NCSoft's Name Reservation Policy




Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
However, the problem (as has been explained to me by rednames, I don't have any personal evidence myself) is that running the "free up old names on accounts that are no longer subscribed" script releases a surprisingly trivial number of names.
Interesting. That runs counter to my expectations--that the majority of people who have subscribed and subsequently left the game for good did so in the first few months, and that a lot of the really obvious names that are taken would have been snagged within the first few months, so a lot of inactive accounts would also have obvious names on them. I'd love to see the hard data on things related to this (percent of total accounts that were deactivated in the first few months and subsequently deactivated for good, percent of total characters held by accounts deactivated for over a certain threshold...), but I'm a fiend for statistics.

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Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
Interesting. That runs counter to my expectations--that the majority of people who have subscribed and subsequently left the game for good did so in the first few months, and that a lot of the really obvious names that are taken would have been snagged within the first few months, so a lot of inactive accounts would also have obvious names on them. I'd love to see the hard data on things related to this (percent of total accounts that were deactivated in the first few months and subsequently deactivated for good, percent of total characters held by accounts deactivated for over a certain threshold...), but I'm a fiend for statistics.
Quite true. I'd love to have a non-nameless non-theoretical non-fictional redname come on and verify one way or the other though.

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Well see, that's a great line, but here's the thing. I have 27 alts. 3 have second choice/altered names because the names I wanted were globalless. 2 have them because their first choice names belong to globals who I got confirmation from people have been gone since ED. So, that's 5 names that a policy of 2 year inactivated would free up, from the experience of 1 player. Some of them I wouldn't pay the $10 to do a name change now, some I would, but even if I didn't grab the name, they are good names that someone could be playing and right now aren't even waiting for the right powers or something, they're just plain collecting dust.



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
Interesting. That runs counter to my expectations--that the majority of people who have subscribed and subsequently left the game for good did so in the first few months, and that a lot of the really obvious names that are taken would have been snagged within the first few months, so a lot of inactive accounts would also have obvious names on them. I'd love to see the hard data on things related to this (percent of total accounts that were deactivated in the first few months and subsequently deactivated for good, percent of total characters held by accounts deactivated for over a certain threshold...), but I'm a fiend for statistics.
I totally agree with you. It makes no sense to me, but there you go.
Originally Posted by GreySquirrel View Post
Quite true. I'd love to have a non-nameless non-theoretical non-fictional redname come on and verify one way or the other though.
Hahaha, yes, I made it up, because I derive a fantastic ephemeral satisfaction out of lying on the internet. Oh no!

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Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I totally agree with you. It makes no sense to me, but there you go.
I suppose part of it might be that people in the first few months were much more likely to stick to a single character to try seeing the high-level content, so the number of characters per account is likely lower. And every account had a lower hard limit on characters--what do we have right now, six times as many available characters per account per server as we did at launch?

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



It wasn't explained--it was one of those off-hand posts in response to a thread just like this one. "It's not worth doing, because it's not effective, because it doesn't free up as many names as you think it would." As I said, maybe it was just an excuse to not run the script.

But yeah, eight to forty eight. I would never have dreamed I would have filled all eight back in '04.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry
It wasn't explained--it was one of those off-hand posts in response to a thread just like this one. "It's not worth doing, because it's not effective, because it doesn't free up as many names as you think it would." As I said, maybe it was just an excuse to not run the script.
That's exactly the opposite of what was posted during the last purge.


Originally Posted by Kelenar
I suppose part of it might be that people in the first few months were much more likely to stick to a single character to try seeing the high-level content, so the number of characters per account is likely lower. And every account had a lower hard limit on characters--what do we have right now, six times as many available characters per account per server as we did at launch?
We also had more... how to put it. I can't really think of a good word, so I'll use iconic... more iconic names that were taken within the first year, because that's when they were available. What I mean are names that conjure up the image of a superhero, instead of a video game character. (That's not a knock against those types of names, I have a couple myself. Just having a really hard time finding the word I want.) I know of one account that's permanently inactive that had some great names. they're not ones that I'd probably ever use (I don't tend to make Golden Age type characters) but they were great names.

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Originally Posted by GreySquirrel View Post
This is true, of course, up to a point. Its also true that a lot of new players are a bit put off by the finagling they need to get a name. So what's the tradeoff?
Good will - which is hard to earn and easy to lose - as well as the time and effort of changing the policy on character names in inactive accounts.

Current player have many options, as discussed in this thread, when it comes to naming new characters. Veteran players who return to find their mains generic'ed under some new policy will be annoyed, no matter how well that policy was circulated. Losing their good will, along with the valuable good word of mouth that they can provide, costs NCSoft, hypothetically, more than devising and then implementing an acceptable use-by date policy for names when only a fraction of the playerbase (or whatever value of "a lot" counts as in this particular thread) has raised the issue.

In order to persuade a business owner to fix what a given customer perceives to be a problem, one must first convince them that it's a problem for them, too.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
Good will - which is hard to earn and easy to lose - as well as the time and effort of changing the policy on character names in inactive accounts.

Current player have many options, as discussed in this thread, when it comes to naming new characters. Veteran players who return to find their mains generic'ed under some new policy will be annoyed, no matter how well that policy was circulated. Losing their good will, along with the valuable good word of mouth that they can provide, costs NCSoft, hypothetically, more than devising and then implementing an acceptable use-by date policy for names when only a fraction of the playerbase (or whatever value of "a lot" counts as in this particular thread) has raised the issue.

In order to persuade a business owner to fix what a given customer perceives to be a problem, one must first convince them that it's a problem for them, too.
I'll buy that except for one point. Veteran players who have been gone for over two years are somewhere else now. They're highly unlikely to come back. Even with all the free weekend and such the vast majority of those players still haven't come back, even for a couple days. For a business to try to recapture those people who have basically rejected them in favour of something else isn't good business sense as much as it is sentimentality.

As far as time and effort goes, its just one script, so besides the time it takes to load it and run it, it wouldn't be much. They certainly didn't make it seem very hard last time anyway.

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Originally Posted by GreySquirrel View Post
I'll buy that except for one point. Veteran players who have been gone for over two years are somewhere else now.
The number of long-absent players returning to post on the forums, particularly those posting on individual servers' subforums, seems in reasonable proportion to the number of players posting complaints about the naming expiration policy. In December alone, there were quite a few who had been away for two years or more who came back and were looking to see who remembered them or remembered the names of their characters. MMOs in general are much stickier than other games when it comes to drawing players back, not just when there's an expansion, but also when there's a lull in their schedules ... but forum rules arbitrarily forbid mentioning particular examples that I've seen myself.

In the meantime, you can post to previously mentioned Virtue Name Watch thread if there's a particular name you're set on claiming for yourself (other servers have similar stickied threads if/when naming becomes an issue on them).



Two points. Firstly, the number of players coming back is very low compared to the population. And we have yet to see if they even stay. Secondly, and hopefully this doesn't sound too blunt, but the subject isn't wanting specific names, its wanting some of the more creative names that have sat unused for years to be unlocked. Oddly a lot of people seem to be missing that point. We know the Virtue Name thread is there. Its not relevant to the discussion. Even a lot of the names on the thread aren't available due to players who have left.

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Originally Posted by GreySquirrel View Post
Firstly, the number of players coming back is very low compared to the population.
"Very low" is an arbitrary figure when the actual number (whatever it is) counts as clean profit for NCSoft, whereas devising and implementing a new name expiration policy involves both fixed staff costs, from coders for the script to customer support for the problems that will inevitably arise, and intangible ones, potentially, good will and word of mouth. Businesses are very reluctant to trade the former for the latter, even when a customer argues that there's a benefit (from their own point of view).

Secondly, and hopefully this doesn't sound too blunt, but the subject isn't wanting specific names, its wanting some of the more creative names that have sat unused for years to be unlocked.
Bluntly, that makes it sound as there is a fixed supply of creativity among the playerbase, and that it now resides in previously imagined forms, like so much plastic in need of recycling. Perhaps that's not the right analogy - maybe the concept of retconning a comic book character whose copyright term may or may not be coming up for expiration is closer.

As far as this thread goes, there isn't even a consensus that a problem exists, much less what an acceptable term of expiration would be even if one were to petition NCSoft about the hypothetical problem.



The term 'problem' applies to only a few people's opinions in this thread. It seems most of us stand on the following evidence:

1)There are a significant number of abandoned names(note that is just names, no qualifier on what kind of names) on long dormant accounts
2)NCSoft has run purges before and claimed it was simply running a(already written at this point) script
3)At a certain point(which most are feeling is about 2 years) no manner of bonuses, free weekends, or other incentives is going to cause past subscribers to return

Therefore there is no good, clear argument why NOT to do a name purge. Think of it as recycling. There may or may not be a finite supply of new plastic, but that doesn't preclude recycling the old plastic that no one cares about.



Lots of debate here. I'm curious how people feel about one player having 3 accounts with all slots opened up for Virtue, filling it with names they come up with and sitting on most of those names for upcoming concepts they'll make in the future. My feeling is, you pay for it... all power to you.

Once you stop paying for your account, you cease to be a customer receiving "the service". It's nice of the company to allow for a grace period of you returning, but after said grace period I really think they should just wipe your characters (level 50 or not). Two years is quite a long time as a grace period, and very fair IMO. If you want to ENSURE you keep your characters/names, keep a paid account! It's pretty simple. My computer went down for a while, but I kept my paid account to keep my assets... again it's a straightforward model.

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My two cents.

Paying customers have to take priority over non-paying or prospective customers. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. This is a basic principle of ANY business.

I'd like to see characters on accounts that have been inactive for lengthy periods have their names unreserved. The precise timeframe involved would need to be determined, but let the paying customers have access. That would mean that as long as the account is paid for, the names will remain reserved. Once it's been inactive for a period of time, the names are unreserved.

I know the argument has been made that there are times when people have no choice but to take lengthy breaks, such as when military service occurs. In this case, the individual would merely have to ensure his account was paid for before departing. Perhaps NCSoft could add a new level of account status: paid, but unplayable (say, $5 a month), which would keep the account active but not cost as much.



Originally Posted by Kai View Post
Therefore there is no good, clear argument why NOT to do a name purge.
But businesses simply don't respond to that "why NOT" argument. Asking a business to do anything requires them to commit time/staff/resources/costs, so there has to be a more persuasive reason than a negative one. When the business additionally risks losing clean profit by taking that action, it looks even less favorable to their balance sheet. The MBA mindset simply doesn't work that way.

In the case of NCSoft with CoH {since one is not allowed to use the other relevant examples from MMOs out there} they've just launched their first major expansion to the game, which they continue to promote and which their devs continue to work on polishing. Going Rogue is a significant investment in not only retention but also resubscription, even as the game faces current and upcoming competition in its niche. (MMOs have a strange business model, one that looks like magazine subscription from one angle, theme park attendance from another, and from a third, association membership.) The suggestion that the company should undertake any project that could potentially turn away returning customers - which are the best kind to get and which businesses always hope for - is contrary to their bottom-line interests.

Unless a convincing argument that NCSoft will lose more money by not executing a name purge, that their current paying playerbase will demonstrably drop off without one, the status will stay quo.

EDIT: Technically, the other argument would be that NCSoft will gain more money by executing a name purge, but the slogan "City of Heroes - Where We'll Recycle Your Character Names If You Leave" doesn't make for a strong selling point.



Personally, I've found that the names I've used that I'm the most proud of tend to be evocative sounding made-up or foreign-language names. (Ex: Verlustoff, Fryhtu, Yetniy)

I am probably not the best example of creativity, though. I have 114 characters, and a large number of them have silly or nonsense names... (Ex: Explomadoza, Dr. Fejwol, Really Angry Man, Elfis Lives, Atomic Lizard-Donkey)

I've only run into a few situations where I've felt the need to do some odd things to a name I wanted to get it... two times when I deleted a character and later wanted to remake them, but the name was taken... Project 83 became Project-83 and I felt kind of bad, and then Bose Condensate became Bose Condensation. That one was helped by the fact that whenever I mentioned him to friends, they would sing 'A Little Less Condensation'. I'm still a little miffed that someone took that rather obscure physics term, especially since that one happened on Pinnacle. And there has been one time where I thought of a name and decided it was perfect enough that I needed to take it even with a period in the name: Canadian.Shield. I'm a big geology nerd, so sue me.

On the other hand, just the other day on Virtue I decided to make an ex-boxer with friction manipulation powers and got me first name choice, Ropeburn.

In any case, even though I don't think that the pool of good, available names will ever run out, I can definitely see the frustration of not getting the name you want, and I totally support doing a purge of names without globals.

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The process of a name purge has been not that the names are taken from all characters is one poof instant, its that they are made free if someone tries to use them, so the impact to non subscribing customers isn't a full scale zero account of no names.

I don't honestly think the numbers of inactive accounts returning after 2 years that would not have come back without their names makes any impact to NCSoft as a whole, where the release of abandoned names would cause a very positive reaction of the paying playerbase, much like the quality of life additions in I19 of combined trams/ferry. Most returning players are very likely to be trying new powersets which require new names.

But, that sort datamining could only be done by NCSoft. I don't believe anyone really expects that NCSoft is reading this forum and going 'wow, now why didn't we think of that?', just hoping that maybe they'll take the time to realize it might be in their interest to look into it.



I'm noticing something here that i find a bit interesting. I haven't seen anyone who has left and come back have any sort of problem with releasing old names. Several in fact have said that they wouldn't have minded if NC had released their names while they were gone. Then on the other hand there's a group of people who seem to be opposed to it with a feeling that it might not be a good idea because if players return they might be upset. So far there's no evidence toward that point, and growing evidence in just this thread alone -against- that argument.

That leaves me wanting to ask the question, 'Why are are there people not affected by it that are concerned with it when the people it would affect are apparently not bothered by it at all?' Especially since the majority of those same people pride themselves on the fact that they choose names that no one else would anyway. Please note, I'm not saying there's not a good reason to be concerned, I'm just interested in the response.

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Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
Originally Posted by greysquirrel
Firstly, the number of players coming back is very low compared to the population.
"Very low" is an arbitrary figure when the actual number (whatever it is) counts as clean profit for NCSoft, whereas devising and implementing a new name expiration policy involves both fixed staff costs, from coders for the script to customer support for the problems that will inevitably arise, and intangible ones, potentially, good will and word of mouth. Businesses are very reluctant to trade the former for the latter, even when a customer argues that there's a benefit (from their own point of view).
'Very low' isn't an arbitrary figure. 1 out of 100 would be an arbitrary figure. The ratio of people who have come back and current players is very low. How low exactly? I'd have to spend a year counting so I deliberately didn't use a figure.

Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
Originally Posted by greysquirrel
Secondly, and hopefully this doesn't sound too blunt, but the subject isn't wanting specific names, its wanting some of the more creative names that have sat unused for years to be unlocked.
Bluntly, that makes it sound as there is a fixed supply of creativity among the playerbase, and that it now resides in previously imagined forms, like so much plastic in need of recycling. Perhaps that's not the right analogy - maybe the concept of retconning a comic book character whose copyright term may or may not be coming up for expiration is closer.

As far as this thread goes, there isn't even a consensus that a problem exists, much less what an acceptable term of expiration would be even if one were to petition NCSoft about the hypothetical problem.
There's a difference between creativity and settling for what's available. As far as this thread goes, only 4 people out of 28 so far have expressed opposition to a purge. 4 to 24 is 1:6 ratio, or 85%. It may not be a -large- consensus yet, but its a consensus.

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Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
I keep a second account active for a friend and use it to store names , and I have taken the precaution of leveling all name holder characters to 15 (its really not that hard to do ).

And on my regular account I have quite a few names sitting on characters I never intend to play again but have been leveled to some odd level or another and im just holding onto the character until the perfect powerset or costume/character idea happens .

I only mention this not so much to go "nyah nyah got your names " but to point out I know a large number of active players holding onto names that they likely will not be using anytime soon for one reason or another and likely won't be freeing up .
If you're paying an extra $15 a month just to hold names then you're welcome to hang onto them. Someone who hasn't paid their $15 in years gets less sympathy from me.

Everyone can come up with some story about how they were just incapable of playing for years on end. I'm not sure it matters. If you have a paid parking spot and go off into the military, they don't just hold it for you for years for free -- you either pay the rent on it or lose it. If you have a locker with your gym membership and lose your job, they don't say "Save that locker in case one day Joe comes back", you either keep paying your fees or lose it. It sucks and all but, honestly, if NCSoft was to say your names get freed ten seconds after your payments stop rolling in, I wouldn't think they were wrong for it. Maybe a bad business choice from a PR standpoint but not "wrong".



My suggestion would be to do a purge of non-active accounts every two years, but do an email blast (or make a similar notification effort) two weeks beforehand to all accounts possibly effected.

Here's the kicker, though-- you wouldn't have to resub to keep your names, just log in under your inactive account and check off the names you wish to retain and you're covered for the next two years. If you never plan on returning to the game, you don't have to do a thing. However, if you do have an attachment to your characters but, for whatever reason, don't want to rejoin the game right now, you just need to spend a few minutes to note that and everything is fine.

I honestly can't see how anyone could claim that's unfair, but this being the internet, I'm sure someone will come up with a reason why it is.

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Originally Posted by Patteroast View Post
I am probably not the best example of creativity, though. I have 114 characters, and a large number of them have silly or nonsense names... (Ex: Explomadoza, Dr. Fejwol, Really Angry Man, Elfis Lives, Atomic Lizard-Donkey)
Are you kidding? Those are the best types of names!

One man's random gibberish is another man's favorite character concept!

Now, I'm probably not the best example of creativity. I usually just recycle my handful of favorite names. Only reason I haven't deleted and recreated my main character is because she was the second one I made. And the first to not die every time she walked outside.

But feel free to ignore my opinion. I'm not in the best state of mind right now. I'm surprised I can hit ctrl+i with any coordination.



I am a returning player after taking 3 years off do to life issues. I would had no problem if the names had been wiped. I wasn't paying for the game so why should I believe or expect the names to still be there. I was glad the toons were there but I would have understood if they had wiped the old account out. Two years is more then fair for names and even toons to be held.

"Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn." Alfred Pennyworth



Had a brief chat with a friend last night who managed to snatch a rather nice name out of nowhere. I still think they're stealth-purging behind the scenes already.

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