Discussion: A Sneak Peek into Issue 20 - The Behavioral Adjustment Facility




Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
Ah yes, using a very small group of players who always play together on the same toons every day around the same time is an excellent base for success of new content. It may take them all of closed i20 alpha/beta, but of course they'll succeed at least one time.
So you're saying they should start out having it be really easy and then tighten up the time-frame needed to defeat the two as everyone 'gets used to it'? Like that would go over well.

I fully assume it's going to be annoyingly difficult until everyone gets used to the timing, and if it takes too long for us to get used to things that they'll look at the difficulty somehow. That's just how these things work generally speaking.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



I was all for it until the very end when I read that you have to defeat both AVs within 10 seconds of each other. That is horrible. I'd bet money that everyone hates that and it changes. It's going to be hard enough to get enough cooperation from 20+ people to beat this thing....the 10 second thing at the end is just ridiculous.

I guess after 5 years I'll finally have to join a real SG and make friends, because 20+ random people thrown together by match maker don't stand a chance of pulling this off.



Well it sounds nice in theory, this new content sounds like to me:

PUG turnstile group will create unbalanced teams (oh joy)

Another slap to Controllers and Dominators will have a significant portion of their powers made useless or negated making them 2nd class citizens once again as there will be a significant portion of the mobs that cannot be controlled.

Low population servers will really be hurt by these type of missions, especially non-prime time.

A Player(s) have to take one for the team and sit out of some of the battles (looks like some kinda dimensional shift power) Oh wait that is the new job for controllers. Starting BTF team need sacrificial lamb! Only controllers/dominators need apply<Sarcasm off>

Killing 2 AVs within 10 seconds....yea that is going to be easy, and maybe it will be once everyone is tricked out incarnate powers but it sounds like only dedicated professional players will be able to pull this off. Casual TF players can just forget about it.

I dunno this stuff sounds like more of the same of catering to the uber guilds.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
(Again, I was arguing FOR a solo option in every thread it came up. There now is one. And you now want it to be FASTER than teaming? Sorry but, frankly; get real.)
You obviously haven't read what we were saying. Seriously, why should those who prefer to solo or run on small-team be artificially held back compared to those who prefer 8+ player content? Especially since those who prefer, and routinely participate in, large team/horde content already get greater rewards purely from the larger number of foes they face (and which, except for the AVs, they almost inevitably slaughter far easier than those of us on the lower ends)?



It amazes me that so many people feel that they should have a right to do anything in an MMO solo. I mean, it's an online world with thousands of people. The whole idea is to team with other real live people. If you don't want to team I think you should just do the things you can do alone or play a different game. Demanding that all content in an MMO be solo friendly is like complaining about the noise at a rock concert. It's just part of the experience. Otherwise this game would just be a one player game that didn't even require an internet connection.



Originally Posted by Sam_Sneed View Post
It amazes me that so many people feel that they should have a right to do anything in an MMO solo. I mean, it's an online world with thousands of people. The whole idea is to team with other real live people.
WRONG. The whole idea is to socialize with other real, live people. That does not mean teaming should be the only way to progress your character beyond any arbitrary point (Alpha Uncommon, in this case) or that you should have an artificial speed penalty (lowered shard drop rate, no way to get Notices without TF/SFs, at least for now, or having to craft purely from those artificially rarer sub-components) imposed on you for not preferring large team or horde content.



Originally Posted by JD_Gumby View Post
WRONG. The whole idea is to socialize with other real, live people. That does not mean teaming should be the only way to progress your character beyond any arbitrary point (Alpha Uncommon, in this case) or that you should have an artificial speed penalty (lowered shard drop rate, no way to get Notices without TF/SFs, at least for now, or having to craft purely from those artificially rarer sub-components) imposed on you for not preferring large team or horde content.
Your also ignoring that, in I20;

1) You can craft Notices from Shards. No more need to do WST
2) Shards will drop from stuff OTHER than level 50 mobs
3) Shards all suffer from the RNG, with the rarity of yellow recipes. They could be much, much worse.

However, you've now convinced me that your someone who wants to have the cake and eat it too. So, y'know, good luck with that. The rest of us will be happy there is a solo available option and be getting on with it.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by JD_Gumby View Post
WRONG. The whole idea is to socialize with other real, live people. That does not mean teaming should be the only way to progress your character beyond any arbitrary point (Alpha Uncommon, in this case) or that you should have an artificial speed penalty (lowered shard drop rate, no way to get Notices without TF/SFs, at least for now, or having to craft purely from those artificially rarer sub-components) imposed on you for not preferring large team or horde content.
There is plenty to do solo. Bottom line is you won't be able to do everything solo in a team oriented online game. They go out of their way to still make it enjoyable for folks like you, but you still complain. It's really that simple.



Originally Posted by Gearsinger View Post
Because what dominators and controllers need is to be further marginalized by high-end content.
the Lord Recluse Strike Force has been successfully solo'd by a Dominator on Pinnacle.

if that's being marginalized i need to get me some!



The idea that playing alone should offer comparable rewards to a group of people who have to spend the time forming and organizing a team and then working together to tackle greater obstacles has never made any sense to me. I'm impressed that a solo option for furthering Incarnate advancement is available at all.



I think Monopoly has way too many properties to collect and takes way too long to complete a game. And also, you can't even win without other players in the game. I'm sure it was an instant failure.

Why are so many people already pronouncing this either "impossible" or "unfair" to people who choose to disregard the "Massively Multiplayer" element to the game. The wiki page for City of Heroes starts with this sentence:

"Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is a genre of role-playing video games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world."

Stop criticizing the game for being what it is: a team-based game with a solo alternative.

I appreciate the game being solo-friendly. I have a personal base, and I enjoy soloing a lot of the content of the game. But I have always enjoyed PuG task forces for the extra degree of variability (sometimes good and sometimes bad) that they offer. When the alpha-slot was introduced and Ramiel's arc was tough to complete solo, I did it with a team; and then I helped a bunch of other folks run their Ramiel arcs because it was fun (and the shard drops were pretty good...) I have really enjoyed the WSF runs so far, because SO many people are doing them. They have great rewards, and I learn something every time I run it with a different group.

People who think that doing things by yourself should have an equal or greater payoff than sharing it with another person just don't understand natural selection. That is not how the human race has moved forward, and that is not how MMO's have stayed in existence either. So put your hairy palms on the keyboard and type, "Lvl 50, lf BAF". You just might have fun.

Some Established Villains:
Father McKenzie - Fire/Dark, Voltage Adapter - Elec/Nin
Some Established Heroes:
Sous Chef - DB/WP, Frost Advisory - Ice/Kin, Papa Xmas - Ice/FF, Bubbe - Sonic/Kin, Redeker Plan - Arch/Dev, Dr. Duplicitous - Ill/Kin



Originally Posted by Tradok View Post
I really hope this doesn't mean what I think it means, or that if it does, there has been or will be extensive testing on the griefability of this mechanic. All too often neat features get introduced with no thought to how players will be dicks to each other, ruining the entire encounter.
This quote needs moar Black Hole, with maybe some Sonic Cage for fun.



Originally Posted by Dr_Byron_Poe View Post
the Lord Recluse Strike Force has been successfully solo'd by a Dominator on Pinnacle.

if that's being marginalized i need to get me some!

Let's talk about it when the same can be said for a fire dom or ice controller. Mind control is a unique case with some tricks that are useful for this specific task.



I'll have to see how this works, but this trial (well named) doesn't sound like much fun.



Dude, Baryonyx was my favorite dinosaur when I was a kid.


Also on Steam



Originally Posted by Gearsinger View Post
Let's talk about it when the same can be said for a fire dom or ice controller. Mind control is a unique case with some tricks that are useful for this specific task.
the fact that different powersets play to different strengths and weaknesses crosses all ATs. invuln tanks are more survivable than fire tanks but tanks as a class are not invalidated by this. if you want to solo, build a toon you can solo with. and i'm just saying, domis and trollers are not as a class invalid for soloing. but people play them more often as support toons and build them as support toons, and then wonder why they are not great solo. not every toon is right for every job.

don't build an emp and expect to solo AVs by Clear Minding them to death. build a troller that is good for soloing if you like soloing. ill/cold trollers are great. stormers are great. plant domis are insane. there's plenty of options for very soloable versions of all ATs at all levels of the game. that's all i'm saying. and especially in high level content, the late game is where trollers and domis really blossom once you have all the powers and pets. if anything, maybe they're marginalized in the mid-levels.



Originally Posted by Profanation View Post
So put your hairy palms on the keyboard and type, "Lvl 50, lf BAF". You just might have fun.


<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post
Now I'm wondering whether someone could deliberately mess up the raid at its final stage by attacking when they shouldn't.

We don't balance instanced events around what griefers might do. Griefers can ruin any content with any power.

Instead, griefers get kicked. Serial Griefers get /petitioned. Period.

This temper tantrum brought to you by watching my powers get nerfherded and then in some cases actually nerfed because of 'It can be used to grief!'

Originally Posted by Shadow_Stone View Post
Well it sounds nice in theory, this new content sounds like to me:

PUG turnstile group will create unbalanced teams (oh joy)
The new content is designed so as not to need Healer-Tank or any other specific combo. If that's not the case after you actually play-tested it -- instead of this non-sensical arm-chair quarterbacking -- then give your feedback that it's not living up to design goals.

Another slap to Controllers and Dominators will have a significant portion of their powers made useless or negated making them 2nd class citizens once again as there will be a significant portion of the mobs that cannot be controlled.

A Player(s) have to take one for the team and sit out of some of the battles (looks like some kinda dimensional shift power) Oh wait that is the new job for controllers. Starting BTF team need sacrificial lamb! Only controllers/dominators need apply<Sarcasm off>
We have a SLAP IN THE FACE! Can the comparison to nazis be far behind?

If you play-tested the BAF tonight, instead of slapping the Devs in the face with your pre-emptive and uninformed complaints, you would see that the non-mezzable critters are one out of ten. The mezzers are definitely needed to deal with the majority of foes.

Low population servers will really be hurt by these type of missions, especially non-prime time.

I dunno this stuff sounds like more of the same of catering to the uber guilds.
Umm... the turnstile you dissed above is there to help out low pop servers and people who aren't in guilds.

Killing 2 AVs within 10 seconds....yea that is going to be easy, and maybe it will be once everyone is tricked out incarnate powers but it sounds like only dedicated professional players will be able to pull this off. Casual TF players can just forget about it.
Criticism without experiencing it. The definition of ignorance.

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While I'm not going to call "Doom! The game is Ruined!" just because we are getting a typical MMO Raid with the next issue, I will throw in with hoping that this doesn't signal the beginning of a Raid Mentality (where Raids become the whole focus of the game) for City of Heroes.

Not because anything is wrong with that, per se, but because I know I will be unable to do it.

Just the insane amount of coordination needed to pull these things off boggles me: possibly needing two or three additional programs running along side the game, just to actually communicate with the other players and keep track of what's going on off-screen.

I don't think my computer or my internet connection can handle it.

I don't have Vent, and I don't want to get it, either. I experience issues running the game if I have Firefox open alongside it, much less other things. The only Task Force or Strike Force I've participated in where I haven't DCed partway through it, has been a Katie. And while DCing in a Task Force is annoying, DCing in a 'Typical MMO Raid' can sink the entire ordeal.

So yeah, Bravo for new content! I'm excited to see the new Trials (Raids)! But please Devs, don't forget to keep adding more solo and single-team content as well!

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
don't forget to keep adding more solo and single-team content as well!
And don't add it only for low-level characters.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
If you play-tested the BAF tonight, instead of slapping the Devs in the face with your pre-emptive and uninformed complaints, you would see that the non-mezzable critters are one out of ten. The mezzers are definitely needed to deal with the majority of foes.
Wait? Is this on test for us to try out? How did I miss that.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
Wait? Is this on test for us to try out? How did I miss that.

It was on Beta server for a limited time tonight (3pm-8pm EST). It will be back on again Friday and Saturday (3pm-11pm EST) according to a post by Avatea.



Originally Posted by Mystic_Cross View Post
It was on Beta server for a limited time tonight (3pm-8pm EST). It will be back on again Friday and Saturday (3pm-11pm EST) according to a post by Avatea.
Weird. I usually check the community digest too. Somehow I didn't. Go figure right. Not that it mattered much, I was in class for almost all of that available time anyway.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
While I'm not going to call "Doom! The game is Ruined!" just because we are getting a typical MMO Raid with the next issue, I will throw in with hoping that this doesn't signal the beginning of a Raid Mentality (where Raids become the whole focus of the game) for City of Heroes.
There's more than one raid in I20 - the Incarnate system is focused on raids and TFs - that's the Incarnate content that the Incarnate slots and powers are designed for.

I don't know (or care) about how raids go in WoW. I do have a friend who's big into Everquest II. In fact, just today he described - in excruciating detail - how his guild has been handling a particular Raid. Just the insane amount of coordination needed to pull these things off boggles me. He needs to have two or three additional programs running along side the game, just to actually communicate with the other players and keep track of what's going on off of his screen.
None of that is required for a CoH raid.

I don't have Vent, and I don't want to get it, either.
You don't need it

I experience issues running the game if I have Firefox open alongside it, much less other things.
I think I can spot a solution there

And while DCing in a Task Force is annoying, DCing in a 'Typical MMO Raid' can sink the entire ordeal.
Not in CoH raids

@Golden Girl

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