Dev Chat Highlights, July 20: Paragon Rewards

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
What is your source? That is what citation mean. Cite your source for the information.
I hate to say it but GG is correct. According to the Side-By-Side comparison of the different account types all account levels will have access to the First Ward but only VIP players will automatically have access to the missions there. Free/Premium players will have to purchase access.



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
It's not a times five bonus.

You get five of them. And they raise the level of an IO by 1.
My comment was in reference to making on LOTG+Rech count as two, which I think was clarified as an error later in the thread.

Getting a +1 makes a lot more sense balance-wise.

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I wish we can choose the rewards from 0.
I mean, maybe I want a character to get Black wand instead Nemesis staff...
Or maybe I have 0 interest in vanity pets.
Would be cool, but aside that the new Paragon rewards looks awesome.
Im a 48 veteran player, so I think I will be in the Tier 7.
The new armor and energy wings are too much win.



Is it just me or is the early travel powers unlock not on the chart?



I suppose I still question why we don't just get a point per month having been subscribed.
I'm really not thrilled with the position my vet status puts me. I'd finally gotten the costume pieces that I felt were far away and now they add in new fancy shmancy sets that are a year away again.

So, it'll take a new player 3 years, that's cool, I guess.

However, I'm really not pleased with the way they're continuing to lock things like costume pieces away, nor with additional carrots being added to the long stick.
I just did not expect the new system to make me feel farther away from feeling content with what vet rewards I did not have yet.

Little bonus powers of convenience, I can deal with... super fancy glowing costumes and auras? That, in my opinion, stinks.
Just my opinion and a little more frank than I might tend to word it, but there it is.

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Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
So when we reach these tiers, can we only choose certain things that use the points? I am still confused about this whole thing.
Pretty much. You have to purchase all items in a tier before you can progress to the next tier but you can choose what order you purchase items within a given tier.

For example consider the following schematic (which shows the major items in each tier):

Your first point will go in Tier 1 and your second point will go in Tier 2 (since each of those have one item). At that point you have unlocked Tier 3. Now Tier 3 has three different purchases:
Greek Symbols
Skirts and Kilts
Veteran Melee Powers and Sprints

You will end up spending your 3rd, 4th and 5th Paragon Reward Points purchasing those three items but can choose what order you purchase them in. Once you have purchased all three of those options you will have unlocked Tier 4 and your 6th paragon reward point will be spent on one of the items there.

Now for a veteran conversion example. When Freedom goes live I will, probably, be a 30 month veteran. Based on Positron's comments I will have 12 Paragon Reward Points to spend (X/3 + X/12). Eight of those points will be spent unlocking Tiers 1 through 4 leaving me with 4 points to spend on Tier 5. Since Tier 5 has 5 items in it I will be able to purchase all but 1 immediately.



I'm not quite sure I've got all the details, but I think I understand the gist of the program. I've never liked the way the Vet system worked, so any improvement would be welcomed. Still, this doesn't do much to excite me. I'm disappointed that they're still not making it purely a la carte.

I'm not keen on mixing purely non-permanent rewards into the system, either; seems like it would be better to leave those in the upcoming 'normal' store. Either way, it's hard to rate how useful those rewards are until we see some details. I'm particularly confused about how the Enhancement enhancers are supposed to work.

Also, where does City Traveler fit into the new system? It's mentioned in one of the early slides, but it's not listed on any of the tiers.


EDIT: One more question. It says you get an extra 150 Paragon Points/month if you're a Tier 9 VIP. What exactly does that mean?

Darkonne: Pinnacle's (unofficially) mighty Dark Miasma/Radiation Blast enthusiast!

Be sure to check out this mighty Arc:
#161865 - Aeon's Nemesis



Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
Is it just me or is the early travel powers unlock not on the chart?
Which could be a hint that the level access of travel powers might be going to be changed in I21 - maybe similar to something I've suggested before - like you get your first travel power pick when you make your avatar, and then your second one at 6, which is about the time you'd be heading out into the wider city after completing the starter zone content.
Getting to pick the way you ant to travel when you make your avatar would make more sense than having to wait a few levels for it.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
So, it'll take a new player 3 years, that's cool, I guess.
Buying Paragon Points will speed it up - a lot

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Cant find the "fly at lvl 6" option with the City traveller badge.
Any mention to it? Its one of the rewards I always wanted more.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Cant find the "fly at lvl 6" option with the City traveller badge.
Any mention to it? Its one of the rewards I always wanted more.
Check 2 posts above yours for some speculation

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Hmm... I'm usually quick to get this sort of thing...

I'm not following how my 42 months gets me past Tier 6.
N/3+((N/3)/4)= Paragon Reward Tokens at launch (N is your number of months on your highest vet badge)

So, 42 months would equal 17.5 points, no? And that would be in the 7th Tier.

What am I missing and/or doing wrong?
And thanks for any help (I'm very happy to be wrong in this case... and as soon as i have it pointed out, I plan to fix my first post in here).
No one is saying that everyone who has been paying for 3 years jumps to tier 9. What they are saying is that anyone who starts paying today will be at tier 9 in 3 years. The people who have been subscribing longer get a jump start on that 3 years depending on how long they have been subscribed.

But the jumpstart is LESS than the actual time you have been subscribed. If you've been here for 5 years, maybe they knock 2 years off that 3 year requirement. and you only have to wait 1 year to get to tier 9.

The time you have been subscribed in the past is worth less than the time you are subscribed once the new system goes live. But the good thing is you don't have to pick one or the other. Your future (full credit) subscription time will simply add onto your past (partial credit) time.

But it does mean that new players will be able to get to t9 while being subscribed for less total time than someone who has been here all along. That's the whole point. They don't want to put the highest rewards out of reach of new people. Doing that is a disincentive to start the game at all if you know you are coming in at an insurmountable disadvantage compared to everyone already in the game. They made that advantage surmountable - you can effectively "catch up".



Here's my question: what about rewards we've earned but not claimed?

I've got about 15 unclaimed vet respecs on each of my characters. I don't claim them because (unless I'm wrong) they don't stack, I just use them as I need to tweak my builds.

Does this mean I'm going to lose access to all the available but unclaimed vet respecs? Because that's going to be very obnoxious.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Which could be a hint that the level access of travel powers might be going to be changed in I21 - maybe similar to something I've suggested before - like you get your first travel power pick when you make your avatar, and then your second one at 6, which is about the time you'd be heading out into the wider city after completing the starter zone content.
Getting to pick the way you ant to travel when you make your avatar would make more sense than having to wait a few levels for it.
I was thinking along the same line, though I would bet they would just give everyone the option of a travel power at level 6, less of a change to the power systems that way.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I hate to say it but GG is correct. According to the Side-By-Side comparison of the different account types all account levels will have access to the First Ward but only VIP players will automatically have access to the missions there. Free/Premium players will have to purchase access.
Thank you, that is what I was asking for.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
I've got about 15 unclaimed vet respecs on each of my characters. I don't claim them because (unless I'm wrong) they don't stack, ...
Vet Respecs do, and to my knowledge always have, stacked.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Here's my question: what about rewards we've earned but not claimed?

I've got about 15 unclaimed vet respecs on each of my characters. I don't claim them because (unless I'm wrong) they don't stack, I just use them as I need to tweak my builds.

Does this mean I'm going to lose access to all the available but unclaimed vet respecs? Because that's going to be very obnoxious.
those respecs do stack btw, i usually claim all of them on my toons so they have like 4 respecs just sitting around when i want to use them

you shouldnt lose anything though, but my above point will prolly make things easier to just claim everything lol

the only respecs that do not stack are freespecs given out with issues for major power changes



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Which could be a hint that the level access of travel powers might be going to be changed in I21 - maybe similar to something I've suggested before - like you get your first travel power pick when you make your avatar, and then your second one at 6, which is about the time you'd be heading out into the wider city after completing the starter zone content.
Getting to pick the way you ant to travel when you make your avatar would make more sense than having to wait a few levels for it.
I had suspected something along those lines. I quite like the idea of being able to swap out Super Jump for Fly, yet keep Combat Jumping. Though I expect there'll be some sort of trade off, perhaps a 5th power in each of the travel pools which requires a 'main' travel power like Fly or Super Jump as a prerequisite.

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Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
those respecs do stack btw, i usually claim all of them on my toons so they have like 4 respecs just sitting around when i want to use them

you shouldnt lose anything though, but my above point will prolly make things easier to just claim everything lol

the only respecs that do not stack are freespecs given out with issues for major power changes
Respecs from recipes don't stack either.



Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
No one is saying that everyone who has been paying for 3 years jumps to tier 9. What they are saying is that anyone who starts paying today will be at tier 9 in 3 years. The people who have been subscribing longer get a jump start on that 3 years depending on how long they have been subscribed.

But the jumpstart is LESS than the actual time you have been subscribed. If you've been here for 5 years, maybe they knock 2 years off that 3 year requirement. and you only have to wait 1 year to get to tier 9.

The time you have been subscribed in the past is worth less than the time you are subscribed once the new system goes live. But the good thing is you don't have to pick one or the other. Your future (full credit) subscription time will simply add onto your past (partial credit) time.

But it does mean that new players will be able to get to t9 while being subscribed for less total time than someone who has been here all along. That's the whole point. They don't want to put the highest rewards out of reach of new people. Doing that is a disincentive to start the game at all if you know you are coming in at an insurmountable disadvantage compared to everyone already in the game. They made that advantage surmountable - you can effectively "catch up".
If a new sub can join and get to teir 9 in 3 years, why cant someone who's already given Paragon their money get there as well?

Why should the veteran player's $15 a month be valued any less than the newbie's?



Originally Posted by Darkonne View Post
I'm not keen on mixing purely non-permanent rewards into the system, either; seems like it would be better to leave those in the upcoming 'normal' store. Either way, it's hard to rate how useful those rewards are until we see some details. I'm particularly confused about how the Enhancement enhancers are supposed to work.

EDIT: One more question. It says you get an extra 150 Paragon Points/month if you're a Tier 9 VIP. What exactly does that mean?
The consumables at the lower tiers seem to me like "Hey, here';s something you might like to get later on when you're Tier 9. Try some out!" I don't think they're a reward below Tier 9 in and of themselves.

As for the points, Tier 9 VIP means that you'll get a total of 550 Paragon Points every month you're subscribed. Exactly what it says.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Again, thanks as always, Von, for posting these!


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Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
The consumables at the lower tiers seem to me like "Hey, here';s something you might like to get later on when you're Tier 9. Try some out!" I don't think they're a reward below Tier 9 in and of themselves.

As for the points, Tier 9 VIP means that you'll get a total of 550 Paragon Points every month you're subscribed. Exactly what it says.
What are the qualifications for being a Tier 9 VIP? Presumably you have to be a current VIP, I get that. But do you need to have unlocked a Tier 9 VIP bonus, or is the mere potential to do so enough?


Darkonne: Pinnacle's (unofficially) mighty Dark Miasma/Radiation Blast enthusiast!

Be sure to check out this mighty Arc:
#161865 - Aeon's Nemesis



Originally Posted by Darkonne View Post
What are the qualifications for being a Tier 9 VIP? Presumably you have to be a current VIP, I get that. But do you need to have unlocked a Tier 9 VIP bonus, or is the mere potential to do so enough?

From what was said, you have to qualify for the Tier 9 rewards and be a current VIP subscriber.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Darkonne View Post
What are the qualifications for being a Tier 9 VIP? Presumably you have to be a current VIP, I get that. But do you need to have unlocked a Tier 9 VIP bonus, or is the mere potential to do so enough?

Not sure. From the information given I don't think this is answerable.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .