shift on the enhancement? Is there a limit to how much you can 'boost' an enhancement?

How do they work with special enhancements?

How do they work with purples which are effectively fixed level?

More will be revealed as time goes on I'm certain [after all, we should be able to figure it out once we can start using them ].
Also, if you use them on an enhancement, and then respec or use the enhancement unslotter, what happens to the boost?




Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
From what was mentioned, it seems like it was a +1 in level to the enhancement. No idea about specials or purples.
Black Pebble specifically brought up Luck of the Gambler global speed 7.5% and said "it makes it like you have two of them".

Now, he's not a powers guy, so he could very well be mistaken. If he's not, that brings up more questions. Like, what does it do to a damage proc? Does it still respect the Rule of 5?




Originally Posted by Everything_Xen View Post
This is a bit bigger than an expansion being added for free.

I've been subbed for 6 years... Paragon has gotten over $1000 dollars from me during that time.

Someone else can come in, spend half that, (a 3 year sub being about $540...) and get all the rewards I have access to and MORE (the tier 8, 9, and VIP). But why doesn't my extra $500 entitle me to THE SAME?

If a newbie can sub and get to tier 9 in 3 years, then I and everyone else over that mark should be there already. Especially given the whole "we care about our loyal customers" schtick.
In the 3 years it takes them to spend all their Tokens to fill up all the tiers, you'll have 39 free Tokens to spend on things they can't: consumables and the rotating Tier 9 VIP stuff. You will always be 39 Tokens ahead of them.

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Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Black Pebble specifically brought up Luck of the Gambler global speed 7.5% and said "it makes it like you have two of them".
I thought he said something more along the lines of it being like combining two of them. Or at least listening to him it seemed like he was referencing how we combine two SOs to make one with slightly better numbers.

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Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
those respecs do stack btw, i usually claim all of them on my toons so they have like 4 respecs just sitting around when i want to use them

you shouldnt lose anything though, but my above point will prolly make things easier to just claim everything lol
Not *that* easy of you have hundreds of alts on more than 1 account that need claiming...



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Tier 1 is free to all (I think)
Hmm. That does seem to make one assumption I did seem wrong.

What Tier?	Vet status
Tier 1: 	0 F2P
Tier 2: 	0 Premium - 4 Months VIP at launch date
Tier 3: 	5 - 14 Months VIP at launch date
Tier 4: 	12 - 19 Months VIP at launch date
Tier 5: 	20 - 31 Months VIP at launch date
Tier 6: 	32 - 47 Months VIP at launch date
Tier 7: 	48 - 64 Months VIP at launch date
Tier 8: 	65 - 81 Months VIP at launch date
Tier 9: 	84+ Months VIP at launch date
Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
I think what Posi is trying to say is that the two terms above drop fractions, which is why he didn't say 5N/12. Thus it's actually:

|_N/3_| + |_N/12_|

where |_x_| is the floor function of x.
Yes, I assumed all points were floored in my calculations above.

Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Yes, I acknowledge the same citation 3 hours ago:
Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Thank you, that is what I was asking for.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I will be a VIP player when this goes live, probably with the 24-month badge. That will give me 10 points to spend immediately. If I go ahead and purchase a 1-year sub, will I get the 13 points immediately or will I have to wait for them to come in 1 per month?

I don't care what tier I am in and most of the rewards are not must-haves for me. However, the costume pieces are, and I would hate to be unable to gain access to the Celestial Armor unless I drop over $300 on Paragon Points up front. This is all the more important as the Tier 9 VIP rewards will apparantly be retired and replaced occasionally.

EDIT: This is all moot of couse if the costume pieces will be available for direct purchase from the market. I'm not asking for freebies--I'm willing to pay.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I'm going to have to start summoning Statesman at parties for the fun of it.
*The Phalanx breaks down the door to a rumored Nemesis base. Manticore's bow is drawn and at the ready. Positron is glowing with barely-restrained radioactive power. Statesman hovers, cape flowing in the non-existant breeze.*

Statesman: *looking like he's ready to punch some poor dude through the face* We got your call! What's the situation?!

DumpleBerry: *jumping out from behind a crate cheerfully* It's my birthday! *blows a party favor* Fweet!

*The Freedom Phalanx puts on party hats. Manticore's is sparklier than Positron's. Posi pouts.*

Statesman: *grinning hugely and striking a heroic pose* Well, Happy Birthday, DumpleBerry!

DumpleBerry: *blows on party favor again* Fweet!

"Ooo! A little fight in you! I like that..."

"Then you're going to love me."



Originally Posted by ModernMyth View Post
*The Phalanx breaks down the door to a rumored Nemesis base. Manticore's bow is drawn and at the ready. Positron is glowing with barely-restrained radioactive power. Statesman hovers, cape flowing in the non-existant breeze.*

Statesman: *looking like he's ready to punch some poor dude through the face* We got your call! What's the situation?!

DumpleBerry: *jumping out from behind a crate cheerfully* It's my birthday! *blows a party favor* Fweet!

*The Freedom Phalanx puts on party hats. Manticore's is sparklier than Positron's. Posi pouts.*

Statesman: *grinning hugely and striking a heroic pose* Well, Happy Birthday, DumpleBerry!

DumpleBerry: *blows on party favor again* Fweet!
Unfortunately for Dumpleberry, the scene ends with Manticore groaning and shooting the party favor.

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by Everything_Xen View Post
I've been subbed for 6 years... Paragon has gotten over $1000 dollars from me during that time.
Time paid for subscription in the past. No reason to believe it entitles you to any free stuff in the future. You should be glad they are actually giving you free stuff in the future instead of starting everyone off at zero. That would be completely fair, you know, starting absolutely everyone off with zero point.

It's silly to pay for one thing and get upset when they don't give you something totally unrelated. That is especially true when the product being discussed is a totally new offering. I mean, I've only been able to play my DP and DS characters for 1 of the 5 years I've been subscribed, a new player gets to play one for all 5 years they pay - how is that fair? Oh, that's right, it is fair.

Someone else can come in, spend half that, (a 3 year sub being about $540...) and get all the rewards I have access to and MORE (the tier 8, 9, and VIP). But why doesn't my extra $500 entitle me to THE SAME?
No. By the time they have been subscribed for 3 years, you will have accumulated just as many more points as they will have

If a newbie can sub and get to tier 9 in 3 years, then I and everyone else over that mark should be there already.
Over what mark? The mark is "three years of accumulating paragon points". Since you have none, you aren't over any mark. When I get a raise at work, they don't back date it for the entire length of my employment. Time based things have this odd feature of usually only happening in the future.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Hmm...if MA = Mission Architect then I can easily see the error. There may be other errors but that stands out from a casual glance.

Ok, the only thing I can see is the misspelling of Mu. What am I missing?



Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Unfortunately for Dumpleberry, the scene ends with Manticore groaning and shooting the party favor.
Maybe that's my idea of a party.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Originally Posted by GuiltTrip View Post
Do I need to take every thing in a tier before picking up a choice in the next higher tier?
From what I remember of the ustream, yes.
Wait, seriously? That defeats most of the purpose of selecting rewards in the first place. I had assumed you'd be able to proceed to the next tier as soon as you made one pick in the current tier.



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Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
Time paid for subscription in the past. No reason to believe it entitles you to any free stuff in the future. You should be glad they are actually giving you free stuff in the future instead of starting everyone off at zero. That would be completely fair, you know, starting absolutely everyone off with zero point.

It's silly to pay for one thing and get upset when they don't give you something totally unrelated. That is especially true when the product being discussed is a totally new offering. I mean, I've only been able to play my DP and DS characters for 1 of the 5 years I've been subscribed, a new player gets to play one for all 5 years they pay - how is that fair? Oh, that's right, it is fair.

No. By the time they have been subscribed for 3 years, you will have accumulated just as many more points as they will have

Over what mark? The mark is "three years of accumulating paragon points". Since you have none, you aren't over any mark. When I get a raise at work, they don't back date it for the entire length of my employment. Time based things have this odd feature of usually only happening in the future.
Heh... there's a reason I only have 100 or so posts in my time... I make a jerk outta myself.

You're right. But I still think our little "jumpstart" should move the vets further up the tree.

(And I'm not just sayin that for myself! The 84 monthers oughta be neck deep in Teir 9 IMO)



Originally Posted by Everything_Xen View Post
(And I'm not just sayin that for myself! The 84 monthers oughta be neck deep in Teir 9 IMO)
84 month vets 35 points. That's enough to buy everything through Tier8 and two of the three Tier 9 VIP options. Add in the point that they will get from their next month of subscription and anyone who is an 84 month vet will have all of the permanent bonuses the month after launch. They can then opt to spend future PRP on the Tier 9 repeatables.