Two-handed weapon set




Bartender, pass that player another of whatever they're drinking on me.

Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
From what I can make of it. The stipends add up. So 400 on July, another 400 in August and that makes 800 and so on.
Good to hear. Now all my qualms about CoH: Freedom are gone. I am very patient, so waiting to stack up points won't kill me. I've wanted years to be able to buy the booster packs at a cheap (free) price.



Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
I agree and disagree. I hope that, to some extent, things like powersets will will be covered by the stipend which used to be *free*. In that sense, it still won't go above and beyond the sub fee. If that is the case, no real harm done.
Originally Posted by Furio View Post
With the stipend of points that you get as a sub, the absolute *worst* that could happen if they charge for something is that you might have to wait a bit.
I'm really not sure what's going to happen nor how I will feel about it when whatever happens does happen...
But, for sport...
Another way to see this sentiment of "it's free" is that it's not exactly "free" because it would be taking away those points that could be used to buy something else.
Now, I don't just mean... But but they make us make choices?? Dooom!!
What I mean is... saying that purchasable things that someone thinks should come with a free issue are technically free, because they can just use their monthly stipend on it, doesn't stop the fact that those points now can't be spent on things that this person accepts as purchasable items.

E.G. Fred doesn't think powersets should be purchasable, but Booster Pack equivalent stuff is okay with them (since, it already existed and now they can actually use the free stipend to pay for them).
When a powerset is made purchasable, Fred reiterates that they do not like this. Natalie says, it's "free" if you use your stipend.
Fred uses his stipend, but now he doesn't have that stipend for the new Cyborg 2 Super Booster.

Of course... all of this can be responded to with "Now you have the CHOICE!" and that is fine.
However, it shouldn't necessarily be called free.

Is it free if it comes out of your stipend?

Does a platypus wear pajamas in the winter?

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
In the ustream from yesterday (6/22/11) they stated that you would be able to get good stuff with you 400 stipend, and not feel gipped. (Paraphrasing). Now ofcourse they didn't say what that stuff is.
Of course they're going to say that and ya know... I believe them. They've put a lot of good stuff into this game over the years.

The question is how MUCH good stuff will that 400 points cover? There have been people in this thread stating that it's ok to get one powerset for 400 points.

In 2010 we got 3 issues. 4 powersets, 3 new zones covering 1-20 content including a bunch of new contacts, costumes, side switching, trials, incarnate powers, etc.

Some of you are stating that it will be fine to use 4 months of your stipend for just the four powersets. What about the costume sets +temp powers that also cost 400 a pop? 4 of those and we're down to 1600 points left for the year. Couple of new contacts and story arcs and now you're tapped.

Unless you spend a bit more cash for some extra points.

Yes, choice is good. Maybe I get to test out that new powerset and determine that it's not for me. Great, I can use those points elsewhere. That's nice. I never bought the party pack because I didn't consider it worth the money.

That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about sub+stipend+cost of a booster a year NOT being enough to get the the same quality/quantity of good stuff we've gotten in past.

I don't have enough faith in corporate America to ever believe that any move of this nature won't end up being a money grab.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post

Some of you are stating that it will be fine to use 4 months of your stipend for just the four powersets. What about the costume sets +temp powers that also cost 400 a pop? 4 of those and we're down to 1600 points left for the year. Couple of new contacts and story arcs and now you're tapped.

Unless you spend a bit more cash for some extra points.

Yes, choice is good. Maybe I get to test out that new powerset and determine that it's not for me. Great, I can use those points elsewhere. That's nice. I never bought the party pack because I didn't consider it worth the money.

That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about sub+stipend+cost of a booster a year NOT being enough to get the the same quality/quantity of good stuff we've gotten in past.
So far, it looks like story arcs should be free for VIPs without exception.

I hope I can get as much value as I could for my current sub + boosters, while not getting the stuff I don't really want (emotes, cce's, etc.)

Still, there will probably be a lot more powers like ninja run. More than booster packs ever put out. Those might put me over, depending on how desireable they are.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



I will point that the 3 new zones, 1-20 content, costumes (with Alpha and Omega being an additional paid for benefit if you pre-ordered), side switching were all part of the paid expansion which was...£20 in English money.

So if we're getting a boxed Expansions worth of content plus the boosters you're looking at additional £50.

So looking at an additional £4 (roughly) every month ontop of your sub price, which equates to just under 1 booster packs worth of goods every month.

Still while I'm not as pessimistic as I was (if the powersets ARE 400 points as others have suggested while cosmetic stuff remains the 'buy points to get' it seems to balance out...still not happy about that situation though, considering 1 vet power costs 400 points was used as an example, it seems unlikely), I still think its a poor way to do things.

VIPs should get powersets free, make the Freeks and Premiums pay for them instead if you want the cash for them would be my personal take on what they should do.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Another thought that comes to mind...

If they make powersets so quickly that it becomes a financial burden, god bless them.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
Another thought that comes to mind...

If they make powersets so quickly that it becomes a financial burden, god bless them.
Or, you know, they make 4 in a year and charge 2,400 points for each....



Here's a catch-22.

We've been clamoring for 'X' for a number of years. 'X' can be anything from the Staff fighting set to the MoonBase zone as long as it's something big.

A year from now 'X' is announced as coming, but it'll cost PP for everyone, including ViP's.

My knee jerk reaction would be the same as quite a few. I wouldn't tolerate it. Then I got to pondering.

What if the reason we never got 'X' before was simply a lack of funds. With the influx of cash from the store they were finally able to create it, however in order to create the next 'X' they'll need to charge us for it.

Would we accept this? If the fact was that we Never would have seen it under the old model?
Or in other words, is it worth it to pay for it if it would never be created otherwise?

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Worst case scenario is that we end up paying 1.5 to 2 times our sub cost per month to get the same amount of content we used to get for 1.07 times our sub fee.
Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
The question is how MUCH good stuff will that 400 points cover? There have been people in this thread stating that it's ok to get one powerset for 400 points.
I'm with you Bill. I'm all for the f2p change. I think it's a great way to bring more people to the game and I'm willing to give the devs time to sort out point pricing details, but if one powerset costs an entire month's points, I might have to rethink my position. To me, this would be the nickle and diming that keeps me away from other f2p games. I'm really hoping CoH does NOT go this route.

Powersets should either be free to paying subscribers or available at a very low point cost. I won't mind spending points on costumes and content (including powersets), but don't gouge me on them.

Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
I will point that the 3 new zones, 1-20 content, costumes (with Alpha and Omega being an additional paid for benefit if you pre-ordered), side switching were all part of the paid expansion which was...£20 in English money.
All that in addition to four new powersets and one month of gametime for $30. If I can pay that and get a similar amount of new content, I will do it happily.

Again, I'm in favor of the upcoming changes, but I want more than the equivalent of one powerset a month for my subscription fee.

EDIT: for clarity.



The comment from Zwill during the Ustream about having
"Lot's more reasons to keep creating alts"
has me wondering if he's alluding to tons of new costumes items in the store, perhaps even some of the signature NPC items we've all craved for years. Or rather cosmetics + quite a few powersets they've been holding onto.

AS mentioned above it's all but confirmed that they will be charging for entire power sets. The mild mannered article goes so far as to say;

"One of the really cool elements that was shown off was something I inadvertently alluded to a few weeks back: two-handed melee weapons. It turns out that isn't coming in a Super Booster but in the new store. It also promises to change the dynamic of the weapon sets to reward a slightly different playstyle, emphasizing repeated weapon strikes in quick succession. Interesting stuff, to be sure, although I was told that it won't quite be ready for the store's launch. But hey, you have to leave something for further on down the line."

While I can see the reasoning for this as I stated above I do have to wonder if it's the best approach. We're wanting to lure the freebers into subscribing. Seeing the ViP's running around with freshly launched powersets could be just that kind of motivation. Then again, the new sets would be more enticing to those of use already familiar with what's live, so we'd be the market for them...

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



The Power Set being cited as being "in the store" could just be for Premiums/Free... Where as VIP could get them automatically (just like MMs and Controllers).
It could also be a mistake, but that probably would have been corrected with an official statement by now.

Another thing...
If the points make things free for VIPs, how would they make money off of VIPs in order to increase revenue? Just from some players buying things because they want it NAO instead of gradually collecting it all through points?
Impulse purchases?
I understand that they hope to get more funds in from Free/Premium players... And that, theoretically, the Booster Pack expenses we've had the option to buy will be achieved through the store by providing more items than we can afford with just in-game points...
But to think that they'll be able to kick out a noticeable amount of content greater than before, due to incoming revenue, I think that is only possible if VIPs are paying for it (other than the simple increase through Free Players becoming VIPs = more subscriptions... but we'll see if that happens. We could end up with less paid subscribers... *shrugs*).

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Good point about the Set being in the store for Freebers/Prems. Surprised that didn't occur to me.

I don't expect an increase in the amount they can create. Rather I believe they've been 'ramping up' for this all year long. Probaly one of the reasons why the past few issues have seemed like we were headed in an 'All Incarnate all the time' direction was simply because that was the content they needed in place before this.

The comments from Zwill and Jay seem to indicate they are withholding a plethora of goodies specifically for the purpose of fleshing out the store and enticing us ViP's into rapidly spending our points.

So yes, I do expect a flood of content to be forthcoming, not because I think they can suddenly create tons more but rather because they've all but told us they've already got it made!

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Understood, and logical, MaestroMavius.
And, just for the record, the things in my post were not directed solely at you.
I've seen people expecting/anticipating/hoping-for more content/goodies throughout the forums.

And I am certainly not saying that it won't happen. It might!
It may happen just because they've got a good-sized team, have come up with more efficient ways to do more things and/or they've decided to commit more time and resources on adding more stuff! The team is still vastly bigger than it was before Going Rogue, right? And Going Rogue ate up a lot of time and resources. If they've been toying around and holding things back... the regular flow of things in the future could be greater than we've seen so far (see? Now I am one of the people talking about expecting/hoping for more bang for my buck).
And... hey, I hope that this new business model does bring in more money and that pays for them making more stuff and they can keep right on making more awesome stuff and so on and so forth.
I absolutely feel the same way as Arcanaville... in that they are going to be watched with wary eyes from their existing customerbase and if they try and pull more money out of us or give us less stuff with our basic subscription, it will be noticed and will cause much havoc, hehe.

They'd be crazy to pull that and it'd be fantastic to get a bit more for our money... but we'll see.
I'm optimistic that this could happen, but also have the same opinions as BillZ about corporate interests being completely counter to that (and untrustworthy).

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Well maybe we, as the community, need to set a low-water line so the Devs know how much stuff we expect to be able to get for our subscription (However it comes, either just as VIP only or with accumulated points.

How about we pick a year as a base and enumerate costumes/powersets/zones/arcs/[T/S]Fs/Weapons/features that we'd expect?

Even if Paragon don't want to talk about costs yet, we might get a "Yes you'll get more than that" out of them.

I mean we can't claim "You must give VIPs all the new power sets without points cost" if they produce a powerset every month but if we're expecting 2-ish a year and some proliferation then I think we should get those whole cloth without points, again, depending on the cost of the other stuff.

Personally I see the points as the most valuable for discrete costume parts, I'm sick of getting those in bundles as there are lots of parts in the boosters I have no interest in. This also encourages the gfx artist to not take shortcuts with costume options as each piece would have to stand up well on their own.



A few points:

1. If they had indeed created all that content, but intentionally held it back so they can put it in the store, giving me "lite" issues for coming on an entire year, that will not reflect positively on my attitude going into Freedom. Negatively impacting the rate at which I, as a subscriber, get things so that they have more stuff to peddle in the store is not cool.

2. "A month's stipend" is far, far, FAR too expensive for what should be in a regular Issue and, as such, I as a subscriber should be entitled to for the price of my subscription. If we end up having to pay real money for things like zones, powersets or enhancements, I'm going to start asking what my $15 is going into.

3. To stick to the topic, a two-handed "weapon" set has been a long time coming. I kind of hope it has something to do with weapon customization rather than a brand new set, but at this point that's not very likely. An emphasis on repeated strikes sounds like something I've suggested in the past, where a polearm weapon would have an extra "wind up" and "wind down" animation every time you have to start attacking from a dead stop and every time you go to a dead stop, meaning you can attack faster if you queue up attacks one after the other, rather than if you leave gaps in your attack chain.

4. It's high time they finish BABs work and remove weapon draw when an attack is applicable to be used, leaving it in only if you attempt to activate an attack with nothing or a friendly targeted, while being out of range, out of line of sight, out of energy or otherwise unable to execute said attack. This would allow me to mix weapon and non-weapon attacks, such as Broadsword with Fighting powers, without feeling like a fool for doing so.

5. If this is part of I21 and the Freedom launch, then they're starting very strong. Between this, the First Ward, the revamps of Galaxy City, Atlas Park and Mercy Island and the costumes they've promised, things look a lot less grim than they might otherwise. It all comes down to how much of that stuff I, as a subscriber, am going to end up paying extra for, and which content in particular that will be.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
If they had indeed created all that content, but intentionally held it back so they can put it in the store, giving me "lite" issues for coming on an entire year, that will not reflect positively on my attitude going into Freedom.
It's planning ahead - they're creating content for a specific Issue, just like they always do.
They "hold back" completed stuff all the time.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Anyone else have the sinking suspicion that the Paragon points will be about as useful as AMEX points?



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
5. If this is part of I21 and the Freedom launch, then they're starting very strong. Between this, the First Ward, the revamps of Galaxy City, Atlas Park and Mercy Island and the costumes they've promised, things look a lot less grim than they might otherwise. It all comes down to how much of that stuff I, as a subscriber, am going to end up paying extra for, and which content in particular that will be.
They said an enemy costume set per issue. At the time that sounded awesome. Now, it sounds like you have to pay for them :/

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
They said an enemy costume set per issue. At the time that sounded awesome. Now, it sounds like you have to pay for them :/
Now THAT would annoy me. There are numerous npc parts we've been asking them for for years.

Nice that I can choose which ones I want, but those type of requested things for literally YEARS should be FREE of VIPs.

Incidentally, I think some folks might understand why I was so annoyed by what amounts to travel customization being locked behind the Incarnate Trials. Happily there will now be another way to get them, BUT those type of customizations should be FREE, especially seeing as it's continuing the work started by BaBs and others.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Now THAT would annoy me. There are numerous npc parts we've been asking them for for years.

Nice that I can choose which ones I want, but those type of requested things for literally YEARS should be FREE of VIPs.

Incidentally, I think some folks might understand why I was so annoyed by what amounts to travel customization being locked behind the Incarnate Trials. Happily there will now be another way to get them, BUT those type of customizations should be FREE, especially seeing as it's continuing the work started by BaBs and others.
I'm not annoyed at having to buy them per se. I am annoyed that before it sounded like we'd be getting them with the issues. Now it sounds like they'll make them available, but you have to buy them.

Seeing as how they've had the F2P planned for over a year, they either should of made it sound like a "we'll make enemy costume sets as boosters" or in some way said "they'll be made available, but you'll have to pay for them"

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
Good to hear. Now all my qualms about CoH: Freedom are gone. I am very patient, so waiting to stack up points won't kill me. I've wanted years to be able to buy the booster packs at a cheap (free) price.
If Paragon Studios is smart -- and they are -- then Boosters will cost about 2400 Paragon Points. Minimum. So anyone who wants to get all of the ones they're going to release per year plus the existing ones will have to pay extra money for them. There's no way they'd set up a system where they would earn *less* income from VIPs than they make now with subs. And giving away Boosters for P-points would do just that. They definitely *aren't* going to be selling new powersets for only 400 P-points. They simply aren't going to do something so counterproductive to their bottom line.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I'm not annoyed at having to buy them per se. I am annoyed that before it sounded like we'd be getting them with the issues. Now it sounds like they'll make them available, but you have to buy them.

Seeing as how they've had the F2P planned for over a year, they either should of made it sound like a "we'll make enemy costume sets as boosters" or in some way said "they'll be made available, but you'll have to pay for them"
THIS. From everything I heard previously (the various everything art threads), I had assumed we'd be getting enemy parts free.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
If Paragon Studios is smart -- and they are -- then Boosters will cost about 2400 Paragon Points. Minimum. So anyone who wants to get all of the ones they're going to release per year plus the existing ones will have to pay extra money for them. There's no way they'd set up a system where they would earn *less* income from VIPs than they make now with subs. And giving away Boosters for P-points would do just that. They definitely *aren't* going to be selling new powersets for only 400 P-points. They simply aren't going to do something so counterproductive to their bottom line.
Then what on earth could they give you that was "substantial and won't feel like you are gipped" (pararphrasing from yesterday's Ustream).

And before anyone says emotes and costume parts . . . NO. I do NOT feel those would be substantially worth 400 points.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I'm not annoyed at having to buy them per se. I am annoyed that before it sounded like we'd be getting them with the issues. Now it sounds like they'll make them available, but you have to buy them.

Seeing as how they've had the F2P planned for over a year, they either should of made it sound like a "we'll make enemy costume sets as boosters" or in some way said "they'll be made available, but you'll have to pay for them"
The IDF and Defense costume sets are included as part of I21.

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