NCSoft's Name Reservation Policy




Originally Posted by Toony View Post
after you went and stole all their characters names because they didn't pay an upkeep.
"Stole"? That's a bit of hyperbole. Especially when you note that they're not paying anything to retain having them.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
"Stole"? That's a bit of hyperbole. Especially when you note that they're not paying anything to retain having them.
I'd say in their eyes it'd be stealing. They didn't give the name to you.

I have to look at this from the companies view. If I was the lead developer I sure as hell wouldn't delete everyones names because they didn't play for a year or two. Because if I do that I am banking on never ever getting those people to resub. I am essentially acknowledging I fail at getting old customers back, which isn't something you want to fail at in this buisness. Is it worth losing any potential resubs from older gone players just to make a few people on virtue happy? Not really. And the names everyone seems to want that aren't attached to a global (Ninja, Light, Magician), they were probably snatched the first day of play. And once they are released they again will be snatched up within an hour of that release. Never to be released again.



Originally Posted by Toony View Post
I'd say in their eyes it'd be stealing. They didn't give the name to you.
Nor did they make any attempt to keep it. I don't remember any guarantees that you get to keep your name forever once you stop paying.

If I was the lead developer I sure as hell wouldn't delete everyones names because they didn't play for a year or two. Because if I do that I am banking on never ever getting those people to resub.
Eh. As I said upthread, I lost names from previous purges when I wasn't subbed. Didn't have any impact on my decision to resub or play again. However weak the "New players will get discouraged and leave" argument is, the "Returning players will ragequit" argument isn't any stronger.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Nor did they make any attempt to keep it. I don't remember any guarantees that you get to keep your name forever once you stop paying.
Is there anything in the ToS or something akin to that that'll guarantee that you'll get to keep said names if your account becomes inactive for X amount of years?

I don't think there's anything in any binding legal document stating something like that.



Originally Posted by Denji View Post
Is there anything in the ToS or something akin to that that'll guarantee that you'll get to keep said names if your account becomes inactive for X amount of years?
Presumably not since they've purged names in the past.



Originally Posted by Toony View Post
And the names everyone seems to want that aren't attached to a global (Ninja, Light, Magician), they were probably snatched the first day of play. And once they are released they again will be snatched up within an hour of that release. Never to be released again.
Who is 'everyone'? Because I don't know of anyone that wants such a bland name as Ninja for their character. I've never heard a single person say they wanted it before and I, personally, would rather name my toon Lord Pumpkin Strudel.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Presumably not since they've purged names in the past.
Then perhaps none of us should feel entitled to the names that we've gotten in the first place. This especially holds true to non-paying accounts.



Originally Posted by Kiana Wolf View Post
Lord Pumpkin Strudel.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
I am a muse!



Originally Posted by Denji View Post
Then perhaps none of us should feel entitled to the names that we've gotten in the first place. This especially holds true to non-paying accounts.
Now there's an idea! Universal name purge! Everyone has to rename all their characters!

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
Now there's an idea! Universal name purge! Everyone has to rename all their characters!
Great idea, ain't it.



The name purge thing? I can see both sides of the argument. I don't see any reason to NOT purge all trial accounts though. They could do it automatically a week after they expire, and they could tell people this is going to happen when they sign up for a trial, and if they want to keep the name, they can go ahead and subscribe before that week is up.

As far as paid accounts? I think if someone played for a year and has been gone for four or five, it's a safe bet they're probably not coming back. And if they do, they can start from scratch. I took a year of Computer Programming at the local community college back in the 80's. I'm thinking about going back. I'm not expecting any of my credits to still be good. Seems fair enough to me.))



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
As far as paid accounts? I think if someone played for a year and has been gone for four or five, it's a safe bet they're probably not coming back. And if they do, they can start from scratch. I took a year of Computer Programming at the local community college back in the 80's. I'm thinking about going back. I'm not expecting any of my credits to still be good. Seems fair enough to me.))
Too short a time period. Twice I've been gone from CoH for about a year. Both times, I came back the moment I could. The first time, it was when I got a new computer. The second time, it was as soon as I got a new ISP.

I even paid for (some) of the time I knew I wouldn't have access to the game... Mostly because I expected a quick fix for the problem that never came...

But still, five months? Nnnnno...

EDIT: Further more, that college course would have been over twenty years ago, possibly as far as thirty years ago. Big difference between that and five months.



Originally Posted by Kiana Wolf View Post
Too short a time period. Twice I've been gone from CoH for about a year. Both times, I came back the moment I could. The first time, it was when I got a new computer. The second time, it was as soon as I got a new ISP.

I even paid for (some) of the time I knew I wouldn't have access to the game... Mostly because I expected a quick fix for the problem that never came...

But still, five months? Nnnnno...

EDIT: Further more, that college course would have been over twenty years ago, possibly as far as thirty years ago. Big difference between that and five months.
((I meant four or five years. And in MMORPG years that's like 27.64 years (according to ))



Originally Posted by Warp_Factor View Post
I think 2 years may be a bit short, considering; I've been away for over a year at a time and so have some friends of mine, and while I don't think I'd rage out at losing Warp Factor I would be pretty bummed and much less enthused about playing the character. Maybe 3 years would be a better number, and certainly any account without a global attached should lose it's names. Seriously, there were a TON of people I knew back when the game first came out who took great names, then vanished within a year and never came back. It's safe to say they aren't coming back now.

I'd also like to see this apply to SGs; right now SG names don't appear to ever get genericed, and they really should. There's no reason 3 or 4 characters who haven't been logged in in over four years should be able to hold onto some of the great SG names from back in the day.
Nuff said.

Regular name purges in a game like this should be self-evident.



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
The name purge thing? I can see both sides of the argument. I don't see any reason to NOT purge all trial accounts though. They could do it automatically a week after they expire, and they could tell people this is going to happen when they sign up for a trial, and if they want to keep the name, they can go ahead and subscribe before that week is up.

As far as paid accounts? I think if someone played for a year and has been gone for four or five, it's a safe bet they're probably not coming back. And if they do, they can start from scratch.
I agree with the trial account names- Those should be purged if the account is not paid up at the end of the ten days.

I also think that if an account is inactive for two years or more, it's a safe bet that the player isn't coming back or isn't able to come two years at least is a reasonable limit. One year might mean that there is still a chance to come back, even for a free weekend.

Global is @Mellissandria
I don't have that much art, but I do write stories and I do collect art on
my DA account



((If you read comic books, you might notice that the creators of superhero comics are having the same problems finding good names as we do. Seriously, there are some oddly-named characters out there (Plutonian from the excellent Irredeemable for instance). So while I'm in favor of a limited purge, we're still going to have to use LOT of ingenuity and creativity to find names for our characters. It's not so much getting the name you *want* as it is getting a name that's *good*.))



I will agree that there are other things that need to be taken care of as well. I'd hate for a solution to this issue to take away substantially from new content or whatnot. Fortunately name releases are done with just running a script, so its relatively quick and easy.

P.S. Arcana's idea is slowly growing on me, but I'm afraid it would involve work they can't afford the time for right now. :/

The world is crazy. I offer this as proof; found on a butane lighter: Warning: Flame may cause fire.

You can sleep when you die.



Originally Posted by GreySquirrel View Post
I'm so stealing that quote. And I will agree that there are other things that need to be taken care of as well. I'd hate for a solution to this issue to take away substantially from new content or whatnot. Fortunately name releases are done with just running a script, so its relatively quick and easy.
I thought it was rather quotable. =D

And that's part of my point. That there are far more important things for the devs to be worrying about. (Or rather, just working on. Not much to worry about besides a down economy.)



Realizing that this invokes the usual "I know the Devs job better than the Devs" thing, there's already a script in place for name purges. I find it hard to believe that it would take a significant effort to change a few variables (max level & time unsubscribed) and run it. At least, not so much time that "The Devs should be working on [X] instead" needs to be a serious consideration.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Realizing that this invokes the usual "I know the Devs job better than the Devs" thing, there's already a script in place for name purges. I find it hard to believe that it would take a significant effort to change a few variables (max level & time unsubscribed) and run it. At least, not so much time that "The Devs should be working on [X] instead" needs to be a serious consideration.
Agreed. I won't say I know their job better than them, but I manipulate database scripts all day, so barring the possibility that Cryptic built the database on a totally foreign platform from all existing ones, and used their own arcane language to do it where 'e' is typed as fbu%^%&b, then it shouldn't be -all- that much work. How much work that is though compared to what they have now, I won't guess at.

The world is crazy. I offer this as proof; found on a butane lighter: Warning: Flame may cause fire.

You can sleep when you die.



I don't know if many of you have noticed but there is names that were locked because they belong to a comic/anime or video game, which means ''copyright'' some were just common guy/gal names, still there are some good names available now. I play on Freedom but Virtue is a great place and a lot better to play in character

I think they have not announced this, because they want the players discovered this for themselves. I know a lot of people fear to create those names because someone because of Envy can petition them. I think that's very silly since names from even well known animes, their creators will not care if a player use their creation just for fun! it's not for commercial use. Unique characters names from well known comic companies are better to be locked, since the powers available in our game are very closed to them.

I will personally suggest any of you who are looking for good names to check them. If is a comic name, do not create the character identically to the true one or don't choose the exact powers, i know it's not fun but leaves you out of risk of losing it.

I know how it's feels to not find a name that you get identified with and the devs have been checking this for good



I wouldn't use the name of any well-known copyrighted (or trademarked) character from comics to anime to cereal boxes (like a certain Frosted Flakes spokescat).

Any use of a copyrighted/trademarked character's name, especially if combined with their likeness, makes Paragon Studios and NCSoft vulnerable to litigation. You say it's not commercial use, but the player is paying NCSoft for the ability to use that name, so in a way, NCSoft is making money off of it.

As for other players petitioning the name, certainly it's sometimes out of envy, or spite or another negative reaction, but many times it's a player trying to protect NCSoft by getting the offending name (be it for copyright/trademark reasons or vulgarity) removed before some litigious entity spots it.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
I wouldn't use the name of any well-known copyrighted (or trademarked) character from comics to anime to cereal boxes (like a certain Frosted Flakes spokescat).

Any use of a copyrighted/trademarked character's name, especially if combined with their likeness, makes Paragon Studios and NCSoft vulnerable to litigation. You say it's not commercial use, but the player is paying NCSoft for the ability to use that name, so in a way, NCSoft is making money off of it.

As for other players petitioning the name, certainly it's sometimes out of envy, or spite or another negative reaction, but many times it's a player trying to protect NCSoft by getting the offending name (be it for copyright/trademark reasons or vulgarity) removed before some litigious entity spots it.
You have a good point. I agree in some and disagree in others things, when it comes to comics i understand, but from anime, none of their creators will see that as a threat. There is a big number of other online games which well known character names from every series are part of it, because players used them. The likeness i must agree in that, because that's very directly.

One of the few companies which have that kind of mentality was the same one who try to damaged NCSoft but they just lost their time. Still until this date they don't have an MMO thanks to that kind of greedy attitude tha makes them always believe that almost everyone copyright them...