What super power would you choose?




I would like to the ability to create any invention ever. Including inventions that only exist in fictional universes. Item effects can be approximated, if necessary. Want a vacuum energy battery the size of a AA? No problem. Want an Evangelion? Not an issue. Want a Webway? Have it by tomorrow. Want cloning tanks that can crank out a custom biological being? You can get 2 for the price of 1. Want a TARDIS? What color you want it?

If that doesn't count, I'd go for being able to dimensionally travel to places of my chosing (including fictional universes) and being able to survive and thrive in said universes with all the necessary papers, identifications, large sums of money, and contacts.



As tempting as Flight would be I don't think I'd choose it. With Superman he has the whole powers package, flight, super strength/durability/endurance/speed, and assorted special sensory powers.

But Superman can fly at supersonic speeds and achieve orbit, etc. because of all his other powers. Invulnerability means that heat, friction or cold temperatures he'd encounter at certain altitudes and speeds wouldn't faze him. His super lungs would easily be able to process the air he breathes at those speeds and thin air at high altitudes would also not bother him.

if one of us obtains the power to fly like superman, but not get all the other benefits, then your speed, flight time, max altitude, etc will be a fraction of Superman's.

As for what power I'd want.....well a GL power ring comes to mind as it is the one ring of the entire spectrum that seems to be the least harmful to its wearer (unlike Red and orange) but I think I'd rather have the power of the GHOST RIDER. (preferably without having to sell my soul). A quasi-indestructible/immortal spirit of vengeance riding the roads, sensing the guilt in others and delivering the penance stare to burn the souls of the wicked.....plus a cool motorcycle too.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Says someone that has obviously not read Superman books v.v

Superman would always choose flight probably just from the way he love it so much.

But if I had to choose... time-space manipulation powers or high powered ESP powers.
Yes, silly Onion. You'd think it was a parody news site or something with that lack of attention to detail.

I'd pick teleportation, no question.

Oddly enough, I'm already psychic / precognant, but only in terms of knowing what episode of the Simpsons Sky are going to be repeating that evening (seriously, it's very odd, a Simpsons line will pop into my head during the day occasionally and that evening that episode will show on telly. I've no actual control over this wonderful power though, like Cassandra it's more of a curse than a blessing).



Technopathy, hypertechnology, or whatever you want to call it would probably be my choice. Want Flight, then build a flying suit. Want Invisibility, then build a cloaking device. Want to create a better you, then inject nanites into your bloodstream. I wouldn't limit it to only technology that is possible given our current technology path. Technoorganic, organic, and other theoretically possible technologies would be under my control. Might take longer, but with this power, I can be omnipotent and omniscient.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Sounds like you had the storms I'm getting in my area all day today. Severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings. Seems to have cleared up as evening arrived.
Didn't get the tornado warnings (certainly not nearly as bad as Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia got hit), but did have 35+ mph wind gusts and driving rain starting at about 2a.m. On top of that, my idiot neighbor left his garbage cans out and they ended up blowing UP HILL up the street, making a rather colossal racket as they went. On top of that, have had to be in to work early every day this week.

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



OMG Sleestack that is soo hilarious, you had me laughing so hard I think I hurt myself :P.

And Carnifax I am kinda the same way, but it comes to movies on tv, the day before or the day of I will be thinking of a certain movie and I turn on the tv and look through the guide and it will already be playing on a channel (I am totally serious on this, it happens to me about 9 times outta 10)

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



I'd choose Telepathy (from reading minds to controlling thoughts) or Telekinesis.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Some guy with a gun tries to shoot me? I'll change into a werewolf and, unless the bullets are silver, won't do squat



Why people never choose "reality warping" when this question comes up, I'll never know. With reality warping, you could have ALL the powers; you would shape the universe to your will. Anything you'd want to do, you could do it. Me, personally, I'd create multiple worlds with alternate physical laws or different timelines and play around in them.

But picking ANY super power is an easy question; what about 'useless' powers? If you had to pick something that's out-of-the-ordinary, but not extraordinary, what kind of power would you take? For example, I'd like to be able to make things glow by touching them. I always thought that'd be pretty rad. Suddenly, everything becomes a lamp.



Originally Posted by Innovator View Post
So? I could change into a stick of dynamite and blow him up afterwards.

Or better yet, change into myself but made of fire and riding a fire-retardant tank. Then what'cha gonna do?

Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
Why people never choose "reality warping" when this question comes up, I'll never know. With reality warping, you could have ALL the powers; you would shape the universe to your will. Anything you'd want to do, you could do it. Me, personally, I'd create multiple worlds with alternate physical laws or different timelines and play around in them.

But picking ANY super power is an easy question; what about 'useless' powers? If you had to pick something that's out-of-the-ordinary, but not extraordinary, what kind of power would you take? For example, I'd like to be able to make things glow by touching them. I always thought that'd be pretty rad. Suddenly, everything becomes a lamp.
Reality warping...eh, I like the physical laws as they are. If I want to be neigh indestructible, I'd transform into a giant diamond elephant or something...but if I could warp reality, I guess I could just make paper indestructible...but then everyone has paper...

As for useless powers, to counter yours, I'd take that one 'light stealer' power like in the Harry Potter movies. So anything you change into a lamp, I'll shut it off.

And some other uses:
-"I don't feel like going to work..." *steal light* "I guess since no one can see, might as well call it a day..."
-In a bar *steal light* "Who touched my butt!"



Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
But picking ANY super power is an easy question; what about 'useless' powers? If you had to pick something that's out-of-the-ordinary, but not extraordinary, what kind of power would you take? For example, I'd like to be able to make things glow by touching them. I always thought that'd be pretty rad. Suddenly, everything becomes a lamp.
But wouldn't that power make for some...embarrassing...moments? Especially if you either forgot to turn it off or if it was a case of The Midas Touch.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
So? I could change into a stick of dynamite and blow him up afterwards.

Or better yet, change into myself but made of fire and riding a fire-retardant tank. Then what'cha gonna do?
/Gets out garden hose...or R. Kelly.



Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
Why people never choose "reality warping" when this question comes up, I'll never know. With reality warping, you could have ALL the powers; you would shape the universe to your will. Anything you'd want to do, you could do it. Me, personally, I'd create multiple worlds with alternate physical laws or different timelines and play around in them.

But picking ANY super power is an easy question; what about 'useless' powers? If you had to pick something that's out-of-the-ordinary, but not extraordinary, what kind of power would you take? For example, I'd like to be able to make things glow by touching them. I always thought that'd be pretty rad. Suddenly, everything becomes a lamp.
I would take the power of Virtue. I would be the most virtuous person possible.

Alien 51 - Emp/Energy/Energy Defender
Average Bob - Rifle/Devices/Munitions Blaster
Fusion Avatar - Triform Warshade
Grumpy - Nec/Poison/Mu Mastermind
Metallic Guy - Kat/Inv/Weapons Scrapper



You'd be the best roleplayer, then? And/or a catgirl?



Problem with Reality Warping is that there needs to be a reset function or the person needs to have the wisdom to use it so they don't need to reset reality every few minutes. Of course, that is for permanent Reality Warping and not Proteus' Reality Warping where it goes away after he loses consciousness.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



A lot of powers come with a "self-screwing" mechanism, like the power of Flight, without the ability to survive a fall. I would take invulnerability, it comes with inherent super strength.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
A lot of powers come with a "self-screwing" mechanism, like the power of Flight, without the ability to survive a fall. I would take invulnerability, it comes with inherent super strength.
Two different powers, Invulnerability and Super Strength. Although they are part of the Superman package. Could use a impentrable force field and I would be invulnerable, but I couldn't dent a bank door in. Having a more powerful muscular structure or raised in a higher gravity world could give invulnerability and super strength, but still two separate powers.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
You'd be the best roleplayer, then? And/or a catgirl?
You can never have too many catgirls!

You're not super until you put on The Cape!



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
Technopathy, hypertechnology, or whatever you want to call it would probably be my choice. Want Flight, then build a flying suit. Want Invisibility, then build a cloaking device. Want to create a better you, then inject nanites into your bloodstream. I wouldn't limit it to only technology that is possible given our current technology path. Technoorganic, organic, and other theoretically possible technologies would be under my control. Might take longer, but with this power, I can be omnipotent and omniscient.
Either ^This^ or extensive Psychic ability, including Telepathy, Mind Control, Empathy, Telekinesis, Astral Projection/Illusion, Divination, etc. Everything listed here.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
Two different powers, Invulnerability and Super Strength. Although they are part of the Superman package. Could use a impentrable force field and I would be invulnerable, but I couldn't dent a bank door in. Having a more powerful muscular structure or raised in a higher gravity world could give invulnerability and super strength, but still two separate powers.
Problem with super strength without an invulnerability modifier (or at least increased toughness) is that your muscles would rip right off of your bones when you go to do something. Unless one is going the mystical route of super strength. Even with a force field, you would still have biological issues that it couldn't help with.

You would also need extremely good involuntary reflex control, otherwise, super strength could be seen more as a curse than a blessing. See Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex by Larry Niven. Heck, even breathing could be an issue, in that you could inhale so much that your lungs pop and/or burst right out of your chest.



I know enough about the universe that I know "Reality Warping" would end up very very poorly unless you were borderline omniscient. All it takes is one screw up, like making 2 + 2 = 5 law. And suddenly the universe never happened in a way to bring you into existence. And then causality gets all wibbily And it-- it's just a huge pain in the butt. Even if I could warp reality with a thought and with no repercussions... that sort of gets boring. That's just Life with cheat codes. Naw, I'm a gamer. I want a challenge

And... you know... a power that won't risk obliterating me through causal use.

Of course, as a nerd, I've given this much thought...

Immortality: Comes in many flavors of course. Using the TV tropes metrics... lets see... Type 4 seems the most practical in the end. See, I'd like this power so I can see how it ends. I want to know what happens to the human race in the end. What wars we make, what weapons we built, what wonders we create. I'd want to see the full range of experiences you can have. See things I've never conceived of. Live long enough to find all the answers.

But that's got plenty of risks. You don't want to outlive your will to live. Nor get yourself into a position that would suck for eternity. Trapped in a rock slide or stuck to the surface of our burned out sun in a few billion years. That would suckith muchly. Even the simple stuff, like adapting to the times would be difficult. So, getting a free reboot every so often seems like one of the better ways to go.

Precognition: The ability to see the future/present/past. I'd take dream based visions or crystal ball style induced visions. Though I'd rather some control and a non-ironic set of visions. Random visions, useless visions, visions of dramatic timing, visions you can do nothing about. Kinda sucky, and risks spoiling books and movies for you. Who wants that?. I'd just like the ability to peer into space/time. What did dinosaurs look like? What's on other planets? What happens to the light inside a fridge when it's closed?

I have too many questions that need me to break the laws of physics to answer.

On the non-knowledge side of things...


Super Charisma: Now most people assume I mean radiant beauty and people fawning over me. No no. That's got too many silly risks. I'd rather the more subtle aspects. The ability to convince people that what I'm saying is true, through sheer force of will. Super personality if you will(Wasn't that considered as a powerset before ATs? Hrm.).

The ability to know the right thing at the right time, reading people and situations with astounding accuracy and insight. Yes, that would be fun.

Shapeshifting: I don't need fantastical shapeshifting, nor quickly shifting. A more biologically accurate one would suit me well enough. Perhaps a chrysalis type thing. The ability to alter basic facial features, skeletal structure, muscle structure, color, texture. Maybe even add/subtract limbs. Wings would be awesome. And who wouldn't want a tail?

This does lean heavily into the risking death with use section of powers. Don't want to accidentally remove a vital organ, or lose the ability to metabolize or some other such thing. Still...

Anyway. On the further fantastical scale I have stuff like...

Wind control: Air manipulation, gusts, micro-tornado, semi-controlled flight. Doesn't need to be hurricane level, just enough to get me into the air.

Ice control: Ice projection, cold generation, frost generation, snow summoning, ability to draw in/generate the moisture necessary to USE these powers well.

Shadow control: Shadow melding, teleportation via shadow, shadow summoning, shadow animation.

Of course, I wouldn't complain about getting any super power.



I'd take an instant teleport type of power. Long range one though. Like teleport from one side of the earth to the other type of teleport.

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



Lets say everyone can pick and automatically know how to use their "one" power...the real question is... whats going to happen when you are seen using that "one" power? You have to know you will be seen...what does your life look like then...how does your family cope with you being super-powered and out in public...how do u go back to work or your old life in general? Does paranoia set in...do u become a recluse(maybe a Lord)...do u fake your death and become a masked man/woman savior of the streets...etc what do u do!

Also u shapeshifters u have to know you will be caught switching at some point on a cell camera or stop light camera or atm camera or even Candid Camera



Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
You'd be the best roleplayer, then? And/or a catgirl?
Since you mention "best", catwoman > catgirl.

Just sayin'.



Originally Posted by Exodus_V View Post
Lets say everyone can pick and automatically know how to use their "one" power...the real question is... whats going to happen when you are seen using that "one" power? You have to know you will be seen...what does your life look like then...how does your family cope with you being super-powered and out in public...how do u go back to work or your old life in general? Does paranoia set in...do u become a recluse(maybe a Lord)...do u fake your death and become a masked man/woman savior of the streets...etc what do u do!

Also u shapeshifters u have to know you will be caught switching at some point on a cell camera or stop light camera or atm camera or even Candid Camera
Mindwipe. You saw me lift that 2ton rock with my mind? *pppppth* Your brain is jelly now. Ktnxbye. (Not really to that extent, but selective pruning may be in order.) (No I would have no moral qualms with altering people's memory.)(Yes that probably makes me a bad person.)

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too