Issue 20 Patch Notes - Build 2010.201105131851.1.0




Originally Posted by TommyBoyTrD View Post
So how is being able to convert a previous tiers worth of mats punishment at all?
Originally Posted by Shagster View Post
I love the Notice of the Well conversion to 40 Threads. This gives a pretty plausible way to do Incarnate advancement for those who hate the Trials but don't mind TFs.
Not really. A single Notice of the Well (Tier 3 component) is being valued at two Tier 1 components.

I guess P.T. Barnum was right.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Freitag View Post
  • Influence totals in the Combat Attributes windows now display comma separators.
Is it wrong that this excites me almost as much as a bunch of the other stuff in this patch? LOL



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Not really. A single Notice of the Well (Tier 3 component) is being valued at two Tier 1 components.

I guess P.T. Barnum was right.
I am also happy with the Notice to 40 threads conversion rate. I guess that means the quote you are referring to is:

"The noblest art is that of making others happy"

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
I am also happy with the Notice to 40 threads conversion rate. I guess that means the quote you are referring to is:
Nope, but I'll give you all a choice:

"There's a sucker born every minute." or "Every crowd has a silver lining."

Basically what I'm seeing of player reaction in this thread is what happened when they changed the thread "tier 2 to tier 3" and "tier 3 to tier 4" conversions from costing billions to "mere" millions. Yes, it is better than the previous rate, but it isn't at all "good".

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Looks great (and glad to hear the rain/aura powers affecting only 1 mob at a time will be fixed 'soon')!

Thanks for the Lambda fixes (Although never had too many issues with it but I like the changes).

And hooray for the Eden/Woodsman trial getting updated

Edit: Now I'm glad with the NotW salvage being able to convert to threads....I had like 8 or so on my main doing he'll have more threads

Sure it'd be nice for the NotW to convert to a t3 (rare) in the incarnate thread category but...maybe they'll increase it later. *shrugs*

At least it gives us toons something to do with the NotWs that are sitting there doing nothing.

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Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Yes, it is better than the previous rate, but it isn't at all "good".
It is a matter of perspective. It is good to me, because I also enjoy running the trials. Getting 2 commons from one TF a week is a very nice boon for me.

This is not to say I do not want to see still more ways to earn incarnate stuffs, but I very much like the pace in which they are announcing and rolling out the alternate methods. Part of me wishes those alternate methods were here now, but I still like the idea of keeping the trials as the only viable method for a bit yet.

I am still hoping they go with the idea of an Incarnate level version of the 6 lvl 45-50 task forces (they could throw in the Shadow Shard TFs too and make those zones cross faction, but now I have to go calm the fairies down, they are mad the Unicorn stepped on their rainbow).

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



im actually very happy with all of the stuff that will appear in this patch



Originally Posted by Aramar View Post
You left off "Interface Incarnate Powers are now useless in damage auras and rains." Please note, I am not referring to the correction of the proc on every tick, I am referring to the "will only work on 1 enemy, rains will only proc 1 time per casting (again impacting 1 enemy), auras will only proc once per 10 seconds (again impacting 1 enemy)."
You left off the fact that's a BUG, and is not working as intended (the one target effect). The 10 second proc limit is intended, and it will stay that way, no matter how much you whine about it.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Nope, but I'll give you all a choice:
"There's a sucker born every minute." or "Every crowd has a silver lining."
Well, it might be news to you, but not everyone is so negative about the game.

Some of us like it and like where the direction is headed, including what you call punitive costs.

As for being called a sucker for actually liking the game, I will counter with the fact that many of the negative Nancys appear to be the suckers, because they still pay to play for a game they apparently don't like.

Thanks for all the changes, Paragon!

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



I'm fine with the NotW conversion. The ability to get two common components from the WST is very nice from my point of view (especially considering the shard break down was 1-1.5).



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
It is a matter of perspective. It is good to me, because I also enjoy running the trials. Getting 2 commons from one TF a week is a very nice boon for me.
If you are doing 2 trials in one day, you are getting at least as much as a Notice will give with this conversion, but you can only get a Notice once per week.

Heck just by using Astral Merits, you can get 2 common components in under 2 BAF trials or a single BAF and Lambda. Astral Merits pile up so fast that anyone complaining about lack of commons should take a look at what they have.

Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
This is not to say I do not want to see still more ways to earn incarnate stuffs
My objection to this rate has nothing to do with more ways to earn "incarnate stuffs", it is has everything to do with the fact that I am not eager to be fleeced.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



So, when is this patch live?



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I'm fine with the NotW conversion. The ability to get two common components from the WST is very nice from my point of view (especially considering the shard break down was 1-1.5).
Heh. I actually converted several Notices to shards so I could convert those shards to threads. Figure I did 8 and averaged 5 shards, that means I lost out on 280 threads plus whatever inf I used in the conversion. Oh the pain.

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
My objection to this rate has nothing to do with more ways to earn "incarnate stuffs", it is has everything to do with the fact that I am not eager to be fleeced.
LOL. Because everything they release in the future must be of equal cost and value to everything they released in the past? Whatever. I do no feel fleeced, but I never had that much fur to begin with.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Basically what I'm seeing of player reaction in this thread is what happened when they changed the thread "tier 2 to tier 3" and "tier 3 to tier 4" conversions from costing billions to "mere" millions. Yes, it is better than the previous rate, but it isn't at all "good".
I'm with you on this, Snow. I'd like to see the cost for a Rare upgrade drop to 10M and Ultra Rare drop to 100M at most. (I'd be happy if they went even lower than that.)

I simply can't afford 100M to upgrade my multitude of Uncommons to a Rare, and I wouldn't even call myself a casual player... I just don't farm or play the market.

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Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



List of things have to be erased of the Incarnate system:

Inf conversions for upgrading components.
Shards. Make mobs drop Threads instead... Shards are no sense now.



Well I knew the interface nerf was coming eventhough it was asked about before and said it was WAI. I am totally shocked about the AV nerf. Never had I thought this was going to happen ever. Its been dev policy until now to totally screw over smashing lethal sets at every possible chance they get. Now that you devs have come to your senses how about pushing some of these changes to other AV critters that have grossly overkill smashing/lethal resists with unstoppable too? Statesman, Ms. Liberty, Hero-1, M.Bison, Tyrant. It totally sucks to be useless for the entire duration of unstoppable. It just isnt fair and it does not make the encounter harder, just frustrating because you cant help your team out at all. Just fix those AVs listed or just cap all critter resists at 95% aside from hamidon, problem solved.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
This is probably an unrealistic request, but is there any Mind Control's Mesmerize could be disqualified from the Reactive DoT proc? It immediately wakes up targets that Mesmerize puts to sleep.
Have to second this. I use Mesmerize to put targets to sleep so I can focus on others. Having a DOT wake the target up is very frustrating. So.. yes plz. I would be fine if Mesmerize was excluded from the Reactive Interface pool.

Otherwise, pretty happy with these patch notes.

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Originally Posted by Black Scorpion View Post
Hey all,

Interface procs should have been obeying the standard 10 second per proc in toggle/auto/location power rules from the start. The fact that they weren't was the result of a bug which we are addressing with this patch. Any information I or anyone else at Paragon may have given to the contrary in the past was in error: The intention is that Interface procs behave as close to "having a proc IO slotted in all powers" as possible, and we are making these and the future changes to better achieve that intent.

The issue that rain powers are now only hitting 1 target per 10 seconds is a side-effect of the fix which we will be addressing in a future build. Rain powers should have chance to hit all targets with the proc (but only one "round" of application per 10 seconds across all powers of this category).

Your bud in the Incarnate-powered armor,
Black Scorpion
Well, I get to delete some characters I've been working on then. I understand the rains. The rains were ridiculous. Damage auras should proc every tick IMO. This really takes the shine off of my favorite incarnate power by a massive amount.

One thing I do want to mention, is how refreshing it is to see Black Scorpion on the boards PERIOD.

Still, the damage aura nerf massively impacts me and upsets me to no end. Very, very, very disappointed. Kill rains, not auras.

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I am upset about the interface slot thing too but I am just glad I did not waste time grinding out these non-rewarding trials just to have the power nerf into the ground once I finally get it to tier 4.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
List of things have to be erased of the Incarnate system:
Shards. Make mobs drop Threads instead... Shards are no sense now.
I disagree. On my characters who do not have Alpha fully slotted yet, Shards are still very welcome. And even on the ones that do have Alpha slotted up, I wouldn't mind gradually building up to the point where I could have spare T3/T4s in different branches lying around, should I find an overwhelming need for endurance or recharge reduction in future content.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Black Scorpion View Post
There is a line missing from the patch notes:

* 1 Merit will be awarded when acquiring 10 Acids.

Each element listed there is independently awarded (for instance, 10 grenades + 30 reinforcements + Marauder = 3 merits. Antacid (which includes 10 acids) + 30 reinforcements + Marauder = 5 merits in total.)

The "standard run" = 4 merits does include the 30 reinforcements merit. (10 grenades + 10 acids + 30 reinforcements + Marauder)

That was the intention. His static resistance and his Berserker Rage power stacking to over 100% was an oversight. His Unstoppable will still push past 100% for that period, though.

Your bud in the Incarnate-powered armor,
Black Scorpion
Let me ask you this? Why even allow avs to go past 95% resistance on anything? Seriously look at how this effects teaming. IT DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in terms of overall challenge to the encounter. It just means several members of your team are useless for that duration. All this does is give picky elitists something else to use to discriminate on end game content. Its already hard enough to put teams together for trials and keeping everything going smooth, having it where the 100% resistance thing just means a huge portion of the players will not be allowed to join a trial if leaders a petty enough like that. Trust me on some servers we have leaders who are like this so why give them something else to use? For the good of all that is great in this game please consider what your doing when you give any AV 100% resistance to damage in future content, think about how fair this move is to all of the player base. Either make it 100% across the board for everyone or no one at all.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Can we stop nerfing ION already for crying out loud. Do you really want everyone to drop the power and make fire even more popular than it already is? Ion is not an instant cast power like pyro, if the target you use the power on die the power completely misses. Why the hell must you keep nerfing it?

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Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
You left off the fact that's a BUG, and is not working as intended (the one target effect). The 10 second proc limit is intended, and it will stay that way, no matter how much you whine about it.
Please learn to parse the language better before asserting what someone is saying. As my original post was posted BEFORE an acknowledgment that the new functionality was bugged, I believe it should have been in the patch notes. As it has now been acknowledged as a bug, it should still appear in patch notes to clarify that the effect is being worked on.

As my post emphasized in three places the "one target effect," it is fairly easy to conclude that was the main area that I was discussing.

As to you asserting a single post on the matter is a "no matter how much you whine about it" post, I guess you shall simply have to treat every post ever made as a whine if it points out a patch notes flaw.

Co-Founder: Hand of Justice, Champion Server

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Why change a power by introducing a "fix" that's majorly flawed like that? This just makes absolutely no sense, and it is quite alarming for you might do similarly in the future. The power has been as is since I20 went live. It won't kill you to leave it like this till you can change it to work "WAI" without screwing something else up (something rather major I might add).

Also, if it was acting in rain powers like this as a result of a "bug", teach your QA people to not say it's WAI when it's not, kthxbai.

EDIT: Love the patch notes, some rather nice things in there. Although I'm not too happy about the actual conversion rates for the Notice/Favor of the well, it's still nice.

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Post removed for being pointless.

Co-Founder: Hand of Justice, Champion Server

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