Art team doing costumes for players, anymore?




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Probably more Vigilante types than real Heroes
Nope, I don't have any vigilantes or vigilante-like characters at the moment.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Originally Posted by Cynical_Gamer View Post
Nope, I don't have any vigilantes or vigilante-like characters at the moment.
They are - they just don't know it yet

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
They've already said as they introduce new groups, they'll try to make most of the pieces available for players. Not all NPC pieces, some will remain unique.
While it's always nice to get new things, I hope this doesn't preclude us getting (free) unique PC pieces as well. Not everyone dreams of going around as an 80% accurate Carnie or Preatorian Cop.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I would take that further: I really don't give a frankly-my-dear about NPC costumes, the only costumes that matter to me are ones I can put on my characters.

I can't remember the last time we got a great included-with-subscription-fee costume, I really cannot. Perhaps the addition of the new faces, might be the last thing I can think of. That was a while back.

I remember when boosters were new, and people were roundly pooh-poohed for worrying that the era of costumes included with new issues was over, and now we would pay for any interesting costume parts. So far from that prediction being wrong, it seems like that day came to pass a while back.
I know it wasn't that long ago that we got Clocks, Praetorian Police, Resistance, that athletic outfit. And that's just off the top of my head.

IIRC, the Alpha and Omega were actually a costume pack, but were well worth it, IMO.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
I know it wasn't that long ago that we got Clocks, Praetorian Police, Resistance, that athletic outfit. And that's just off the top of my head.

IIRC, the Alpha and Omega were actually a costume pack, but were well worth it, IMO.
You only got those if you purchased GR I believe. I am not sure though because I did purchase (2 copies) GR.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
I know it wasn't that long ago that we got Clocks, Praetorian Police, Resistance, that athletic outfit. And that's just off the top of my head.

IIRC, the Alpha and Omega were actually a costume pack, but were well worth it, IMO.
You only got those if you purchased GR I believe. I am not sure though because I did purchase (2 copies) GR.
Yeah, those came with GR, so not free.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I would take that further: I really don't give a frankly-my-dear about NPC costumes, the only costumes that matter to me are ones I can put on my characters.

I can't remember the last time we got a great included-with-subscription-fee costume, I really cannot. Perhaps the addition of the new faces, might be the last thing I can think of. That was a while back.

I remember when boosters were new, and people were roundly pooh-poohed for worrying that the era of costumes included with new issues was over, and now we would pay for any interesting costume parts. So far from that prediction being wrong, it seems like that day came to pass a while back.

I think for the past couple of years, costume updates have been to the creator itself and to improvements of existing pieces. Let's look through Paragon Wiki:

Issue 19 had two new auras, fireflies and snowflakes. These were pretty clearly given out only because they were accidentally leaked before the Origins Booster debuted.

Issue 18 had a new option added to auras: Combat Only. Everything else was part of Going Rogue.

Issue 17 didn't have any new costumes, but had improvements on existing pieces due to Ultra Mode. Also: animated tails. Those were big for me.

Issue 16 was power customization. I consider this to be the last major free addition. I think everyone will admit that single addition was pretty awesome. It was released 9-15-09, so about a year-and-a-half ago.

Strictly speaking, Issue 15 was the last issue to have free costume bits: Vines and Ulterior. I consider 16 to be the last one, though, because of power customization.

Issue 14 had Valkyrie swords added to Dual Swords and buttcapes for Widows. That's a pretty limited addition, I'd say.

Issue 13 was when Shields were introduced, so those were all new. Also Day Jobs. Even though the wiki doesn't say this, weren't there a whole bunch of "civilian" and "official" bits added? (Like the police belt and various jackets?)

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Even though the wiki doesn't say this, weren't there a whole bunch of "civilian" and "official" bits added? (Like the police belt and various jackets?)

Also, there was the Flies aura added at some point. And a bunch of new aura options; eyes-and-hands instead of just eyes or hands, for example.

Originally Posted by Cynical_Gamer View Post
I tend to ignore costumes like those. Nothing says humdrum to me more than spandex.
Eagle Yellow Ink Man: Do you really think spandex-trash like you can beat us?

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Eagle Yellow Ink Man: Do you really think spandex-trash like you can beat us?
And the answer is always "yes, easily"

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Hmm. I had forgotten that Clock, Prae. Police and Resistance were specific only to Going Rogue... but you know, I can't think of who hasn't bought Going Rogue. So it was effectively free for me, because I wanted everything else that came with GR. Faction switching, Praetoria itself.

The costumes were effectively just 'free icing'.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post

Issue 19 had two new auras, fireflies and snowflakes. These were pretty clearly given out only because they were accidentally leaked before the Origins Booster debuted.

Issue 16 was power customization. I consider this to be the last major free addition. I think everyone will admit that single addition was pretty awesome. It was released 9-15-09, so about a year-and-a-half ago.
one correction, if we are counting power customization, and i do, technically, then issue 19 did have sets of new animations for ranged powers. so wile not new costume pieces, and i am a bit testy that we ddint get anything for issue 20, then those do count for issue 19's count. and while you counted tails, id consider their added functionality of being used with a lot of previously exclusive costume parts to have had a pretty big effect on some costumes, some looks i had been angrily denied since issue 4 with the robes.

but yeah, some new non boosters stuff would do a lot to tamp down the rising tide of cynicism thats even starting to get to me. boosters are good, i understand the fiscal reality of them and have purchased the ones that were relevant to me(all but the dance one) and am particularly happy with the beast one given how much it directly answered requests from the players, but only having new costume parts in boosters for such a significant time, it looks bad.



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
Hmm. I had forgotten that Clock, Prae. Police and Resistance were specific only to Going Rogue... but you know, I can't think of who hasn't bought Going Rogue. So it was effectively free for me, because I wanted everything else that came with GR. Faction switching, Praetoria itself.

The costumes were effectively just 'free icing'.
Had you not purchased Going Rogue, they'd feel a lot less "free." As in, you would not be looking at them.

When I speak of costume parts, I think of things that I can see when logging in and not hitting a single toggle: pants, shirts, armor, wings, faces .... stuff like that. I'm not stretching the point to include being able to make Dark Armor powers pink, and whee! thats a new costume part! .... 'cause to me it isn't, I can't put that on anyone regardless of power-set.

I CAN put Valkyrie and Mutant stuff on anyone regardless of power-set, so that IS true costume stuff to me.

Having to purchase every last damn cool thing sucks. I say that as someone who has bought almost every last booster.



[QUOTE=Daemodand;3565967]As for costumes, my two most-complimented-in-game ones (ie, my only complimented-in-game ones) are both pretty much just tights. Just your basic Golden-Age Tanker and Scrapper looks. With the current tendency for people to go overly ornate/complex with their looks, breaking it down to basics and making a strong statement about the character with a simple but distinctive costume is a good way to stand out.[QUOTE]


I've been asked before how I made great outfits, and I just said "Stuck to the basics"

This isn't to say great costumes can't be made with the other awesome, OMG so intricate pieces...but I find most people don't often mix them well.

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Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Having to purchase every last damn cool thing sucks. I say that as someone who has bought almost every last booster.
No one's forcing you to buy anything.



My priorities in terms of Things I Care About in an Issue


I bought every pack but wedding and Dance and I'll probably drop some cash on wedding some point in the future.

If we never get any more costume sets put into the game I'll be sorely dissapointed(which matters so much, I know ;P) because indulging my altaholicism is what's kept me in the game so long. And new stuff re-invigorates me.

The "Power customization doesn't count" argument is rather silly to me, it's an essential aspect of character creation/customization.

Weapons are effectively Power Customization for weapon-based sets and I doubt many people will say they aren't costume pieces.

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I'll miss you all.



Yeah, I'm also one of those with crazy bad altitis, so costume bits and powersets are top concern for me. 7 years in, I need some radically different costume pieces to work with, I'm starting to run out of new character concepts. :P Re-coloring the powers only works for so long. We really need new non-tech costume pieces. The devs seem to be in love with those at the moment.

I'd like some more normal clothes options like shoes/boots that don't go all the way to the knee, some proper shorts, maybe some hoodies (possibly with a hood down option), etc. Maybe some gothic dresses and more fantasy-style weapons. Hell, I'd be happy if they just gave me a variation of the disco bottoms w/ skin costume piece where the leg portion ended like a few inches lower so I could make a proper skirt and thighhigh socks look. Right now, unless I use the skirt with the slit on the sides, it just looks like I'm wearing tights.

But, anyways, this is starting to turn into a request post. I just need something new and different to work with to get my creative juices flowing again. This new Incarnate stuff is too grindy for me, I can't stay on one character long enough to make any kind of serious dent into getting the more powerful abilities. I did it for one character for the Alpha slot, but the thought of having to do that all over again on another character just makes me groan.

That's my 2 cents anyways.

Shadowblaze - Lvl 50 Dark/Thermal Cor, Alexander Kalsoa - Lvl 50 BS/Regen Scrapper, and a whole bunch of other Alts. Global is @Shadowblaze.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
My priorities in terms of Things I Care About in an Issue


The "Power customization doesn't count" argument is rather silly to me, it's an essential aspect of character creation/customization.

Weapons are effectively Power Customization for weapon-based sets and I doubt many people will say they aren't costume pieces.
I would say they are. I would love to get some new weapons, new animations to choose from, or even more colors.

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Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
... but you know, I can't think of who hasn't bought Going Rogue.
I didn't have GR until last week (because I got it for $5 on the intarwebs - since it included a month of time, a bargain at twice the price!)

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The animal pack wasn't very techno
OK, Ms. Tongue-Sticking-Out-Smiley-Lady, non-tech costume pieces NOT in a booster or in a paid expansion. There, clarified enough for you now?

Shadowblaze - Lvl 50 Dark/Thermal Cor, Alexander Kalsoa - Lvl 50 BS/Regen Scrapper, and a whole bunch of other Alts. Global is @Shadowblaze.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
No one's forcing you to buy anything.
Your zero-sum argument fails.

I cannot get the best new costume pieces without shelling out cash. If you have a way to get them for free, do share.



It is a little disheartening to see this game not provide toon costumes unless you buy them. We pay a sub. fee and have micro transactions; not the best deal, for sure. However, I am ok with it for now. So, should we not get something in an issue every now and then? We were teased with the IDF costume set way back before i19 and still nothing...not cool I think we caught a glimpse of that in October? November?



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Your zero-sum argument fails.

I cannot get the best new costume pieces without shelling out cash. If you have a way to get them for free, do share.
There are still plenty of good costume pieces available to everyone for free. You don't have to buy any of the booster packs in order to make a good costume, and you don't have to buy any of them period.

And the devs promised us costumes for future enemy groups, so there will be pieces in the future to look forward to. It's just a matter of patience. Looking at trends, even before boosters we never really got that many new costume parts on a regular basis, anyway.

And yes, power customization counts as a costume, since you're altering your appearance. And this includes alternate animations and weapons, as well.