Art team doing costumes for players, anymore?




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
What about new non-tech stuff in a new booster?
That's the problem, they've gotten us to the point where we just expect to have to pay for any new costume pieces. Someone mentioned it before but the last free stuff we got was 1 new skin (Ulterior) and A FREAKING PATTERN (Vines). That is just really sad. I really don't like talking badly about the game. I've been here almost 7 years for a reason, but as time goes on, I just find myself being less optimistic about things. Maybe my hindsight is terrible, but it seems like we're getting less and less out of these free issues as time goes on. Like they focus on one small subsection of the game and ignore everything else.

I'd just like issues to have a little bit of everything, something everyone can enjoy, like they used to. New stuff to do, a new zone every once in a while, new powersets every so often, new costume pieces, new story arcs, etc. I'm not expecting a full serving of each thing every issue, just small snack-size portions of each to appease every type of player. Like, have one central focus, but at least give the rest of the players not interested in that issue's focus something to gnaw on until the next update.

Like, this issue focuses on the Incarnate stuff. That's fine, they have to get it running, I understand that. 2 new TFs, so they've got the story content buffs appeased (even if this Praetoria-all-the-time stuff is getting old quickly). 2 Incarnate trials that you'll be running over and over and over again to get your Grindy McGrindster his incarnate components. 4 new powers (so doesn't even come to half of 1 full powerset), but only for Level 50s. Which are customizable, despite not being available at character creation, making it hard to believe their excuses on not being able to get the tech right to customize pool powers.

Oh, and all Incarnate stuff is only for those who have purchased the expansion, so if you haven't, all you get is 2 side-specific TFs. So, nothing new for the altitis crowd, no costume pieces, no powersets, no new zone to explore. Maybe they're considering the vanguard loyalty booster as new costume pieces, but those are already in-game; they're just letting us access them earlier, so its not actually any work for the art team. Just makes me wonder what the art and animation teams have been working on.

I'm really hoping the next couple of issues are gonna be amazing, because these free bare-bones updates aren't cutting it.

Shadowblaze - Lvl 50 Dark/Thermal Cor, Alexander Kalsoa - Lvl 50 BS/Regen Scrapper, and a whole bunch of other Alts. Global is @Shadowblaze.



For me, I am just really annoyed when NPCs get costume options that we do not get access to. I am not alone in this either. We did get Clockwork pieced, but the Viki, and D9 units are better. We got Praetorian Police uniform, but not the cool ones we see in game. See the trend? What ever they give us, they keep better stuff for the NPCs. Look at the awesome animations that the PPD use, and you will see more of what I mean.

That may not be the case, but it is how a lot of players feel. This needs to be fixed, and when a Dev acknowledges that it is a problem, it seems they would actively work towards changing that perception.

At first it seemed we were not even going to get the resistance items. I remember the post Jay made telling us they were not a player option. Who ever changed that was a very smart person.

The motto was "give the players what they want" when Posi was the lead Dev. Has that changed? If now, well, we want more costumes, power customization for pool powers, more animations, and more weapons.

I like the Incarnate stuff, no, really I love it. But I think all of the art resources (when it comes to the things mentioned above) should be shared with the players. The costume creator is too large a part of this game to not build on it in every issue.

I am a 100% CoX supporter, I started 2 weeks after launch. There is really very little the Devs have done that I disagreed with in the past 7 years. The NPC costumes and animations tick me off to no end.

Types of Swords
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Heh, mentioning the Praetorian costume pieces made me think of the Seer boots. Such a simple piece, and yet we don't get em. Those boots are a nice piece that would work with a lot of costumes and aren't complicated whatsoever, so them working with player animations really shouldn't be a problem.

Shadowblaze - Lvl 50 Dark/Thermal Cor, Alexander Kalsoa - Lvl 50 BS/Regen Scrapper, and a whole bunch of other Alts. Global is @Shadowblaze.



Originally Posted by Shadowblaze View Post
Oh, and all Incarnate stuff is only for those who have purchased the expansion, so if you haven't
You should

Unless a player is short of cash, then there's totally no excuse for them not having GR.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You should

Unless a player is short of cash, then there's totally no excuse for them not having GR.
One poster mentioned getting GR for $5 and getting a free month out of reason anyone shouldn't beable to afford it at that price!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Yes, I never said it was expensive or that I didn't have GR; I prepurchased it back last February or whenever you first could. I'm just saying, that content can't count as free content, because you still have to pay extra to have access to it. I'm not arguing price here, just accessibility.

Shadowblaze - Lvl 50 Dark/Thermal Cor, Alexander Kalsoa - Lvl 50 BS/Regen Scrapper, and a whole bunch of other Alts. Global is @Shadowblaze.



GR gave us awesome costume sets and pieces, as it was paid content and that will always have more quality, effort and resources. Obvious.
But GR was more than 7 months ago!
We should get costume pieces in every Issue, and it should be a monthly costume booster pack. No powers, just costumes pieces and change costume emotes. Now, if Mutant and Animal werent your theme (my case), is just annoying having to wait this long to get a new costume booster.
Want to see a sneak of whats to come!



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
GR gave us awesome costume sets and pieces, as it was paid content and that will always have more quality, effort and resources. Obvious.
But GR was more than 7 months ago!
We should get costume pieces in every Issue, and it should be a monthly costume booster pack. No powers, just costumes pieces and change costume emotes. Now, if Mutant and Animal werent your theme (my case), is just annoying having to wait this long to get a new costume booster.
Want to see a sneak of whats to come!
Releasing the vanguard set to active accounts (within the Feb 14th - April ??? time frame) may be what they consider the free costume sets of this issue.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
GR gave us awesome costume sets and pieces, as it was paid content and that will always have more quality, effort and resources. Obvious.
But GR was more than 7 months ago!
We should get costume pieces in every Issue, and it should be a monthly costume booster pack. No powers, just costumes pieces and change costume emotes. Now, if Mutant and Animal werent your theme (my case), is just annoying having to wait this long to get a new costume booster.
Want to see a sneak of whats to come!
Not sure if srs



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
There are still plenty of good costume pieces available to everyone for free. You don't have to buy any of the booster packs in order to make a good costume, and you don't have to buy any of them period.

And yes, power customization counts as a costume, since you're altering your appearance. And this includes alternate animations and weapons, as well.
I don't recall having made the statement "there are no good costume pieces available for free." What I did say was that these days we are expected to pay for ALL of the most interesting new costume pieces. Deny at will, but that's a fact.

Power customization will count as costume pieces for me when I can put hot-pink Cloak of Fear on any of my alts that I choose, just like how I can put Valkyrie on anyone now - from my toughest Tank to my most delicate Controller. Power customization does not appear on the physical-appearance pull-down menus when building a new character, with the exception of weapons. Weapons can be costume pieces. And speaking of that, we need new weapons.

The verbal semantics some of you will employ to try to deny what's happening are actually pretty funny.

Nobody here wears hot pink:



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I don't recall having made the statement "there are no good costume pieces available for free." What I did say was that these days we are expected to pay for ALL of the most interesting new costume pieces.

Power customization will count as costume pieces for me when I can put hot-pink Cloak of Fear on any of my alts that I choose, just like how I can put Valkyrie on anyone now - from my toughest Tank to my most delicate Controller. Power customization does not appear on the physical-appearance pull-down menus when building a new character, with the exception of weapons. Weapons can be costume pieces. And speaking of that, we need new weapons.

The verbal semantics some of you will employ to try to deny what's happening are actually pretty funny.

Nobody here wears hot pink:
You can put Hot Pink Cloak of Fear on everyone of your alts! They just have to be Dark Armor users!

That said, I have to ask, how often have you used these new costume pieces?

Maybe the reason the have made them into booster packs lately, is because a lot of people stick to the basics of what they had available way long ago.

I know while I have everypack made available, I'd say the Emote pack gets more of my attention than the costume pieces.

Cybrog Belt is about the only piece from the Cyborg Pack I use (and often, I love the belt).

MA Pack, I don't recall using many of those options aside from Ninja Run.

Science, yup, none of them.

Mutant, okay this has some pieces I use.

Valkyrie = boots.

Magic = A few pieces from this one actually, gloves, witch top (never the boots...have you seen how big they make the feet!), witch bottoms...and I only wish I could change out the Fur Shoulders on the magic jacket, for another shoulder option!

Mutant = Another one that gets some use when I have a concept that can use the pieces.

But really, they're like nice to have, but I can't say I've used most of the items in it. So, if the majority of players are that way, then they'd make money off their time with booster packs.

Whether or not you agree that they should, is of course a different story.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
You can put Hot Pink Cloak of Fear on everyone of your alts! They just have to be Dark Armor users!

That said, I have to ask, how often have you used these new costume pieces?

Maybe the reason the have made them into booster packs lately, is because a lot of people stick to the basics of what they had available way long ago.

I know while I have everypack made available, I'd say the Emote pack gets more of my attention than the costume pieces.

Cybrog Belt is about the only piece from the Cyborg Pack I use (and often, I love the belt).

MA Pack, I don't recall using many of those options aside from Ninja Run.

Science, yup, none of them.

Mutant, okay this has some pieces I use.

Valkyrie = boots.

Magic = A few pieces from this one actually, gloves, witch top (never the boots...have you seen how big they make the feet!), witch bottoms...and I only wish I could change out the Fur Shoulders on the magic jacket, for another shoulder option!

Mutant = Another one that gets some use when I have a concept that can use the pieces.

But really, they're like nice to have, but I can't say I've used most of the items in it. So, if the majority of players are that way, then they'd make money off their time with booster packs.

Whether or not you agree that they should, is of course a different story.
I have used them all. Some I would really like to use together. I love the cyborg arms, and think they would look AWESOME with the robes from the ninja back. I can't do that though, because they are mutually exclusive for some unknown reason. This is another example of things that need to be fixed.

Types of Swords
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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
That said, I have to ask, how often have you used these new costume pieces?

Maybe the reason the have made them into booster packs lately, is because a lot of people stick to the basics of what they had available way long ago.
I use them all fairly frequently except for the Animal pack which I didn't buy. The one I probably use least is science. Mainly because it's 80% masks so, if I don't need some set of goggles or a gas mask, I probably won't be using the science booster.

Used most is a toss-up between Magic and Martial Arts. Valkyrie is the only armored "skirt" option we get which makes it useful on a bunch of anachronistic costume types.



That said, I have to ask, how often have you used these new costume pieces?

Maybe the reason the have made them into booster packs lately, is because a lot of people stick to the basics of what they had available way long ago.
They put the new stuff into booster packs nowadays because this is a significant source of new revenue, not because so many people are using the issue 2 "basics" or whatever.

I have no problem with boosters. My problem is with ***NO*** new costume sets included with a new issue, that we did not pay for. I understand the need for new revenue streams, but throw us a bone every now and then. Some of us have been here for 5+ years. We've sunk a lot of money into this game - including boosters. Must we have to shell out for EVERYTHING?

Rhetorical question only.

Someone else: I use them all fairly frequently except for the Animal pack which I didn't buy. The one I probably use least is science. Mainly because it's 80% masks so, if I don't need some set of goggles or a gas mask, I probably won't be using the science booster.
This, pretty much.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
I use them all fairly frequently except for the Animal pack which I didn't buy. The one I probably use least is science. Mainly because it's 80% masks so, if I don't need some set of goggles or a gas mask, I probably won't be using the science booster.
This, I mix and match the booster stuff a lot more than the non-booster costume pieces.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
They put the new stuff into booster packs nowadays because this is a significant source of new revenue, not because so many people are using the issue 2 "basics" or whatever.

I have no problem with boosters. My problem is with ***NO*** new costume sets included with a new issue, that we did not pay for. I understand the need for new revenue streams, but throw us a bone every now and then. Some of us have been here for 5+ years. We've sunk a lot of money into this game - including boosters. Must we have to shell out for EVERYTHING?

Rhetorical question only.
Calm down.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I have no problem with boosters. My problem is with ***NO*** new costume sets included with a new issue, that we did not pay for. I understand the need for new revenue streams, but throw us a bone every now and then. Some of us have been here for 5+ years. We've sunk a lot of money into this game - including boosters. Must we have to shell out for EVERYTHING?
I made a similar comment in the Booster thread a couple weeks ago. I was actually a little bit more insistent by saying something along the lines of, "Why not put in a free costume for everyone you sell?"

Here's hoping all of David's questions over the past months means they are going to shut us all up with a whole slew of cool costumes, like a massive free bunch of Steampunk pieces. I rather doubt that will happen, though. I'd bet money it's going to be a Booster.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Calm down.
What sort of somnolent haze do you live in where that counts as overly excited?



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence
I have no problem with boosters. My problem is with ***NO*** new costume sets included with a new issue, that we did not pay for. I understand the need for new revenue streams, but throw us a bone every now and then. Some of us have been here for 5+ years. We've sunk a lot of money into this game - including boosters. Must we have to shell out for EVERYTHING?
This is pretty much my thought on the subject as well. At the very least they should include some extra tights patterns, faces or generic chest symbols to the Issues. It's not like people are asking for the moon and the stars when it comes to costume choices.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
You can put Hot Pink Cloak of Fear on everyone of your alts! They just have to be Dark Armor users!

That said, I have to ask, how often have you used these new costume pieces?

Maybe the reason the have made them into booster packs lately, is because a lot of people stick to the basics of what they had available way long ago.

I know while I have everypack made available, I'd say the Emote pack gets more of my attention than the costume pieces.

Cybrog Belt is about the only piece from the Cyborg Pack I use (and often, I love the belt).

MA Pack, I don't recall using many of those options aside from Ninja Run.

Science, yup, none of them.

Mutant, okay this has some pieces I use.

Valkyrie = boots.

Magic = A few pieces from this one actually, gloves, witch top (never the boots...have you seen how big they make the feet!), witch bottoms...and I only wish I could change out the Fur Shoulders on the magic jacket, for another shoulder option!

Mutant = Another one that gets some use when I have a concept that can use the pieces.

But really, they're like nice to have, but I can't say I've used most of the items in it. So, if the majority of players are that way, then they'd make money off their time with booster packs.

Whether or not you agree that they should, is of course a different story.
Cyborg Pack: I get quite a lot of use out of the belts, the helmet (well, hat stuff) for power armour, and the auras.

Magic Pack: The Baron Jacket gets a whole lot of use, I find it makes a great overcoat, and I have a character that uses the Baron stuff pretty much. Witch stuff gives some nice boots for the more femme fatales, and I've got a couple of characters who use it a fair bit for that. Disappointed that the big hat and big coat aren't for women though.

Super Science Pack: I've got some characters that rely on going from Female > Huge for power armour (magical or tech), and the gas masks and some of the other goggles come up in use on characters.

Martial Arts Pack: The Tai gloves get a whole lot of use, as does the robes for pretty Chinese dresses or sorcerer/witch battledress. Helmet I find works well on making a cool tech helmet, or a cool magic/armour helmet.

Mutant Pack: Organic Armour face, for the cool glowing eyes. A few characters use the Organic Armour headpiece for horns, and others use the wings. Don't really use the Bio-organic stuff. Don't like the face.

Origin Pack: Use a lot of the auras, love the magic cape as well.

Wedding Pack: The bridal stuff makes good fancy shoes or classy evening wear.

Valkyrie Pack: Love those Valkyrie Shoulders 3.

GvE Pack: Justice is in use for a power suit for my fire scrapper, sinister mostly gets used for boots on occasion, or gloves.

GR Complete Collection Pack: One character uses the omega hairpiece along with the organic armour piece. Alpha tends to be used for some power suits or tech uniforms. Occasionally use the auras and love Villainstance2.

Issue costumes I've gotten the most use out of? Issue 13 Civilian clothes. Love that casual blazer especially.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
When he sees anything typed in all caps, he puts his hands over his ears and screams "STOP IT" over and over again until he passes out.

^ This.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
^ This.

Bad Influence has a point.

Sooooooo, where are those IDF costume pieces again?

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Honestly, they might just be holding them until the last minute before I20 comes out. We're still supposed to get whatever that Incarnate costume is, as well. So we'll just have to wait and see, be patient, etc.