Discussion: Seven Years of Super Rewards




Originally Posted by Avatea
These are all normally purchasable in-game with Vanguard Merits on a per-character basis. However, the Vanguard Pack unlocks these features account-wide on all of your characters.

The Vanguard Pack also comes with a unique in-game, non-combat pet, the Vanguard MVAS (Miniature Vanguard Assault Suit), a miniature, non-combat replica of the Vanguard HVAS (Heavy Vanguard Assault Suit).

I love you, Paragon Studios.

You've wanted more control and now you have it.



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Right now only the reverse is possible. Using Vanguard weapons to mimic elemental weapons. Works well though![INDENT]
OK; I want Ice Armor to get ported to brutes or scrappers now so I can make a Claws/Ice with those...

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Serpine View Post
I'd be happy with just the ability to reselect ones already chosen... Some choices seem better at the time then they eventually turn out to be.
I don't know why we didn't simply get all of them. I mean, they're just non-combat pets.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
OK; I want Ice Armor to get ported to brutes or scrappers now so I can make a Claws/Ice with those...
I'm actually waiting to get Ice Armor for a Spines/Ice. Now that is a lot of slow debuffs!

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



To do list today: purchase two 30 day time cards just in case.

Subscription: 12 Month ($)
Renewal Date: Jun 1, 2011

Subscription: 6 Month ($)
Renewal Date: Apr 2, 2011

Subscription: 12 Month ($)
Renewal Date: Apr 1, 2011

Subscription: 6 Month ($)
Renewal Date: May 30, 2011

Once more. Just for effect.



For other global channel mods: made a tiny url to save space on MOTD. http://tinyurl.com/VanguardPack rather than http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=250173



Originally Posted by Angry_Angel View Post
Once more. Just for effect.
Angry_Angel applies Game Time Card!

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



So, the plot thickens.We are finally getting access to the Vanguard shoulders, the only piece [I think] you cannot buy with V. merits. I have wanted that piece for literally years. It is the coolest part of the whole uniform.

And we get access to the Vanguard guns. Decent looking guns! I might actually end up rolling an AR something! Nice news, I am happy.

While we wait for the vet rewards, they can make with the next booster, because I want that cat-head bad Oh well, one can dream right? heh.



Taken from Avs second post :

It also includes the following weapons customizations:
Assault Rifle, Axe, Bow, Claws, Dual Blades, Katana, Swords.
Finally, the Vanguard Costume change emote is also included.
Where's the Vanguard Shield? That's included, right?



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
So, the plot thickens.We are finally getting access to the Vanguard shoulders, the only piece [I think] you cannot buy with V. merits. I have wanted that piece for literally years. It is the coolest part of the whole uniform.

And we get access to the Vanguard guns. Decent looking guns! I might actually end up rolling an AR something! Nice news, I am happy.

While we wait for the vet rewards, they can make with the next booster, because I want that cat-head bad Oh well, one can dream right? heh.
You could always buy the vanguard shoulder pieces.

"People who take offense to IC actions OOCly need to learn to differentiate between the two... Or change their damn meds."



After the fighting over it back and forth, isn't it now the proper time to open the Hero-1 time capsule thingy? It was 7 years, wasn't it?

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



Originally Posted by Dollymistress View Post
After the fighting over it back and forth, isn't it now the proper time to open the Hero-1 time capsule thingy? It was 7 years, wasn't it?
You know that was done already right....?



Originally Posted by The_Spartan View Post
You could always buy the vanguard shoulder pieces.
Nope. The real Vanguard "shoulder" part actually includes the piece that extends down the back. That is what I was told last time I said I wanted it, at any rate. "Oh no! That's actually part of the shoulder piece!"



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
I don't know why we didn't simply get all of them. I mean, they're just non-combat pets.
Quite a few characters did - unfortunately they eventually fixed it so all the extras have their icons greyed out so they cannot be selected any more.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



can't wait for this pack ;0

"...now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb" - Dark Helmet



Thanks Devs!

Any way we can get that poster in the Bases?

ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
You know that was done already right....?
That didn't count, it was all wrong and before time.

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



That's good news all around. Giving me a shot at the WORST UNLOCK IN THE GAME is something I've been asking for for a very long time, and the way this is phrased, it makes it sound like Vanguard pieces will be in the editor at character creation.

I'm game!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
That's good news all around. Giving me a shot at the WORST UNLOCK IN THE GAME is something I've been asking for for a very long time, and the way this is phrased, it makes it sound like Vanguard pieces will be in the editor at character creation.

I'm game!
I assume that's why it's a Pack, so that they'll be in at character creation.



Originally Posted by Dollymistress View Post
That didn't count, it was all wrong and before time.
Again... you know that was 7 years after it was sealed right...?



Hello all,

Lots of questions, and I'll do my best to answer what I can.

Vanguard Shield
Yes, the Vanguard Shield is included with the Vanguard Pack.

Vanguard Chest Emblem
This is not included, as it's already a part of the 30 Month Veteran Reward.

Where do the Vanguard costume pieces show up?
At the tailor/character creator screen.

It's very, very cute. The art team did a great job in setting up the summoning animation for it. I'll see about getting y'all a picture.

Define Active/Uninterrupted
Let's say your subscription gets renewed on 3/1. This is fine. As long as your account is active each day from 2/1 to 4/18, you're eligible. You'd be ineligible if say, you cancelled your account on 2/28, then waited until 3/1 to turn it back on.

Define Account-Wide
All existing characters, all new characters. Even if you've already unlocked some of these features already. So your L50 Ill/Rad controller that's run 30 mothership raids this month will obviously have the Vanguard hat, but so will your L1 SS/Fire brute you're going to create on June 1st.

What is Account-Wide?

  • All Vanguard costume pieces that can be purchased via Vanguard Merits in-game today.
  • The Vanguard Costume Change Emote.
  • All Vanguard weapons customization options that can be purchased via Vanguard Merits in-game today.
  • The MVAS non-combat pet.
  • The Loyalty emote (and to clarify, technically there are actually 4 of them, one for each alignment. I'm confident the Paragon Wiki folks will figure out their actual names.).
  • The "Constant" badge.
  • The "Seven Stars" chest emblem.
Everything else not explicitly listed above, is still on a per-character basis, and still requires Vanguard Merits. (e.g., additional inventory space, curse-breaker, HVAS, Gr'ai Matter).

What that means is, even if you've managed to unlock every single Vanguard item, the one unique reward you'll get is the Vanguard MVAS. And that's just from the Vanguard Pack.

The badge, chest emblem, emotes, are 100% unique for all players.

More answers forthcoming.

-Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee
Help me beat Dr. Aeon! Follow me on Twitter.



Excellent. Ta Black Pebble.



Originally Posted by BloodFairy View Post
Bad pack again, even if it is free... but bad again like the other emote one and the origins one too. I have listed a bunch of very good ideas before.. actually posted them on another mmo comic book site too (newer one not the old one) and they put a lot of the stuff in back in beta, that made it to the actual release of the game. Yet in here - no.

At least this back should have included a choice of which existing costume pieces we could get. The vanguard stuff is ugly and easy to get. Would have been better if it was the Roman stuff, since some of us 3 am people who have no one to group with will never get our hands on it. Or like I said a choice per account , example: Roman, Vanguard, whatever else junk, i forget now. Would have been better.
It's all about me... me... me... The other guys listen to me but you hate me because you wont stop what your doing and listen to me! (I highly doubt this is the case as I am sure more than one person can come up with the same idea.)

And to clarify the bolded type in your quote. You think the Vanguard cossie bits are ugly and you want to be able to pick what booster you want instead.

Booster packs have a cost associated to them. Thats what makes them optional. If you want it you will purchase it. Whereas this freebie we are getting has not had any monetary value associated to it. (At least not yet.)

This is the Vanguard Pack tied to the seventh anniversary. Not the I should get for free what other people have paid for entitlement Booster pack special. I also find it funny that you list the very thing you disdain within your choices for costume picks.


Dragon-King First level 50 -- Fire/Nrg Blaster
(and to many alts to mention)
Originally by Arcanaville: Everything in Praetoria was designed during a drinking binge in which the devs temporarily forgot the rules.



Originally Posted by BloodFairy View Post
At least this back should have included a choice of which existing costume pieces we could get. The vanguard stuff is ugly and easy to get. Would have been better if it was the Roman stuff, since some of us 3 am people who have no one to group with will never get our hands on it. Or like I said a choice per account , example: Roman, Vanguard, whatever else junk, i forget now. Would have been better.
Really? Easy to get? To get a full set takes... someone posted it earlier, but over 1000 VMerits to unlock. The Roman stuff, 1 run of the ITF. Easy. Now, would I like the option for this to be account wide? Sure. But I don't have the Vanguard costume on any toon. All toons above 40 have the roman one.

Edit: Oh, and the Rommie weapons require his defeat 5 times, so you need to run it twice. Oh Noes!



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
Hello all,

Lots of questions, and I'll do my best to answer what I can.

Vanguard Shield
Yes, the Vanguard Shield is included with the Vanguard Pack.

Vanguard Chest Emblem
This is not included, as it's already a part of the 30 Month Veteran Reward.

Where do the Vanguard costume pieces show up?
At the tailor/character creator screen.

It's very, very cute. The art team did a great job in setting up the summoning animation for it. I'll see about getting y'all a picture.

Define Active/Uninterrupted
Let's say your subscription gets renewed on 3/1. This is fine. As long as your account is active each day from 2/1 to 4/18, you're eligible. You'd be ineligible if say, you cancelled your account on 2/28, then waited until 3/1 to turn it back on.

Define Account-Wide
All existing characters, all new characters. Even if you've already unlocked some of these features already. So your L50 Ill/Rad controller that's run 30 mothership raids this month will obviously have the Vanguard hat, but so will your L1 SS/Fire brute you're going to create on June 1st.

What is Account-Wide?
  • All Vanguard costume pieces that can be purchased via Vanguard Merits in-game today.
  • The Vanguard Costume Change Emote.
  • All Vanguard weapons customization options that can be purchased via Vanguard Merits in-game today.
  • The MVAS non-combat pet.
  • The Loyalty emote (and to clarify, technically there are actually 4 of them, one for each alignment. I'm confident the Paragon Wiki folks will figure out their actual names.).
  • The "Constant" badge.
  • The "Seven Stars" chest emblem.
Everything else not explicitly listed above, is still on a per-character basis, and still requires Vanguard Merits. (e.g., additional inventory space, curse-breaker, HVAS, Gr'ai Matter).

What that means is, even if you've managed to unlock every single Vanguard item, the one unique reward you'll get is the Vanguard MVAS. And that's just from the Vanguard Pack.

The badge, chest emblem, emotes, are 100% unique for all players.

More answers forthcoming.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.