Two-handed weapon set




Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
Actually, both those weapons predate the development of plate-armor. (Crossbows first appears in asia in 4th century B.C. and a precursor was known in ancient Greece, we don't get real plate-armour until the 13th and 14th centuries)

The longbow likewise is much older, the oldest variants being found in Scandinavia and dates back to the viking age.

In fact, it seems like while long and crossbows would pierce mail, they'd have trouble with plate (which was ludicrously expensive anyways and so not used very much)

Which is not to say you couldn't kill a man in plate with a longbow: Shoot the horse and chances are he'll break his neck when he falls off.
Longbow vs Plate Armor

Bottom line seems to be: longbow vs mounted knight = win for the longbow. Longbow vs dismounted knight = win for the knight, but at the cost of being virtually incapacitated by the armor and easy pickings vs anyone else.

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Reminds me of a certain videogame game I was playing recently in multiplayer.

There I am, a peasant archer, got a Longbow, a billy club and wearing leather armour...a fully armoured Knight is bearing down on me, I've plugged the Horse with a few arrows as the distance closed, as did a fellow archer standing beside me.

I see a throwing axe narrowly miss the side of my face and imbed itself into Horse square between the eyes, the Horse crumples to the ground whilst going at a full gallop, the Knight is flung from his horse and promptly beaten to death by a group of enraged peasant archers with clubs before he can get back up.

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Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
Another thought that comes to mind...

If they make powersets so quickly that it becomes a financial burden, god bless them.
This wouldn't be a bad thing in my mind. They came out with four sets, fine. Of the four, so far I've really only played one of them (Electric Control). Ok, dabbled a little with Dual Pistols. But if a system allows a non-VIP player to easily purchase sets vs booster packs which were useless to them bc they weren't playing at all? If this can bring in the revenue to support the development of not four new sets but eight, that's fantastic.

But like Bill says - it's only good for us as long as VIP members get enough points to unlock at least four sets, plus at least the same amount of content they would have otherwise. I'd rather get four sets from a choice of eight than four from a choice of four. If I only get three (w/o value elsewhere), bad deal.

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Had a thought earlier... will there be giganto elemental weapons? I'm not all that fond of the fire sword nor the greater fire sword... but if I could have a character with a cosmic sized fire sword for all their attacks, I might actually be interested.

Funny how that works.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I'm just worried, were as before I was getting new powersets for free (not counting the ones which came with the paid expansion, but I put those in a different category) with my monthly fee, I'm now either going to have to wait to get them (save up PP) or pay out extra to get them now.
Originally Posted by Redbone View Post
To hit that goal, they want the 400 Point stipend to be "worthless" without seeming "worthless." They want us to appreciate the 400 points, but also have to buy into the Point Purchases on a regular basis to get more stuff and to buy in at a much higher level to get the REALLY good stuff in addition to the basics and the good stuff.
You know, I'm not so sure that they want them to be worthless. On the contrary, they have to be worth something in order to get folks to stay subscribed.

What is the common cry around these parts when issues don't offer content that satisfies? Well fine - I'm just going to unsubscribe until Issue __. I'll come back if they give us something cool. Then they come back and get the cool stuff just the same as those of us who've been paying the whole time.

This says "You can leave for a while. But be advised that when you come back, you may not have enough points for all the cool stuff that's going to be available. Keep that in mind when you make that decision."

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Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
1) I doubt any people questioning the realism have handled a proper medieval Broadsword. They're essentially a massive hunk of barely sharpened rectangular metal on a stick, the blade isn't really designed for cutting. Medieval people of Europe lacked the metallurgy skills to make very fine cutting blades.
Judging from your blanket condemnation of their manufacture, I hazard that you haven't handled a "proper medieval broadsword", either; their construction is a great deal more sophisticated than you describe. Broadswords were not, properly, cutting weapons; they focused the energy of the swing into a very small area, in the same way that an axe does not have to be particularly sharp to chop wood.

Whirling Broadsword is frankly downright impossible, the blade would simply be too heavy to heft in that manner one handed, let alone doing a jump spin.
2) Plate armour was bloody tough, it took something hitting it with a lot of force to actually penetrate it (hence the invention of the Crossdow and the British Longbow), hence most weapons were designed around not cutting through the armour but CRUSHING THE PERSON INSIDE IT! Which is actually kind of more horrorific when you think about it.
It does not require "a lot of force"; it requires a concentration of force. This is done either with a light but fast-moving object focusing its impact on a very small area (i.e., an arrow), or a heavier and slower-moving object focusing its impact on a small area (i.e., a sword or axe). Full plate armor was actually very rare up until the end of the medieval period; soldiers and knights would wear mail, with plate covering the joints and other more vulnerable areas.

3) Actually using a proper broadsword one handed is a CAN do it but you're not getting the 'oomph' to cave the guys plate mail helm in. Most Broadswords were a two handed affair, shortswords however were designed around stabbing (rather than cutting) through the weak points in a full suit of platemail.
Fewmets. It's perfectly feasible to wield a broadsword one-handed; how else is a knight with his shield on his left arm going to wield his sword?

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Now I'm not going down the "Katanas are always better" route but you've basically confirmed what I said. Broadswords didn't have a fine cutting edge, They weren't razor sharp. They were also still bloody heavy if you didn't have a skilled manafacturer, there were places that produced finer quality blaes than others.

They could cut but they relied on the application of force through being a beefy sword which could crack bones and cave in skulls, sure they're not lopping off limbs in a fine cut but you're still going to lose an arm/leg to a Broadsword just be sheer weight of force, they were a brutal piece of kit.

Seriously though, try doing a jumping slash with a broadsword that looks just like Whirling Sword ingame, you look very silly doing it and you're not going to be hitting much with any great deal of force (apart from the last part of the animation where the sword is brought straight down in an overhead slash...that would hurt...a lot).

You'll also note that I retracted statement number 3, that Broadswords were mostly two handers in a later post, which was my bad, most were one handers for the exact reason you stated, what I was thinking of was a Longsword, which was a two hander.

The ingame legacy Broadsword looks more like a Longsword than it does a normal Broadsword though. Hence why the entire set, even before weapons customisation, was not realistic. Which was the whole point of the arguement, if people complain that the Titan Weapon set is unrealistic (despite it being a superhero game with people who can kill a Yak at 200 yards with mind bullets) then the Broadsword set already ingame is unrealistic anyway.

For mail wearing Knights, things like axes or Falchions were used as an 'anti-armour' weapon as opposed to the warhammer and Mace during later periods (can crush AND pierce plate at the same time!).

And yes full plate was rare...heck even during the period where it became 'popular' it was still rare since only the rich could afford full plate.

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Re-posting my big weapon suggestion. (Yes that's me IRL) Also if any one wants to know what that is I'm holding its a Russian breach loaded mortar 1:1 scale.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
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I'm wondering how they'll choose a damage type? If it's a big sign, I'd think it would deal smashing damage. If it's a big sword, then wouldn't it deal lethal damage?



IIRC their answer to that was along the line of "Once the blade is big enough... it´s just the smashing you should be worried about"
t´s not as if the damage type would be chosen by the type of Titan Weapon you wield, otherwise can I please have my Big Burning Axe Of Acidic Darkness?


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