Issue 20 Launch Patch Notes




I'd just like to be able to log in and actually SEE what i20 is all about!

Currently running it on a mac, and this means when I run the game, either normal or in safe mode, I just get a black screen.

Sent a ticket, posted to a mod on here, posted in the mac section, and not even a reply to any from them!

So, thursday....can't log in cos the broke maintenance.......

Tuesday and wednesday.......can't log in cos they broke i20 for mac........

And by the looks, when I CAN log in, I've got all the bugs etc to look forward to! Can't wait

It's a badge thing.......



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Issue 21 will introduce Incarnate Chips, Incarnate Dip, and Incarnate Nuggets. These can be combined, cross-trained, demoted, depressed, repressed, reworked, folded, mutilated and spindled into each other at random costs, or can be combined like an Incarnate Voltron into Delirium Merits, good for breaking down (at a 5:1 ratio with a 300,000,000 INF fee) into a single Incarnate Button, which can be turned in for a half price tailor session.
By your Incarnate Currencies combined......I AM CAPTAIN INCARNATE!!!!!!

Okay bad pun aside (yes it was bad I admit), we seriously do not need all these new currencies. Astral merits, I'm fine with those. Incarnate threads? Not so fine. I don't see why we couldn't just stick with shards.



Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
Hmm... that may be true, but then again, remember how much wailing and gnashing of teeth there was for ITF at its launch. This will be the same.
The ITF is still hard. I've still failed it multiple times. I can't even contemplate getting to Romulus in twenty minutes.



Unlocking Mortimer Kal is easy as breathing, so that's really not an issue. In fact, first mob I spanked instantly dropped the tip for it.
Was a fun little intimidation racket, I have to admit. Nice and characterful.

On a design standpoint; Barring the level 54 Praetorian Doomsquad mobs? I LOVE the new trials! Its different, its intuitive, its laid out pretty nicely.
I just object to the brokenly high damage and acc levels that even minions seem to have. I'm not asking for a cakewalk, I'm just asking that, if they HAVE to be level 54, for the love of pete at least let me survive for more than five bloody seconds so I can have a shot at stuff!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
By your Incarnate Currencies combined......I AM CAPTAIN INCARNATE!!!!!!

Okay bad pun aside (yes it was bad I admit), we seriously do not need all these new currencies. Astral merits, I'm fine with those. Incarnate threads? Not so fine. I don't see why we couldn't just stick with shards.
While I agree that the amount of varied currency is getting overwhelming, it's my understanding that it was a required nuisance. Otherwise you'd have players stocking up on Shards and unlocking everything 10 minutes after it's released...

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Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Romans are challenging, and require you to be careful, because the LTs and Bosses can still make a mess of you.
Praetorians aren't. They just cheat. And thats not fun.
For truth. My +softcapped brute (yes, /EA, but still... those looked like energy attacks and his energy defense is in the +55% range) routinely died in seconds to the groups summoned to reinforce Siege in the BAF. Turning on Overload didn't matter.

Having pretty much my entire secondary negated was fairly demoralizing. This is WAY overcompensating for the ability set bonuses provide to increase defense for squishies.

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Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
... Does this mean that Dispersion Bubble and Sonic Dispersion will now only affect teammates?
Powers that say they affect "teammates" only affect your seven teammates. Powers that say they affect "allies" will affect everyone in the League barring distance restrictions and number affected caps (which for almost all ally powers from Primary and Secondary powersets is in the 200 range).

Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
The ITF is still hard. I've still failed it multiple times. I can't even contemplate getting to Romulus in twenty minutes.
I thought you only solo.

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Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
For truth. My +softcapped brute (yes, /EA, but still... those looked like energy attacks and his energy defense is in the +55% range) routinely died in seconds to the groups summoned to reinforce Siege in the BAF. Turning on Overload didn't matter.

Having pretty much my entire secondary negated was fairly demoralizing. This is WAY overcompensating for the ability set bonuses provide to increase defense for squishies.
It is working as intended because it offers a "challenge".



Originally Posted by preachmoore View Post
well, i had a shard drop in a Lamda last night.... not that i complain
I had several shards drop in the BAF today.

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Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
It is working as intended because it offers a "challenge".
Note that I didn't say it's not WAI. WAI, in this case, just happens to be a heavy-handed kludge that's un-fun. I know this issue was mentioned in beta and would like to see the design team work on other ways out of this corner that previous (player-friendly) decisions have painted them into, wrt high defense builds on characters that were never intended to have that type of survivability.

I don't expect fighting scads of level 54 bosses and their AV overlord to be like face-stomping Council Empire, but I also don't particularly like learning over and over what it's like to be "Council Empire Rifle".

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Actually it was mentioned in beta how defense sets may be punished. It was theorized because of the proliferation of IO set building of defense that this design decision was done for the trials. But as you can clearly see, it not only negates IO set bonues for defense, but entire AT's that rely on it as their primary, or secondary.



Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
For truth. My +softcapped brute (yes, /EA, but still... those looked like energy attacks and his energy defense is in the +55% range) routinely died in seconds to the groups summoned to reinforce Siege in the BAF. Turning on Overload didn't matter.

Having pretty much my entire secondary negated was fairly demoralizing. This is WAY overcompensating for the ability set bonuses provide to increase defense for squishies.
Yeah, I was concerned about this type of reaction to some complaining that defense was 'overpowered'. The response appears to be, 'well, we'll just take all that defense you worked for, (or in other cases, the only, or primary, value of one of your power sets) and make it completely irrelevant'. Horrible, pitiful, stupid design move.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I thought you only solo.
I didn't figure you actually paid attention to what people said, so I'm not very surprised you thought that.



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
Actually it was mentioned in beta how defense sets may be punished. It was theorized because of the proliferation of IO set building of defense that this design decision was done for the trials. But as you can clearly see, it not only negates IO set bonues for defense, but entire AT's that rely on it as their primary, or secondary.
/em nods

Yup. Pretty much my point.

That being said...

I did have fun in my one failure of each of the two new trials last night, other than the ridiculously fast deaths at the end of the BAF that made me feel like my uber-IO'd Ultra-rare alpha'd brute was made of tissue paper, and I learned a lot. I suspect things might have gone better for me in the BAF if I'd remembered to add League chat to my tabs. (I apologize to anybody who was on that team with me... the brute who was spazzing around the map like he couldn't hear anything being said actually COULDN'T hear anything that was being said!)

I predicted to my wife over lunch today that Lambda will be fully PUG-friendly in under a week, but the BAF will take at least 2.

I think this is good content. I just hope there is some mechanic to be used to deal with the set bonus problem that doesn't completely neuter defense-based primaries and secondaries.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



I don't think it's been stated anywhere, but while in the hospital inside the Trials, you won't be able to earn iXP or Threads. I actually got a shard drop while waiting for the hospital door to unlock.



Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
/em nods

Yup. Pretty much my point.

That being said...

I did have fun in my one failure of each of the two new trials last night, other than the ridiculously fast deaths at the end of the BAF that made me feel like my uber-IO'd Ultra-rare alpha'd brute was made of tissue paper, and I learned a lot. I suspect things might have gone better for me in the BAF if I'd remembered to add League chat to my tabs. (I apologize to anybody who was on that team with me... the brute who was spazzing around the map like he couldn't hear anything being said actually COULDN'T hear anything that was being said!)

I predicted to my wife over lunch today that Lambda will be fully PUG-friendly in under a week, but the BAF will take at least 2.

I think this is good content. I just hope there is some mechanic to be used to deal with the set bonus problem that doesn't completely neuter defense-based primaries and secondaries.
Having read up on the trials but not actually doing them in beta I did in fact fail and die on several the first night as I expected, even though I was on my well build fire dark corr with softcapped defense to smashing, lethal, and energy (I know that the trial enemies have a higher base accuracy so the softcap is actually raised to about 59%, but with team buffs I have been sitting on an average of 70% def on my 3 softcapped defenses during the trials); however, once I learned the basics of the trials they have become quite easy.

I've now done several runs of each both that my friends and I have organized and lead and completely random PUGs from queuing up in the LFG tab, and as long as everyone listens these trials are so easy. I think what's really tripped up a lot of people and groups is that a lot of people's favorite toons are melee toons so sometimes there's not enough debuffs or heals; also, it is vital that melee players understand what sequestration is and how to deal with it; if you get those 3 rings you not only get yourself held and dead, but those caught in the ring around you too; you just need to make sure to back off if you ever get to 2 rings and you're golden.

For lamda the biggest learning curve is the 'getting the temps' phase and what to do with them - basically just follow your team leaders lead and work together to smash the boxes and its easy, just don't try to clear the whole map or you may run out of time; you only want to fight long enough to destroy the box or container then move on. As for using them; if you get acid, once the av spawns you need to use it to take out those portals; the grenades make the av vulnerable for a limited time and should be used one at a time.

Finally, I found what confused me at first was that when you get the temps, if you get more than one, for some reason only the first one popped into my tray and I had to find the second one in my powers and drag it to the tray. Even if teams don't get enough acid or grenades from the sabotage phase they are constantly spawning for you to get more in the courtyard. The only truely critical part is using acid to take those portals out ASAP as they spawn reinforcements regularly, so if you don't get most of them down fast its easy for everyone to get overwhelmed. Heh, guess I ranted a bit, but its really not all that bad after you've learned the basics and those on your trial know them too.

After 2 nights of play and winning the trials about 2\3rds of the time, mostly due to the first nights failures, I now have a common in judgement and interface and a T3 Rare Lore with Destiny half way to unlocking - it really is possible to get the cool stuff easily and quickly (also, I did use threads and inf to help unlock the slots, so that did speed it up for me too).



New Player Help System notes edited:

  • When players log in for the first time on a character, they are prompted to select "Help Me!" or "Helper." If the player chooses "Help Me!", their name changes to a purple color, and they will have a title that says "Help Me!" If the player chooses Helper, their name changes to a gold color, and they will have a title that says "Helper."
    • These titles do not override custom temporary titles, and will not display if you have a temporary title.
    • Hitting H will bring up the Help window where it is possible to change your help status.
  • Switching chat tabs to the Help tab will not automatically place the player in the Help chat channel. The player will see Help text, but will need to either type /h or click on the question mark icon in the chat channel selector list to chat to the Help channel.

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Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Switching chat tabs to the Help tab will not automatically place the player in the Help chat channel. The player will see Help text, but will need to either type /h or click on the question mark icon in the chat channel selector list to chat to the Help channel.
This is, frankly, stupid and unintuitive.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Issue 21 will introduce Incarnate Chips, Incarnate Dip, and Incarnate Nuggets. These can be combined, cross-trained, demoted, depressed, repressed, reworked, folded, mutilated and spindled into each other at random costs, or can be combined like an Incarnate Voltron into Delirium Merits, good for breaking down (at a 5:1 ratio with a 300,000,000 INF fee) into a single Incarnate Button, which can be turned in for a half price tailor session.
that just about sounded like a George Carlin rant lol.....

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

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Well, apparently my pc can't hack the new issue. I've tried several times to do the raid and every time I mapservered. That and the new insane buffs to the standard Pretorian have left me seriously aggravated. The new currency is unnecessarily complicated, I have no friggin clue how incarnate xp is supposed to work. The influence cost to some of the top tier components makes it unaccessable.

In short, I feel like I've hit an arbitrary road block to my fun here.

The Case Against Hardcase- arc id: 438272

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Here's something I've discovered over the last couple of nights:

If you right click on a team member's name and hit the 'N' key, this is usually the shortcut for "Add/Edit Note". If, however, you are the team lead and hit the 'N' key, this is also the shortcut for "New League Team". So, if you right-click and hit N, you'll split the targeted character off into a new league team.

And if you happen to be in the middle of a TF when you do that, you've just effectively booted that character from the TF.

Someone needs to change that shortcut key to something that isn't already in use.

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Team-wide buffs ONLY affect the team you are on.
  • This is a game balance issue, as these buffs stacked into the quantities a League could bring to bear would be more than overwhelming.
If I'm reading this correctly then buffs like Accelerate Metabolism, Recovery Aura, Regeneration Aura, etc. will not affect anyone outside your team while you're in League mode?

So. Anyone using the League mode for Hamidon raids will be gimping themselves since the buffs that normally hit everyone in range will now only hit teammates? Am I reading that correctly?

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



I haven't found an answer on the forums, but it might be because I am not very familiar with where everything is.

So, My question: In the Judgement Incarnate slot, as you progress up the tree from common to very rare, how does damage increase (or does it)? I can see that on one side it adds a greater radius to the AoE, as well as more targets it can hit, but the other side, the description doesn't really change. Right-clicking and looking at the info of the power isn't really helpful either.

Anyone know how it scales?