160 -
Um, if you've worked out which uncommons you need - and by my reckoning, that should be no more than...8? - can you not just break down any spares into threads to create commons?
(I guess, if you're crazy lucky and get 4 Very Rares early on, that you could similarly break down any subsequent ones and charge ahead making 70+ threads at a throw) -
Quote:It would appear that their previous interactions with players generated something of a sense of entitlement.They HAVE, in the past, communicated with players even when they were busy. BaBs and Castle were great for this. They HAVE, in the past, come onto the forums and directly responded to player concerns and questions; even if the answer was "no, we're not doing that" it was still an answer. PAX and the webcasts reach fewer players than the forums do. Most of us come here to voice our concerns, and the lack of developer response to these concerns makes a lot of people think they don't care. And that's just bad PR, no matter how many Producers' letters and webcasts you put out.
Quote:...Yeah. During the fight with the Security Big Robot Thing is a very good time to do this.Shield everyone, period.
Just kidding, I would say buff your own team if you feel like it, but if not it seems like you'd do fine with just buffing the tank. The one exception would be in the lab/warehouse for Lambda. Buff anyone who's close when you have the chance (which will probably still only be 1/3 of the team). -
Thanks for the thoughts, people. I hadn't even thought of the poor bloody kin/ I was teamed with on some of those BAFs, who did an heroic job of keeping the team speeded up, and was likely a major contributor to my first no-escapes run. Good work that man/woman!
So, thought I'd throw this out to the many, many defenders with more experience than me.
I fairly recently 50'd my second ever 'fender - Cold/Ice - and I lovelovelove playing him (my first was a TA/A, hence the following isn't a problem I've run into before).
After 3 solid nights' grinding on the BAF/Lambda, I must say I'm getting a little bored with having about 1 in 4 minutes' downtime throwing shields on 23 other players. What's the general feeling on this? Keep one's own league team buffed, and stuff the others? Buff team and throw other shields where it seems sensible? Drop everything for COLD SHIELDS NAO!!1!? Break off and run trials with my Widow until everyone's got Destiny slotted and my shields don't do so much?
Would appreciate your experience and input here. I want to be a useful league player, but the whole stop-dead-and-throw-shields and/or run-after-everyone-and-throw-shields element is kind of taking the fun out for me... -
QR: I turned round to a player after having my *** handed to me several times by Marauder in my first attempt at Lambda and said "You know? It's nice to have some challenging content in the game again." I'm enjoying the hell out of these trials, faceplants 'n' all. Doesn't hurt that even failure gives you progress towards the slot unlocks, either.
Quote:NEW GODS ran for eight issues, so maybe not the best example to pick.</pedantry>Jack Kirby would like a word with you about The FF and Thor, The New Gods, etc. etc. etc. which ran for numerous issues if not years. Just because few today can write at that level doesn't mean it can't be done.
I'm with Bill on this one, to a degree; once you've thrown the deity-level stuff into the mix, what do you do afterwards -- because unlike comics, where the reboot switch can be hit and there are no mechanical limits to what can be achieved, short of page size -- "What do we do after this?" is a pretty key question for MMO developers.
"This all-powerful god-villain is... 15% larger than the last one!" -
Quote:Well, you've missed a fair few things, really. Your 50s - once they've done the Incarnate entry arc (this is important!) may want to check out the Tin Mage and Apex TFs, available from the Rikti War Zone - they provide some tough new challenges (especially the first time you run them!). IIRC Apex is this week's Weekly Strike Target so if you can get Incarnated, you'll find a pretty decent reward waiting at the end (which will, in time, allow you to unlock Tier 3 and work towards Tier 4 of the "Alpha" Incarnate slot)....and I thought I'd buy Going Rogue and reactivate my account. Turns out that playing DCUO for a few weeks really makes you miss all the things about CoX that you used to enjoy.
I've seen a few familiar faces about, but 2.5 years away means I've missed an awful lot so, other than the Incarnate "intro" arc for the Lv50s and - obviously - Praetoria, what are the things new that I need see/do, the old things that have gone and the other things I've forgotten?
If anyone wants me I'll be respeccing every toon I have and trying to use up to 100+ free costume changes they've accumulated...
Lower-level toons around 20 or so should check out either Roy Cooling's (blueside) or Vincent Ross' (Redside) arcs, which are two of the most fun in the game (IMO).
Really low-level blueside toons might want to check the new Positron task force, now split into two rather-more-manageable chunks. However, one of the QoL changes - as I understand it - is that even while exemplared, if you're not level 50, you will now get XP - so you could take a 49 round that one, if you cared to. You will still lose access to powers unlocked after the max level of the TF, of course.
I should think you'll want to look at the new powersets - there are already guides available for them in the relevant fora here.
Oh, and of course, there are tip missions, which (once you've done 10) will allow you to change alignment from Hero -> Vigilante -> Villain -> Rogue -> Hero, or keep your current alignment for either merit rewards (Vigilantes and Rogues) or Hero/Villain merits; the latter have a special store each side and can be used to purchase anything up to and including purple and PVP recipes*. Worth looking over the price lists...
(*Purples and PVP recipes are not cheap, purchased this way, but if you don't have eleventy hojillion Inf on hand its another way of getting them...)
Anyway, welcome back and have fun! -
Thanks, Twilight Snow - will look again at ways to improve the DPS, and think hard about Blinding Feint.
Hi y'all...
I've really, really, really loved playing my Widow, but the lack of Def debuff resists has hurt a lot (from time to time), so I thought I'd roll up a DB/SR Brute (Brutes, largely speaking, being my favourite AT).
Dinged 50 yesterday and have devised a respec build which - Hecatomb aside - should either be affordable or relatively trivial in terms of getting V-Merit rewards here and there (my levelling build has many of the more expensive IOs already).
Here's the build:
Code:What I'd be grateful for is advice on the best ways to:-| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1590;756;1512;HEX;| |78DAA5934B6F525110C7CFE5D2520A142AA5F4017D3F28145AA2263E124D6A5BAD2| |9A6B5A91A35E2B59C028650E442D2EEFC00AE34D1955F44577E03DFBAF00BF86875| |A326B68AF338D0121237DEB4FF1F67EE9C993933E72636679D42DC3D2D34C7999C6| |19AC99962B9246D178C52B968E4844D08E1275332217352C666CB462E39933352D2| |0CB07D56AECBBC29632BE5822C262FCAF59CDC9466FB423E238B325F8A557FB8963| |63672B1F96C3A53CAE6D34E5A2D4AA3000B7E9590A9EC5A362FDDD55729593433D9| |42F75C21BB169BCBCB627A2B9930CC922C6E71995D50DD51F8FF2EAA4FC52A6E02E| |2C262109A6F11DAD608E329C273F4D4C85D173E0D4DD60E82D34318F3127E54DD44| |A5497B6611C22B2CEB14A125CD61331C364B98BA4D7801AAABE8FA3FA2FF048F261| |5BD6907A20745F34742CB6782C7B450F43B84A920457F096A53D16D7D646A658C30| |E29CF2152CECECA7D923ECC7D060A60ECE2B1C15784427585CCAD7D5ABA353F4032| |57D0D3637BFB1B839BEA72EDB2FD0767588F631DA73689C11220C4F1046C27C8808| |E10DF87BD521BC5C6F27B7A8B3AE454128CCA74AF5B502ACBAD0C1E6577BFDF8232| |8BAFA00E3A26B88101E26EC8247B7AAAC9BFBDAF389C1ED1DFEC2D8264479026FC1| |BF571DB8978F3858877E1BBAF1550BCE51A6BE79C659C639C2E402610F1CFB5515F| |DBB74F8813DC66FC61FC260851015D4FD77E03FC45588A128E5B542DE5175EC516E| |D904B72CCC2D0B73CBEC308D903A406880B64ED4C1090E11E5103945FD9B3CCF253| |FA21AFC9029A692C77432BD87C5B49AC334DFA280B5F6C9C11FDEA2C506CB92B5F6| |FD088D2CF3D6DA97F75FCF136735977D19EE85B682976315E5322EAFA05C45B986B| |6EB283750922895A7B5DDEE6358D07194132827517C1E907BE869C3EFC481E24471| |A1B4A1B8513C285E941E94C728153B6CD6F9CC956DAC407552E331EE1C3485C8F47| |5DFA46B97688881551A48609956F115C2B7837E3CAA8EFB8C0784F843C274C31CC2| |0D967883E54883E5708365BFFF7F011B812E9D| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
* Maximise HP (outside of Accolades, although if anyone has any useful advice on how to get Gangbuster without a few hours' running around St. Martial, I'm all ears)--HP seems key to extend the survivability of this toon and take the occasional lucky hit.
* Improve recharge (if needs be?) - with 6 attacks in my chain (Boxing is a filler for T/W) I'd like 'em up as often as possible!
* Improve damage (where possible) - the build has a few IOs for flavour and because lethal is hella resisted by a bunch of different mobs.
Any other DB/SR advice - like if this build is stupid or missing out a lot by avoiding Blinding Feint and the two early DB combos (no Nimble either) - would also be most welcome.
(Edited to add...) I'm planning on taking Cardiac Core (ultimately Core Paragon) to keep End as sustainable as superhumanly possible.
Also, a general /SR question - is it worth going over the 45% cap in order to provide a measure more Def under debuffs? Its seemed to me a few times that were I on 47% or 48% I'd still be able to keep capped while getting the odd smack off Romans, DE, etc. -
Hopefully not going over old ground here, but:
Videos of I16 custom powahs!
Includes alternate anims for SS & MA, and pointy spines! -
I think "Earth-Prime" is copyrighted ;P
Its simply to delineate "our" Earth as the main one, basically. Marvel equivalent would be 616, DC's is... whatever they're using this week, I s'pose. -
Sin - the -rech effect essentially dooming you (unless you've stocked BFs) is exactly what I was alluding to. I know that other powersets have their problems, but the toggle/click mez difference has always seemed rather unfair to me, as toggles can't be messed with (short of END drain, which also affects every other aspect of "click" mez-protect armour sets).
I think your mez defense/resist is too high up the power chain - maybe at 4 instead? Personally, I detest click mez resists *because anyone with any sense sets them on auto, they're a pain for Brutes (who usually want Brawl/Boxing on auto for Fury generation) and can be an annoyance for everyone else, so I'd think about just sticking in Indomitable Will instead.
WoC won't work in lieu of a damage aura, and as stated upthread would actively work against Tanks, so maybe a -recharge aura (more like /Stone's Mud Pots, but leveraging Psi's -rech secondary effect rather than applying a movement slow) would be better there? Though that could work against Brutes (less incoming hits = less Fury generated) instead of tanks, sigh... -
Sinergy *you could (and may want to) still run the Patron arcs for the merits, if not for any other reason.
I quite liked Scirocco's arcs, five-minutes-to-knock-down doors and all -
"I really don't understand people wanting to have debt badges..."
Well, moar badges is moar badges.
Redside, debt badges are a potential consequence of the 10-million-points-of-damage-taken badge required for the Born in Battle accolade, which AFAIK is farmed by practically everyone who wants it *its VERY difficult to take that much damage via normal 1-50 play; my Level 50 WP brute is currently at 1.25 mill damage taken, for example. -
If she's a fightable NPC, dibs on a toon called "Othello"
Wicked. Hope they can fix the slightly weird bug that seems to have keybinds activate while chatting, too, as it can be a bit embarrassing to run off by accident during a convo where you've just typed an 'r' :P
Personally, I'm thrilled about it. Now I can spawn 8-man normal content mishes for my Widow which might actually present a challenge, not to mention 8x drop chances for recipes, enhs and salvage, ie more stuff for me to throw on the market to get inf to transfer to lowbies as and when necessary. And I might not be able to blaze through mishes quicker than it takes to run to them! And I don't have to run around the damn wall in Cimerora any more because even Invinc mishes only throw 3-4 mobs at me at a time!
Oh, yes, and there's colour changes. Woo!
Also EXTREMELY pleased about proliferation choices been desperate for Arch/TA corrs, and Rad blasters and that SS/MA have been tweaked with new/swappable anims, which *speculation on* might be what the people asking for "street fighting" have been looking for *speculation off*.
I can live until GR until a big content update, and it minimises the impact of MA farms etc. to me, because hey! SOLO IS NOW VIABLE AND CHALLENGING AGAIN.
petsay_Numfar </em danceofjoy> -
Blimey, you've got room for Patron powers? Mind posting up your build? I fear you might've missed something useful...
Deva: Chance to Hold is one of my favourite procs in the game, and I tend to use it once or twice per character that can utilise it (as activating twice in a row will give 2 x Mag 2 hold = Boss Held). It also stacks with other players' holds (and the power FX seem to override their holds) which is maybe why it seems to activate so often, but who cares? My TA/Arch ain't getting faceplanted, which is the most important thing (YMMV
Tried slapping the Chance to Hold proc from Gravitational Anchor in the webnade? (Yes, I know it's a bit costly, but whatever works, y'know?)
The joy of IO Sets* for me is that procs can really bump up the usefulness of apparently not-so-good powers (see also Kinetic Combat: Knockdown Bonus in the otherwise dire Boxing, Devastation: Chance to Hold in /Arch Defender Snap Shot, yadda yadda.)
(*not the adults-only book it sounds like) -
Sorry, I forget, but if it was the usual group I tend to do stuff with chances are it was a TA/Arch defender and a Fire/X dominator. Couldn't swear to it, though.