Answering some Freedom Questions
Also, I'm shaking my head & slapping my forehead at some of the other things.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero. certainly do gain by continuing to pay there. You also get exclusive access to a VIP only server so you don't have to deal with us little people. You get exlusive access to the forums so you don't have to talk to the little people. And you stay in good graces with all the paying costumers that have not a clue how this is going to work at the end of the day.
And for the new low cost of nothing...I get almost all that and no bill and I still can level up 1-50, play my MM and my controller, get 7 slots per server and call it a day. Wow, I am telling you, that 15 bucks you are shelling out is really worth it at the end of the day. |
I enjoy talking to people on the forums, and in the Global Channels I'm a member of (one item you didn't mention so I will), even trial players. I spend quite a bit of time in the Gameplay/Technical Issues and Bugs section, trying to help other players, be they subscribers or trial accounts. That's one thing I'd like to see changed in Freedom is to give Free and Premium players a section of the forums to ask game questions in, ask Technical questions in, and be able to get help from other players. It would need additional moderation, but I've never been satisfied with the way the current forums are moderated. Too uneven for my tastes.
I've met several really nice people through the forums and Global Channels. Some I've had the pleasure to meet in person (waves to Red Gren). Why would I not want to continue talking to the people I've talked to for over seven years? Sure, the other servers have some great people on them as well. Some of them I've even met and enjoyed getting to know a little. I've run into some I consider jerks as well, but it's easy for me to avoid them if I want.
I even enjoy talking to people when it's a situation like this one. Nothing you've said has really offended me to a point that I think you aren't a person I'd enjoy talking to more. I just don't agree with some of your viewpoints on this and I've tried to show where I believe you are wrong in some of them. Doesn't mean I'm not enjoying talking to you. If I wasn't enjoying talking to you, I'd be done with the conversation and with you entirely. That's not happened, and unless you take a really nasty turn and start in with some strong personal attacks, I don't think it's going to happen.
Being able to interact with other players is one of the things that has kept me subscribed all this time. It's not the only thing, but it's been one of the really important things. Even when I've gotten burned out a bit on playing the game, I've kept logging in to talk to people in the channels and kept coming to the forum to talk to them.
To me, it's all been worth it and I see nothing changing that for now. There are some other things that have me considering unsubscribing, but I've kept on mostly for the interactions in the channels and on the forums with friends I've made over the years. But that's a story for a different venue than these forums or this thread.
When it becomes not worth it, I'll unsubscribe.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
Alright, well I have a question- And I'm confident I will not get an answer from the Devs, pitty; But that's NCSoft's reputation anyway.
What will happen to those who have already invested so much time of their life's and money playing with one of the (Soon to be restricted AT's)? Should we choose not to play in the VIP server? I wonder.
Alright, well I have a question- And I'm confident I will not get an answer from the Devs, pitty; But that's NCSoft's reputation anyway.
What will happen to those who have already invested so much time of their life's and money playing with one of the (Soon to be restricted AT's)? Should we choose not to play in the VIP server? I wonder. |
I understand what they said, I was talking about the people who have already level 50's with those AT's, and decide not to play in the VIP server, what will happen to those toons?
Although I won't be a bit surprised if there are ways to allow Controllers and/or Masterminds other then through total subscription time. I'd imagine you could spend Paragon Points to open them up.
I understand what they said, I was talking about the people who have already level 50's with those AT's, and decide not to play in the VIP server, what will happen to those toons?
If you do have a subscription and try to play a MM/Controller/VEAT/HEAT then there's no change.
If you are a premium account without enough vet time to have the MM/Controller unlocked or try to play a VEAT/HEAT then the character is locked out and you'd have to purchase access to the needed AT through the store through whichever mechanic they allow that (probably they'll let you purchase it from the store). The characters won't be deleted or anything, they just won't be playable until you unlock them.
If you're on a premium account with enough vet time to have the MM/Controller unlocked, then you're all set to unlock that character to play with.
They did actually go over this in one of their ustream chats the other week. Which admittedly makes it hard to easily find on the forums, but they still did go over the information.
MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812
Alright, well I have a question- And I'm confident I will not get an answer from the Devs, pitty; But that's NCSoft's reputation anyway.
What will happen to those who have already invested so much time of their life's and money playing with one of the (Soon to be restricted AT's)? Should we choose not to play in the VIP server? I wonder. |
Err A the question makes zero sense because the VIP server is an extra server to play on not the only server VIP's can play on.
Now part 2 and the devs have clearly answered this. If you don't have enough months of time to have unlocked tier umm, 5 then any restricted AT's will be greyed out so you can't unlock them until you either. Have enough time to unlock them. Spend points to unlock them. They will not be deleted or anything.
What do you mean you don't think the devs will answer that? It was answered by Zwilliger way back on the day this was all announced. Oh wait he isn't a dev he is a customer service rep.
Hmm, that came out a bit more sarcastic than I meant but oh well.
But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius
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any word from the Devs on correcting the League kick bug???
It takes 47 muscles in the face to frown, but only 7 in the arm to reach out and choke the bejeezus out of someone who desperately needs it.
If they're Premium players, they can choose 2 characters (plus however many more they've unlocked through veteran rewards) to play. If they have the total subscription time to allow Controllers or Masterminds, they can choose those ATs as some of their available characters. If they don't have the total subscription time to allow Controllers or Masterminds... they can't.
Although I won't be a bit surprised if there are ways to allow Controllers and/or Masterminds other then through total subscription time. I'd imagine you could spend Paragon Points to open them up. |
Keep in mind the list is neither comprehensive nor final and is very much subject to change before Freedom launch.
And 10 bucks for a costume slot. Which is UTTER BS.
Over at that other game they're playing catchup with, stume slots are account-wide, and are 140 tokens. 500 of which cost 6.50. Do the math yourself. An AT is 920- less than $12
I seriously hope they revisit their price points, because frankly these are fail.
Things to remember:
-Common sense ain't;
-Overkill is the only kill;
-If someone asks if you're a god, run away.
And 10 bucks for a costume slot. Which is UTTER BS.
Over at that other game they're playing catchup with, stume slots are account-wide, and are 140 tokens. 500 of which cost 6.50. Do the math yourself. An AT is 920- less than $12 I seriously hope they revisit their price points, because frankly these are fail. |
I would think that if you actually played that game and bought the things you were talking about, instead of just quickly browsing its store, you'd know these things. I'm vaguely familiar with that other game, being a lifetime subscriber from launch and currently sitting on a couple thousand of those points since conversion myself. I wouldn't describe the relationship between the two games as this game trying to "catch up" with that game. I don't talk down that game except in areas I really think are broken (like the powers system, but then again I talk this game's powers system down at times also) and I think for its situation its own F2P model works fine. But in no way is it objectively better than what I know CoH:F is designed to be. I actually think I'm getting slightly more value here than there. And keep in mind I don't even pay to be a VIP over there at all.
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And 10 bucks for a costume slot. Which is UTTER BS.
Over at that other game they're playing catchup with, stume slots are account-wide, and are 140 tokens. 500 of which cost 6.50. Do the math yourself. An AT is 920- less than $12 I seriously hope they revisit their price points, because frankly these are fail. |
That one costume slot for $10 applies to a hypothetical lot of characters. Even if you're just filling up your free slots on a couple servers.
Some people believe the Earth is flat also.
This has nothing to do with situations like restrictive EULAs. This is really simple. If you believe you have purchased access rights to the content in Going Rogue, then you believe if you stop subscribing you should still have that access. If you believe you've purchased access rights to *all* the content released up to this point, then you should believe subscribing is itself meaningless, since it purchases no benefit (at least as it pertains to accessing the game). If you believe that your subscription buys access to the game and that's why you subscribe, but you also believe you bought access to the content permanently by buying the boxed editions of the game, then you are in fact an idiot. As to people who think using an unauthorized server to play the game not thinking that was illegal (which is different from knowing its illegal and doing it anyway), see flat Earth above. |
Well, isn't that particularly condescending and utter crap.
Here is an exercise to try:
Aside from anyone even remotely connected to software development, not even fairly close friends of people in the software development business, how is the remaining common consumer supposed to be aware of this?
Let me re-word that in case it isn't clear. In what other, everyday consumer transaction, does purchase not imply ownership?
I'll help you out be naming a few. Not to steal your thunder, but to point out how it doesn't work from a common consumer point of view.
- Music.
True, purchase of music does not grant ownership rights of the songs themselves. But from a common consumer point of view, they can do what ever they want with that music on a personal level. If they want to rip it off for their own amusement, or education, they can. If they want to play it on other devices they can (assuming the technology still exists to play it). With the current state of Fair Use, they can even rip digital copies for their own use. And as long as it stays in their possession, everything is fine. For common consumers, this is pretty much ownership. - Books.
Again, purchase of a book does not give the purchaser ownership of the content of the book. But for all other measures of ownership (from a common consumer) they own that book. They can burn it if they want (assuming it is a physical copy... Hell, even if it is digital they still can). Tear it up. Take it wherever they want. Read it whenever they want, as long as there is enough light. Once purchased, it can not be removed from the consumers possession (unless it was on the Kindle... :-P) - Just about any other media.
Still falls under the same "measures of ownership." Personal copies, right to take to any device, at any time as long as the technology matches, etc. Right to destroy if the owner so chooses. Etc.
Software is the only business that actually breaks this mold. Software is the only thing that customers never buy. They simply buy the license to use.
And every time that particular curtain has been pulled back, consumers fought against the idea. iTunes DRM. Fair Use. Etc..
So how is a common consumer supposed to be aware of this in such a fashion that they will no longer be compared to the ignorant sods that believe the Earth is flat? (Ignorant sods is my term, the Earth is flat comparison is Arcanavilles - intentionally or accidentally.)
EDITed to add: I forgot one point. The real noodle baking question is: Should the common consumer be educated they don't actually own anything when they purchase software? Actually training them of this might just cause a revolt against the current business model. Of course, nothing may change. The species is hard to predict on such a large scale. But it is certainly in the business best interest to keep that "little secret" as long as they can.
I seriously hope they revisit their price points, because frankly these are fail.
I suspect that they'll realize that $10 per costume slot per character is a bit steep.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
Let me re-word that in case it isn't clear. In what other, everyday consumer transaction, does purchase not imply ownership?
When I got my router from my ISP, I understood that while I owned the router, in order to get my broadband I would need to pay a fee, and if I stopped paying then the router would be useless to me.
When I bought my Sky satellite TV box, I understood that I did not have the right to watch Sky TV channels forever, unless I paid them a monthly fee. Also, Sky could remove channels from my basic package at any time and put them into one of their premium packages, which would cost me extra. If I stopped paying, then I would still be able to watch a selection of free channels, but Sky dictated which channels those were.
Without a continuing payment, my phone and my modem are just pieces of plastic and metal. Without a continuing payment, I get *some* useage from my satellite decoder, but that usage is decided by the satellite provider.
Purchase item, pay for usage is not that rare a model. That's how I've always seen CoX -- I paid a 'setup fee' when I bought the game, and I pay to be able to keep using the content.
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
When I bought my mobile phone, I understood that I did not have the right to use that phone to make free calls forever. I need to pay a monthly fee, or pay for each call I made.
When I got my router from my ISP, I understood that while I owned the router, in order to get my broadband I would need to pay a fee, and if I stopped paying then the router would be useless to me.
If you are like most ISP customers, you are actually renting your modem. If you cancelled your internet service, you would be required to give that modem back.
On the other hand, if you did purchase the modem through your ISP, you have the right to take that modem to an other provider (not that you are likely to have any in your area - that is another can o' worms).
When I bought my Sky satellite TV box, I understood that I did not have the right to watch Sky TV channels forever, unless I paid them a monthly fee. Also, Sky could remove channels from my basic package at any time and put them into one of their premium packages, which would cost me extra. If I stopped paying, then I would still be able to watch a selection of free channels, but Sky dictated which channels those were.
Without a continuing payment, my phone and my modem are just pieces of plastic and metal. Without a continuing payment, I get *some* useage from my satellite decoder, but that usage is decided by the satellite provider. |
Purchase item, pay for usage is not that rare a model. That's how I've always seen CoX -- I paid a 'setup fee' when I bought the game, and I pay to be able to keep using the content.
And those are the people that need to be understood. I'm not saying they need to be agreed with, or even catered to. Just understood.
Because if I am right, and they are as numerous as I believe, they are the people that are supporting this (and other) games. Alienating them could cause this game, if not the business, to come crashing down.
Or not. Like I said, on that scale it is very hard to predict what the species will do. But with what we have seen in other examples, a fight will be in order.
When you bought your phone, you were given the right to take your phone to any carrier you wanted. At any time. If this isn't allowed, then you were only renting/leasing your phone.
I'm not going to argue everything you said point by point, but as with the phone analogy, there's an exception that people are more than happy to pay for. In many cases--as with CoH--there is no other provider that you can take your subscription-based product to; it's a choice of paying the subscription, or not getting the service at all.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
Morgan your argument doesn't hold up under examination.
If. And I say if you could play the game without subscribing to it after you bought the box you would have a case. But that doesn't work. Just try to play beyond your 30 free days after buying a boxed online game.
Now after the game goes Free to play/VIP they won't sell the boxes anymore and that clearly supports the entire negation of your point.
All you buy when you buy the box is the device needed to access the game. Your monthly subscription is what gives you access.
If books were only limited time, ie you go to the store and buy them and the store comes and collects them after 30 days if you don't keep paying a fee, or if you bought a CD and the store came and collected it after 30 days if you didn't pay a continueing fee you might have an apples and apples comparison.
But because you buy a book and take it home you now have full permanent access to that book so long as you retain possession of it. The same applies to CD's and your other examples.
In none of the examples you use do you have to pay a continuing fee to actually use the item in question. That is why you have a good argument that you own the item in question. With COX all you own is the software on your computer. You don't own any of the access to the game, you rent that access and that is it. IT IS NOT THE SAME THING.
But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius
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That other game's costume slot purchases unlock one additional costume slot for one character only per purchase of 140 points, not account-wide. You can buy 2 additional costume slots for *every* character you have simultaneously for 450 points. However, that will take you from three to five (if you are a gold player you have three costume slots per character by default) for all your characters. Which is what I get right now for no actual cash purchase in CoH: four standard slots and one unlockable with Halloween salvage.
I would think that if you actually played that game and bought the things you were talking about, instead of just quickly browsing its store, you'd know these things.... |
2) My error, I bought the package- which is why I have so many stume slots on ALL my chars, and did not have to sell my house to do it. Still substantially cheaper than 10 bucks/slot/char(?) (unclear if it's per char or per account for Freedom)
3) You can nitpick with my wording all you like, Arcana, but CoX is, in fact, now trying to offer as part of its revamp things that have been in CO for a while, in many cases. This is not necessarily a bad thing- unless the prices are way out of line with both perceived value and what the competition offers (assuming an otherwise level playing field between games, which is not nec. the case.) Which you did not, truthfully, address.
Take an absurdist example of this one price:
5 new character slots= $20
each of which, as you point out, allow you 5 sots total.
You could, if you chose, and felt you REALLLLY needed that many stumes for a single charconcept buy the slots, roll 5 versions of the char with modified name, and unlock 25 stumeslots for $20.
As opposed to rolling one char, and buying another 5 slots, for a maximum of 10- for $50.
More time involved in the first method, yes. And I'm not for a moment suggesting anyone might actually want to DO this- just that one *could*. And save a large chunk of change.
This is not sensible pricing, to my mind. Especially given that we can now save and load stumes, and Inf is reasonably easy to come by, this price (which, yes I know 'may be changed') lifts this from the realm of 'impulsegottagetNOW'. To 'maybe when my VIP points stack up' or even 'never.'
In other words, rather than having a subscriber (speaking personally) spending yet more money in small amounts, they may very well end up with a subscriber who never pays another penny beyond the monthly sub- rather self defeating, given the energy they're putting into the whole cash store project. Will they make it up on purchases from Premium players etc? Maybe. Unless those players, as well, look at the prices and call BS.
As always, YMMV.
Things to remember:
-Common sense ain't;
-Overkill is the only kill;
-If someone asks if you're a god, run away.
Why do I get the feeling that someone on the internet is trying to prove me wrong, when I haven't expressed my personal belief on a matter?
Oh well. You know what? You win.
You are right.
I'm wrong.
There. You should sleep like a baby tonight.
For those who may be interested in what is actually being discussed:
I never bought an iPhone, so I am not sure how the things were handle at point of sale. But I am certain that every single mention of the iPhone included the mention of "being locked in," or requiring a contract with AT&T to use. If memory serves, it was a two year contract, but that ultimately doesn't matter here.
I'm willing to give Apple and Apple employees the benefit of the doubt, and say they probably made that requirement quite clear at purchase. But I might be giving them too much credit. I don't know.
To the point: If during that initial contract period, Apple said "We changed our minds. We no longer require you to have an AT&T contract." There would be some customers, if memory serves a lot of customers because no one seemed to like AT&Ts service, that would jump on the chance to change carriers.
Now if Apple said "sure, you can change carriers. But you have to pay us for that phone first." There would be consumer backlash over it. This isn't saying that it would be right. Or that Apple should not have charged for the phone. But customers would revert to their programmed belief that purchase = ownership. And that they believed they bought the phone free and clear, and just took the tacked on contract along with it.
They would feel insulted ("slapped in the face") for having to pay for the phone twice.
I bet some of you are saying "CoH does the same thing! The package states you REQUIRE a subscription!:"
Hold on. CoH:Freedom changes that though. The easiest way to interpret (from a common consumer perspective) what Paragon is saying is "we no longer require you to have a subscription to play." I realize this isn't 100% accurate. I'm not talking about the accuracy of the interpretation.
Positrons' quote of "you keep what you purchase" plays to that nicely. I am NOT saying it was intentionally misleading. Just pointing out that it plays to the programmed belief that purchase = ownership.
So there will be some customers that will fall back to their programmed belief that purchase = ownership, and come into Freedom believing they have everything they bought.
They will be insulted ("slapped in the face") for having to "pay twice for content they already bought" when having to pay (even if it is in Paragon Points they were given before Freedom launched) for access to some ATs, and even some Powersets, that they believe they already bought.
We have even seen this crop up on the forums a few times already.
It won't go away until a month (or more) after Freedom launches.
And how people handle these customers (if they are as numerous as I predict) that feel insulted will determine how Freedom is received. And it could be a big "shot in the foot" to the game.
Or not. Maybe I am wrong about the number of people that feel that way about the game.
When you bought your phone, you were given the right to take your phone to any carrier you wanted. At any time. If this isn't allowed, then you were only renting/leasing your phone.
Still, I'm going to stand by the fact that the CoX boxes themselves weren't a product, they were a set-up fee. They paid for the effort of putting together the game our subscription gets us access to, but didn't provide us anything in particular for us.
Now if Apple said "sure, you can change carriers. But you have to pay us for that phone first." There would be consumer backlash over it. This isn't saying that it would be right. Or that Apple should not have charged for the phone. But customers would revert to their programmed belief that purchase = ownership. And that they believed they bought the phone free and clear, and just took the tacked on contract along with it.
They would feel insulted ("slapped in the face") for having to pay for the phone twice. |
((I am going to assume that you mean modem. I'm not trying to nitpick terminology, but a router has nothing to do with internet access so your point would be moot otherwise.))
Why do I get the feeling that someone on the internet is trying to prove me wrong, when I haven't expressed my personal belief on a matter?
You're taking up an absurd position that either you believe yourself and are attempting to distance yourself from so that people can't call you directly on believing an absurd thing (which means on some level you know it's absurd), or you're advocating an absurd cause fully aware of how absurd it is.
And see this?
Then you might be unique. But in the end, I'm sorry to say, it really doesn't matter how you see it.
Hold on. CoH:Freedom changes that though. The easiest way to interpret (from a common consumer perspective) what Paragon is saying is "we no longer require you to have a subscription to play." I realize this isn't 100% accurate. I'm not talking about the accuracy of the interpretation.
So there will be some customers that will fall back to their programmed belief that purchase = ownership, and come into Freedom believing they have everything they bought.
They will be insulted ("slapped in the face") for having to "pay twice for content they already bought" when having to pay (even if it is in Paragon Points they were given before Freedom launched) for access to some ATs, and even some Powersets, that they believe they already bought. |
Or not. Maybe I am wrong about the number of people that feel that way about the game.
You can't, and aren't, speaking for those that see it as I have laid out. That they purchase content when buying the game, and are renting server time with their subscription fee.
And those are the people that need to be understood. I'm not saying they need to be agreed with, or even catered to. Just understood. |
Seems we are getting WAY WAY off topic. But for the record there are illegal free servers that use the COX engine. have been for some time actually. So there are and pretty much always will be alternatives for people that purchased a retail item to do as they wish. Personaly this is not my cup of tea, but it was worth a reply. Just like There are free Galaxies servers and free matrix online servers, and free Tabulas Rasa Servers, even free Phantasy Star Online servers, all long dead now. That just goes to show you the original purchase will still be valuable media beyond shelf space if this free thing fails and they close up shop. I dont think thats the case but just saying.
I'm Disapointed that they can not garentee that my characters as they are right now will not remain the same if I continue my subscription for as long as they allow me. This tier thing seems an aweful thing to have to deal with and if you mess up it seems unfixable. Much like taking the sprint vet powers UGG! I have MANY Masterminds and controllers and 2 each Kalderans and Crab Bane characters. So that being said if all the sudden as a VIP I find I can not access my existing 50s I have had for some time now, yes I'll be upset and frustrated. I dont like change any more then anyone else, but this was the course they decided to go for. Is it a mistake? I think so, but we dont know and will not know for some time. If they suddenly discover its costing them more profits then it was worth to keep regular subscriptions. like say a year later. I hope they will consider going back to the proven system rather then throwing in the towel and closing down. Just opinion...
Seems we are getting WAY WAY off topic. But for the record there are illegal free servers that use the COX engine. have been for some time actually. So there are and pretty much always will be alternatives for people that purchased a retail item to do as they wish. Personaly this is not my cup of tea, but it was worth a reply. Just like There are free Galaxies servers and free matrix online servers, and free Tabulas Rasa Servers, even free Phantasy Star Online servers, all long dead now. That just goes to show you the original purchase will still be valuable media beyond shelf space if this free thing fails and they close up shop. I dont think thats the case but just saying.
I'm Disapointed that they can not garentee that my characters as they are right now will not remain the same if I continue my subscription for as long as they allow me. This tier thing seems an aweful thing to have to deal with and if you mess up it seems unfixable. Much like taking the sprint vet powers UGG! I have MANY Masterminds and controllers and 2 each Kalderans and Crab Bane characters. So that being said if all the sudden as a VIP I find I can not access my existing 50s I have had for some time now, yes I'll be upset and frustrated. I dont like change any more then anyone else, but this was the course they decided to go for. Is it a mistake? I think so, but we dont know and will not know for some time. If they suddenly discover its costing them more profits then it was worth to keep regular subscriptions. like say a year later. I hope they will consider going back to the proven system rather then throwing in the towel and closing down. Just opinion... |
Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30
And for the new low cost of nothing...I get almost all that and no bill and I still can level up 1-50, play my MM and my controller, get 7 slots per server and call it a day. Wow, I am telling you, that 15 bucks you are shelling out is really worth it at the end of the day.
You get 2 character slots base, plus those you've purchased, plus those you've earned via Veteran rewards, plus 2 for purchasing Going Rogue. That's TOTAL slots, not slots per server.
To me, that's a pretty big hit, even though I mostly play on just one server.
There are other things you lose access to that you haven't mentioned, but that could be because they don't matter to you. And that's fine, that's your decision to make.
However, I think your viewpoint has blinded you to the fact that other people don't look for the same things you do. When I look at what remaining a subscriber gets me, I DO feel the price I pay is totally worth it! You may think I'm a sucker & laugh at me for believing so, but remember, in turn, I'm laughing my tuchus off at some of the things you are saying you believe. Also, I'm shaking my head & slapping my forehead at some of the other things.