Say, what's magical in Praetoria?
There is very little magic in Praetoria.
The Circle of Thorns complain about the difficulty of casting spells there in the special Halloween tip mission.
The Transmuter was a magical hero who was depowered and now spends his time as a contact for Power Loyalists.
I think Aria is a member of the Powers Division with magical powers but she might be a mutant.
Cole seems to be hogging all the magical origin-juice for himself.
Vanessa de Vore should still be using magic though. She and the rest of the Carnival of Light. Wherever they are.
Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522
This came up a lot when GR was introduced. We only have theories, nothing in the game lore to point to.
Transmuter is the only real magic user and he lost his mojo when Reese (?) destroyed the amulet that was the source of his power. Supposedly because Reese was a jerk, but it could have been under orders.
Either the Devs wanted a magic-free super world as a matter of lore to stay away from fantasy and keep Praetoria a more sci-fi place. Or, there's a lore-based reason why magic was stamped out, e.g., Cole is weak to magic, so, he had it systematically destroyed; or, Cole got really powerfully cause he had vampirically fed off the magic in his world and incorporated it into himself.
(I don't count Acantha as Praetorian magic since we all know she's there as a hand-waving mechanic for the Halloween Event and costume slot trade-in in Praetoria.)
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I've been running a new character through Praetoria the last few days, and it made me wonder: What drops magical salvage here? Now, the answer to that question isn't interesting - I keep getting magical salvage, so SOMETHING drops it - but the follow-up question to that has had me going over existing content and pondering:
What enemy group in Praetoria is magical? Now, yes, I know you can point to Black Swan, Diabolique or Infernal, but those are all old content and they don't show up IN Praetoria. I'm trying to figure out if there is any magical group that new character starting out in Praetoria is likely to meet on his or her way to the old game where magic exists in spades. And I honestly can't think of one. Let's review what we have: Resistance: -Primarily Tech. They have techno rifles, power armour, neutron bombs and energy gauntlets, plus hackers and inventors on staff. -Sometimes Mutation - Vanessa DeVore and the various other psychics they have on staff make this up, but I haven't seen any in the actual rank or file, so there can't be many available. PPD: -Primarily Tech. They have power armour, energy shields, energy blast gauntlets, scanning devices and so forth. They're technocops. -Partly mutation. The PPD do have many Seers on staff and they show up with regular occurrence, so they definitely count. -Sometimes science. Occasionally, they'll employ Ghouls, Failed Experiments and then there was that Second Division with the reincarnated Colonel Duray as a cyberghoul. Syndicate: -Primarily Natural. They employ a wide range of martial arts, both unarmed and using melee weapons and guns of all kinds -Partly Mutation. Most of the Syndicate Suits are psychic, be that through direct psychic powers or telekinesis or pyrokinesis. -Maybe Tech? I mean, they have computers and labs and... Motorcycle helmets. That ought to count for something. Destroyers: -Purely Science. "Me have body by Superadine!" Well, Fixadine, but the difference is academic at this point. They rarely use guns, they rarely use skill. They're mostly Raging and Crushing through pure brute strength. Ghouls: -Primarily Science. They're the Praetorian Earth Vahzilok - mutated human beings and possibly reanimated corpses via scientific experimentation. -Sometimes Tech. The Failed Experiments have cybernetics, though it's not clear how much those help, and Noble Savage is pretty much a cyborg. Clockwork: -Pure Tech. They're robots. Simple as that. And that's it. That's all the factions I've seen in Praetoria. Mostly tech, sometimes science or mutation. Even if we went ahead and added Natural to all the factions that involve humans, I still don't see a single faction that's actually magical. I never really noticed that before, but it seems like all the Praetorian content enemy factions are all mostly technological. I don't really mean this as a complaint, really. The last thing I want is to shoehorn in a faction that doesn't fit in, but it's just... Odd that the Praetorian setting is THIS different from the rest of the game. Some people have called it a major departure from established themes (though probably not in those exact words) into a much more sci-fi bizarro future environment, and I can kind of see why. Paragon City and the Rogue Isles are sort of a mish-mash of different fictional worlds that clash in-fiction where they don't go well together in-theme. Praetoria, on the other hand, feels like a Minority Report style alternate future that's focused on its theme to the exclusion of esoteric elements. I keep wondering: What happened to the Praetorian Circle of Thorns? Cole can't root the Resistance out of his own tunnels. How could he have rooted out incorporeal ghosts out of their miles of claustrophobic catacombs? What about the Midnight Squad? What happened to the Tsoo's ancestral magic? Where did all the demon-worshipping street gangs go? What happened to factions like the Legacy Chain? What about the descendants of the Mu? I mean, we KNOW magic exists on Praetoria, or at least we know by proxy, so where is it? I can see keeping it out of the eye of the public, but would the Resistance seriously never care to explore black magic as super weapon? I hear we're due for more in-Praetoria content at some point in the indeterminate future, and I really hope they bring some more magic back into the world. It feels a bit too much like Mass Effect as it is now - all tech and science, no magic and mysticism. And we've proven those can coexist. |
Of course in Praet Drops seem to be more random than on primal earth. I have gotten Clock work winder from ghouls etc. So while I have a theory of things, I truely believe it works on random tables as opposed to what we are acustomed too.
Everyone is a Rikti in disguise with "Praetoria" actually being made of plywood and located in the middle of the Sahara.
"You can't go exploring beyond the sonic barriers to keep out the Hamidon"? You guys FELL for that??
Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"
I noticed this as well Sam. But I noticed when fighting destroyers that they drop magic salvage. Which makes little sense. However I have also recieved magical salvage from resistance member, which I am assuming are considdered "Natural" and drop Dual origin Magical/Natural Enhancers and perhaps that is why they seem to drop magical salvage.
Of course in Praet Drops seem to be more random than on primal earth. I have gotten Clock work winder from ghouls etc. So while I have a theory of things, I truely believe it works on random tables as opposed to what we are acustomed too. |
On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3
You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age
This just deepens the mystery. Why are all these people/robots/spirits/demons.... walking around with strange objects in their pants?
Either the Devs wanted a magic-free super world as a matter of lore to stay away from fantasy and keep Praetoria a more sci-fi place. Or, there's a lore-based reason why magic was stamped out, e.g., Cole is weak to magic, so, he had it systematically destroyed; or, Cole got really powerfully cause he had vampirically fed off the magic in his world and incorporated it into himself.
I can certainly see the appeal of a purely sci-fi world, but most Final Fantasy games seem to be able to run a pretty good mix of future technologies and obscure magic while still keeping their worlds feeling overwhelmingly sci-fi (or VII did, I don't know so much about the rest).
The reason I look at this in terms of thematic is actually a bit personal, if you can call it that. I've been writing stories since before I got into City of Heroes, and pretty much the entire time before that I've been dabbling almost exclusively into tech-science sorts of fiction. Ever since I got some time in City of Heroes under my belt, I've found it to be pretty interesting to mix magic and mysticism in a sci-fi setting, as it both serves to add further mystery as well as interesting reveals and plot twists. I mean, say what you will about The Sorcerer's Apprentice, but defeating an ancient evil with a Tesla coil was just a cool concept all around

That said, if Praetoria is intended to be a no-magic zone, then I can accept that (though we'll need to figure out what to do with Infernal, Diabolique and Dark Swan), but I just don't think the Praetorian narrative would gain much from that.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Either the Devs wanted a magic-free super world as a matter of lore to stay away from fantasy and keep Praetoria a more sci-fi place. Or, there's a lore-based reason why magic was stamped out, e.g., Cole is weak to magic, so, he had it systematically destroyed; or, Cole got really powerfully cause he had vampirically fed off the magic in his world and incorporated it into himself.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

That said, if Praetoria is intended to be a no-magic zone, then I can accept that (though we'll need to figure out what to do with Infernal, Diabolique and Dark Swan), but I just don't think the Praetorian narrative would gain much from that.
The whole "invade the multiverse" plan is probably just so he can find more supers to murder in order to gain more power. At least that would make some kind of twisted sense, instead of the silly idea that it will improve the safety of Praetoria somehow.
Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522
I noticed this as well Sam. But I noticed when fighting destroyers that they drop magic salvage. Which makes little sense. However I have also recieved magical salvage from resistance member, which I am assuming are considdered "Natural" and drop Dual origin Magical/Natural Enhancers and perhaps that is why they seem to drop magical salvage.
Of course in Praet Drops seem to be more random than on primal earth. I have gotten Clock work winder from ghouls etc. So while I have a theory of things, I truely believe it works on random tables as opposed to what we are acustomed too. |
Also they all drop all types of salvage (tech and magic) just like some primal groups (Arachnos, clockwork off the top of my head).

I reject your reality and substitue my own!
--Adam Savage from "Mythbusters"
I noticed this too, and have my own theories for it. But glad to see I wasn't the only one thinking this!
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378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
I've been running a new character through Praetoria the last few days, and it made me wonder: What drops magical salvage here? Now, the answer to that question isn't interesting - I keep getting magical salvage, so SOMETHING drops it - but the follow-up question to that has had me going over existing content and pondering:
What enemy group in Praetoria is magical? |
Perhaps Emperor Cole's version of the M.A.G.I. vault is actually effective in containing magical items?
For one thing, Paragon City is in a high magic zone on top of a bunch of ley lines and such (which IIRC is also why Oranbega was built there); Praetoria isn't.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

One of the reasons I didn't want to phrase this as a complaint is that we're currently only seeing less than half of the storyline of Praetoria. In fact, considering the pace at which events unfold in the later levels, I'd say we're not seeing more than a tenth of it. So it's quite possible that we'll start running into more magical characters later on, or that we'll find out why magic isn't as prevalent. And when I say "find out," I mean find out, not "make a stab-in-the-dark guess and go with that."
Interestingly, I did a mental tally of the magical enemy groups that we have on Primal Earth, and that came out to a staggerringly short list, too. Mostly, we have the Circle of Thorns, the Banished Pantheon and the Mu, and that's it. We have a few more groups like the Outcasts and the Hellions, but really, the only major spellcasting villains are the Circle and the Pantheon, with "the Mu" being more a cadre of mages under Arachnos' heel. Same for the Legacy Chain, really, and the Midnight Squad. They're just generic wizards in a few different organisations, and if something has indeed happened to drive those underground, it wouldn't be very surprising if they showed up as just one organisation, possibly including an internal rift, like every damn faction in Praetoria.
So, yeah, we'll have to see what comes up next. I hope Praetoria isn't drawn up as some kind of magic-less world, to be honest. That would be needlessly restrictive. Then again, the way it's drawn up even now, with everyone living under Tyrant's thumb, it's very restrictive as it is. I'm really not sure how will turn out, to be honest.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Magic in Primal Earth has been pretty well devastated as well. Omega Team was a suicide squad of the best and brightest sent to stop the first Rikti Invasion, and when the second Invasion hit, magic users were a priority target - so much so that the Midnight Squad basically erased themselves from history in order to hide from the Rikti. To say nothing of the undoubtedly terrible cost when the Midnighters drove Rularuu into the Shadow Shard. And whatever cost there was when Astoria went dark, and when Croatoa's mystic barriers weakened.
It's hard out there for a wizard.
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I've been running a new character through Praetoria the last few days, and it made me wonder: What drops magical salvage here? Now, the answer to that question isn't interesting - I keep getting magical salvage, so SOMETHING drops it - but the follow-up question to that has had me going over existing content and pondering:
What enemy group in Praetoria is magical? Now, yes, I know you can point to Black Swan, Diabolique or Infernal, but those are all old content and they don't show up IN Praetoria. I'm trying to figure out if there is any magical group that new character starting out in Praetoria is likely to meet on his or her way to the old game where magic exists in spades. And I honestly can't think of one. Let's review what we have: Resistance: -Primarily Tech. They have techno rifles, power armour, neutron bombs and energy gauntlets, plus hackers and inventors on staff. -Sometimes Mutation - Vanessa DeVore and the various other psychics they have on staff make this up, but I haven't seen any in the actual rank or file, so there can't be many available. PPD: -Primarily Tech. They have power armour, energy shields, energy blast gauntlets, scanning devices and so forth. They're technocops. -Partly mutation. The PPD do have many Seers on staff and they show up with regular occurrence, so they definitely count. -Sometimes science. Occasionally, they'll employ Ghouls, Failed Experiments and then there was that Second Division with the reincarnated Colonel Duray as a cyberghoul. Syndicate: -Primarily Natural. They employ a wide range of martial arts, both unarmed and using melee weapons and guns of all kinds -Partly Mutation. Most of the Syndicate Suits are psychic, be that through direct psychic powers or telekinesis or pyrokinesis. -Maybe Tech? I mean, they have computers and labs and... Motorcycle helmets. That ought to count for something. Destroyers: -Purely Science. "Me have body by Superadine!" Well, Fixadine, but the difference is academic at this point. They rarely use guns, they rarely use skill. They're mostly Raging and Crushing through pure brute strength. Ghouls: -Primarily Science. They're the Praetorian Earth Vahzilok - mutated human beings and possibly reanimated corpses via scientific experimentation. -Sometimes Tech. The Failed Experiments have cybernetics, though it's not clear how much those help, and Noble Savage is pretty much a cyborg. Clockwork: -Pure Tech. They're robots. Simple as that. And that's it. That's all the factions I've seen in Praetoria. Mostly tech, sometimes science or mutation. Even if we went ahead and added Natural to all the factions that involve humans, I still don't see a single faction that's actually magical. I never really noticed that before, but it seems like all the Praetorian content enemy factions are all mostly technological. I don't really mean this as a complaint, really. The last thing I want is to shoehorn in a faction that doesn't fit in, but it's just... Odd that the Praetorian setting is THIS different from the rest of the game. Some people have called it a major departure from established themes (though probably not in those exact words) into a much more sci-fi bizarro future environment, and I can kind of see why. Paragon City and the Rogue Isles are sort of a mish-mash of different fictional worlds that clash in-fiction where they don't go well together in-theme. Praetoria, on the other hand, feels like a Minority Report style alternate future that's focused on its theme to the exclusion of esoteric elements. I keep wondering: What happened to the Praetorian Circle of Thorns? Cole can't root the Resistance out of his own tunnels. How could he have rooted out incorporeal ghosts out of their miles of claustrophobic catacombs? What about the Midnight Squad? What happened to the Tsoo's ancestral magic? Where did all the demon-worshipping street gangs go? What happened to factions like the Legacy Chain? What about the descendants of the Mu? I mean, we KNOW magic exists on Praetoria, or at least we know by proxy, so where is it? I can see keeping it out of the eye of the public, but would the Resistance seriously never care to explore black magic as super weapon? I hear we're due for more in-Praetoria content at some point in the indeterminate future, and I really hope they bring some more magic back into the world. It feels a bit too much like Mass Effect as it is now - all tech and science, no magic and mysticism. And we've proven those can coexist. |
I never really paid close enough attention so I am not sure what group or groups drop magic salvage but I recall getting it while I was there?????
We never really SEE them, aside from Vanessa DeVore, but somewhere in Praetoria there exists the Carnival of Light. With their mentalists and illusionists they would be a perfect addition to Praetoria and serve as the "Droppers of Magic Salvage" [is Droppers an actual term? lol I didn't think so]. Obviously Emperor Cole doesn't want magic in his world so it makes sense that the Carnies would be a part of the resistance.
To counter them perhaps we could intro more of Infernals race in Praetoria since they are Demon binders and deal with the black magic that surrounds them.. Hey we never see him but we do know from Maria's Arc that there is a Praetoirian version of Infernal so adding a group of villains comprised of Demons and Spectral Ghosts (shudders) isn't out of the question. They wouldn't be Cole's favorite allies by any means but what better way to fight the magic of the COL than with your own dark magic allies?
Another possibility would be Midnighters! The original Rikti invasion was stopped by Hero One and his group of Magic based heroes since the Rikti seem to fear them [having wiped out all the magicians on thie home world years ago]. By level 20 we have Vangaurd and Arachnos both showing up in Praetoria to help the Resistance so wouldn't it make sense for the Midnighter's Club to offer to send mages there as well to try and help stop Cole before he enslaves our world? Especially since one of the first things he'd do if he won is KILL ALL THE MAGES!
Okay I have rambled enough LOL

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
I only wish I could believe that it was that well thought out. More likely it was an oops moment on their part.

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I actually find it more scary to consider what a Praetorian Azuria would be like.
Well actually since most of Praetoria is a Mirrored image of Primal earth with each Primal Hero being a Praetorian Villain (?) at least to us on Earth Prime anyway. It stands to reason that the praetorian Azuria would be highly efficient and no one would ever be able to steal anything from her vault Then again MAYBE the Azuria we have is actually an Andriod created by Praetor Barry? Most of his creations are hastily thrown together and don't always work right.. at least that's what Anti-Matter says. Then again he's upset for being demoted so who knows?

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
The Praetorian Azuria as a senior member of Tyrant's security forces would mean that "disappearances" she was involved in would be done on purpose
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I've been running a new character through Praetoria the last few days, and it made me wonder: What drops magical salvage here? Now, the answer to that question isn't interesting - I keep getting magical salvage, so SOMETHING drops it - but the follow-up question to that has had me going over existing content and pondering:
What enemy group in Praetoria is magical?
Now, yes, I know you can point to Black Swan, Diabolique or Infernal, but those are all old content and they don't show up IN Praetoria. I'm trying to figure out if there is any magical group that new character starting out in Praetoria is likely to meet on his or her way to the old game where magic exists in spades. And I honestly can't think of one. Let's review what we have:
-Primarily Tech. They have techno rifles, power armour, neutron bombs and energy gauntlets, plus hackers and inventors on staff.
-Sometimes Mutation - Vanessa DeVore and the various other psychics they have on staff make this up, but I haven't seen any in the actual rank or file, so there can't be many available.
-Primarily Tech. They have power armour, energy shields, energy blast gauntlets, scanning devices and so forth. They're technocops.
-Partly mutation. The PPD do have many Seers on staff and they show up with regular occurrence, so they definitely count.
-Sometimes science. Occasionally, they'll employ Ghouls, Failed Experiments and then there was that Second Division with the reincarnated Colonel Duray as a cyberghoul.
-Primarily Natural. They employ a wide range of martial arts, both unarmed and using melee weapons and guns of all kinds
-Partly Mutation. Most of the Syndicate Suits are psychic, be that through direct psychic powers or telekinesis or pyrokinesis.
-Maybe Tech? I mean, they have computers and labs and... Motorcycle helmets. That ought to count for something.
-Purely Science. "Me have body by Superadine!" Well, Fixadine, but the difference is academic at this point. They rarely use guns, they rarely use skill. They're mostly Raging and Crushing through pure brute strength.
-Primarily Science. They're the Praetorian Earth Vahzilok - mutated human beings and possibly reanimated corpses via scientific experimentation.
-Sometimes Tech. The Failed Experiments have cybernetics, though it's not clear how much those help, and Noble Savage is pretty much a cyborg.
-Pure Tech. They're robots. Simple as that.
And that's it. That's all the factions I've seen in Praetoria. Mostly tech, sometimes science or mutation. Even if we went ahead and added Natural to all the factions that involve humans, I still don't see a single faction that's actually magical. I never really noticed that before, but it seems like all the Praetorian content enemy factions are all mostly technological.
I don't really mean this as a complaint, really. The last thing I want is to shoehorn in a faction that doesn't fit in, but it's just... Odd that the Praetorian setting is THIS different from the rest of the game. Some people have called it a major departure from established themes (though probably not in those exact words) into a much more sci-fi bizarro future environment, and I can kind of see why. Paragon City and the Rogue Isles are sort of a mish-mash of different fictional worlds that clash in-fiction where they don't go well together in-theme. Praetoria, on the other hand, feels like a Minority Report style alternate future that's focused on its theme to the exclusion of esoteric elements.
I keep wondering: What happened to the Praetorian Circle of Thorns? Cole can't root the Resistance out of his own tunnels. How could he have rooted out incorporeal ghosts out of their miles of claustrophobic catacombs? What about the Midnight Squad? What happened to the Tsoo's ancestral magic? Where did all the demon-worshipping street gangs go? What happened to factions like the Legacy Chain? What about the descendants of the Mu? I mean, we KNOW magic exists on Praetoria, or at least we know by proxy, so where is it? I can see keeping it out of the eye of the public, but would the Resistance seriously never care to explore black magic as super weapon?
I hear we're due for more in-Praetoria content at some point in the indeterminate future, and I really hope they bring some more magic back into the world. It feels a bit too much like Mass Effect as it is now - all tech and science, no magic and mysticism. And we've proven those can coexist.