In Praise of the Endgame




I see a fair few very vocal people out there saying they don't like the endgame because:

  • they hate the storyline
  • it doesn't fit their character concepts
  • it's too grindy and you have to do content repeatedly to get anything
They have have their reasons for these points, which I disagree with and to each their own, because I think it fit's my character completely.

The current bio of my main alt is:

In what he thought was a dream, a mysterious green knight appeared to David Drake and bequeathed him, Escalus, the Sword of Kings. The sword was forged by the First King Escalus, and can only be held by the Chosen Heir of the King. On taking the sword, the power of the First King flooded in to him and made him the newest incarnation of Escalus.

On waking, Drake found the sword by his bed, and on taking hold, he was transformed in to Escalus, with a inate knowledge of his new powers and abilities, and he knew this was his destiny and his life was forever changed. Using his powers for the betterment of humanity, he upholds the legacy of those that came before him, maintaining the legend of Escalus, the First King.

During the Second Ritiki War, the Sword was broken during a battle with the Honoree, however on claiming the sword of the Honoree, the power of the First King became embued within the new weapon and Escalus learned the power was now within himself and not the sword.

The whole Rikti war bit was added to the original bio, and I did that because I started getting access to loads of different broadswords in the costume creator which I wanted to justify in my vision of the character's development and he'd been a 50 for a while by then. Escalus has now been 'spotted' by the Well who thinks he could be a good champion (or whatever it has planned) and is giving him further access to greater power and saying 'every bit of power you've gained to now has been kind of down to me' which I think fits the curve of the character development quite nicely.

What about the Praetorian invasion? It's the first 'test' of the Well, to see who are worthy. There is more to come and while some people would like to skip a few chapters to something they like, this is what we have and I am enjoying it.

Is it a grind? Yes. I'm used to it though. I've enjoyed most of the story arcs, and it gets repetetive doing the same thing sometimes. I don't do the ITF every day, or something similar as I have other things to do and if some people want to get through the new content in record time, so be it. You know what keeps it getting too grindy? Playing with new people. I'm enjoying the ride, savouring the experience, and liking the challenges it throws up. The fact it fits my idea of the character's progress is a bonus.

I like what's been done so far, and if I'm in a minority (or silent majority!) so be it. Everyone has their opinion to which they are entitled, mine is 'keep up the good work and thank you'.



Great attitude, and I'm liking it too. Also, good story - it's concise and fully formed at the same time.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



I agree, the new trials are less grindy than even ITF, the little details always change, like in BAF different people are at different doors to fight the resistance and you have to adjust because you might have less or more dmg or control.

Pertaining to lore I did have a rough time thinking of ways to add it to my story but I found ways, anything is possible so think of anything =P



I like it, period.



Ive run five trials and only completed one, and boy was I feeling good after smashing in marauders silly face. It was hard and I didn't expect us to pull off that victory, but man was it worth the time!

"I accidently killed Synapse, do we need to restart the mission?" - The Oldest One on Lord Recluses Strike Force



The only things I have problems with are;
1) The autohit artillery spam in Lambda that makes my MMs setup a huge annoyance.

2) The ludicrously high acc and damage on set +4 mobs, to the point that I can't live for more than 5 seconds in the final stages of Lambda. Battle Orb spam seems rampant, too. Marauder does NOT need that many Bosses with him. (And yes, we killed all the portals first)

Those are all technical and balance issues I have with it. Nothing else.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I've run each trial once, and failed both times... and you know what? Even when my scrapper was getting pasted in less than 20 seconds by ubered up Victorias or blown away by Marauder's Walkers... I was still having fun. I don't really mind that I failed. I had FUN with the chaos.

Failure can be fun too.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
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QR: I turned round to a player after having my *** handed to me several times by Marauder in my first attempt at Lambda and said "You know? It's nice to have some challenging content in the game again." I'm enjoying the hell out of these trials, faceplants 'n' all. Doesn't hurt that even failure gives you progress towards the slot unlocks, either.

Cancelled in Three - MA ID #34608. Please play and comment! Top 10 placing in Projectionist's MA contest!



Did my first 2 lamdas last night, both wins (thanks to great leadership and teams who listened) and had. A. BLAST. I'm not sure how it will feel on the 50th run, but for now I am enjoying the "new grind". The lamda pacing is nigh perfect with the teams I had: I was on a non shifted kat/da - the first league was like 12 dps, 1 tank, 1 corr,1 cont, second one was much more balanced with 2 def/cont/mm, etc. Both were awesome.

I do support the soloers though and think that there should be more ways than just converting shards (really slow) for them to work on their incarnate stuff. It should be slower...but not that slow. Hopefully i21 will flesh that out a bit.

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



I love the trials. So much so that even though I am out of town and can't play on my nice shiny gaming machine back home, I brought a spare laptop and played a few pug trials last night on minimum graphics settings. And I still had fun, even though both trials failed.

And I got around 15% of my Judgement and 28% of my Interface unlocked, without spending a single Thread on it. Picked up 9 threads, plus 10 I converted from Shards, plus three Astral Merits.

I can't wait to get home and play these for real on my main PC and with my SG. And I'm really looking forward to more Trials coming in the future.

Most fun content I've seen added since the ITF. Even better than Apex and Tin Mage (which I also love).


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



I like the Incarnate trials, having fun with them so far. The only thing that gets me is the mass quits that occur when the AV's one shot other players. It seems that the players that I'm with think they should be able to beat it in one play through or something.

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Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



I also want to mention some player praise here, too.

The Lamdba I ran last night, we had nine people, it was a total PUG (as far as I could tell - I was solo when I joined). We had a little difficulty getting all the grenades and we failed while fighting Marauder, but everyone worked together and paid attention to instructions, and when we failed everyone said "great run" and we generally had a very fun time.

So let that stand as at least one example of positive attitude and people having fun doing these trials, even when failing them. I'm sure there are many more such examples, but too often the complaints are the only things that get posted because the ones enjoying things are too busy having fun.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Just won my first BAF.

15 seconds remaining in the event. Nighstar and Siege at 3%.

Nightstar goes down. 10 seconds, both on the timer and before she's resurrected.

5 seconds. Siege at 1%.

2 seconds. Siege falls. Mission complete.

Entire team throws up numerous capslock sentences, tanker self destructs.

I had to change my pants.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Just won my first BAF.

15 seconds remaining in the event. Nighstar and Siege at 3%.

Nightstar goes down. 10 seconds, both on the timer and before she's resurrected.

5 seconds. Siege at 1%.

2 seconds. Siege falls. Mission complete.

Entire team throws up numerous capslock sentences, tanker self destructs.

I had to change my pants.
Now that does sound satisfying. And I love it that, in this game, the second last sentence is actually feasible

Yeah, I did an actual dance on Sieges twitching body

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Just won my first BAF.

15 seconds remaining in the event. Nighstar and Siege at 3%.

Nightstar goes down. 10 seconds, both on the timer and before she's resurrected.

5 seconds. Siege at 1%.

2 seconds. Siege falls. Mission complete.

Entire team throws up numerous capslock sentences, tanker self destructs.

I had to change my pants.
That's awesome.

It reminds me of one of my early exciting experiences in City, way back in Issue 4 only a month or two after I started playing. We had a timed mission where there had been some delays waiting for people and it was a defeat all, click the glowie type thing. We completed the mission with less than 10 seconds remaining. It was exhilarating.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



I must say, after 4 failed BAFs and 7 or 8 failed Lambdas (each of which inches further along towards completion as folks slowly climb that learning curve) and despite all the problems with the LFG tool and the total lack of costume bits, I am actually having a blast with i20. So yeah, *thumbs up* devs.

I am critical of many parts and decisions when I post, but I hope it seen at worst as a form of fan based tough love.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Just won my first BAF.

15 seconds remaining in the event. Nighstar and Siege at 3%.

Nightstar goes down. 10 seconds, both on the timer and before she's resurrected.

5 seconds. Siege at 1%.

2 seconds. Siege falls. Mission complete.

Entire team throws up numerous capslock sentences, tanker self destructs.

I had to change my pants.
Very nice. I like the part where the Tanker self destructs.

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Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
I must say, after 4 failed BAFs and 7 or 8 failed Lambdas (each of which inches further along towards completion as folks slowly climb that learning curve) and despite all the problems with the LFG tool and the total lack of costume bits, I am actually having a blast with i20. So yeah, *thumbs up* devs.

I am critical of many parts and decisions when I post, but I hope it seen at worst as a form of fan based tough love.
The answer to the Lamdba seemed to me to be:
1. have a leader who's done it
2. shut up and listen

I mean, we were dying all over the place at the clicky stage & during the bossfight. Not a problem. If it helps, this worked for our team(s) for the Lambda:

1. Clear all the way around
2. Clear courtyard
3. Clear turrets
*These stages should not be a problem. If your team is having any issues here then I'm confused.
4. Split into two teams, MAKE SURE that everyone knows the plan. Explain it before starting the counters.
5a. Speed through to the clickies, ignoring mobs (although tanks should try and grab the aggro so squishes dashing by don't pop) & spiking destructibles.
5b. Try for 10/10 in order to get the Astral merits, so you have them even if you fail. I'd like to try it with a kill through approach to compare, but speeding worked for us both times. The acid (training area, I think) team had a stealth/porter who would move us to the destructibles, which helped but did not seem critical.
5c. Whichever team finishes first should help the other.
6. Give all acids to one team leader, all grenades to the other
7. Team leaders responsible for for using acids & grenades, makes for much less chaos.
8a. Kill Marauder.
8b. Ignore the crates/deployments while doing so. We didn't need any of the drops either time, and it seems like splitting the team up, or breaking away from Marauder would have made things worse. If your team does need the crates, then go for it, but we didn't, and we had pretty average pug team composition. I wasn't even level shifted.
9. Move when he does his pboae. Seriously there is a huge warning, and it's long enough that no power animation is long enough to keep you locked in place unless your lag is bad.

Hope that helps .

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



I did 4 Lambdas last night, only had one fail and even on that fail, people were still in good spirits and said nice try and such. I had a great time with Lambda, its challenging but not insurmountable and can be completed in about 30-45 mins.

I was truly surprised when I looked on the forums this morning and saw the many angry posts about the new stuff. I think its new and it will take a few days before the masses get the hang of everything. It'll be old hat in 2 weeks and we will see variations of these trials like speed runs/thread runs/all troller runs ect.

While the Lambda was forming, I told a couple friends last night that I felt like it was the fist day of sub all over again. Several others agreed and when I really thought about that, I realized how exciting that was. I've been playing since i6 so to feel like a newb again was rather exhilarating.

I have not tried BAF yet but I am so excited to get home and try it out.

Kudos to the OP for posting something positive and Nalroks story was hilarious!



I'm having more fun than I have in the game (on a consistent basis) for some time.

You actually feel like you accomplish something now, instead of just hitting the button and getting your cheese.



Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
I'm having more fun than I have in the game (on a consistent basis) for some time.

You actually feel like you accomplish something now, instead of just hitting the button and getting your cheese.
This time, when you hit the button the cheese punches you in the face and glares at you. But then again, that brings a new challenge. :P

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



I did a LAMBDA and 3 BAFs last night that all failed to various degrees from miserably to almost finished. But in doing so I teamed with people I never met before or people I haven't teamed with in years. We were all in a similar spot of having to relearn the rules of the game and you saw some new techniques emerge.

The problem with the forums this week, however, is the small but vocal part of the forum posters that already decided ahead of time that they hated any raid system and, now that the issue has hit, are just continuing their complaining while the people who like them are actually running said trails.

The forums are an echo chamber.

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