Two-handed weapon set




Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
If Paragon Studios is smart -- and they are -- then Boosters will cost about 2400 Paragon Points. Minimum. So anyone who wants to get all of the ones they're going to release per year plus the existing ones will have to pay extra money for them. There's no way they'd set up a system where they would earn *less* income from VIPs than they make now with subs. And giving away Boosters for P-points would do just that. They definitely *aren't* going to be selling new powersets for only 400 P-points. They simply aren't going to do something so counterproductive to their bottom line.
They have stated that instead of boosters we would have the option of buying individual pieces (just want ninja run?) or a bundled set.

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Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
The Power Set being cited as being "in the store" could just be for Premiums/Free... Where as VIP could get them automatically (just like MMs and Controllers).
It could also be a mistake, but that probably would have been corrected with an official statement by now.

Another thing...
If the points make things free for VIPs, how would they make money off of VIPs in order to increase revenue? Just from some players buying things because they want it NAO instead of gradually collecting it all through points?
Impulse purchases?
I understand that they hope to get more funds in from Free/Premium players... And that, theoretically, the Booster Pack expenses we've had the option to buy will be achieved through the store by providing more items than we can afford with just in-game points...
But to think that they'll be able to kick out a noticeable amount of content greater than before, due to incoming revenue, I think that is only possible if VIPs are paying for it (other than the simple increase through Free Players becoming VIPs = more subscriptions... but we'll see if that happens. We could end up with less paid subscribers... *shrugs*).
Another possibility is that premium/free has to pay for it directly, while VIP's gets to use their monthly stiped *shrugs*

My impression is that the monthly stipend is basically supposed to cover us buying most (if not all) of the stuff they release, so the end-result ends up being the same (with maybe some savings from having a VIP account)

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by enderbean View Post
The IDF and Defense costume sets are included as part of I21.
That sounds more like a "Free to VIPs for this issue then it changes" type of deal.

I've bought all the other boosters (well won one, the mutant pack I believe it was) and this includes the Emote Pack. So I'm not against buying them, but like I said, the wording sounded more like "free with the issues" and nothing hinted at for having to pay for any of them.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
Another possibility is that premium/free has to pay for it directly, while VIP's gets to use their monthly stiped *shrugs*

My impression is that the monthly stipend is basically supposed to cover us buying most (if not all) of the stuff they release, so the end-result ends up being the same (with maybe some savings from having a VIP account)
They could have things cost less Paragon Points for the VIPs to make it even out, or have it so the VIPS don't have to pay as much as Premium/F2P.

Like Powerset costs 2400 PP. For VIPS it costs 800, so they'd have to save up 2 months or pay the 400 and then buy an additional 400.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
They could have things cost less Paragon Points for the VIPs to make it even out, or have it so the VIPS don't have to pay as much as Premium/F2P.

Like Powerset costs 2400 PP. For VIPS it costs 800, so they'd have to save up 2 months or pay the 400 and then buy an additional 400.
I don't see this needing "balancing out." They give the VIP'ers a stipend for the store. Some new things will be part of the store, bought with the stipend, some will be free to VIP's. As long as the "free to VIP's" plus what I can buy with the 400/mo stipend is roughly equivalent to what I'd have expected under the old payment model, I'm being treated rather fairly.



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
I don't see this needing "balancing out." They give the VIP'ers a stipend for the store. Some new things will be part of the store, bought with the stipend, some will be free to VIP's. As long as the "free to VIP's" plus what I can buy with the 400/mo stipend is roughly equivalent to what I'd have expected under the old payment model, I'm being treated rather fairly.
I'm just worried, were as before I was getting new powersets for free (not counting the ones which came with the paid expansion, but I put those in a different category) with my monthly fee, I'm now either going to have to wait to get them (save up PP) or pay out extra to get them now.

I don't expect a powerset to cost more than 5-10 dollars worth of PP, but still never had to actually pay for any of the new sets (and I bought GR twice for one account, so it's not like I havent wasted money to get faster access to powersets).

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
Anyone else have the sinking suspicion that the Paragon points will be about as useful as AMEX points?
Sweet! I'm so getting a dozen desk calendars then!



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
Anyone else have the sinking suspicion that the Paragon points will be about as useful as AMEX points?
Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
Sweet! I'm so getting a dozen desk calendars then!
Haha! Although, to take this little side tangent a bit seriously...
We've actually used our Amex points to get a couple of hundred dollars of Home Depot Gift Cards.
Of course, we put all our bills through the card in order to best take advantage of that, but still... They've worked out well!!

*and now, back to your regularly scheduled program*

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Haha! Although, to take this little side tangent a bit seriously...
We've actually used our Amex points to get a couple of hundred dollars of Home Depot Gift Cards.
Of course, we put all our bills through the card in order to best take advantage of that, but still... They've worked out well!!

*and now, back to your regularly scheduled program*
Smart. We've got a ton of airline miles just sitting around waiting to be used. Problem is life just hasn't afforded the time to really put those to use.

Meanwhile, I can guarantee that I'll be using my PP points. Couldn't resist most booster packs. Now that I can use quasi-play money while in game to unlock all sorts of costume goodies that will hopefully be released in a more steady stream? You bet I'll keep spending them points. And if the extra $$$ I throw at my account to buy out the store of all cosmetic whoosawhatsits ends up being about the same $30 or so a year I'd spend on boosters, it's all the same in my book. Even better if I get more whoosawhatsits per year over the older booster model.

I like the idea of not having to wait anymore for them to get enough similar content together to actually put out say an "animal pack 2" or some stuff. Frog head, feet and hands with a nice spotty amphibian texture ready for release? Sweet! Put it up on the market. Opera Gloves with no other related costumes? Oh well, put it up on the market. etc.



Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
I like the idea of not having to wait anymore for them to get enough similar content together to actually put out say an "animal pack 2" or some stuff. Frog head, feet and hands with a nice spotty amphibian texture ready for release? Sweet! Put it up on the market. Opera Gloves with no other related costumes? Oh well, put it up on the market. etc.
Now the idea of how we'd get more stuff in this system makes sense to me.

Excellent examples! If one aspect of development can be finished by a team more quickly than another team's aspect, they don't have to wait for their items to be lumped together before being released...


"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I'm just worried, were as before I was getting new powersets for free (not counting the ones which came with the paid expansion, but I put those in a different category) with my monthly fee, I'm now either going to have to wait to get them (save up PP) or pay out extra to get them now.

I don't expect a powerset to cost more than 5-10 dollars worth of PP, but still never had to actually pay for any of the new sets (and I bought GR twice for one account, so it's not like I havent wasted money to get faster access to powersets).
This actually brushes up against the biggest factor making it impossible to come up with a good estimate of how much an item will cost when paid for with points; the cash cost to buy points.

If 1 point sells for 1 buck (it definately wont), our "monthly stipend" is insanely valuable. If 10 points sells for 1 buck (they won't), then it's still a huge value. If 100 points sells for 1 buck (very likely), then our monthly stipend is "less than half of a super booster." If 1,000 points sells for a buck, don't expect the stipend to buy much of anything at all.

We can pretty much make the assumption that existing Super Boosters, when they're put into the store, will cost $10 or MORE in points to maintain that profit in the new system. It's also a good guess future Super Boosters will have a similar (if not higher) price point.

Right now, the bean counters are putting the finishing touches on their final projections for how to make the game definately produce specific sum of money every year. To do that, they want to get AT LEAST a monthly sub (about 15 bucks/mo) from every existing player and AT LEAST 3 Super Boosters (about $2.50/mo) from every existing player and possibly a slight increase over that. They don't care if I give it to them, you give it to them or Frank-who-just-joined gives it to them. They don't care if it's from point purchases or sub+points. All they care about is that over the year a player spends at least $210 and preferably more.

To hit that goal, they want the 400 Point stipend to be "worthless" without seeming "worthless." They want us to appreciate the 400 points, but also have to buy into the Point Purchases on a regular basis to get more stuff and to buy in at a much higher level to get the REALLY good stuff in addition to the basics and the good stuff.

The developers will fully support that goal, but from another angle. Yes they want the game to make money, the more of it the better; after all, it's how they keep their jobs. But they also want us to want to spend money on the game, even if it's above and beyond what we are now. So it's in their best interest to "hold back" the best of the best and drop it into the store so everyone has to spend something on it in addition to producing store items that we'll want beyond what was once "issue content." It's in their interests to burn up the 400 point stipend every month so we're "forced" into point buys regularly to get the awesome shineys but to do so at a low enough rate that we don't notice the increase in the cost of the game. They'll rely on the "well, what's $5 extra this month" every month rather than "ohh man, to get the stuff I want is going to cost $20? Forget that...." every 4 months.

It's just business. They'll act in their interests. With any luck, OUR interests will stay alighned with theirs for a long time.



I stand corrected. It is giganto weapons.

Not my thing as far as I can tell. But I've been able to rework other sets I thought I wouldn't like into concepts more along my tastes. (still have no use for hordes of burping demons though )



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Haha! Although, to take this little side tangent a bit seriously...
We've actually used our Amex points to get a couple of hundred dollars of Home Depot Gift Cards.
Of course, we put all our bills through the card in order to best take advantage of that, but still... They've worked out well!!

*and now, back to your regularly scheduled program*
Bleh, I have 20k points, and that's enough to...get a DVD? A $20 wristwatch? Nothing worth anything, anyhow.



Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
I stand corrected. It is giganto weapons.

Jurassik want to know why doze need two hands. Me still waiting for Buick/Shield combo.

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Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
This point has been stated by others as well. It implies the assumption that the cost of all sold content won't outpace the stipend received. I'm unable to find any reason why anyone would believe this.

My calculation when Freedom hits will be: in an span of 3-4 months (normal time between issues) I will have accumulated 1200-1600 PP. If the VIP content from that period + what I can by with that amount of PP = normal content of 1 issue, I think it will be fair.

If it is a more we are getting the short stick, if it is less we are good to go.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Jurassik want to know why doze need two hands. Me still waiting for Buick/Shield combo.
I would pay money directly to every member of the powers team to see Jurassik using Shield Charge.

Build him a shield out of old locomotive cowcatchers.



Originally Posted by Wonderslug View Post
I would pay money directly to every member of the powers team to see Jurassik using Shield Charge.

Build him a shield out of old locomotive cowcatchers.
That would be awesome.

Especially if it did something stupid like +50 points of knockback in a 50' radius.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
Another thought that comes to mind...

If they make powersets so quickly that it becomes a financial burden, god bless them.
I'm with you on that one. I'd love it if they released so many new powersets that I had to think about which one(s) to get.
Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
It also promises to change the dynamic of the weapon sets to reward a slightly different playstyle, emphasizing repeated weapon strikes in quick succession.
Haha, so totally unlike most current melees, who halfheartedly swing at the enemy now and again when the whim takes them?



Imagine the DP AoE attack, with all the leaping and spinning, only that's repalced with swinging and chopping with a huge weapon

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Now the idea of how we'd get more stuff in this system makes sense to me.

Excellent examples! If one aspect of development can be finished by a team more quickly than another team's aspect, they don't have to wait for their items to be lumped together before being released...

two things first @#$%ING AUTO LOG OUT!
second thing, which is a more condensed version of what i had just typed before..well, point one. there is a precedent of a similar game using a similar system and this far it has lead to huge benefits for people who maintain their current subscription style. it also indicates a model for pricing where extra points, while not able to get everything, will cover the majority of non-consumables. we already did pay extra for consumables under the current system (respecs, more ma slots) so i suspect that if they have followed a similar situation, this will work out to the strong benefit of continued subscribers.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Imagine the DP AoE attack, with all the leaping and spinning, only that's repalced with swinging and chopping with a huge weapon
I can't be the only one who read this and thought it sounded dirty.


huge weapon?




I do love the "It's not realistic" argument.

Right lets ignore the fact that not only can you FLY in this game and shoot fireballs out of your palms, lets break it down to Broadsword...just Broadsword.

1) I doubt any people questioning the realism have handled a proper medieval Broadsword. They're essentially a massive hunk of barely sharpened rectangular metal on a stick, the blade isn't really designed for cutting. Medieval people of Europe lacked the metallurgy skills to make very fine cutting blades.

Whirling Broadsword is frankly downright impossible, the blade would simply be too heavy to heft in that manner one handed, let alone doing a jump spin.

2) Plate armour was bloody tough, it took something hitting it with a lot of force to actually penetrate it (hence the invention of the Crossdow and the British Longbow), hence most weapons were designed around not cutting through the armour but CRUSHING THE PERSON INSIDE IT! Which is actually kind of more horrorific when you think about it.

3) Actually using a proper broadsword one handed is a CAN do it but you're not getting the 'oomph' to cave the guys plate mail helm in. Most Broadswords were a two handed affair, shortswords however were designed around stabbing (rather than cutting) through the weak points in a full suit of platemail.

So while Titan Weapons may not be realistic...neither is the Broadsword set already in the game.

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Plate armour was bloody tough, it took something hitting it with a lot of force to actually penetrate it (hence the invention of the Crossdow and the British Longbow), hence most weapons were designed around not cutting through the armour but CRUSHING THE PERSON INSIDE IT! Which is actually kind of more horrorific when you think about it.
Actually, both those weapons predate the development of plate-armor. (Crossbows first appears in asia in 4th century B.C. and a precursor was known in ancient Greece, we don't get real plate-armour until the 13th and 14th centuries)

The longbow likewise is much older, the oldest variants being found in Scandinavia and dates back to the viking age.

In fact, it seems like while long and crossbows would pierce mail, they'd have trouble with plate (which was ludicrously expensive anyways and so not used very much)

Which is not to say you couldn't kill a man in plate with a longbow: Shoot the horse and chances are he'll break his neck when he falls off.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Or something like this

Designed to both deform plate armour to smash limbs/skull or...well just smash the limbs/skull of anyone who got in the way AND penetrate plate armour or just jam the pick end of it into someone, either way you're not looking at happy fun times to be on the recieving end.

I retract the statement about Broadswords being two-handers, that was my mistake. Most were one handed but the point of them being big old hunks of metal on a stick still stands. However the legacy Broadsword is clearly large enough where it's suppose to be a two hander and quite a large number of the normal and unlockables really should be two handed weapons (just look at the size of the Rularuu's a big old beefy thing).

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!