What super power would you choose?




Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
Can have super strength without invulnerability. Exoskeletons are already capable of doing it.
But an exoskeleton is not a super power. And while it may not be invulnerable, it is a damn sight tougher than the meatsacks known as people. You also have to work in controls to keep the exoskeleton from hurting or killing the user (Iron Man 2 and Mjolnir armor on the un-enhanced, for example).

But there are not many heroes or villains with just invulnerability or super strength. Although I can't imagine any decent person with super powers going out into public without a dampening device or some control over their powers.
A dampening device defeats the purpose of the power. If you can dampen it, then that means others can as well. And there is only so much control that you can have over autonomic functions without decades of monastic training.

Super strength has to be worse than Midas touch since you can at least sell who you touch to certain collectors.
Only if the Touch works when you want it to as opposed to a constant-on power. Midas Touch, if taken literally, means that you can't touch anything lest it turn to gold. No scratching your nose, no hugging your kids, no high five after the touchdown, no feeding yourself, nothing.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Oh, bah!
SmartDogs are awesomely yummy! And aren't bad for ya, yucky nor overly filling!

Depending on your choice of dogs, of course.
I don't think I've ever seen any imitations of sabretts though...
Sabretts hotdog/mashed potato thing is pretty tasty!

Like someone else said even though hotdogs may not be good for you they are tasty and ignorance is bliss......

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
But an exoskeleton is not a super power. And while it may not be invulnerable, it is a damn sight tougher than the meatsacks known as people. You also have to work in controls to keep the exoskeleton from hurting or killing the user (Iron Man 2 and Mjolnir armor on the un-enhanced, for example).

A dampening device defeats the purpose of the power. If you can dampen it, then that means others can as well. And there is only so much control that you can have over autonomic functions without decades of monastic training.

Only if the Touch works when you want it to as opposed to a constant-on power. Midas Touch, if taken literally, means that you can't touch anything lest it turn to gold. No scratching your nose, no hugging your kids, no high five after the touchdown, no feeding yourself, nothing.

When speaking about invulnerability, I was referring to the toughness of your physical form. In this case, since there is no tissue damage associated with muscle strain, you are able to perform at super human levels. In this form, it works the other way too, if you have super strength, there is a level of resistance to damage that is associated with it as well. Your tissue need to be tough enough to lift those heavy objects, that's why construction cranes aren't made out of paper.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Oh, that's easy.

"Grant Common Sense"

Think of the benefits - those a**hats on the road who do 85 in the rain with bald tires? ZAP. People who insist on parking monster SUVs in "compact" labelled spaces? ZAP. People who call in for customer support and are too busy arguing with me to listen? ZAP.

Sure, it's not glamorous or exciting or dramatic, but I suspect the world would be a better place after a while.

This would be a good power only if it came with intense Ice Cream Headaches whose strength and duration varied based upon the level of stupidity being displayed and culminating with head implosions or cranial rectal inversions for the really epic displays of stupidity.



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
When speaking about invulnerability, I was referring to the toughness of your physical form. In this case, since there is no tissue damage associated with muscle strain, you are able to perform at super human levels. In this form, it works the other way too, if you have super strength, there is a level of resistance to damage that is associated with it as well. Your tissue need to be tough enough to lift those heavy objects, that's why construction cranes aren't made out of paper.
It's called a Required Secondary Power. Super strength without an increased toughness level (by no means automatically granted with super strength) would be useless. Or worse than useless. However, if it's a magically granted super strength, it doesn't need to follow the rules of physics and biology.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Or say you wished to have 10 quadrillion dollars. Is that American dollars? Zimbabwean dollars? Is that money obtained legitimately? Are you going to have the tax man or various cartels knocking on your door for their disappeared loot? Again, intent is "understood", but without specifying intent of the wish be granted as well, you get screwed.
Makes me think of a player in a D&D game who wished for 1,000,000 gold that was indisputably his, and secured so only he had access to it. The GM said, "Granted." and then smiled.

You note he didn't actually ask for it to be in his presence or to know where it was. So somewhere in the world was 1,000,000 gold that was indisputably his and secured so only he could access it. If he could find it.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
It's called a Required Secondary Power. Super strength without an increased toughness level (by no means automatically granted with super strength) would be useless. Or worse than useless. However, if it's a magically granted super strength, it doesn't need to follow the rules of physics and biology.
Exactly Super Strength without an increase in toughness to accommodate it is like immortality without stopping aging. who wants to be a 250 year decrepit person who only gets worse the older you get?

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
Makes me think of a player in a D&D game who wished for 1,000,000 gold that was indisputably his, and secured so only he had access to it. The GM said, "Granted." and then smiled.

You note he didn't actually ask for it to be in his presence or to know where it was. So somewhere in the world was 1,000,000 gold that was indisputably his and secured so only he could access it. If he could find it.
Which makes me think that lawyers would be epic at crafting a wish. It also makes me want to read Beastyle's wish thing.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
It's called a Required Secondary Power. Super strength without an increased toughness level (by no means automatically granted with super strength) would be useless. Or worse than useless. However, if it's a magically granted super strength, it doesn't need to follow the rules of physics and biology.
From what i have seen of "No Ordinary Family" the dad has invulnerability but not super strength. He can survive a car running over him, or getting shot, but he can't stop said car dead easily.

I'd go for good old fashioned immortality/regeneration blend. but would add sub clauses allowing for evolution to keep up with humanity.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
From what i have seen of "No Ordinary Family" the dad has invulnerability but not super strength. He can survive a car running over him, or getting shot, but he can't stop said car dead easily.

I'd go for good old fashioned immortality/regeneration blend. but would add sub clauses allowing for evolution to keep up with humanity.
He is not truly invulnerable. Bullet can kinda pierce him if he isn't concentrating, iirc. Also, he can dead lift a van. Think they said he could something like 11 tons. Plus, he can also superjump, which if you think about it, would require super strength in his legs to be able to propel him such distances.



has nothing to do with concentration. He has a level of invulnerability that allows him to take x amount of force...Once that threshold is breached he takes damage. The amount of damage is lessened due to his entire body being invulnerable to the x amount so if a bullet hit his first layer of skin which can take 1000 pounds of force and the bullet is delivering 1010, the first layer of skin is broken but the second layer is still stopping it.

also he does have super strength...how could you think he doesn't?



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
has nothing to do with concentration. He has a level of invulnerability that allows him to take x amount of force...Once that threshold is breached he takes damage. The amount of damage is lessened due to his entire body being invulnerable to the x amount so if a bullet hit his first layer of skin which can take 1000 pounds of force and the bullet is delivering 1010, the first layer of skin is broken but the second layer is still stopping it.

also he does have super strength...how could you think he doesn't?
Compare him getting shot in the back of the with him getting shot in the hands or his attempt to stop the train. He has a natural increased toughness to compensate for his super strength. But when he is concentrating on stopping or deflecting something, the increased toughness increases. He's got a combo of Unyielding Stance, Tough Hide, and Resist Physical, IMO.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Genies, as found in popular mythology, appear to be creatures bound by a geas. As such, part of the magic appears to be able to understand and communicate with the wisher. If the wisher must make a wish in a dead language, then the wisher wouldn't be able to make a wish, interfering with the function of the geas. Intent is comprehended by the fact that wording is so sloppy in most described wishes that the wish-granter can do the worst-possible pathing to the desired outcome.
I was commenting on the 'writing your wish down' thing. There'd have to be stipulations, rules and regulations on being able to write down whatever it is you desire as one could probably write something to not look like a run-on sentence but is actually wishing for multiple things. Or with misspelling words or making up words and such non-sense. Easier to say "You want to write it down? Better write it in magic words with intent ensorcelled into each symbol otherwise it doesn't count as asking."

Or you could just have your 'genie' take a form that only accepts certain kind of input. A genie that resides in an 'olde-time phone' can't very well read something you write down. And if the call is international (or extra-dimensional), you get 1 minute otherwise the call ends.

Or a wish granting internet stranger that can only be contacted through tweets...



The Ability to create and maintain portals. As in instant travel from one place to another. I wold then setup a business to allow the transport of goods and people fast and cheap.

Heres a better question, What CoH/CoV power would you want? I would go with group fly.

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.



Teleportation or Mind Control

And I'd be a criminal not a hero.

Also: firefox doesn't think teleportation is a word.



Why be a criminal? How much do you think billionares would pay to fly like superman for an afternoon? I would be a rich man without having to do much for it. Plus I would be able to fly.

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.



I've never been a fan of flashy powers, so I decided to go with the more subtle photographic memory and/or photographic reflexes. (Taskmaster)

I would then go to my entire Kung Fu movie collection.

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



Originally Posted by CommunistPenguin View Post
Why be a criminal? How much do you think billionares would pay to fly like superman for an afternoon? I would be a rich man without having to do much for it. Plus I would be able to fly.
My powers wouldn't make them fly.
I suppose I could be super delivery boy...

and Mind control? Well if you can control people's minds you're basically bypassing their freewill which makes you a criminal.

Then there's always the awesome power I came up with: Data control: can alter electronic states at any time, from anywhere of anything with states that can be altered.

Bang I just made myself a bank account in every bank database with no spending limit. etc.



Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
I have, in the extremely unlikely case that I obtain the favor of a genie in this lifetime, drafted the wording for a single wish that grants me omnipotence with absolutely zero repercussions, no matter how malevolent the djinn might be.
You THINK zero repercussions, on the basis of your currently-limited brain.
You don't have any amazing powers yet.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Limitless shapeshifting.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Limitless shapeshifting.
Is there any difference between this and absolute matter control/transmutation?



Whenever I am asked this, I always choose Telekinesis.

  • Flight?
  • (Proxy) Super Strength?
  • Force-Fields?
Just some of the things this wonderfully versatile ability can do. Oh, did I mention I could rip someone in half with my mind? I guess I did now. I suppose I would soon become a villain if given real powers....

(Better go practice that laugh just in case.)



Defiantly Telekinesis, but more X-Men level than Jedi level.



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
Is there any difference between this and absolute matter control/transmutation?
Indeed there is. Absolute matter control would allow you to change the physical nature of anything to anything else. "Limitless shapeshifting" would allow you to change the physical nature of yourself into anything else.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
As for "cheating," well, that's the point of creating multiple worlds, isn't it? You can set up certain restrictions upon yourself and play out infinite lifetimes on infinite worlds in infinite combinations. "In this world I can do magic, but only on a Tuesday." "In this world I can fly, but never after 5pm."
So, pretty much the Red King from the DC universe?


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

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