"Defender of Primal Earth" all weekend.




I was in Mercy during the surge, at Fort Darwin. Maybe that zone wasn't as full as the others, but I had no lag (Netgraph was a beautiful green lawn that did not need mowing) and my framerates were pretty good for all the action on my screen (20 - 30 fps).
So I had fun.

"I used to make diddly squat, but I've been with the company for 16 years and have had plenty of great raises. Now I just make squat" -- Me

Pediatric brain tumors are the #1 cause of cancer related deaths in children.



Is this one of those, we have to login all toons during the time period to get the badge, or is it flagged for all future characters?

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



So.. everyone who logs in this weekend is a D.O.P.E.

Did anyone at Paragon Studios think before naming the badge or is this a not so subtle hint about the developer's feelings towards the people who play this game?



Originally Posted by Blood_Beret View Post
Is this one of those, we have to login all toons during the time period to get the badge, or is it flagged for all future characters?
I think it's only for this period - but they can do Praetorian invasions again in the future, so you could get it again then on any new avatars made after this weekend.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
So.. everyone who logs in this weekend is a D.O.P.E.

Did anyone at Paragon Studios think before naming the badge or is this a not so subtle hint about the developer's feelings towards the people who play this game?
You mean "dope" as in meaning "awesome"?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Blood_Beret View Post
Is this one of those, we have to login all toons during the time period to get the badge, or is it flagged for all future characters?
[Admin] NCsoft_Zwillinger: Everyone who logs into City of Heroes until next Tuesday morning will receive this Account Wide Badge, thanks to you, the CoH Community!
It's an account wide unlock.
edit: It should be noted that, like a few of the more recent badges, when I got it I didn't get a notification, it just appeared in my recent badge tab.



Originally Posted by Blood_Beret View Post
Is this one of those, we have to login all toons during the time period to get the badge, or is it flagged for all future characters?
It's supposed to be account-wide, like the vet badges and some of the AE badges.

Edit: Curse you and your fast typing, Shadow State! =P

Tech support IRL, CLR/DRU/MED/WHM/PRI/DEF. Hmm, I sense a pattern...
S 80% E 80% A 40% K 0%
A few of my alts



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
I took part on redside and lag was only twice as bad as a Rikti raid. em smug
I logged a level 1 newbie in Blue side, joined a team of fellow Pinnaclers, and headed off to Founder's Falls.

The lag was horrific, but I managed to walk up to a Trooper and hit it with my sword. Then the game hung completely and I eventually had to manually terminate it.

But clearly, my blow was crucial. :-)


Darkonne: Pinnacle's (unofficially) mighty Dark Miasma/Radiation Blast enthusiast!

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#161865 - Aeon's Nemesis



Lag was rough but I chalk most of that up to my very slow connection. Got the badge pretty soon into the event though and snagged a steampunk code right after it was over!

Thanks for that Zwill. d(^.^d)



Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
Lag was rough but I chalk most of that up to my very slow connection. Got the badge pretty soon into the event though and snagged a steampunk code right after it was over!

Thanks for that Zwill. d(^.^d)
No, the lag was rough, period. I have a fast business internet connection and the lag had little to do with ping times. At least generated on the users end.

THANK YOU devs for a fun and entertaining event!

Best quote of the night for me was Anti-matters "I wuz in ur dimenshun killin ur d00ds!" (can't remember exact quote but that was the gist of it).

Golden - girl got the Cole'd Shoulder toward the end but I missed just how she dissed him.

As for the lag, yes, it was truly horrid (in Steel and KR, anyway). Even basic movement was not possible at times and many graphics might as well have been stop-motion photos.

One thing I did notice, is that the lag prevents accurate recharge status on your powers. So that a power LOOKS recharged but isn't. You can click on that power for like a minute and nothing will happen.

I got better results when I clicked powers in a sequence that I knew the next one would be recharged, and give them plenty of time to cycle again. So of course this works better for high-level chars with many powers. Next time you are in a lagfest try that.

That being said, maybe the CoH server team should take a tour of the facilities at EVE Online or World of Tanks, where they run fast-action graphics games with 10 times the population per server and don't experience that kind of lag.

Anyways, the spirit was entertaining though the web was weak. TY to all devs who participated it was well done, well coordinated and well played!

Too many alts to list
Every server but Pinnacle
Black Belt in Altoholism, Master of Indeterminancy
(although how it got in nancy I've no idea...)



I have to say that even after 4 I didn't experience lag until the actual invasion and combat started. Even then the lag only happened in the area with everyone fighting. And it really wasn't that bad. I've seen worse lag in the past, much worse.

For this invasion it was only about a 10 second lag from activating a power to it firing off. This though was in Kings Row 2.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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My Praetorian surge story started on Monday; I rolled a toon called "Flambeaux?" (Rogues Gallery), with the intention of getting her to 50 before Friday and taking part in the event. After two sessions of at least 36 hours of continuous play, I hit 50, slotted up, then finally got some well-needed sleep.

Unfortunately, the stress caught up with me and I got a virus, leading to me vomiting the whole of Friday away. I finally managed to crawl out of bed for an hour at midnight, where I joined the 20+ Unionites (BAF sometime, anyone?) on the steps of Atlas Park 1. I had intended to stay for the entire event, but the slideslow lag unfortunately didn't help the nausea, and I ended up dropping after about an hour; I'd just like to say congrats to the rest of my team, who were the last 7 people remaining in the league after I left.

I'd also like to thank everyone who pointed out that nobody loves Flambeaux; it may be harsh, but it's definitely true.



Originally Posted by Pampl View Post
Hooray, now we all can be D.o.P.E.s!
Yeah! Let's go DoPEs!

Wait a minute...



I think there were two or three leagues worth of us in St. Martial last night. The lag was incredible, I couldn't move for up to a minute at a time, and at one point things were going so slow, I just put Ball Lightning on autofire and left the PC for about fifteen minutes to come back to only having one or two War Walker GM's having fallen.

Though it was rather interesting, especially when a beach in the space-time continuum allowed for two spawns of AV-GM's in Fortune's Wheel.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Originally Posted by Bittovan_Odduck View Post
Golden - girl got the Cole'd Shoulder toward the end but I missed just how she dissed him.
I've been dissing him and his fascist friends on every sever since the surge event started
But it seems like it was this picture I made yesterday just before the start of the Freedom invasion that finally made him crack:


@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Andy, you have got to be one of the best community managers I have encountered across all the MMOs I have played.

Great job. Please keep it up.



Yeah, brutal lag. Still, I did my share. Logged in both of my accounts to boost the numbers. I figured that was more important than how much I could contribute to the fighting. (Not much.)

Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
I had created my little namesake on Freedom and only had 2 levels. So yes I was standing in Atlas park and waiting for trouble to arrive.
I saw you there.
I would have created a guy with Ironblade in the name, except I already had toons on Freedom so I brought my highest one (level 21), Doc Volcanic.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



The lag I saw on Cap in Freedom was actually (previous post aside) only about as bad as your run-of-the-mill invasion. Maybe a little less, I was pretty much able to fire off powers when the button recharged. Definitely slide-show-city though.

I decided to do the thing using my Bots/Dark MM which no doubt helped - set bots on aggressive, latch Darkest Night onto a purple-con something-er-other, and then click my Heal when the chance arises and it's all good. Might have bitten more for a melee character.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
How does someone speak "steampunky" - do they just hiss and clank?
My dear lady, one does not speak to another in an uncouth manner instead. One should strive for the very height of modern science and lucidity in their speech.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

List of Invention Guides



The whole thing made me quit before I even saw any actual 'action'. First an hour before the event started, they said spread out!! So for some reason I went to Croatoa (actually someone was advertising in Freedom TF) and joined the league. So the first wave started. In Atlas, PI, Kings and somewhere else, pretty much where they told us not to go. The league all separated then I read the second wave was heading to FF. So I go there and join up again and the invasion decides to go to FF2. So I quit and logged off. Got the badge though.



I was quite pleased with the lack of lag I endured. As long as I wasn't trying to fight anything I could fly around unhindered. Engaging in combat though proved useless for my new level 6, as my powers refused to activate for minutes on end.

Something very odd happened around an hour in though. I was hovering over a group of walkers in Steel and slowly plinking away with blasts. The screen flashed white for a split second and then all my powers were gone!
Both my trays were empty and pulling up my powers showed them all grey, as if I'd taken none at all...
I bind my travel power to the mouse though and it was still working so I spent the rest of the time just flying around trying to hunt down a Dev controlled icon with no luck.

I was stationed in Atlas 1 an hour before the event started but for some reason like a moron I listened to the admin message about spreading out and decided to check Talo's and Steel. When I heard about all the AV's in Atlas I was a little miffed that I missed it, as I was unable to locate anything other than standard spawns of walkers.

Otherwise it was a blast! I really liked the banter between the two sides.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I've been dissing him and his fascist friends on every sever since the surge event started
But it seems like it was this picture I made yesterday just before the start of the Freedom invasion that finally made him crack:


Heh, that explains the crack about 'Null getting off his throne' near the end of the evening.



4000 concurrent users, that's a lot. I hope they got good data. I wonder how many accounts will end up snagging the badge over the holiday weekend? The account-wide thing is nifty. I like that I don't have to log in every single character to get it, and even better, that new characters I create will have it. I wonder if they'll still make it available later for new people who join after this weekend?

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)