What super power would you choose?




Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Indeed there is. Absolute matter control would allow you to change the physical nature of anything to anything else. "Limitless shapeshifting" would allow you to change the physical nature of yourself into anything else.
Interesting. So what kind of things would you shapeshift into?



I would choose mental/emotional perception/control with high degree of subtlety and no requirement to be in the presence of the person/persons to exercise the control.



Originally Posted by CommunistPenguin View Post
The Ability to create and maintain portals. As in instant travel from one place to another. I wold then setup a business to allow the transport of goods and people fast and cheap.

Heres a better question, What CoH/CoV power would you want? I would go with group fly.
This power would be pretty hot. Not just the instant transport of goods and materials around the world, but, say, to other planets. How much do you think governments and other industries would pay for a research outpost on Mars?



Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
If you could have one super power, what would you choose?
Easy, I'd have a scientific skepticism so powerful it actually alters the superhero reality. With this power I could turn off nearly all other superpowers just by providing a plausible explanation as to why it won't work--no handwaving, no unobtainium, no psychic mumbo jumbo. In the end I'd reign over a world as gray and boring as this one!


Either that, or just plain old faster than light travel.

"Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them."



Originally Posted by Jaxon_Kain View Post
This power would be pretty hot. Not just the instant transport of goods and materials around the world, but, say, to other planets. How much do you think governments and other industries would pay for a research outpost on Mars?
Nothing. They'd chemically lobotomize you to rob you of your free will then strap you to a gurney and use you as a mindless organic machine. And that's assuming you weren't killed by accident or deliberately in the struggle to control you, or keep you from being used by a rival nation/company.



I changed my mind. I'd take the ability to reach through my monitor and choke out morons on the internet.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Nothing. They'd chemically lobotomize you to rob you of your free will then strap you to a gurney and use you as a mindless organic machine. And that's assuming you weren't killed by accident or deliberately in the struggle to control you, or keep you from being used by a rival nation/company.
Depends on how the power worked. If it is based on desire or intent, then lobotomizing you would destroy the power. In fact, any brain surgery could destroy any power that requires concentration if not done correctly. The power has to be studied carefully to figure out which parts of the brain are safe to cut and which aren't. Can't put an implant in the brain or perform a lobotomy if it is located in the area of the brain controlling the power. Controlling the patient with an implant that causes severe pain would be far less risky. Although, the patient might be able to teleport himself and not the implant. Why take a risk in destroying the power, when there are far more effective methods to controlling a person like greed or national pride. Also, the patient has to be completely drugged through the entire procedure or they would escape.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



I'd go for healing touch, and hopefully get people to believe I was different from all the other "spirit healers" prancing about ^_^



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
I'd go for healing touch, and hopefully get people to believe I was different from all the other "spirit healers" prancing about ^_^
You probably wouldn't want anyone to believe you were different from other similar 'healers' since you'd be forever healing the ailments of man for the rest of your days if they knew you could heal/cure everything.

The best thing, IMO, is to keep your identity a secret and seek out extreme cases to fix mixed with a lot of visits to 3rd world places and providing guidance while subtly touching the hurt/sick, healing them without them knowing it was you.

The last thing you want is to begin conflict to decide who 'obtains' you for their side or zealots trying to assassinate you as an opponent of their religion.



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
Depends on how the power worked. If it is based on desire or intent, then lobotomizing you would destroy the power. In fact, any brain surgery could destroy any power that requires concentration if not done correctly. The power has to be studied carefully to figure out which parts of the brain are safe to cut and which aren't. Can't put an implant in the brain or perform a lobotomy if it is located in the area of the brain controlling the power. Controlling the patient with an implant that causes severe pain would be far less risky. Although, the patient might be able to teleport himself and not the implant. Why take a risk in destroying the power, when there are far more effective methods to controlling a person like greed or national pride. Also, the patient has to be completely drugged through the entire procedure or they would escape.
Very possible explanations but they don't address the other part of my response where the person with the power may be killed by people wanting to keep the power from being used against them. If the person with the power is seen as a big enough threat it's very possible some may rationalize that destroying an entire city is acceptable collateral damage to eliminate him.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
You probably wouldn't want anyone to believe you were different from other similar 'healers' since you'd be forever healing the ailments of man for the rest of your days if they knew you could heal/cure everything.

The best thing, IMO, is to keep your identity a secret and seek out extreme cases to fix mixed with a lot of visits to 3rd world places and providing guidance while subtly touching the hurt/sick, healing them without them knowing it was you.

The last thing you want is to begin conflict to decide who 'obtains' you for their side or zealots trying to assassinate you as an opponent of their religion.

This is why I want omnipotence. I can just (figuratively) snap my fingers and illness, disease, genetic defects are gone with just because I wish it so and no one is the wiser. Global Warming? Gone. Animals on the verge of extinction? Not any more, be fruitful and multiply. Clean energy sources that aren't harmful to the enviroment? Done. Asteroids/Comets heading towards the Earth? Not anymore. Terrorists? Go play on the Sun. Understanding how women think? Hey, there's some things even omnipotence can't fix.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
You probably wouldn't want anyone to believe you were different from other similar 'healers' since you'd be forever healing the ailments of man for the rest of your days if they knew you could heal/cure everything.

The best thing, IMO, is to keep your identity a secret and seek out extreme cases to fix mixed with a lot of visits to 3rd world places and providing guidance while subtly touching the hurt/sick, healing them without them knowing it was you.

The last thing you want is to begin conflict to decide who 'obtains' you for their side or zealots trying to assassinate you as an opponent of their religion.
Well, I guess I could get a mask and a moniker, but that would certainly make it harder to get permission to heal kids with cancer and old people in late stages of dementia without being sued or thrown in jail. But yeah, straying away from any religious affiliations would be prudent, good advice



Would just need to create a foundation where you have people search for the most needy cases for healing. Although, there is the problem of the ethics of deciding who to heal. Do you heal a nobel prize winner that has accomplished many great things and will continue to do great things if they live or do you save a child that could be the evilest dictator of the world or create some amazing invention?

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Telekinesis, for the sheer versatility of it, and high powered, of course. Doesn't have to be enough to do something crazy like pulling around planets though, I'd be happy with mountain buster levels and enough fine control to... well... use your imagination. ^.^

My other answer is teleportation, as I just think that long range (say global scale) 'porting would be all sorts of fun. Well, that and being able to do things like Nightcrawler's Teleport Blitz would be cool too.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



An important part of this question is am I the only one with super powers? What super power one would chose would likely be different if its only you, vs you get a power, and a bunch of other people do too.

If I was the only one getting a super power, then likely I would pick either super intellect or Psi powers , ala Jean Grey or one of the other powerful Psis. If I had to pick only one Psi power rather then a suite being considered one pick, I would go for telepathy.

If I got a power, and a bunch of other people got powers, it would be harder to choose.



I'd want the power to be able to kill anyone anywhere just by thinking about it.

�Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.� ― John Wayne

�Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider!� - George Carlin



If I am a superhero, then inflicting empathy on others. The supervillain wants power so I will give it to him. They didn't say what type of power. Causing pain to others will inflict pain on themselves. Helping others will give a sense of happiness or whatever feeling the person being helped is currently experiencing. They should either become a masochist, become a complete wreck, or start doing heroic things.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



I choose Explosive Flatulence.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post
I choose Explosive Flatulence.

Going to have to explain that one since some people already have it. Are we talking about releasing methane, hydrogen or some other explosive gas and use a lighter to make the explosion or stealth farts that you can explode at will with either grenade or nuke levels of explosion?

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
Going to have to explain that one since some people already have it. Are we talking about releasing methane, hydrogen or some other explosive gas and use a lighter to make the explosion or stealth farts that you can explode at will with either grenade or nuke levels of explosion?
It doesn't matter because I'm going to have to use my omnipotence to veto NP getting that power. Not because of it's destructive capabilities. Not because of the aroma. Just because the world isn't ready to deal with him in assless pants.



Originally Posted by Jaxon_Kain View Post
This power would be pretty hot. Not just the instant transport of goods and materials around the world, but, say, to other planets. How much do you think governments and other industries would pay for a research outpost on Mars?
No, your thinking too small. I would claim mars as my own planet and using my new found wealth, create a city there.

Also, the way not to get lombotomized? Dont tell anyone you can do it. Create a fake machine that "maintains" the portals. Actually, having the ability to create machines to maintain the portals would be preferable anyway, as then humanity can continue to use them when your dead.

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.