Discussion: A Sneak Peek into Issue 20 - The Behavioral Adjustment Facility




Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Uh...hardly. Sure, crafting it via shards will be slower...but do you honestly expect soloing to be faster than a teaming option? And, bear in mind, this is me talking as someone who was fighting tooth and claw for a solo option in earlier threads.

If this WAS as bad as That Fantasy MMO, then there would be NO option for solo-ers. You would have no option at all, and the standard would response would be "Yeah, suck it, we have 6million OTHEr subscribers. So, no, you dont matter."

If you seriously think the same is true here...all I can say is you have a very stranger perception issue, IMO.
Omg I'm actually agreeing with you 0.0

Thank you devs for the solo option. I'll try to run the TF's, I don't think I'll be able to, issues and whatnot ...so at least I have a solo option to fall back on.

again: Thank you!

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
We don't balance instanced events around what griefers might do.
I'm glad we don't, because I wasn't suggesting that we should. I was asking if this scenario could happen.

Going by Positron's reply elsewhere, the answer seems to be 'yes it could, but we've thought of that':

Positron: Put the offender on your /ignore list and we'll do our best (no promises) to not Turnstile you in with that person again.
I'm happy with that.

This temper tantrum brought to you by watching my powers get nerfherded and then in some cases actually nerfed because of 'It can be used to grief!'
I'm putting the discussion down very slowly and walking backwards away from the zombie.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
....in I20;

1) You can craft Notices from Shards. No more need to do WST
2) Shards will drop from stuff OTHER than level 50 mobs
3) Shards all suffer from the RNG, with the rarity of yellow recipes. They could be much, much worse.
And actually, these are the reasons I've remained quiet about the "soloist" issue. My initial concerns were that solo and small team players would have no alternate path for incarnate advancement.

However, there IS now a path for the solo/small team player. It is slower, and exorbitantly expensive, but it exists. It's a compromise that I'm personally satisfied with.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



This all sounds good, it sounds like a good challenge (which I guess should be the point if you're at the top of your game ).

I just hope the focus on high end content doesn't mean we see less folks running the low level content. I'm a self confessed Alt-oholic, and I'm more often running chars below lvl 15 than I am my high level toons.

If the bulk of players are going to be running the BAF and other incarnate content, then are we going to see less PuGs in The Hollows and the like ? (After 6 years, I still enjoy finding differerent ways to take down Frostfire)

I dunno - This, of course, is all most likely ill-formed conjecture on my part. I recall when the revamped Ritki War Zone was launched, nearly everyone was off playing Vanguard missions - as it was the latest thing - but after a while, things balanced back out. Perhaps we'll see the same with this.

Just my tuppence - to reiterate, I've no problem with any of the new content.

(Ducking for cover in Kings Row)

Cheers, @RoboTank

Robotank Inv Tank
Cloudwalker MA Scrapper
Shadowcall Dark Stalker
Stone Death Stone Controller
Solaise Fire Blaster
Confession Dark Blaster

Sent from my HAL 9000



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
We're glad you're enjoying the in depth explanation of this new Incarnate content.

So you know, it's our plan to give you as much information as (super)humanly possible moving forward. We know that the new Incarnate content is a new PVE experience for many out there, and we want to do everything we can to prepare you for what's coming.

OK. I like new high level content. It's right nice. HOWEVER....

what are you doing for the under 50 crowd? A pay Animal Pack? Nice, but, you have to pay for it. (Not that I won't).

I want to see some new lower level content too. Some reworking of Boomtown, maybe? A new zone in the Rogue Isles? Finish the highway to they've been working on for several years? How about some contacts for non-pretorians of lower level to do their part in the coming war?

I like shards as much as the next guy with a couple L50's... but I got 2 of them and a whole passel of characters under 50, and I'd like to see something for them.

That said, nice going and it sounds like a nice, hard series of events. I can hardly wait to tear up that evil mind control facility. It's a crime against humanity, and both my villains (who are anarchists or libertarians at best) and my heroes want to have a piece of that!



Originally Posted by Beggly View Post

what are you doing for the under 50 crowd?
Three brand new zones of Praetoria, remember? lowbies got the GR love first.



Can we at least have the "abandon mission" option opened up on Trap Door. After trying on several characters with several strategies and not seeing his health bar drop, I'd like to not waste any more time with it. Thank you.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Your also ignoring that, in I20;

1) You can craft Notices from Shards. No more need to do WST
2) Shards will drop from stuff OTHER than level 50 mobs
3) Shards all suffer from the RNG, with the rarity of yellow recipes. They could be much, much worse.

However, you've now convinced me that your someone who wants to have the cake and eat it too. So, y'know, good luck with that. The rest of us will be happy there is a solo available option and be getting on with it.
We're paying for the same cake you are. Why shouldn't we expect to have a bite?

All the arguing against the wants of solo players seems to be from people who think that WoW is the only template for an MMO. CoH has been solo friendly from day one. What concerns me is the new attitude and direction -- raid raid raid raid raid! And it's challenging! You have to figure out how to do ti juuuuuuuuust right. And you don't have to have certain powersets and AT's, it's just that some powersets and AT's will be next to useless, but they can come along and watch.

It sucks. If they stay on this path it will kill what makes this game special. Raiders have Hami raids. Let them do that.

Give us more story. Give us more worlds. Level cap is just a number. You can raise it to 1000 and people will still reach it and then you'll have to raise it to 1001. It won't make the game more intersesting. It just adds to the endless grinding. I'd rather have real content. Interesting content. Things that make me go wow, not WoW.



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
We're paying for the same cake you are. Why shouldn't we expect to have a bite?

All the arguing against the wants of solo players seems to be from people who think that WoW is the only template for an MMO. CoH has been solo friendly from day one. What concerns me is the new attitude and direction -- raid raid raid raid raid! And it's challenging! You have to figure out how to do ti juuuuuuuuust right. And you don't have to have certain powersets and AT's, it's just that some powersets and AT's will be next to useless, but they can come along and watch.

It sucks. If they stay on this path it will kill what makes this game special. Raiders have Hami raids. Let them do that.

Give us more story. Give us more worlds. Level cap is just a number. You can raise it to 1000 and people will still reach it and then you'll have to raise it to 1001. It won't make the game more intersesting. It just adds to the endless grinding. I'd rather have real content. Interesting content. Things that make me go wow, not WoW.

I have to agree fully here. After taking the last 15 minutes to read through some of the feedback on the BAF trial, I too am having my concerns of where the game is being dragged reinforced. I am an average casual player, and not someone who has the time to go out and grind out inf in order to be able to 'bling out' (as one friend put it) my lone 50 in order to be able to have a chance at succeeding at one of the new trials.

I'm also with Heroid here, in that I've feared for the last little while the devs have been trying to entice players from other MMOs by thinking that they have to emulate those MMOs in order to do so. Please don't do that, it may just end up ruining the game for more people then you entice.

Let me put it another way:

There are two local media conventions that I have been attending and helping out with for the past 15 years. One has a total attendance of around 2,000. The other had an attendance last year of 18,600! For a number of years I kept on hearing some people at the smaller convention saying thing like "Oh man, what can we do to get some of those attendees from <that other con>?", and I would try to explain to some that "Look, 9 out of 10 of those attendees won't be interested in our con, so trying to find a way to change to entice them isn't going to work."

I'm worried that some of the devs are starting to listen to those posters here who have been claiming for years that "We have to get up to WoW numbers in order to remain viable!"

Yes, give us more challenging content, but please don't ignore what made this game fun for many in the first place.

Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.

Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind



What is (are) the reward (s)?

Rene Descartes orders a glass of wine and drinks it. The bartender says, "Would you like another?" Descartes replies, "I think not." And he disappears.



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post

It sucks. If they stay on this path it will kill what makes this game special. Raiders have Hami raids. Let them do that.

to use your own argument, we're paying for the same piece of cake. I am in the middle on this, I am both a team player, and a soloer. My main made it to 50 by soloing almost exclusively, but now that he is fifty, yet I have other characters which exist TOO team. As such I feel I have a rather unique perspective, or perhaps a more common one. I feel that it is important to get solo content into the game, I can almost without a doubt, guarantee you aren't among the badgers who have ran ALL the solo content, so there are THREE raids now, the Hami Raid, the Mothership Raid, and now this, for those with heavy team mentality to run. Yet you fault them getting this when you have not stopped and smelled the roses on your own content yet. If it is such an objection to you, make solo friendly MA arcs that actually have story, and depth.

There are a million and one things to do in this game, and you will keep advancing doing all of them thanks to our Devs brilliant foresight in allowing us to attain shards while exempted. Now, I for one, am gonna go out and catch some badguys,

******* END RANT ****** ***** END RANT *******

@Enforcement, Signing Out

"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...



Originally Posted by elvnsword09 View Post

to use your own argument, we're paying for the same piece of cake. I am in the middle on this, I am both a team player, and a soloer. My main made it to 50 by soloing almost exclusively, but now that he is fifty, yet I have other characters which exist TOO team. As such I feel I have a rather unique perspective, or perhaps a more common one. I feel that it is important to get solo content into the game, I can almost without a doubt, guarantee you aren't among the badgers who have ran ALL the solo content, so there are THREE raids now, the Hami Raid, the Mothership Raid, and now this, for those with heavy team mentality to run. Yet you fault them getting this when you have not stopped and smelled the roses on your own content yet. If it is such an objection to you, make solo friendly MA arcs that actually have story, and depth.

There are a million and one things to do in this game, and you will keep advancing doing all of them thanks to our Devs brilliant foresight in allowing us to attain shards while exempted. Now, I for one, am gonna go out and catch some badguys,

******* END RANT ****** ***** END RANT *******

@Enforcement, Signing Out
I don't have a problem with them making more raids. I have a problem with the story content not being available unless you do the raids, and, in this instance, you also pay a heavy penalty levelling wise if you don't raid. I would like to see the game more open to ALL styles of play. ALL of the stories and content. The current system makes people who choose not to raid into after-thoughts.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
There's lots of story content only available via TFs.
And why not open that content up to solo player also?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
There's lots of story content only available via TFs.
There is?

Okay, I'm being facetious, but you'd hardly know for the "Rush rush rush... Okay, teleport to the end here... Right we're intentionally failing this one... Geez, yet another kill all in a boring warehouse...etc" in most of the TFs. Especially blue-side.



Originally Posted by rmthornton View Post
There is?

Okay, I'm being facetious, but you'd hardly know for the "Rush rush rush... Okay, teleport to the end here... Right we're intentionally failing this one... Geez, yet another kill all in a boring warehouse...etc" in most of the TFs. Especially blue-side.

But that's another reason to open it up to more casual play.



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
I was talking to a friend who is big into Mr. T's favorite MMO and this sounds a LOT like what he was describing to me. So far, all of the "end-game" content has been team/raid oriented. So if you take a character through the levels doing mostly solo stuff you suddenly have to change the way you play to enjoy the high-level content? Is CoH gravitating toward the same mentality as that other game? If it is, wow, that sucks.

Is there anything coming down the pike that is solo-friendly? Or are solo players persona non grata now?
There is tons of stuff you can do solo in CoH, regardless of level. At 50, you still have arcs/contacts you can do. You also have Ouroboros with its plethora of contacts and missions. If I throw AE in it, it is just infinite.

Edit: and the way this BAF works now, it seems to me they learned a thing or two from a long time favorite game of mine, Guild Wars. You click to enter and regardless of AT or power sets, you will get in and you do have a role to play and something to contribute.

Repeat Offenders forever !

Make all IO's available in Paragon Market! NCSoft, the chinese are making BIG money selling influence and other stuff in the game. Best way to stop them = make the paragon market a place to buy all IO's and perhaps other things as well.