Regarding the Praetorian Surge Thread - 5/5/2011




Sorry, but this kind of thing is now becoming far too common.

This kind of thing being incompetent public relations.

Recently we have had:

  • The buggy I20 release which necessitated extensive downtime.
  • The resulting backfiring joke "we have no downtime today." it was funny but it was followed by:
  • A planned downtime which was originally placed right in the main European play time on a Friday evening. This had to be backed down on and moved earlier in the evening.
  • The announcement of the list merge, which then had to be cancelled because you hadn't tested it. You gave no better notice for the new time so why didn't you wait before issuing the announcement!
  • And now this over-hyped, basically rather dull, 3 hour 'invasion' with a badly thought out badge.

Seriously. What's happening lately guys? The ball didn't just get dropped, it bounced twice and then fell off a cliff!

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Originally Posted by Ravenswing View Post
The announcement of the list merge, which then had to be cancelled because you hadn't tested it.
So they found the bug that delayed it without testing? That's pretty impressive
Also, when they announced the first merge date, they said that it could be changed if they found a bug

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So they found the bug that delayed it without testing? That's pretty impressive
Also, when they announced the first merge date, they said that it could be changed if they found a bug
The first golden rule of software development.

NEVER give the users a release date unless you KNOW it will ship on that date. Anything else makes you look incompetant.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



So this is being changed right?

Originally Posted by Some Random Redname View Post
Please note that as a gesture of appreciation and recognition, a special account wide badge will be given out to everybody taking part in the Freedom Protection effort on Friday, May 27th! So enroll early, whether you're a super-hero or a super-villain, in order to get your just reward!

For the future of Primal Earth!
As far as enroll does anyone know what they meant by that?

as a side note... what is with the confusion index being raised... First we had the whole thing with the MoLambda badge issue... they said one thing but meant another then changed that... Now this? I hope this is NOT a pattern beging formed O_o

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Originally Posted by Ravenswing View Post
Sorry, but this kind of thing is now becoming far too common.

This kind of thing being incompetent public relations.

Recently we have had:
  • The buggy I20 release which necessitated extensive downtime.
  • The resulting backfiring joke "we have no downtime today." it was funny but it was followed by:
  • A planned downtime which was originally placed right in the main European play time on a Friday evening. This had to be backed down on and moved earlier in the evening.
  • The announcement of the list merge, which then had to be cancelled because you hadn't tested it. You gave no better notice for the new time so why didn't you wait before issuing the announcement!
  • And now this over-hyped, basically rather dull, 3 hour 'invasion' with a badly thought out badge.

Seriously. What's happening lately guys? The ball didn't just get dropped, it bounced twice and then fell off a cliff!
Sounds like a mountain's being made out of a mole hill. **** happens.



They should create a mission that allows you to fight an elite boss giant robot in ororobrus abd give that badge oncompleteing the mission. And have giant robot bosses spawn as the normal bosses. Give everyone a chance to get a taste of the event at anytime.

The Legendary Cosmological Prince Reigar 53rd Illusion Control/Storm Summoning/Primal Forces Mastery/Incarnate

It's a dark and story night. That means something bad is happening out there



Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
I'm glad you reconsidered the 1-time, 3-hour, Freedom-only badge. I'm pretty shocked that it was ever considered, given the server performance issues and the tiny, tiny window of opportunity for a badge.
They were trying to incentivize people to all log into one server to test changes to the server infrastructure, so the "server performance issues" aren't "given". That's the test. Not saying a 1 time 3 hour window badge is a good idea, just saying a Freedom-only account-wide badge isn't a good argument against the idea.



Trying to crash Freem with an influx of players actually sounds kinda' fun.

Tying a badge to an event that lasts only a few hours on one server seems oddly tone deaf.

Log in, get a handful of free server transfers? That'd probably get a few people interested.



As for the small windows on each server on a given day.

They already have an Invasion engine available to them.

Why screw around with some manually controlled event when they could have just built a new Invasion and triggered it?

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We have been discussing your concerns since we came into the office this morning. It's likely that we will not have an official decision or update for everyone until later this afternoon, Pacific time.

We'll update everyone ASAP.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Thanks again, Z, for keeping us in the loop.

It wasn't about the badge for me. To me, the issue was trying to do an event on one server when there's already a queue involved. With the ability to switch characters without getting off of the server, you'd have less people being able to log in than there used to be, especially in a three hour window.

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Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Thanks again, Z, for keeping us in the loop.

It wasn't about the badge for me. To me, the issue was trying to do an event on one server when there's already a queue involved. With the ability to switch characters without getting off of the server, you'd have less people being able to log in than there used to be, especially in a three hour window.
We don't anticipate the queue being an issue as we will be cranking it way up for this event. That's the purpose of the event, and the entire reason we created this badge, is to get as many people as possible onto one server with the improvements as possible.

We'll have more updates later on today.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



I say keep the plans are originally intended, then in a few months offer a way for people to get the badge. That way you get the test you want, and everybody will eventually get the badge.



Ah, so that's why I couldn't find a discussion thread this morning. I guess I missed all the hubbub.

When I read the announcement, I was a little confused why the badge would be tied to a single event on a single server, but I shrugged and thought, "I guess I'll need to create my first alt on Freedom."

My bigger disappointment is that I was expecting an "all day/all server" event like the awesomely fun Paragon City/Rogue Isles invasions of the past two anniversaries. I even took the day off work expecting an all day event. I can reclaim that vacation day, but I'm still bummed that this is going to be so small in scope comparitively speaking.

Is there a technical reason that this event couldn't be run that way?

Hey Z, you know what would be really awesome...? If you collected an account-wide badge for each server event that you took part in, and then when you collected them all, it unlocked an Accolade badge! *Listens for the sound of fellow badgers heads exploding*

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
We don't anticipate the queue being an issue as we will be cranking it way up for this event. That's the purpose of the event, and the entire reason we created this badge, is to get as many people as possible onto one server with the improvements as possible.

We'll have more updates later on today.
Except it's still a badge that, unless you can play within this one narrow block of time, play in exactly the way you want to, play with whoever you can run into there instead of your normal people, play with whatever character you happen to have on Freedom or one you create instead of your main, you will NEVER earn this badge.

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I was mostly concerned with not being able to play the characters I put effort into, which are all on Virtue.

I can break out an incarnate brute for the Virtue Invasion, but I'd have to break out a level 1 Whatever on Freedom and spend the day faceplanting for a badge.



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
I say keep the plans are originally intended, then in a few months offer a way for people to get the badge. That way you get the test you want, and everybody will eventually get the badge.
I agree with the Munki.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
We don't anticipate the queue being an issue as we will be cranking it way up for this event. That's the purpose of the event, and the entire reason we created this badge, is to get as many people as possible onto one server with the improvements as possible.

We'll have more updates later on today.
So you're going to up the population cap to exceed the current active users in the game?


That's... an impressive amount of people. Though I guess we have no idea what the current sub numbers are but it has to be over 100K. Even if only a quarter of that shows up thats 25,000 people on a single server.

You guys buy some fancy load balancers or have a virtualization set up because, wow.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Sounds like a mountain's being made out of a mole hill. **** happens.
Congratulations. You get the award for usual reaction from someone unaffected by the majority of the issues.

Generally we've found that people come out with these trite comments right up until the point where several hours of downtime happens in the middle of US primetime. Suddenly it's terrible.

Now, don't get me wrong, I work in software and I'm used to bugs cropping up when you least expect them. However, there's a basic principle to follow: Under Promise, Over Deliver. Currently we are getting a very large amount of big promises which are turning into flops.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Originally Posted by PatrickAT View Post
Praetorian Serge specializes in tailoring incarnate threads.

I can understand people's befuzzlementationisms about the announced badge reward.
I'm not saying this in opposition to the negative response, because it's valid.
It's just funny. Simple little things within fun playtime pastimes can be rather huge for people, eh? You can't just toss a Badge as a reward for something, as people use Badges as a major collection fun time pastime thingy.
As someone who ties zero significance to badges, it's odd (although not in a bad way at all! I enjoy things that others have zero interest in. It's all good!).

Anyway, of course they should know all this by now and the idea of tossing around badges has kind of been removed from their hands and turned into something much more important (and, hey, that's only right,I suppose! It's da peoplz game!).

If they really want to use the badge as incentive to test out the server shtuff... Offering a way to earn the badge again at a later time could work.
Or a larger window to earn the badge.
Or just some other incentive.

I missed the original discussion thread, but I don't see any of this as a big deal either way. They announced something, people offered negative feedback, they're reconsidering... It's all good!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Just don't forget that even when servers list merge, the lot of EU people can't log in 7 a.m. (if I have calculated it right).

Edit: Just looked at site. Is 10am-1pm PT = 6pm-9pm BT or 4pm-7pm BT?

Wednesday, May 11th, 2011 Time: 10am - 1pm Pacific Time (6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. British Time)
Server: Union

Thursday, May 12th, 2011
Time: 10am - 1pm Pacific Time (4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. British Time)
Server: Defiant

(guess that I am not only one with time calculation problem )

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
How about if you participate, it unlocks the ;facepalm emote?

See now... NO! That would just be EVIL!
Lovers of emotes are more important than you pesky badge hunters!!

I guess the limited means in which to earn this reward makes any reward "mean and unfair".
I'm not sure that I agree with that, but this industry/service is all about providing fun, so... Gotta try and work with the fun sponges now and then!

- P. D. Funspunge, Esquire

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So the thread couldn't stand against the badger rage surge?
So is badgerage kinda like nerdrage?

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
We don't anticipate the queue being an issue as we will be cranking it way up for this event. That's the purpose of the event, and the entire reason we created this badge, is to get as many people as possible onto one server with the improvements as possible.

We'll have more updates later on today.
Then maybe having the event extend ALL day/evening would be a better "stress test" than 3 hours in an extremely inconvenient window of time. People will come and go, people will show up to stress test if you ask them, people can stress test when they get home from work, or before work. Linking a one time badge to a stress test that is three hours long is, and has been communicated that it is A. Very. Bad. Idea.

Let me be frank and tell you, 4pm-7pm on the West Coast is a poor time frame to stress test. On a Friday. Honestly? By the time I get home from work at 5:30-6pm on a typical weekday and then having to wait in a queue for a badge that I am not guaranteed because of a queue and poor timing? Is an extremely stupid idea for an event. Theoretically, with this current schedule, (and I'm not the only one in this situation) I would have to camp a toon all day while I'm at work just for a badge. And hope that the server doesn't crash. I can name at least a dozen friends/family, some with multiple accounts, that would be doing the same exact thing. How is this fair to anyone? Especially when everyone would be rolling new toons on a foreign server just for the sake of this "event"?? How is this camping fair to those that normally play on Freedom? It isn't either.

I really hope you've anticipated the load of your entire active serverbase in this window, and I really hope you rethink the idea of introducing a badge that's limited to ONE server in a THREE hour window. Otherwise, this will be the stupidest thing to have happened in seven years of playing this game. There have been some doozies, but this one takes the cake.

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"The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace. It failed... In the year of the Praetorian War, it became something greater... our last, best hope for victory."