NCSoft's Name Reservation Policy




Just to reinforce what Dumpleberry said here are some of the names I've picked up since Going Rogue.

Ironlight (made up word, granted)
PVC (for a teenager empowered by magical bondage gear...)
Counterculture (Counter-Culture was also free but I prefer this spelling)
Larkspur (a poisonous plant for my Widow and a wonderfully evocative word; I know this wasn't free a year or so ago)
Wayland Smith (a mythical weaponsmith for my Trapper; I believe the alternative spellings Weyland and Wieland were also free, though I know I've seen a Volundr at the D)
Witchslap (pun... but come on, it's my most awesome one since I made Noisebleed)

I'd think about half of those are of at least average desirability, and common enough words or concepts to be used by people. Did I just get lucky? Maybe, and I know these aren't to everyone's taste, but again I think they present a reasonable amount of empiric data to take a cue from. Also, not included are foreign language concepts such as Fulgur Invictus.

On the use of i and L...

I've got Stranglehold, Strangiehold, Stranglehoid and Strangiehoid. Screw me for having an adaptable name.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



Oh I have found good names, but would I like to have Byakko and Darkwave (globalless names) instead of Bya-ko and Dark-wave? Heck yeah. Some character concepts just demand a particular name and it kinda sucks to know that its not even being used out there, its just sitting and collecting dust.



When I created my main toon, Voodoo Girl, back in 2005, I went around to all the servers I didn't play on created an "ashcan" toon just to reserve that name. That is how, when I moved from Victory to Virtue, the name "Voodoo Girl" was available to me right away - I simply had to delete the "ashcan" toon and immediately trasnfer my main over.



Originally Posted by GreySquirrel View Post
Its getting harder and harder to get names that don't require odd punctuation or deliberate misspellings and the like.
I suggest asking for help when you can't come up with a name you like. Ask in channels, describe what you're after, and see if anyone gives you a good name (or lead to a name). I've found that people are generally more than willing to help as they can.

"When heroes fail, the Angels will save you."




"Whaaa, whaaa, someone has the name I want!"

Suck it up, Julie.

Look, it ain't hard to get a good name. Hell, you can make up somethin' and not only would it be good, you'd have the added bonus of sayin' "Yeah, I totally made that up." Try playin' on words.

Example: I wanted a Wesker-like, living bio-weapon style character. But, Bio weapon isn't available. I think think of the power set I wanna try. Hmmm. Ice/EM sounds pretty solid, and so "Cryoweapon" was born. Dude, you're really snifflin' over a problem that's easy to fix.

Pick up a damn thesaurus.

"People who take offense to IC actions OOCly need to learn to differentiate between the two... Or change their damn meds."



Here's my view on this. I can see both view points, those arguing for the availability of names opening up from extinct accounts, and those argueing that many good names are still out there just waiting for a player with enough imagination to find them. However what I DON"T see in this discussion is any good justification why there shouldn't be a much more extensive purge.

My suggestion is to create a script to purge all accounts older then 2 years inactivity, in addition all affected characters should have "*" added at the beginning and end of the effected character, and a rename token added to the character if they feel like trying to snag out the name again when they come back.

What do you think of that? What would the downside really be?

"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Still not having a problem with good names, and still seeing a lot of awful names out there. I think I've discovered the true issue at heart here:

Its getting harder and harder to get names with odd punctuation and deliberate misspellings.
Very nice way of deliberately misquoting, but a total failure at anything else. If you can't make your point without misrepresenting the other point of view, you have no point to make. If you're willing to settle for an inferior name with odd punctuation and deliberate misspellings, that's fine, but let's stay on point.


Back to the actual subject.... There's a lot of names out there that aren't being used, that a lot of people would like to have. I see at least two or three people a day in the RP channel who want a name that is creative -without- having to settle for the fifth or sixth name out there. For example, more than a few of the names on the watch list for Virtue simply aren't ever going to be available because someone made a character 6 years ago, got it above level 6, and then left the game.

And just to address the point for those actually trying to discuss it, if you don't think there's anything wrong with the names you have, that's fine. No one is saying your names are bad. So please don't say that other people's names are bad, especially since you have no idea which names they're trying to get. I hesitated to post this here in the first place because nothing ever gets discussed on the forums without attracting all the trash, but lets keep it on point.

Simply put, if you need to belittle someone or their opinions without reason, then by all means start your own thread and do so. But personal attacks that don't serve any purpose other than to make yourself supposedly look good? Just a little word of advice. Those things don't make you look good except to other losers who think they need to do the same thing. Object or disagree if you want to, but keep it civil, please, and give a -real- reason for disagreeing, cuz this, "Whaaa, whaaa, someone has the name I want!", isn't an objection, its just a very good way to make yourself look really silly.


Originally Posted by Pinny
It also seems like most people here who are against name purges are thinking that the moment names get purged they lose their character completely. You don't. To my understanding, NC has made it so if your character's name has been "freed" but has not been taken by the time you log in again, nothing has changed. If your character's name gets taken, you just have to rename them. Your character isn't deleted or anything like that.
This is the current policy yes. And I'm not even suggesting that change.


Originally Posted by Kai
Oh I have found good names, but would I like to have Byakko and Darkwave (globalless names) instead of Bya-ko and Dark-wave? Heck yeah. Some character concepts just demand a particular name and it kinda sucks to know that its not even being used out there, its just sitting and collecting dust.
It does suck. That's not to say I never get good names. I manage to scrape up a name occasionally too. I'd rather see those 6-year-old names actually running around the game, whether -I- get the one I want or not.


Originally Posted by mousedroid
I'd go for an announced name purge for say

1) ALL characters on accounts that don't have a global name associated.

2) All characters level 40 and under on accounts that have been inactive for 2 or more years.
I'd go for that, actually. I'd rather see the 40+ names unlocked at some point too, because there were a lot of people who jumped in and grabbed good names and zoomed to max and then got bored and have no intention of coming back.


P.S. Yes, Tantalus was what I managed to grab. It wasn't locked. Its a mythological name, so its appeared a few times in comics over the years. But if someone wants to test-poke it and report it before I level it....

The world is crazy. I offer this as proof; found on a butane lighter: Warning: Flame may cause fire.

You can sleep when you die.



I'm all for a name purge. I've taken lengthy leaves before and lost names from previous purges. So what? I wasn't contributing to the kitty so let some paying customer use them instead.



I must admit that being from south america gives me a wider range of names, providing i stick only with spanish speaking characters.

Most of my chars are, just not all of them

"What counts is not what sounds plausible, not what we would like to believe, not what one or two witnesses claim, but only what is supported by hard evidence rigorously and skeptically examined. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." - Carl Sagan



if you find a really neat name that's taken and has a global. ask them if you can have it.

I got a couple really nice because I was crying about getting them and they were taken. A friend just simply asked the owners.

thank you Talen :P

If the owners say no. ask how much IG items/money it would take to get them. You might be surprised. Or offer to team with them to get another character to that level with a different name. Trade them one of your good names your not using.



No global name should equal the generic treatment at this point.

That being said I nabbed Energized, Prototyped and Ancillary within the last 2 months.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by elvnsword09 View Post
Here's my view on this. I can see both view points, those arguing for the availability of names opening up from extinct accounts, and those argueing that many good names are still out there just waiting for a player with enough imagination to find them. However what I DON"T see in this discussion is any good justification why there shouldn't be a much more extensive purge.

My suggestion is to create a script to purge all accounts older then 2 years inactivity, in addition all affected characters should have "*" added at the beginning and end of the effected character, and a rename token added to the character if they feel like trying to snag out the name again when they come back.

What do you think of that? What would the downside really be?
Something around here is pretty much my viewpoint. Good names aren't particularly hard to get, but I also don't see any good reason to let people who likely will never touch the game again keep names. People who want weirder or more esoteric names can keep using them, and people who just want to be Captain Ice Guy will have a second chance at a lot of them.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by GreySquirrel View Post
Very nice way of deliberately misquoting, but a total failure at anything else. If you can't make your point without misrepresenting the other point of view, you have no point to make. If you're willing to settle for an inferior name with odd punctuation and deliberate misspellings, that's fine, but let's stay on point.
I could deliberately misquote myself, but I'm not. What I'm stating is my personal opinion. I kind of said that early on. Just to check, I just rolled up a new character with a unique name last night, just to see if I could, and the name wasn't reserved. By the way, still not using odd punctuation and deliberate misspellings.

Good names are rarely reserved, and reward creative people.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Two years is a pretty good cut off point, I think. Though perhaps only limit it to level 30 and below. (I mean, that is a pretty impressive milestone, for someone who doesn't play too much.)

That's coming from someone who's been away for over a year due to technical troubles and for... I'm not sure how long, for technical troubles again. Somewhere around 200 days, plus a week or three. Way I see it, unless your circumstances are rather out of the ordinary, you should be able to get back in a year...

But, again, two years is a good cut off point. I know players who are in the military and might have to go on a tour of duty for months at a time, so... Yeah.

As far as creative names? I haven't had too much trouble. But then again, I like Norse mythology (where 'creative misspelling' is something of a prerequisite) and I'm a fan of the less commonly used names. Though my favorite ones seem to be getting more popular. I was surprised that Fimbulvetr was taken. Had a fun idea for a tech Ice/Ice Tanker.

And I kind of like the good ol', campy 'Adjective X' types of names, so using those doesn't bug me at all, either... (Though I've made a mental note to avoid using colors as the adjective in question. Limits costume designs too much.)



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Good names are rarely reserved, and reward creative people.
I'm still giddy over having gotten Electrofyte.

He's got what plants need! Now in Punch flavor!

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
Something around here is pretty much my viewpoint. Good names aren't particularly hard to get, but I also don't see any good reason to let people who likely will never touch the game again keep names. People who want weirder or more esoteric names can keep using them, and people who just want to be Captain Ice Guy will have a second chance at a lot of them.
Exactly. More power to those who want to use more unusual names, but there's no good reason why other great names should remain locked up. It doesn't really benefit anyone.



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
I'm still giddy over having gotten Electrofyte.

He's got what plants need! Now in Punch flavor!
Ha! Nice name!

Originally Posted by Warp_Factor View Post
Exactly. More power to those who want to use more unusual names, but there's no good reason why other great names should remain locked up. It doesn't really benefit anyone.
I can't disagree with that. However, the problem (as has been explained to me by rednames, I don't have any personal evidence myself) is that running the "free up old names on accounts that are no longer subscribed" script releases a surprisingly trivial number of names.

By and large, a lot of the names that are "taken" are taken by existing players who are playing them. Right now.

Of course, if that was just a PR line (no reason to think it was, mind you), then go on--free those names up.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by GreySquirrel View Post
Its getting harder and harder to get names that don't require odd punctuation or deliberate misspellings and the like.

Odd punctuation and deliberate misspellings are warning signs, though not deal-breakers, in my book. The real-world analog is trying to impress people by wearing bootleg Nikees from the Phillippines, sporting a Shenzhen-manufactured Pradda handbag, or listening to a knockoff Hiphone NaNo.

From my own experience, I've found that only the most obvious puns and wordplay have been reserved and allusions, whether to the real world or mythology, still work in lesser-known cases - which is fine. If it's a must-have, then coming up with a variation on the theme will do. Someone beat me to the Archer's Paradox as Paradox Archer, but I can make do with Archer Paradox for my TA/Arch Defender alt. Likewise, there was no way Karloff would be still available, so I named my neck-bolted brute alt William Henry Pratt after the actor's birth name instead of trying to misspell it Karloph or Karlofff or Karl-off. Real satisfaction, however, comes from creative exercise that won't be confused with anyone else's work. Variations on the name/theme for my main, True Gentleman, aren't likely to be taken for another player in this City of Alts, e.g. Gentlemandala, Gentlemandroid, Gentlemanhunter, Gentlemanpower, etc.

As for expiration dates, NCSoft would be working against its business interests if it added disincentives for players to return to the game (especially in the wake of Going Rogue). From a marketing standpoint, attracting return business, however old, is always easier than trying to find new leads. Besides, it's always pleasant to see a veteran from CoH's early years post on the board to ask if it's worth reactivating their old character, even if it's Captain Ersatz or Fail O'Suckyname.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
I saw someone with 'Pyre' last night in Nova Praetoria.

Good names != hard to find.

Not a good example. It was either in use, or being held on an alt until recently. I tired making Pyre last year. Name was in use.

Names are out there. Yes, it is taking a greater degree of effort to think of new names. I know I've spent half an hour or more sitting at the character creation screen trying to come up with a name, to have many rejected due to being in use. I've also been lucky and found names on the first try.

I think another name purge would be good.



I haven't come across any names that I had to redo because it not available. I put in lot of time thinking about character names and such as and it bums me out when I see some lame handles with no thought - or just numbers and letters. A good superhero/villain name is so tied into the comic book think. Its super important. To me anyway.

Anbaric Amber (blaster), Praetorian Ako (brute), Roarin' Ruby Rage (tank), Nice Blue Fire (tank), Technically Eva (defender), Claire Claymore (my fav manga) (scrapper), Avenging Amethyst (dominator), Allison B. Dazzler (a 70s Dazzler warshade) OMG how I wish we had roller skates costume piece!

I like usually like think about what kind of powers they have or their origins and like brainstorm off of that. Like with Technically Eva I was at school and some asked my RL name which is such a chore to explain so I said it's "technically Eva" and I thought wow that's the perfect name specially since Technically Eva is like a robot girl.





I keep a second account active for a friend and use it to store names , and I have taken the precaution of leveling all name holder characters to 15 (its really not that hard to do ).

And on my regular account I have quite a few names sitting on characters I never intend to play again but have been leveled to some odd level or another and im just holding onto the character until the perfect powerset or costume/character idea happens .

I only mention this not so much to go "nyah nyah got your names " but to point out I know a large number of active players holding onto names that they likely will not be using anytime soon for one reason or another and likely won't be freeing up .

so while im sure theres some good names or treasures on inactive accounts I think you'll find a much larger treasure trove of names being camped and not used on active accounts and this only got worse when you add in multiple accounts and extra slots .



The last name purge we had freed up about ten thousand names. I can't recall the exact figure now, as its been too long ago (and apparently posts from back then don't exist when I search for them; if anyone else remembers where they posted the count, can you link it?), and of course, not all of those names would have been names that people are dying to get, but as has been said, that's all subjective anyway. The widened pool would make it easier for everyone to get names they've been waiting on. It wouldn't -guarantee- it of course, but it would help. I know for my part (read as: the rest of this paragraph is my opinion, not saying how everyone should think), I'd rather have a name that was creative, rather than a name I got that was 5th down the list because all the other variants I could think of were taken. Sure, coming up with variants takes creativity too, but its not as satisfying as actually grabbing the name that I wanted to begin with.

In addition, just something to think about, but if someone says that good names are rarely reserved, they're basically saying that they don't have many, if any, good names. If the names were good, by that logic, they wouldn't be reserved by anyone.


Originally Posted by bpphantom
No global name should equal the generic treatment at this point.

That being said I nabbed Energized, Prototyped and Ancillary within the last 2 months.
Damn you for grabbing Ancillary! Just kidding. I'd tried to get that three times last year, kept waiting for it to go. Good catch though! that's what I get for not checking on it more often. If you decide not to use it, PM me?


Originally Posted by TrueGentleman
As for expiration dates, NCSoft would be working against its business interests if it added disincentives for players to return to the game (especially in the wake of Going Rogue). From a marketing standpoint, attracting return business, however old, is always easier than trying to find new leads. Besides, it's always pleasant to see a veteran from CoH's early years post on the board to ask if it's worth reactivating their old character, even if it's Captain Ersatz or Fail O'Suckyname.
This is true, of course, up to a point. Its also true that a lot of new players are a bit put off by the finagling they need to get a name. So what's the tradeoff? Possibly annoying some former players who -might- at some point pay money vs. annoying some new and current players who are actually paying money -now-. Yes, attracting return business, however old, is always easier than trying to find new leads. However, 'return business' in an MMO is the -current- players, the ones returning with more money every month. New leads would be either new players, or trying to convince former players to return. (Disclaimer: I don't think anyone is claiming to be a better marketer than NCSoft's marketing dept. Just stating what seems to be common sense to me, personally.)

The world is crazy. I offer this as proof; found on a butane lighter: Warning: Flame may cause fire.

You can sleep when you die.