Stop the tedium! [Constant Buff Recast]




This is specifically in relation to buff sets that have shields (Sonic, FF, Therm etc). it just seems like these are a part of the sets that are taken for granted. Everyone assumes that if you take the set, you will have the shields and use them. For good reason, they're great powers and you should take them, and you should use them.

The issue is that with a 4 minute duration, single target, two shields to cast... it's just tedious. It isn't interesting gameplay. It isn't something challenging to separate the good players from the bad. It's just tedious.

I'm just curious if this particular point has ever been addressed by the devs and if so, what they're thoughts on it were?

Personally, I would love to see these given the same treatment as the mastermind pet buffs. Big huge end cost, and effect everyone within a certain range. Really, how would this hurt gameplay? I can think of a lot of ways it would make gameplay more enjoyable for people who have said sets, and I just don't see a downside.

Not a big deal, not gamebreaking or anything, I'm just curious if the devs have ever talked about this particular point. Tedious recasting of a baseline buff for your set does not equal engaging gameplay. Not saying it should be changed for the things like forge, thaw, etc. Those are fine how they are, just things like the shields that are the core utility and really should be kept up most of the time on everyone in the team.



Dev thoughts: Their strength/utility is balanced in part by their duration.

Player thoughts: Don't like it, don't play a buff set. It's really *not* that tedious. Prioritize a bit, as well.

Personally, I would love to see these given the same treatment as the mastermind pet buffs. Big huge end cost, and effect everyone within a certain range. Really, how would this hurt gameplay? I can think of a lot of ways it would make gameplay more enjoyable for people who have said sets, and I just don't see a downside.
Hell no.

(1) Do it that way and I have to stop the team to apply them.
(2) Do it that way and people who DON'T want a buff get them anyway.
(3) Do it that way and people I *Do* want to buff, who may be out of range that moment, miss the buff and have to wait - yet I've still burned that end.

Masterminds got that buff because they essentially *could not play* until they finished setting up. Pre-AOE-buff, it'd be like throwing a timer on a blaster so they'd have their first Tier1 blast right away, the next few powers opening up a minute into the mission, and the final (and their secondary) opening up two minutes in. It was a massive problem... for that AT, and for anyone teaming with them.



I agree... In part. Think it all the way through, though. 4 minute duration, minimal cast time (although, I will readily admit, it is annoying on full teams, basically activating 14 powers every 4 minutes), fairly minimal endurance cost. Then, don't worry about where those teammates ARE for the next 4 minutes until you see the icons flashing.

Now, if it was a PBAoE toggle with a massive endurance cost (regardless of how huge the radius was)... You'd have to account for the huge endurance cost on top of your other powers, and constantly try to keep 7 people in the range of the AoE. I'll pass on this, thanks.

What I would suggest (if it's possible in the existing game engine) would be to have it operate similar to the Sonic debuff (I forget the name at the moment), have the shields a toggle on your allies, with a fairly minimal endurance cost. This way, it would be MUCH easier to keep all of the team within range (I'm not sure what the range IS on the Sonic debuff, but the only time I can think of that I've seen it de-toggle other than when someone died, was when changing maps, or changing floors within a map), and while the endurance cost would be noticeable (especially on a full team), it wouldn't be as huge of a drain as some of the other toggle powers like Shadow Fall and Suppress Pain.

(Edit: I just realized when you said MM pet buffs, you meant the upgrade powers. That would be somewhat better than the toggle method I thought you meant, but brings up the issues Bill brought up.)



Originally Posted by Scirion View Post
What I would suggest (if it's possible in the existing game engine) would be to have it operate similar to the Sonic debuff (I forget the name at the moment), have the shields a toggle on your allies, with a fairly minimal endurance cost. This way, it would be MUCH easier to keep all of the team within range (I'm not sure what the range IS on the Sonic debuff, but the only time I can think of that I've seen it de-toggle other than when someone died, was when changing maps, or changing floors within a map), and while the endurance cost would be noticeable (especially on a full team), it wouldn't be as huge of a drain as some of the other toggle powers like Shadow Fall and Suppress Pain.
Multiple issues with this too. (Has to be added: Search the suggestions forum. This gets hashed out often.)

1. There's no toggle that can be applied selectively to multiple teammates, and
2. That toggle, so far, depends on YOUR END and Mez state. Individually applied bubbles - you can get mezzed, run out of END or die a second later, and the team's still protected. Far superior, IMHO.



IMHO.... change the 2 minute ones to 4 minute ones. Buffing 7 people every 2 (or less) minutes, assuming 2 seconds per buff, which is 14 seconds, out of 120 seconds, that's over 10% of the time buffing. That's all.



I like it the way it is. I prefer to actually have to cast some of my powers rather than have Fireballs fly out automatically every 8 seconds. It is nice to have Hot Feet and Blazing Aura ticking, but I also like to be able to actively participate by using Blaze and Fire Sword. Managing my buffs as well as my blasts/controls is part of what makes defenders, corruptors, controllers, and MMs fun for me.

I would like to see ID and O2 Boost bumped to 2 minutes. Maybe also Clarity, CM, and Antidote.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



I so agree.

My favourite team character is a Kinetics/Psy defender. But she would be much more fun it would be if I didn't have to worry about speed boosting everyone every 2 minutes. I deliberately did not take Increase Density, because having to maintain a second 1 minute duration buff on some characters was just too tedious for words.

Lack of endurance is effectively never an issue in replenishing the buffs. Range can be, when party members wander off. The primary reason why defenders cannot self buff has been due to mechanics, not game design. So let's just replace these annoying targetted buffs with a low endurance PBAoE toggle buff which has a decent duration once activated. The net effect will be similar, save for all the tedious replenishing.

It would also improve defender solo survivability (which is certainly an issue for some sets).



The issue is that with a 4 minute duration, single target, two shields to cast... it's just tedious. It isn't interesting gameplay. It isn't something challenging to separate the good players from the bad. It's just tedious.

I'm just curious if this particular point has ever been addressed by the devs and if so, what they're thoughts on it were?
Let me pose a couple of questions.
  • Question #1: Let's say the developers lengthened the buff time on buff powers.

    What would stop a team from inviting you to the team, taking the long term buffs, kicking you, then hopping in a mission without you?
  • Question #2: Let's say the developers made all buffs toggle based with zone-wide ranges.

    What would stop exploiters from making buff-bots, sitting them at the front of a mission, then clearing the map with absolutely no danger to the buffers?
As Memphis Bill indicates, this question gets brought up a lot. The developers basic answer is that the short-term buffs balance practical gameplay. The developers are exceedingly uncomfortable with increasing the duration times or the method of operation on those buffs because of how powerful the buffs are in relation to the strength of a player's avatar.



Originally Posted by Signpost View Post
IMHO.... change the 2 minute ones to 4 minute ones. Buffing 7 people every 2 (or less) minutes...
What buff is a short recharge with 2 minute duration aside from Speed Boost? I can't think of any right now.

Increase Density is 1 minute, partially to prevent griefing with the power's -speed. Clear Mind/Clarity/Enforced Morale/Thaw last 90s. These powers are NOT necessary to have 100% uptime, even if you're able to. Melee characters, for example, have no need for them in the general case (exceptions exist, such as tanking Ghost Widow). And often it's perfectly fine to use them reactively. O2 Boost lasts 1 minute, but it doesn't have the broad specturm as the other five, and it's still an OK heal. It's most useful for people using an Awaken inspiration, to remove their stun and heal them a bit.

Fortitude, Frostwork, and Forge last 2 minutes, but their long recharge time makes it impossible to buff a full team anyway.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
  • Question #1: Let's say the developers lengthened the buff time on buff powers.

    What would stop a team from inviting you to the team, taking the long term buffs, kicking you, then hopping in a mission without you?
Well, to be honest the trouble would generally be the other way around in such a situation. Games where a player can hand out very strong, very long buffs (on the order of an hour) often end up with buff players hanging out in a hub area, charging people for buffs.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
As Memphis Bill indicates, this question gets brought up a lot. The developers basic answer is that the short-term buffs balance practical gameplay. The developers are exceedingly uncomfortable with increasing the duration times or the method of operation on those buffs because of how powerful the buffs are in relation to the strength of a player's avatar.
For fast-recharge buffs like FF shields and Kinetics buffs, make it a PBAoE toggle power, activating every second or so, and keep the same duration. Net effect for a conscientious buffer is exactly the same for the team, except that the buffer doesn't have to do all the tedious targetting. Oh, and there would be self-buffs.

Self-buffs are a divisive topic, but given that more than one defender is allowed on a team, it can't really be regarded as unbalancing. They're not about to displace scrappers - or even controllers - in the solo survivability stakes, even with self-buffs.



Originally Posted by halfflat View Post
For fast-recharge buffs like FF shields and Kinetics buffs, make it a PBAoE toggle power, activating every second or so, and keep the same duration. Net effect for a conscientious buffer is exactly the same for the team, except that the buffer doesn't have to do all the tedious targetting.
And the people who don't want Speed Boost have to stay away from the buffer, rather than simply ask politely.

Originally Posted by halfflat View Post
Self-buffs are a divisive topic, but given that more than one defender is allowed on a team, it can't really be regarded as unbalancing. They're not about to displace scrappers - or even controllers - in the solo survivability stakes, even with self-buffs.
As a game designed towards teaming, the developers have a history of allowing things accomplished with teammates that they would never design for solo play. The fact that two Force Field characters can buff one another is Working As Designed™. A Force Field character buffing himself in the same fashion is not. Why? Because the first case requires interacting with another human being (or paying NCSoft an extra $15/mo to dual-box).



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Let me pose a couple of questions.
  • Question #1: Let's say the developers lengthened the buff time on buff powers.

    What would stop a team from inviting you to the team, taking the long term buffs, kicking you, then hopping in a mission without you?
Honestly, from the community in this game I just don't believe that's likely to be an issue. Should the devs think it is an issue they could always add a little touch of code to the "event" when a player leaves a team (either leaves or is kicked) that removes their buffs from the team.

Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
  • Question #2: Let's say the developers made all buffs toggle based with zone-wide ranges.

    What would stop exploiters from making buff-bots, sitting them at the front of a mission, then clearing the map with absolutely no danger to the buffers?
Anyone who wants to do this is already doing it via multiboxing tools, many of which are free. Synergy and Hotkeynet are both free tools that either let you control multiple desktops with one keyboard and mouse (synergy) or are straight up keycloning tools (hotkeynet). They're free, easy to get, easy to learn and easy to use. Put buffbot on follow, keyclone certain commands to it and bind SPACE through the keyclone so that it jumps when you do to get over obstacles. It offers the additional functionality of being able to heal/debuff when done this way instead of the theoretical zonewide pulsing buff.

Just for the record though, that wasn't my idea and I think it's a terrible one.

Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
As Memphis Bill indicates, this question gets brought up a lot. The developers basic answer is that the short-term buffs balance practical gameplay. The developers are exceedingly uncomfortable with increasing the duration times or the method of operation on those buffs because of how powerful the buffs are in relation to the strength of a player's avatar.
If it gets brought up a lot, I think it would be a good indication that a lot of people consider it a "problem area" of gameplay. Tedious gameplay isn't a balancing factor, its just tedious.

Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
What buff is a short recharge with 2 minute duration aside from Speed Boost? I can't think of any right now.

Increase Density is 1 minute, partially to prevent griefing with the power's -speed. Clear Mind/Clarity/Enforced Morale/Thaw last 90s. These powers are NOT necessary to have 100% uptime, even if you're able to. Melee characters, for example, have no need for them in the general case (exceptions exist, such as tanking Ghost Widow). And often it's perfectly fine to use them reactively. O2 Boost lasts 1 minute, but it doesn't have the broad specturm as the other five, and it's still an OK heal. It's most useful for people using an Awaken inspiration, to remove their stun and heal them a bit.

Fortitude, Frostwork, and Forge last 2 minutes, but their long recharge time makes it impossible to buff a full team anyway.
Just to clarify, I know this was not directed at me, but I think all those sorts of things are fine. Leave them as is. I was just talking about the core shield buffs that realistically should be kept up on everyone all the time.

Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
And the people who don't want Speed Boost have to stay away from the buffer, rather than simply ask politely.
We already know the game has coding that exists so that when POWER X goes off, it removes EFFECT Y as shown by powers like thaw. It should be a simple matter to add a slash command or right click context option so that a player can remove unwanted effects from himself manually. For the one out of 20 people who do not want a buff it might be a very little bit of extra work, for everyone having to pass out the buffs it's a lot of saved time and boredom.

I honestly haven't seen anything brought up here that shows how changing shields to a radius team buff would hurt gameplay (allowing for a minor fix allowing players to manually remove unwanted buffs). Like I said before, not a big deal by any means but it would certainly be nice for people to be able to play a buffing class and not have 500 unnecessary keystrokes in an evening of play just to keep basic buff functionality for the team.



Originally Posted by Humility View Post
We already know the game has coding that exists so that when POWER X goes off, it removes EFFECT Y as shown by powers like thaw. It should be a simple matter to add a slash command or right click context option so that a player can remove unwanted effects from himself manually. For the one out of 20 people who do not want a buff it might be a very little bit of extra work, for everyone having to pass out the buffs it's a lot of saved time and boredom.
Unfortunatly it's not that simple. Allowing us the ability to manually remove Buffs would also allow us to manually remove debuffs too as they are exactly the same thing with negative values.



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
Unfortunatly it's not that simple. Allowing us the ability to manually remove Buffs would also allow us to manually remove debuffs too as they are exactly the same thing with negative values.
It's as simple as a y/n flag in the code. But I'm not really talking in reference to coding in this thread, and your point really is taking it a bit off topic in reference to making shields team buffs. For that matter, this entire derailment was really only in reference to speed boost which I don't particularly feel is part of the discussion for making resist/defense shields team buffs instead of single target buffs. I think it's a valid discussion, but not really specifically what I was trying to address here.



I feel that any changes to the buff regimen need to be considered very carefully. Any system that promotes the "Buffbot" habits from my DAOC days would be worse for teaming than "Fillerz pls!!1!" and AE monkeys ever were.

The last thing we need is every TF having two spots filled with buffbot characters being run on somebody's second computer, doing nothing but auto-firing a few buffs while being set to follow the main tank.

Not so horrible, but still *supremely* grating to my nerves, is that if most buffs got turned into 5 minute PBAOE buffs, the active buffers would turn us into City of "Gather!!" inside of a week. It's bad enough that we have the early-game legacy of "Wait here why I pull. HEY! WTF why you not wait and why the bad guys all feared/stunned/Ice Slicked and now my Tank e-peen job useless?". Turning teams into an endless argument of "Come over here for buffs that you don't want! OMG COME HERE! WE NOT MOVE UNTIL YOU COME HERE!" would ruin all but the most civil SG teams.

I *like* PuGs. But they are bad enough as it is. Lets tread very very carefully here folks.

(Writer's note: I only have one high level Kinetics character. But, I like to play him when I want a truly frenetic game experience. buffbuffhealbuffbuffFulcrumattherighttimebuffTrans ferencehealbuffbuff *toss in an aoe for giggles* buffhealbuff etc. I actually kind of like the endless buffing of trying to keep a team at the fullest +rech, health, end, status prot, and run speed that I possibly can. YMMV.)

@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor

Making the world safe for maleficent particles since 2004.



Here's an idea : why don't people who dislike buffing just play other powersets, rather than try to nerf buffing powersets for everyone?



Originally Posted by Humility View Post

The issue is that with a 4 minute duration, single target, two shields to cast... it's just tedious. It isn't interesting gameplay. It isn't something challenging to separate the good players from the bad. It's just tedious.
You're playing a support role. I don't see the problem with taking a couple seconds every 4 minutes to, y'know, fulfill that role. If you're all about the pew pew and find supporting tedious, may I introduce you to the blaster?

Oh, and yes, it does separate the good players from the bad. Bad support players don't touch/pick up their shield powers.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Well, to be honest the trouble would generally be the other way around in such a situation. Games where a player can hand out very strong, very long buffs (on the order of an hour) often end up with buff players hanging out in a hub area, charging people for buffs.
Ding! Cla! Ri! Ty!



I'm in sort of the same boat. I've got a Cold Defender I really like for the debuffs, but the shields are indeed somewhat tedious. They're such a strong buff, though, that I don't really like to go without using them unless the team's defense is already taken care of. (Plus they obscures the lovely female characters I run with, but that's another matter.)

The answer, as I see it? Popmenus. Two ways you can do it: make a menu for each shield or other short-duration buff and select the teammate within the menu, or make a menu for each teammate and select the buff within the menu.

You still have to go through the process of buffing each teammate who wants it, but now instead of having to select each one or deal with friendly_target_next in a moving battle, you can just iterate through keystrokes and it'll take a lot of the annoyance out of the procedure.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Suggestions regarding tedious bubbling have been brought up quite frequently. I think it is the best to limit the discussion to bubbles and shields. Powers like clear mind is very likely not intended to be applied to the whole team constantly. I think speed boost needs its own discussion. While the OP is quite specific to buffs like bubbles, it seems like discussions of other powers pop up as well.

I think bubbling every 4 minutes is not really terrible most of the time. Technically, it represents some sort of balance as the player needs to spend time to bubble. On the other hand, I don't think force field and sonic would become too good without such constant re-bubbling. Maybe, such balance is not really playing much of a role. I think the force field MM is really terrible. I feel like after I'm done bubbling everybody and my pets, I've to bubble again. Of coz, the counter argument is that I don't need to bubble everything, just bubble what is needed. But I would love to bubble everything, as bubbling is nearly what force field can do most of the time.

I think the main issue of the suggestion is not that much about the motivation, but the execution of the idea: how should the bubbling be done? One thing that people hate, as seen from this thread already, is that they don't want to "gather for RA." So, how to implement some sort of AoE bubbling without asking people to gather while keeping the bubbling range reasonable (maybe the challenge is not that much about cooking up a scheme to do it, but if it involves new tech and coding, people tend to jranger)? Another thing is the endurance cost. Bubbling everybody and all the pets can cost a lot of endurance in a short period of time. Also, you need to retain the ability to bubble single target such that you can bubble a person if it misses the AoE bubbling.



I'm torn on this issue.

Firstly, I suck at buffing. I suffer from "scrapper lock" no matter what toon I'm playing. Also I'm usually on speed run teams, where everybody has SuperSpeed and are running all over the place. So, it is pretty hard for me to apply and maintain buffs in such situations. Probably, due to that, my fire/kin is least played character I have.

Secondly, all shield buffs, SB, ID, O2, etc. aren't restricted only to team members. You can buff anyone you want. What I'm afraid of, is if devs changed these buffs to toggle or to PBAoE, these buffs might get restricted to team members only. Mind Link, leadership toggles anyone?

Nevertheless, I'd very welcome increase in duration of SB, ID, etc. even if would cost more endurance to apply.



If the duration of the buff was increased, the strength of the buff would be decreased to balance it.

The short duration is what allows those buffs to be so potent. What you're essentially saying here, whether you realize it or not, is: "I want my character's powers to be gutted so I don't have to use them as often."

You are NOT going to get shields with the same values as FF or COld shields that last 20 minutes, it's just not going to happen. You MIGHT get shields that have the same value as Maneuvers for 20 minutes though.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.