



This is boring. I want to talk about why there's no food in game. And don't give me no hooey about emotes showing food. Emotes are not food. Only food is food.



Originally Posted by DanZero View Post
This is boring. I want to talk about why there's no food in game. And don't give me no hooey about emotes showing food. Emotes are not food. Only food is food.
Whachoo talkin' 'bout Willis? There's El Super Mexicano, the Infront Steakhouse, and that hotdog stand somewhere. What more could you need to eat?



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
There aren't any gas stations either. Or churches.

Penny Yin is young but not a "child" (depending on how you wish to define it). Penelope is a child.

We can't play children because you have to be an adult to get a hero license. Arachnos won't issue villain licenses to kids either no matter how evil they are. Lord Recluse refuses to believe that a kid can be his chosen one - mostly because of the implications of those words.

My solution is to not play 8-year-olds.
Actually, I made a fairly tragic character that is a 'child'. She was a crazy 11ish-year old girl growing up in Kings Row. Her favorite books were by H.P. Lovecraft and his ilk, to get away from her low-life mother and living in abject poverty.

She finally decided to take action, after all there were real super-heroes and villains with magical powers. So she managed to get some of the Tsoo's mystical ink and poisoned herself trying to tatoo a symbol to call Chtullu into this world and activated her mutation.

But she had seen her sudden growth into an adult 8' woman as divine proof that she had been heard and was to shepherd Earth into the abyss. So she cobbled a costume before her mother got done with her latest trick and went out into Kings Row to start destroying everything.

And got promptly arrested by Apex and thrown into the Zig. They thought she was pretty crazy, but she made it all the way to the top in the Rogue Isles before Apex finally discovered what had happened from her mother.

Now she's reformed and a heorine, though having to adjust to her meds.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
So the war walls are to keep the supers away from the little children?
Good lord yes! We don't know where those children have been - they may have cooties.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Don't forget Coal Burger and Heisten Fizz. And Paragon Pizza Pie. And City of Gyros (my favorite).
My favorite is the Hungry Dragon. My MA scrapper loves their Kung POW! Chicken.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Good lord yes! We don't know where those children have been - they may have cooties.
I'm sure not *all* of them are girls.



Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
I'm sure not *all* of them are girls.
!!! Well I'm sure the rest of them are stinky and big dodo heads...

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀




@Blaze Moon, Blaze Moon the 2nd

This is where something more interesting than my global and this sentence would be.



Originally Posted by Impervious Fist View Post

Bill Cosby...did he take the children?



Originally Posted by Utopia View Post
It's an honor that you posted in my thread. It's also an honor that you shared the story of the pygmy woman with the small wieners.

I want to create "Pygmy woman" who's power is to throw small sausages at foes!!!

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



When Demon Summoning came out I wanted to make a little girl who's imaginary friends were all the demons. "What?? YOU can see them too!!??" but I never got around to it. I might still.

Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
My grandfather's in the hospital with some life-threatening problems; my breaks were dedicated to talking with my family.

Here you go then.

Can someone explain to me two things, here (and I'll be very impressed if a redname clarifies this):

1) How did this get past the Quality Control stage of the design process?
2) What in the NPC skeleton would cause the "tent" so to speak?
ok, that guy LOVES standing in lines... bureaucracy must be his fetish.

"You sir, have never been in a hammer fight, that much is clear."

*yeah, I quoted myself.



Originally Posted by CanaDixieMan View Post
In the States, a publisher has changed a certain necessary, historically accurate word in their edition of "Huck Finn", to the detriment of Twain's satire of racism
The story takes an entirely different turn if you know the whole thing. NewSouth Books is printing the alternate version so that students in schools which have banned Tom Sawyer/Huckleberry Finn (the altered edition contains both stories, and Tom Sawyer is edited in two spots, as well) may have the opportunity to study it.

It's not the publisher that's trying to be PC, the publisher is trying to get the book into schools that are being PC.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
The story takes an entirely different turn if you know the whole thing. NewSouth Books is printing the alternate version so that students in schools which have banned Tom Sawyer/Huckleberry Finn (the altered edition contains both stories, and Tom Sawyer is edited in two spots, as well) may have the opportunity to study it.

It's not the publisher that's trying to be PC, the publisher is trying to get the book into schools that are being PC.
Which does nothing to disprove that Political Correctness is rapidly outliving it's usefulness.
Much like Unions and Affirmative Action.
They were helpful concepts, until taken too far.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
While some benefits would be obvious (creating young characters inspired by stories from my youth, like "The Dark is Rising" and "Chronicles of Narnia" series of books), there is the danger that a few unscrupulous individuals would portray the characters inappropriately, or interact with other player characters inappropriately. This goes beyond ESRB rating issues. The FBI takes child exploitation seriously, and devotes a sizable chunk of its resources to investigating crime online. Consequently, it would take only a small misunderstanding to give customer support a real headache. They should avoid the can of worms entirely.

As I recall, characters as young children were playable in early beta tests for [CENSORED] (the father of modern MMORPGs). But they were quickly scrapped from the game (even as NPCs) when it became apparent that the game's community, as a whole, could not use the feature responsibly. And it's not just adults-who-know-better that cause problems. If any of you have ever moderated an online game, then you know that some of the worst offenders are--surprise, surprise--young children.
I can totally understand why there are no children in this game. Because society as a whole, is pretty stupid, and if you give them something like playable children, or even NPC children, in an MMO, they WILL do very stupid and perverted things with them. I am ok with the height slider and the other sliders to make my child heroes and villains, though the chest slider for the girl models is annoying, I wind up with little girls who seem to have hit puberty really early.

MARTy is proof positive the DEVs hate us...
Global: @Reiyichi
Protector (home)



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
There aren't any gas stations either. Or churches.

Penny Yin is young but not a "child" (depending on how you wish to define it). Penelope is a child.

We can't play children because you have to be an adult to get a hero license. Arachnos won't issue villain licenses to kids either no matter how evil they are. Lord Recluse refuses to believe that a kid can be his chosen one - mostly because of the implications of those words.

My solution is to not play 8-year-olds.
Tell that to my hero and villain kids. Apparently Recluse gets how those words can be taken out of context, he more than likely does not care what the world thinks, he already is a successful supervillain with a HUGE rep sheet, adding more crimes to it, whether he committed them or not, does not matter to him.

If it turns out a very powerful child can bring about his New World Order, then he will gladly accept some false charges to do it. Its not like he will be arrested for them anyway.

MARTy is proof positive the DEVs hate us...
Global: @Reiyichi
Protector (home)



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Here you go then.

You found the secret identity of Captain Viagra.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
My grandfather's in the hospital with some life-threatening problems; my breaks were dedicated to talking with my family.

Here you go then.

Can someone explain to me two things, here (and I'll be very impressed if a redname clarifies this):

1) How did this get past the Quality Control stage of the design process?
2) What in the NPC skeleton would cause the "tent" so to speak?
Originally Posted by Hero_of_Steel View Post
You found the secret identity of Captain Viagra.
Actually it's the civilian disguise of Priapus, God of Virility. He transforms into his godly form by slamming his 'staff' against the ground and calling out, "I. Am. SORRRRE!"

There was one time decades ago when a comic book writer witnessed Priapus transforming with a bad head cold. With his congestion it sounded like "I. AM. THORRRR!" And thus the writer was inspired.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
The story takes an entirely different turn if you know the whole thing. NewSouth Books is printing the alternate version so that students in schools which have banned Tom Sawyer/Huckleberry Finn (the altered edition contains both stories, and Tom Sawyer is edited in two spots, as well) may have the opportunity to study it.

It's not the publisher that's trying to be PC, the publisher is trying to get the book into schools that are being PC.
Hopefully, having read the bowlderized PC version of both magnificent tales, students will hie themselves to the public library to read the books in their original form. I myself grew up in the deep American South, and reading "Huck Finn" in the original helped me realize that judging people by the colour of their skins was idiotic. Just as Mr. Twain intended...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Actually it's the civilian disguise of Priapus, God of Virility. He transforms into his godly form by slamming his 'staff' against the ground and calling out, "I. Am. SORRRRE!"
Is his secret identity name Smiling Bob?



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
To be perfectly serious, that's pretty much the case according to the lore. During the Rikti War, we used the War Walls to compartmentalize the fighting. Afterward, little has changed, except the enemies we're using them against. Instead of Rikti invaders, we're using them against Hellions through Devouring Earth and beyond.

The War Walls aren't meant to keep things out. They're meant to keep things in. Perhaps that's why it's so easy for the new Rikti invasion ships to get through from the outside.
Where are you getting this from? (Really, I'd like to know, always fun discovering wildly-conflicting lore.)

Those areas are devastated, in many cases irradiated (or otherwise completely uninhabitable), and in other cases completely overrun by villain groups--in case you ever wondered where the never-ending supply of villains comes from. When the stories talk about how "hard hit" Paragon was in the invasion, they mean it. The city and its surrounding areas didn't get "just kind of hit in a few spots, with swaths of untouched suburbs in-between". Quite the opposite.

Which leads to the concept of Hazard Zones. Typically, these outlaying zones are the most hotly contested, and they're where the various villain groups are most deeply entrenched. This is why you don't see civilians wondering around them. They're categorized as "Hazard" zones because the heroes and authorities haven't yet managed to take them back under the rule of law. Lore-wise, though, these Hazard zones are probably very nice compared to many of the areas in-between the war walls.

So it follows, we could open up more Hazard zones farther beyond, if only we could make headway and clean up our present ones.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
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Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
We can't play children because you have to be an adult to get a hero license. Arachnos won't issue villain licenses to kids either no matter how evil they are. Lord Recluse refuses to believe that a kid can be his chosen one - mostly because of the implications of those words.
Interesting point, here, and hotly discussed on the RP board a while ago:

There is actually no such thing as a "Hero license", according to the lore of the game.

There is registration under the CCFA, whereby a civilian informs the state of an intention to undertake state-sanctioned police actions against criminals, following law-enforcement procedures, and thus unable to be personally held responsible by the criminals for those lawful actions, and the hero gets a little card that says "I registered, My Name is Underpants Man" or whatever, but there is no testing, no licensing process. Presumably, any civilian may choose to thus register.

Edit: (I will point out now that I was one of the crowd who thought there actually was a license, and tried to argue it. We failed, because the lore is remarkably clear, never using the term "Hero License" but clearly using "Hero Registration" or "FBSA Registration".)

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Leak from internal testing of that new Power Set: Crotch Melee?
Let's hope it doesn't happen.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!