Dev Chat Highlights, July 20: Paragon Rewards

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Darkonne View Post
Wait, seriously? That defeats most of the purpose of selecting rewards in the first place. I had assumed you'd be able to proceed to the next tier as soon as you made one pick in the current tier.


This is what I thought as well. Otherwise its just the current Vet Rewards with the option to pay to get them faster. I'm not complaining's not much of a change.



Originally Posted by Pr_mus View Post
If Freedom launches prior to mid-October, I'll start with 32 Reward Points. 33 if after. According to the slide of the exact tier buys, it'll cost me 25 Reward Points for all the Vet Rewards I have right now. I'll fill Tiers 1-5, have one slot (Blazing Path Aura) missing in Tier 6, and one slot missing in Tier 7 (Seismic Path Aura). Buying those two slots will bring me into Tier 8 with either 5 or 6 Reward Points left depending on when Freedom launches. That's 1-2 months, or 1200PP ($15) or 2400PP ($30) from Tier 9 VIP status at launch.
Except you can't "skip" rewards in a tier. You have to complete a lower tier to progress to a higher tier. In other words, you can't skip blazing path aura or seismic path aura.

Originally Posted by Pr_mus View Post
So long as I've got it all right, anyone with at least 84 months of Vet status banked when Freedom launches will be able to crack Tier 9.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Civility View Post
This is what I thought as well. Otherwise its just the current Vet Rewards with the option to pay to get them faster. I'm not complaining's not much of a change.
Basically it's three changes:
1. You get them once a month instead of once every three plus a bonus reward for every year
2. You can opt to advance more quickly by making purchases in the paragon store
3. You have a limited ability to change the order around

EDIT: Added yearly bonus, thanks Photonstorm



What happens when I summon Statesman but he's already helping someone else?

And what happens when two people on a team summon Statesman at the same time?





Originally Posted by Darkonne View Post
Wait, seriously? That defeats most of the purpose of selecting rewards in the first place. I had assumed you'd be able to proceed to the next tier as soon as you made one pick in the current tier.
Assumed wrong. Positron said in the chat that not everyone will like all the option, but will have to complete a tier to advance to the next tier.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



How do these rewards work across multiple characters on the same account? Vet rewards generally applied globally, so a costume unlock would be global. I assume the costume unlocks in the Paragon Rewards program are also global. Respecs earned with Vet Rewards applied to every character, therefore each time you gained a respec, it was across every character, even ones to be made in the future. If we purchase a respec with a Paragon Reward token, are we getting one respec to use across our entire account or do we get one respec per character, even for characters we have not yet made? What about Enhancement boosters or Unslotters? What about the fancy inspires?

When we achieve Tier 6, do we get 5 Enhancement Unslotters on every character, including ones we make after we gain that reward or do we just get 5 to use across all our characters?

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Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Basically it's three changes:
1. You get them once a month instead of once every 3
2. You can opt to advance more quickly by making purchases in the paragon store
3. You have a limited ability to change the order around
Don't forget every gets one Paragon Token for each year of subscription. Under the present Veteran system, someone with 48 months would automatically advance to 60 months since they get 4 tokens for 4 years.

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Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
When we achieve Tier 6, do we get 5 Enhancement Unslotters on every character, including ones we make after we gain that reward or do we just get 5 to use across all our characters?

Devs and Community Reps, please note that the above website is wrong in terms of MERIT REWARDS.

The 60 month Vet Reward has +5 merits and the 72 Month Vet Reward has +6 Merits, for a total of 11 merits prior to Paragon Rewards, not 5 as stated.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
What happens when I summon Statesman but he's already helping someone else?

And what happens when two people on a team summon Statesman at the same time?


given how many Marcus Coles we encounter in this game, is it really so shocking to see a group of eight statesmen?

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Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Positron today said the formula is (N/3)+((N/3)/4) where N is the largest vet reward badge you have.
It would be better written Largest vet reward badge/3 + # of Full years subbed. This way there is no fractions and it reads easier.

18 month vet calculated as it is now

18/3 + (18/3)/4 => 6 + (6/4) => 7.5

18 month vet calculated base on how I wrote it

18/3 + 1 => 6 + 1 => 7



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
all of this definitely sounds a LOT better than the current vet system

im guessing as a 5 year vet i should have around 15-20 of the rewards points when this is released
5 years = 25. 1/3months + 1/year

Originally Posted by Hidden Hero View Post
What would a 2 year vet have? My head is wonky in calculating that stuff.
2 years = 24 months / 3 + 1/year = 10

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So how do we claim these rewards? Like the tier 9 celestial set, do we have to pick which one we want or do they cost points to choose?



Originally Posted by Positron View Post
Tier 9 VIP will feature rotating bonuses, new bonuses will come in and old ones will retire. So there WILL be future new content for the system. It's just that in this way the tree won't become infinitely huge and unwieldy.
Confused a little. I'm probably at about Tier 5 or so (just hit my 36 month mark). Now are the Tier 9 VIP armors gated to only people who've bought their way up OR have been here over 86+ months? So for someone like me at Tier 5 or 6 and isn't able to spend three hundred bucks climbing up to Tier 9... will I miss out on the Celestial Armor? Or do all VIPs get that anyways?

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Originally Posted by Hidden Hero View Post
My parents aren't going to be happy with me if I spend too much. Wish we had a page that showed an approximate price.
well if 1200 pp cost 15 bucks and that gives you 1 reward token then you'd need to spend, assuming you had zero, $540.00 usd to buy 35 tokens and hit tier 9.

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Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
5 years = 25. 1/3months + 1/year
i calculated it like an hour after i posted that but either forgot or was too lazy to go back and edit the post lol



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Assumed wrong. Positron said in the chat that not everyone will like all the option, but will have to complete a tier to advance to the next tier.
Then I'm going to have to say the new system was a waste of time. Tripling the rate at which we get rewards is nice, but it doesn't solve the fundamental problem. And letting people buy their way into the system, when we're already getting a conventional store, just makes the whole thing into a clumsy hybrid.

I was hoping for much better.


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This is the most complicated thing I have ever seen.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
Wow, now maybe we'll stop seeing a "fix the vet rewards" thread in the S&I forum every few weeks.
Right! We'll see fix the Reward Token threads instead

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Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



I think I'll be T6, so I'll need to get some extra Paragon Points for the last 3 - not that I wasn't going to be getting vast amounts of PPs when the market went live anyway

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
So when we reach these tiers, can we only choose certain things that use the points? I am still confused about this whole thing.
Err sort of. Lets say that you have spent spent 2 tokens and reached tier 3.

You get there by spending 1 token on the 1 available slot in tier 1 and the 1 available slot in tier 2. This gives you Rookie and Trenchcoats which you have spent tokens on.

So filling tier 1 gives you access to a 5 charge mission teleporter 1 Super Pack, and 2 Dual Inspirations.

Spending the 1 token on the only slot in tier to gives you Trenchcoats.

Achieving the tier and I am unclear if you gain the benefit for accesss to that tiers level or filling it in. but achieving tier 2 unlocks Huge Avatars, SG Access for Premium accounts, Trading for Premium accounts, and In-Game Mail for Premium accounts. It also unlocks those things for VIP accounts but since they are available to them it won't be noticed.

Ok, Tier 3 Unlocks. Create/join Private Chat Channels for premium.

And has slots you can spend tokens on to gain Greek Symbols, Shirts & Kilts, & Weapons and sprints. Those things will take 3 tokens to fully unlock. At which point you move up the scale and gain access to new permanent benefits and some you get to pick the order you gain.

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Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
This is the most complicated thing I have ever seen.
It won't be once you get to use it

@Golden Girl

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What does the following mean?

"These Tier 9 VIP rewards will be refreshed every 3 to 4 months...."

from the official guidelines

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
Confused a little. I'm probably at about Tier 5 or so (just hit my 36 month mark). Now are the Tier 9 VIP armors gated to only people who've bought their way up OR have been here over 86+ months? So for someone like me at Tier 5 or 6 and isn't able to spend three hundred bucks climbing up to Tier 9... will I miss out on the Celestial Armor? Or do all VIPs get that anyways?
Hey Rev,

The way I understand it (and it COULD be wrong, but I don't think so) you get the tier 9 VIP armors in one of 3 ways:

1)Get them at launch of COHF *IF* you're 84+ month vet by the time of COHF launch.

2) "Buy" your way up to Tier 9 by buying enough Paragon Points to get the tokens.

3) Wait x number of months until you get access to that tier (each one "token" you'd have needed to get to it is 1 month of time (whereas in the old vet reward system it was 3 months of time).

Also as they're "Tier 9 VIP" you'd have to actually be a subscriber to gain them as well, you couldn't as a free or premium player, I'm ALSO guessing (though not sure) if you ever stopped subbing, you'd lose access to them, just like you do Incarnate Powers.

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It is sorta confusing to figure out how this is going to work retroactively.
If we're keeping the unlocks we already have, does that mean when they release this, the points we're getting will count as spent for the unlocks we already have? o_O Or are we getting points on top of what we already have?

Or did I misread about us keeping our current rewards? @_@



Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
This is the most complicated thing I have ever seen.
You click things and get stuff. When you click enough, more options open up. How is that complicated?

Or do you mean the conversion? You keep the vet rewards you have, plus you get to click a few more things after it goes live...