The Impossible Mr. Trapdoor and Issue 19's New Theme

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Venture View Post

I agree, because I think the premises "anyone can solo" and "teams don't need particular construction" are bad game design.
They're game design premises designed to appeal to the casual gamer who doesn't want to have to think too hard about there stats and so that you don't need to work too hard to make a design that works even if it doesn't work perfectly or even particularly well from the perspective of more "serious" players

CoH is very much a casual gamer's MMO

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The "casual MMO" is FarmVille.

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Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
I think you've hit on a critical piece of the puzzle that some of the doomsayers are missing here. This encounter changes what it means to be a good tanker, and that is hurting some butts.
From my perspective, the encounter is far more unfavorable to scrappers, and is worst of all for DPS brutes. (And I wouldn't want to run it with a tanking brute as the tank, either.) A tanker still has a clearly defined job to do on the TF, and once the tanker has learned the task it calls for it's not that hard. And a tanker is slightly less likely to be instantly killed, and likelier to be able to recover from being in the Wrong Place briefly. Like I said before, one of our main purposes is repositioning mobs for the benefit of the team.

As I said before, melee DPS is usually at a disadvantage in gimmick fights. This is no exception. A scrapper will be idle or distracted for stretches at a time here. A brute will have an even harder time maintaining adequate damage on the primary target.

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My scrappers aren't "idle for stretches at a time" in the ATF,and neither was the one brute that I have taken through the ATF. You do what you gotta, hit and fade, see if something is bothering a less resilient teammate, let the ranged attackers do the heavy lifting for once. She's just an AV, not hopped up on goofballs like Reichs or anything, and not hyperbuffed by ultravengeance like in the TMTF.

You wanna talk irritating, my MMs don't enjoy that TF too much But it's still doable, just lean on my secondary a lot more.



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Part of why its not run much is because its way too short. I was expecting the Tf to be at least 5 or 6 missions. Second is fighting 54s is a huge waste of time in terms of rewards over time. Why go thru that when you can easily do an easier TF thats longer and has better rewards for the time spent. I get that they are using the 54s and the debuff to make things harder but to me thats not how they should have done it. It just slows down things more than they should.
if I remember correctly, Apex and Tin Mage gives you 40 Merits and 2 Incarnate Shards upon completion. Seeing that the average time is about a hour or less, what TFs can you do that quickly and offers that many Merits? Only thing that comes close is if it's a speed run of a LGTF and ITF back to back, but then again, those same speed teams could do a Tin Mage and Apex for more.

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
The "casual MMO" is FarmVille.
no....that's the crack addicts MMO



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I agree, because I think the premises "anyone can solo" and "teams don't need particular construction" are bad game design. Support characters shouldn't be able to solo and generalists who are shouldn't be very welcome on teams.
That's more a matter of preference than good or bad design. Point is, MMOs can be very successful violating those game axioms. The most successful of all breaks both. You could argue that it is poorly designed as well, but then we get into the semantics of what the intent of good design even is. Its generally, in my opinion, to make a successful game, as judged by the number of players willing to play it for extended periods of time, and gain significant enjoyment from it.

What I will concede is that in the general case, its more straight-forward to design an MMO where things interlock together in explicitly designed ways which inevitably lead to fixed roles and fixed trade-offs that tend to include solo ability as a potential trade off. But while its easier to do it that way on paper, I think its the least interesting way to do it. I wouldn't leverage the game mechanics in that way. I'd keep soloing off the table and push team synergy in other directions. You just need a sharp enough pencil.

If the devs want to change the nature of the game they'll have to start abandoning some fundamental principles or they're going to fail. Whichver choice they make, it should be fun to watch.
Increasing difficulty is neutral to issues of soloability. And so long as that difficulty is spread out in such a fashion that it on average doesn't disadvantage specific archetypes more than others, I don't see this as being true, at least in the sense you're implying. Some other fundamental principles are already being amended that some players currently don't like, such as the actual threshold for judging soloability. The devs' standard has never been "place drinking bird on keyboard and wait" but some players' thresholds are not that far removed from that. In the standard content, the difference between the two was not large enough to make a big deal out of though. However, in the end game, that no longer holds. In the case of Trapdoor, for example, if you are not a genuinely strong soloer and not a strong player yourself, the encounter might be sufficiently difficult that you personally might not complete it. But that alone is not proof of a problem: it only has to be theoretically completable. Some players might not recognize (although I can't imagine how) the significance of the bifurcations and try in vain to plow through them. Some might think that inspirations are "cheating" or "shouldn't be required." Some might have explicitly built their characters to be highly focused on ally assistance to the point of fracturing their solo ability. All of these things simply mean the player might not complete it the first time, or even the second or third times. That's what it means to be "difficult" - the chance for failure is non-zero. But as long as its possible to do, the fact the player cannot find and use one of the available tactics that would work does not mean the encounter is improperly designed. That is something the players will have to start getting used to: failure is an option.

The devs have also stated repeatedly that large sections of it are not targeted for solo players, and even the alternate paths that are soloable are not intended to be equally easy to solo or equally rewarding to solo. Shard drop mechanics, for example, provide for solo access but tend to reward teamed play by an order of magnitude. In the end game, that is considered an acceptable compromise between soloability and the higher-end targets of end game play which generally require or promote teaming.

I don't mind those changes to the fundamental design principles of the game as it specifically pertains to the end game. There's still the other 90% of the game that is still highly solo-friendly and will be basically unaffected by those design foundational changes.

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Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
If you're melee, where is the patch coming down? Right on the enemy you're fighting. You have to step aside, stop attacking until the attack goes off or dissipates, which can take quite some time in the case of Battle Maiden, and then move back into melee range. Only THEN are you allowed to resume attacking with your decent attacks. That is much more downtime and more effort.
If you're a melee character, presumably you're in melee with Battle Maiden. You move outside the nanite radius, and presumably all of the other melee characters do, as well (if they don't they'll soon be corpses, ignored by BM). When BM is in melee AI mode and all in-range targets leave range, she'll follow them to get back in range.

Presumably at level 50, you'll have at least one ranged attack, too.

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
The "casual MMO" is FarmVille.
FarmVille (and clones) is specifically designed to make players spend as much of their time as possible either playing FV, or thinking about FV. FV developers don't want you spending time doing anything else besides FV, except possibly telling your friends about FV.

And that's not even an exaggeration, it's the actual design philosophy of the game.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Because that's exactly what this is about. Munchkins want to show off with content others struggle with but they can boast about being "easy".

It's not enough the game have difficulty settings letting people run a TF against level 54s or be debuffed in an arc to make the enemies inordinately difficult if they chose to.
No, they demand everyone face level 54s and have enemies who are inordinately difficult on the base settings.

It's not about "challenge", it never was about challenge. It's about one group of players who want to feel superior to everyone else and want the game to cater to them. It's about the devs not respecting the notoriety settings and making a game that was always casual friendly and easy, harder instead of telling people to turn up the difficulty settings if they want to be challenged. Lastly, it's about someone without strong ideas of their own copying the mechanics/schticks of raids and encounters in other MMOs and making players dance to the GM's sadistic little jig while watching them faceplant for using the skills and playstyle you spent 5 years forcing on them via power and AT design.
Oh, noes!

We can't have the game evolving now, can we? How much longer will the game stay viable or relevant if everything they release is just a variation of the same old crap they've been releasing for 6 years?

The game HAS to change or it gets stagnant, and stagnant games don't last very long in this day and age when there are so many other choices. Speaking of other choices, they exist, so if you dislike the direction the game is headed in that much, there's nothing stopping you from choosing one of them.

I'm sure this post isn't going to keep you from whining about it, but hey, there IS something to be said for games that are stagnant and never change in the slightest. I mean, look how popular Pong still is.

If you want the game to be have plenty of things you can do that are easy, no one is FORCING you to run these TFs.

This goes for both you and EvilRyu: Yes, you are both correct in that these TFs and the Incarnate system aren't like anything that has come before them. Now, most people feel that is a GOOD thing, but you two seem to think the game should stay exactly the same forever. I'm sensing a couple impending ragequits when the devs refuse to see things your way and make everything just like everything else.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



If people are finding the new content too hard now, I can't imagine what they're going to think of Omega slot content.

Also, yes, melee is impacted a bit more by Battle Maiden than range is. However, I would be willing to bet that there will be future encounters that punish you for being Too far away at a critical time.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Just some cautionary advice: I don't think the shards will be good for anything other than the Alpha slot.

If you're grinding for them with the thought of stockpiling for your other 9 Incarnate slots, you may want to reconsider until more information comes to light.

Just the way I'm rolling on it for now.


Personally im stockpilling them so i can unlock every single alpha slot power and truely have my main as a "jack of all trades" [ill/rad means it can work too]. So for me, its a very well worthwhile time

Just about to start on my second uncommon alpha slot for him

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Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
We can't have the game evolving now, can we? How much longer will the game stay viable or relevant if everything they release is just a variation of the same old crap they've been releasing for 6 years?

The game HAS to change or it gets stagnant, and stagnant games don't last very long in this day and age when there are so many other choices.
And I already responded to that: If they want the game to change, CHANGE the GAME. Not just change the encounter design and ignore the AT and power design that was specifically set up to work with the tank-n-spank dynamic they want to move away from.

Newer games that are more "action oriented" like these encounters try to be, they also give melee characters charge/lunge powers. They don't stick them with one crappy, long animating, low DPS attack that can only be used on the ground. They don't have defensive sets that are only effective with enemies clustered tightly around you.

No. They wont do that. They just want to do half-baked attempts at making things more dynamic without putting the work in.




Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
We can't have the game evolving now, can we? How much longer will the game stay viable or relevant if everything they release is just a variation of the same old crap they've been releasing for 6 years?

CoX has been crap for the past 6 years, eh? Dude! Why didn't you say something the FIRST YEAR?



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
And I already responded to that: If they want the game to change, CHANGE the GAME. Not just change the encounter design and ignore the AT and power design that was specifically set up to work with the tank-n-spank dynamic they want to move away from.

Newer games that are more "action oriented" like these encounters try to be, they also give melee characters charge/lunge powers. They don't stick them with one crappy, long animating, low DPS attack that can only be used on the ground. They don't have defensive sets that are only effective with enemies clustered tightly around you.

No. They wont do that. They just want to do half-baked attempts at making things more dynamic without putting the work in.
Yes, revamping the way the entire combat system works in a 6+ year old game is clearly the answer.

They would have to redo every single powerset in the game from the ground up in order to do that. Not only is that a HUGE amount of work that would take forever, but the end result would suck in comparison to other games that will have been released by the time they are done with it.

They would also probably have to reconfigure the game engine itself in order to do it. From what I understand the reason we have rooting in the animations is because the game engine they are using doesn't work any other way. I'm not a programmer, but I can't imagine that rebuilding an MMO from the ground up to be completely different is going to be a small undertaking.

Overhauling the entire game the way you want them to just would not be worth the time and effort they would have to spend on it. If they are going to revamp things like that, they would be better served doing those things with an eventual sequel that they may make someday.

They are trying to add some dynamics to the combat in level capped content without going to all the trouble of basically redesigning the whole freaking game. It's not half-baked, it's just the limitation of what they can do with a 6+ year old game engine.

Unless you think they should stop all work on new content and put their entire staff to work rebuilding the entire game. But that would result in a LOT of their playerbase getting disgusted and leaving long before they finish it, because they hadn't gotten anything new in several years.

Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
CoX has been crap for the past 6 years, eh? Dude! Why didn't you say something the FIRST YEAR?
Well, the fact that I wasn't here the first year might explain that.

Another reason would be that it is still a good game, but applying the exact same tactics to every encounter there is gets old after a while.

It's basically: "Oh, an AV! Okay, everyone buff up. Tank, get in there and piss it off. Okay, everyone....GET HIM!"

That's fine, but when everything you do can be accomplished by the exact same means, it kind of loses it's appeal after a while.

Only recently have they even tried to change that up, and some people are complaining because they dared to make them change their tactics. Do you LIKE standing in one spot and beating on an AV until it drops, and then doing the exact same thing for every AV in the game?

With this being the "end game" content that has been highly requested for years now, I for one would have been very disappointed if it was exactly the same stuff we've already been doing for years. And from what I've noticed on the forums, I'm not alone in that.

In my opinion, some new content that is more than "Kill a bunch of fluff enemies until you get to the big bad, then gather in a circle around him and hit him until he falls, wash, rinse, repeat" is a GOOD thing.

If you want to play the game mindlessly doing the exact same thing for every single mission or TF you do, there is plenty of content available for you to do. Saying that NO ONE should get any new wrinkles in the stuff they do because YOU don't want it is just pure selfishness.

I read the underlying message from both of your posts as "I don't care if other people like this content, I don't like it, so they should get rid of it."

How would you feel if I said that you should have part of the game you enjoy taken away because *I* don't like it?

If you don't like what they are doing with the new content, you don't have to play it. But not liking it gives you no right to say that no one else should have it either.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Its really not humanly possible to make an MMO that doesn't frustrate you.
Alot of the existing content we have isnt frustrating its just a select few factions and missions that are. The devs could go a long way to fixing just a few things to make it more bearable and less frustrating. For instance why is it that the CoT gives like way less xp overall than say the freak show or rikti when they are obviously more of a threat due to their ability to debuff a teams tohit into the floor. Its crap like that I never understood why we have it in this game. The other issue that gets on my last nerve is the knives of artemis. They arent a serious threat but I hate being slowed into next week with all the damn caltrops. Seriously who here has ever died from caltrops? No one here I bet. So why go over board with all the caltrops? Just making minor tweaks to factions and get rid of or alter all the powers in the game that cheat due to suck *** AI we would easily have a game thats has almost zero frustration.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
How would you feel if I said that you should have part of the game you enjoy taken away because *I* don't like it?
That's what you ARE saying. All the time and energy the devs spend time on Trapdoor and all that he represents is time and energy they won't be spending on the aspects of the game I like. So there.



Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
To quote some of the more.... rabble-rousing posts on this thread- "And so it begins". What begins ils that people ***** and moan about virtually everything released in this game but offering NOTHING to counter it with. I've run Apex just once.. on a melee toon (elec/elec/energy Brute). The Blue Zones killed me a few times till I figured out the "warningo" signs.. then all I did was keep Superspeed on and.. move. (shocking tactic I know) Same EXACT tactic I would do on an ITF to get out of LoS of Romy's Nictii buddies when they rez him. In other words.. I learned how to adapt to a tactic using an already established (BY THE GAME) action.

The thing that has me shaking my head is.. people have been screaming for endgame content (rightly so...). Now.. shouldn't endgame content be tougher then anything else in the game???? People complained that the Reichsman SF/TF (again, rightly so) was nothing mobre then beating on a HUGE bag.'o Hit Points for a long time. That shouldn't be under anyone's definit.ion of fun! So what does the Dev team do? Create a challenge within .the existing framework of the game tahat doesn't require just standing there and hitting it over and over and over. (OK, all MMO's requi re that.. but you get my point.)

Apex is challenging just enough. you need to change from the way you've playned the game, as (without sounding cheesy) this IS a whole new level. Wue have all heard the same old whining at every "high-end" TF- oh its not fun it's too hard. Then less then 2 months later there are speed runs. The same will happen here, only slower due to the special requirements needed for the TFs.

Oh.. something else about Apex. BECAUSE of the requirements of the TF.. is it any wonder that its barely getting run 2 weeks out compared to a LGTF that's been out for what.. 3 years now? The idea the the 'jury' is in on Apex and no one plays it because of that observation is a nonsensical conclusion and argument.

(one last thing.. I'm not a fanboi/apologist.. I do think Trapdoor was handled extremely poorly even if he is still VERY soloable. Personally I would have liked to see him able to be dragged out but divide his regen in half, so even out of LoS he would still benefit from the clones, just not as much)
But people arent asking for an easy time, just something thats not a 2nd job to them. Trap Door and the new tfs are just frustrating. Thats what folks are complaining about. My biggest gripe about the Apex TF is that when you come out of the building in the 2nd mission you are insta-killed by the patches because opening the door roots you for 3 seconds. So unless you have someone already on the other side watching the door its pretty much a death trap. Its why I refuse to do the tf again once I have that badge. Its simply not worth my time to die over and over again.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



I'll offer my very own subjective point of view on the new TFs and Trapdoor. For the few of those who can not seem to grasp this, note that this viewpoint is just as valid as everyone else's.

Trapdoor is difficult? Lol. I soloed him today in under 30 seconds on a controller. I'm not even exaggerating, I have powers that recharge in about 30 seconds and I only had the chance to use them once.

New TFs are difficult or favor ranged? Lol. I did them both with my Scrapper on a very melee heavy team (7 melees and a Defender as I recall) and we had no problems. BM took a bit longer than 15 minutes (no badge ), but I didn't feel useless at any point. I actually thought they were both fun TFs with nice new mechanics.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
But people arent asking for an easy time, just something thats not a 2nd job to them. Trap Door and the new tfs are just frustrating. Thats what folks are complaining about. My biggest gripe about the Apex TF is that when you come out of the building in the 2nd mission you are insta-killed by the patches because opening the door roots you for 3 seconds. So unless you have someone already on the other side watching the door its pretty much a death trap. Its why I refuse to do the tf again once I have that badge. Its simply not worth my time to die over and over again.
Then don't die.

If you don't enjoy the TFs or the new content, don't play it. If you don't enjoy the game, why are you still playing it?

The simplest solution to content you don't like is skipping it. I avoid certain TFs, contacts and villain groups because I don't enjoy fighting them. Someone might like them, but that someone is not me. Do they need changing because I don't like them? No. There is loads of other stuff I can do instead.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I guess our definitions of "ludicrous amounts of power" really are vastly different.

I'm thinking it has a fixed recharge of 15-20 minutes, isn't buffed by Rage or Build Up and has a sizable endurance footprint.

Knowing me, do you really think I'll be getting Lore?

I think you mean Interface and Judgment.

Because the devs pull crap like forcing level 54 mooks on us just because, using GM code on Lady Winter to negate Level Shifts and adding arbitrary downward Level Shifts on TFs (because as is the having an Alpha is pretty meaningless to the Apex otherwise). I fully expect content like the STF to get 'retouched' to use GM code on the AVs and other "fixes" to largely negate any real gains players make.

In short, I don't trust the devs to allow there to be standard content anymore, or even to allow the new content to demonstrate we're supposed to be growing in power beyond heavy handed novelty missions like the first mission of the Ramiel arc.

Normally I dont agree with you but you have a good point. I too believe that the incarnate system is just going to end up being fluff before its over with because they will put things in place to negate what we earned. I cant see them allowing us to be lvl 60 and still do things like the ITF without some kind of penalty in place. We will never be on the same level or even remotely close to the incarnates. Being super kind of went out of the window back in issue 2 so I am not expecting much from this system at all.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
My biggest gripe about the Apex TF is that when you come out of the building in the 2nd mission you are insta-killed by the patches because opening the door roots you for 3 seconds. So unless you have someone already on the other side watching the door its pretty much a death trap. Its why I refuse to do the tf again once I have that badge. Its simply not worth my time to die over and over again.
LMAO.... Use a bit of tactics, and LOOK down over the edge of the building before exiting through the door to see if it is safe to exit. It ain't exactly rocket science here.



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
I too believe that the incarnate system is just going to end up being fluff before its over with because they will put things in place to negate what we earned.
Broadly speaking the point of 'rewards' is to allow the player to face more potent challenges, not to let them walk over existing ones.

So, uh, welcome to every game ever made, ever.

casting an eye back to my pen and paper roots, we didn't earn glowing plate mail and magic swords so we could wale on Kobolds more efficiently, but so we could go after dragons.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
LMAO.... Use a bit of tactics, and LOOK down over the edge of the building before exiting through the door to see if it is safe to exit. It ain't exactly rocket science here.
That doesnt always work. Been there done that. The patch kills you as soon as you come out the door. And where are yall getting this 8 second warning thing from, its way less than that from what I can tell. Maybe 4 seconds at most before the patches start doing damage. Given that the door roots you for 3 seconds you wont always have time to get away.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Broadly speaking the point of 'rewards' is to allow the player to face more potent challenges, not to let them walk over existing ones.

So, uh, welcome to every game ever made, ever.

casting an eye back to my pen and paper roots, we didn't earn glowing plate mail and magic swords so we could wale on Kobolds more efficiently, but so we could go after dragons.
Yeah I get that but in the end its going to come back and hurt the other players who are doing existing end game content who arent incarnates or even level 50 yet. They will end up doing something to negate what power we earned. It might not be a level shift but they will do something, but that something will negatively impact the non-incarnates.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
That doesnt always work. Been there done that. The patch kills you as soon as you come out the door. And where are yall getting this 8 second warning thing from, its way less than that from what I can tell. Maybe 4 seconds at most before the patches start doing damage. Given that the door roots you for 3 seconds you wont always have time to get away.

Actually, it does give you plenty of time to move. Let's say your team completely wipes during Phase 3 when BM is putting out four halberds at once. Since no one is down below, the first person to go in will automatically get targeted, giving that person, let's say not 8 seconds, but as a fact, at least 5 seconds. Plenty of time to move away. But again, all it takes to avoid the door of death is communication. Ask your team mates, is it safe? And no, communication is not too much to ask of an endgame TF. If you have no team mates down there, it's safe anyways. You'll be rooted for 3 seconds, giving you at least 2 seconds to move away. Sprint and Swift will clear that.