The Impossible Mr. Trapdoor and Issue 19's New Theme

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Alpha itself is, with level shift, just barely within the realm of being not stupidly overpowered to use on standard content.
I guess our definitions of "ludicrous amounts of power" really are vastly different.

Seriously: I haven't even seen the specific details of its implementation yet, but I'm already worried about Judgment all by itself. There have to be incredible restraints on Judgment's usage just to make it remotely non-retarded, like "usable only when your birthday falls on a wednesday."
I'm thinking it has a fixed recharge of 15-20 minutes, isn't buffed by Rage or Build Up and has a sizable endurance footprint.

Even if individually someone tried to make a case that Alpha wasn't a big deal, or Lore, or Judgment, players are going to have all ten.
Knowing me, do you really think I'll be getting Lore?

And those who've seen the peeks know what Lore and Judgment are going to be adding in combination with that.
I think you mean Interface and Judgment.

I can't imagine anyone thinking that's remotely appropriate for standard content. And that's just three out of ten.
Because the devs pull crap like forcing level 54 mooks on us just because, using GM code on Lady Winter to negate Level Shifts and adding arbitrary downward Level Shifts on TFs (because as is the having an Alpha is pretty meaningless to the Apex otherwise). I fully expect content like the STF to get 'retouched' to use GM code on the AVs and other "fixes" to largely negate any real gains players make.

In short, I don't trust the devs to allow there to be standard content anymore, or even to allow the new content to demonstrate we're supposed to be growing in power beyond heavy handed novelty missions like the first mission of the Ramiel arc.




Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
EDIT: ... and of course, objections DO bring up some good concerns-- if DPS suffers more for melee than for ranged attackers, but all else stays the same, then in encounters where maneuver is encouraged, melee will suffer disproportionately to ranged, and balance is lost. Don't know (yet) how substantial the difference is, but it IS worth getting metrics on, so the devs can address any incompatibility.
I agree it's something the devs should be watching but at the same time I think the balance has been in favor of melee attacks for a long time. Melee attacks get a higher base damage to compensate for the fact that range it itself supposed to be a means of defense and ranged AoEs tend to hit more targets but changes to the NPCs over the years has lessened the range as defense "bonus" so a bit of a swing back towards ranged is probably justified.



Do you know what I did with Snaptooth two years ago? I got him on a level 14, loaded a level 50 into the mission, and I cleaned his clock, repeatedly, for candy canes. I then used those canes to buy Winter's Gift slow resist recipes. Earlier this year, those were selling for 50M apiece.

So yeah, I'm totally sure Lady Winter was given GM scaling code just because of Level Shift buffs that no one even has yet. I'm sure that stunts like what I was doing had nothing at all to do with the devs experimenting on ways to counter things like what I did. (And yes, you can still do them with a little variation, even with the addition of SSK.)

If you look at our game's history, the game has been rife with examples where the devs get some new tech, and they use it extensively. The next release after they gain a new tool, they often have rolled that tool into several encounters, or new powersets, or new entities. This sometimes continues for one or more additional issues, even in cases where the new tool doesn't become deeply ingrained in the game. (For an example of the latter, look no further than the invention system. No, I don't just mean IOs - I mean every interface in the game where you can spend something to craft something, including all merit currencies and the Incarnate system.)

I see this as no different. The devs have some new toys and they're playing around with them, seeing how they can make new encounters and challenges. There's no such thing as "regular" content. There's just older content and new content that will continue to include this sort of experimentation by the devs. Some of it will be a great success, some of it people will hate, and some of it will get mixed reviews. Give feedback certainly, but consider that your conspiracy theories suggesting that the devs are out to get us and make everything going forward ludicrously difficult is really overboard.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



The main key to Battle Maiden on Apex. When you go down, Dog Pile Battle Maiden, when she leave, take on 'People' and ignore the swords.

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
Probably, since I wasn't really trying. I was just describing my own experience on my two attempts at Apex. The mloment we loaded the second mission, my tank pbecame dead weight.

How's this, then?
"Maybe you enjoy spending a half hour running around the map with taunt on auto, watching the AV's health bar cre ep down, and occasionally dying because you dodged ineto someone else's patch that was off-screen a moment hago? Because I sure don't."
Nicely done (made met laugh anyways)

Question- (and truly NOT trying to be snarky here) Do you tank with the same style in every mission? What I mean is, my namesake- Bench- is a Inv tank. When I'm running a Kahn my tanking style is getting in Nazi State's face and staying there. His SS attacks don't bother me, so I can concentrate on Holding him in place by punchvoke and doing Some DPS.

If I even tried that with say GW on a STF.. I'd probably cause a team wipe or at least cause major death. There I just gotta stay at range and Taunt (with the occasional ranged attack like Hurl slotted for Taunt). Do I like it? Not really, but it's what the situation calls for. Not every encounter can nor should be handled the same, and some missions will reduce certain ATs roles- thats true in any MMO. I guess what I'm trying to say is- it's not bad design if certain encounters reduce certain roles- it's simply the way it is.... You'll never (or VERY rarely) get a mission that will engage every AT and every style, just doesn't happen that way. Apex just may not be "your cuppa tea" (man I hate using sayings like that). I think that's part of why they designed Two Incarnate TFs, to encompass as many styles as they could- run & gun, stand and fight, etc.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



So much to LOL about in this thread.

Here's my 2 cents:
Devs pose a problem.
Players have 2 choices:
1. Decide the problem is too tough/frustrating/unfun. Don't do it.
2. Figure out a way to beat it/achieve the goal/contribute to the team.

I must admit, with respect to the LRSF, for a very long I was in the #1 camp; I thought it just sucked the big old ******** (put your own word in there). And it's still my least favorite TF. But if someone needs me to help out with it, and I can provide an AT that will help, I do, and it isn't nearly as sucky as it used to be, for me.

But people who don't like the STF/LGTF? Seriously, those are some of the funnest content in the game. Challenging, yes, but very fun. And when I say challenging, I mean that it's hard to run a Master's run successfully, and it needs a bit (5 minutes?) of planning (Like, for example, a tank makes these significantly easier. Not absolutely required, technically, but makes them easier.)

ITF? My favorite, until I19, and I don't know those 2 TFs well enough yet to make them my favorites; they may become my favorite before too long.

Dr. K? I Like it, but it is challenging. Cuda? Only done that one a couple of times, and I found it quite hard - I would only run it with people 'In The Know.'

Hami Raids? I did the old style raids, then I was totally intimidated by New Style, and HATED THEM! until some people (Madame Pistacio in particular among them - Thanks MP!) figured out a strategery, and I've been in on ~3 so far, as a taunt tank. Which makes me feel a warm and fuzy, because it makes me feel Important! So now, I LOVE the new Hami Raids - Go Figure! (Also, they GIMMEH SHARDZ!)

Rikti Ship Raids - I liked these things from the beginning - though I often faceplant... but SO WHAT? (Lucky I got brought up on a blaster, so faceplanting is not such a big deal to me - I attribute my extended longevity in this game mainly to this one fact.)

But my attitude is, Solve the Problem, or avoid it, if necessary, but I have yet to find a TF that is 'stupid and doesn't belong in the game.' (Though Old Posi and the Quartermaine TFs come quite close to that limit.)

Peope have done at least one of the new TFs in under 30 minutes, documented. The fact that that is possible, means, to me, that these TFs are NOT "too hard". I don't want Cake Walk content; I want challenging content with commensurate rewards, and OPTIONS that allow me to avoid undesired content [Which shards are specifically designed to address, and they do that exceedingly well. I don't HAVE to do the Cuda TF, I just run the ITF until I have enough shards to make the corresponding component.]

We're gettting more options.
We're getting challenging content.
We're getting desirable rewards. (Alpha enhancers, made of components, made of shards.)
Desirable rewards have a cost. (In this case, challenging content.)
Pay the cost, or find another way to access the reward desired. (Kill tons of enemies for shards.)

What's next??

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
In short, I don't trust the devs to allow there to be standard content anymore, or even to allow the new content to demonstrate we're supposed to be growing in power beyond heavy handed novelty missions like the first mission of the Ramiel arc.
Devs hate players?

I'm sure they won't be happy until each and every person who plays this game gets so frustrated that they rage quit and cancel their subs. That way they can all get to retire early!



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
So you figured out how to avoid the patches. Great. How much were you able to actually contribute to the TF after that? Or were you just a warm body, or even a "leech"?

Most of my characters slated to become incarnates are melee. I would like to bring more to the fight than taunts and my Nemesis staff.

Again, the only character I've done Apex on is my Dual Blades brute. Dual Blades depends not only on single hard hitting attacks, but getting combos off. I'm hardly a twitch gamer and a mechanic that gives 8 seconds warning is a far cry from anything "twitch". I can still manage to get Blinding Feint + the Attack Vitals combo on Battle Maiden without taking a single point of nanite damage. It's not hard, it doesn't require expert movement, all it requires, and this is what I tell all of the Apex TFs I lead, is awareness. Every Apex TF I lead hardly has a powergamer's ideal team, and without exception, it always has at least two people who have never done it before. We still succeed. Again, the key to the fight is not speed, not movement, simply awareness.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
I'm sure they won't be happy until each and every person who plays this game gets so frustrated that they rage quit and cancel their subs. That way they can all get to work on the fantasy MMO with mages, elves and plate armored knights they always wanted
Fixed for ya.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Fixed for ya.

Seriously. Why are you still here? Judging from your posts, you don't like the game as it was, you don't like the game as it is, and you don't trust the devs to do anything in the future that you will like. So why continue to pay your sub?

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



I lol at Johnny Butane. Not the 'with you' kind of lol, but the 'at you' kind.

And not because you're "Johnny Butane", but because your arguments are specious, disingenuous, and illogical.

GLHF. Or don't, because you seem to have decided not to.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Just for fun I went around to several servers last night during "prime time"; Freedom, Triumph, Virtue and Infinity.

Apex and Tin Mage sat alone while Lady Grey and Imperious had plenty of company with people lined up to do their TFs.

I think that speaks volumes on what the average player thinks about Apex and Tin Mage, as opposed to the vocal minority of Muchkin power gamers on these forums who've propped up these two disasters.

May the i19 TFs and the devs "new development direction" be swiftly ignored, fall into obscurity and forgotten like the Shard TFs and other wastes of development resources.

And people wonder why the world sucks so much. Cater to laziness, get laziness. All the wannabe hamsters can suck it, as far as I'm concerned.



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
The twitch reflexes required are actually the smallest part of it - it's more the personalities that tend to be involved - but that's not an insignificant part, to a gamer on the wrong side of 40.
Seeing PvP-like movement in new PvE content is thus a little discouraging for me. Is this what I have to look forward to in the new endgame? Stuff built for all the teen and twentysomething PvPers that ragequit a year ago?
Twitch reflexes are a problem, but the larger problem is attention span.

Gimmick fights tend to turn out to be fights, like the Battle Maiden fight, that require you to keep track of time and all sorts of features.

I know this veers into dangerous territory, but this is where my attention starts waning. I am a light roleplayer and character concept builder. This is one reason why this game has always been home to me. It encourages alts, trying on concepts, and building a variety of characters that have more personality than a chess piece does.

The typical gimmick fight, in my experience, is built out of giving the player things to monitor other than his own health and attacks, and requiring the player to act in response to those things. You must see the sign, break from what you are doing, and go stand elsewhere or do something else. The higher you "progress" the more of these gimmicks are added, and the worse the consequences become for failing to respond.

(This is also why gimmick fights seem almost inevitably to disfavor melee characters, and especially melee DPS. You can't contribute if you are constantly being forced to break off and stand somewhere not next to the boss. Battle Maiden is not fun for tankers, but far worse for brutes.)

More importantly: my experience is that players do not play through these gimmicks by actually paying attention to the encounters themselves. Not as they are presented by the naked game software, at any rate. They delegate, and resort to technology. Add-ons, scripts, and timers are all used to automate the process of responding to the gimmicks and coordinating the correct action. Ventrilo and other voice chat programs are used to coordinate groups. One player with an otherwise undemanding role is assigned the task of monitoring a given gimmick and sounding alarms.

The gimmicks themselves may well be founded in interesting lore and beautifully animated. All of this is wasted effort in my eyes. The player base's response to the gimmicks will spoil any pleasure that might be taken from it.

For me, this breaks immersion, and turns the game into a series of dull rehearsals. You are no longer reacting to the hostile character with your own character's imagined voice. You aren't reading the NPC chatter for what it says. You're monitoring team chat for scripted instruction on what to use next. You're talking with other players in your telephone voice. And you can't see the content that lies beyond unless you endure these mechanics.

At this stage, my interest in the game will inevitably start to wane. I do not want that to happen here. Please keep that kind of gimmick encounter out of this game. City of Heroes absolutely does not need progression raiding.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Originally Posted by Furio View Post
Seriously. Why are you still here? Judging from your posts, you don't like the game as it was, you don't like the game as it is, and you don't trust the devs to do anything in the future that you will like. So why continue to pay your sub?
/this, many times over. And it's not recent. He's been like that as long as I can recall.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
/this, many times over. And it's not recent. He's been like that as long as I can recall.
Same here, but then i only really recall seeing posts from him in the last two or three years.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



My god Heraclea, the entire BM fight gimmick is "here's some blue stuff, don't be here in 8 seconds." It's not some horribly subtle thing that has to be timed, nor is it something that if one player misses it, everyone wipes and the whole show is over. It's trivial to avoid and doesn't result in melee characters being useless.

The encounter is still easy and simple! The far harder part of it it trying to get people to understand that there are unlimited numbers of swords waiting in the wings to replace the ones that they kill, so don't kill all the swords. Literally the only change in the boss fight itself is that you must, at some intervals, move your character. That's it. It doesn't require split-second timing or everyone to coordinate a specific action. You just have to move around a little bit. Now, I admit that this goes against what melee have to deal with pretty much the entire game, but there it is. The world just got a tiny bit bigger, and there is something that requires the tiniest bit of change in your playstyle if you want to experience it. If that's too much to ask, then don't run the encounter I guess, but don't act like the sky is falling because the devs expect us to deal with new challenges to go along with our new levels of power.



You know how I know you never PvP'd?
Fail. I have. I did have enough sense to do it with a Blaster, though. I wouldn't even consider using a melee build in serious PvP in this system.

Or, that ranged characters would sometimes have an advantage over melee characters.
Given the premises that all competent builds (e.g. not the semi-mythical "pure healer" or "man" builds) are supposed to be capable of soloing standard content and that TFs are not supposed to require particular team construction, "ranged builds sometimes have an advantage" fails.

Does that mean I think ranged abilities should suddenly shift to a position of dominance over melee ones? Certainly not. Nor do I believe that's what's happened. I appreciate slippery slope concerns. Let's just not act like we've already suffered an avalanche.
Encounters like this are the camel's nose in the tent. I'm with those who say we should shoot the camel now.

Does having to hang back away from such effects cut DPS? Of course it does. What matters is how severely that cut affects your performance relative to the difficulty of the encounter. It's a subjective observation, but Battle Maiden doesn't seem to regenerate HP very fast, and she does not come back from her retreat fully healed. She's not that hard to defeat.
Then the "zones of death" are just an annoyance and fail for that reason.

Edit: missed one:

The metric "DPS" exists among players because of brainless spam-and-bash keys gameplay.
The DPS metric exists because the way to advance in this game is to kill mobs. As alluded to above, competently-built characters in this game are killing machines. If the devs want that to change then they need to change some very deeply-rooted premises, which probably can't be done successfully.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Given the premises that all competent builds (e.g. not the semi-mythical "pure healer" or "man" builds) are supposed to be capable of soloing standard content and that TFs are not supposed to require particular team construction, "ranged builds sometimes have an advantage" fails.
And don't you ever let anyone tell you that you need a specific team composition to win the Apex TF. I've done it on melee heavy teams, I've done it with a single corruptor, I've done it with 3 tanks. Anyone saying that this requires perfectly calculated and specific ATs and powersets is not being truthful.

Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
My god Heraclea, the entire BM fight gimmick is "here's some blue stuff, don't be here in 8 seconds." It's not some horribly subtle thing that has to be timed, nor is it something that if one player misses it, everyone wipes and the whole show is over. It's trivial to avoid and doesn't result in melee characters being useless.
There is so much truth in this. Twice now I've finished the Battle Maiden fight with only 7. Once someone got disconnected and didn't make it back in time. The other, someone left because they gave up. Giving up is my biggest pet peeve, but whatever, he missed out and we still completed it. Completed it where there were 3 members dead at all times as well. In order to avoid the entrance of death one simply need communicate with his team. Or is that also too much to ask?



Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
I agree that the clones spawn way too fast now.. maybe lower their HPs to compensate?
According to the Paragon Wiki, the bifurcations are HIM teleporting himself into 'multiple places at once'. So when there are 45 bifurcations lounging about, they are each and every one HIM. Simultaneously. They're not really clones, or even echoes or after images - they are HIM. In multiple places. All at the same time. And this somehow increases the regen and damage resistance of the one with the name 'Trapdoor' floating above his head until and unless you defeat all the other bifurcations which are HIM existing simultaneously in a different spot but which for some reason don't gain the same benefits from all the bifurcating as the one with the name 'Trapdoor' floating above his head.



Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
According to the Paragon Wiki, the bifurcations are HIM teleporting himself into 'multiple places at once'. So when there are 45 bifurcations lounging about, they are each and every one HIM. Simultaneously. They're not really clones, or even echoes or after images - they are HIM. In multiple places. All at the same time. And this somehow increases the regen and damage resistance of the one with the name 'Trapdoor' floating above his head until and unless you defeat all the other bifurcations which are HIM existing simultaneously in a different spot but which for some reason don't gain the same benefits from all the bifurcating as the one with the name 'Trapdoor' floating above his head.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



I accept that I am not a hardcore enough gamer for the Incarnate system. Heck, I'm not even hardcore enough for the Invention system. I don't have the patience to sit down with Mids and plan out the entire level 50 build before I ever log into the game. I came to love being here because I didn't need a three week planning session to enjoy the game. All I needed to do was pick powers>decorate character>find hostile>punch face.

That said, I have never had a problem on live with Trapdoor. That's because I knew not to even bother trying to take him on solo. Unfortunately, now that I've seen what Incarnate means, I'm probably not going to bother even running the arc again, because at the moment, there really isn't anything the Incarnate system offers that interests me.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
For me, this breaks immersion, and turns the game into a series of dull rehearsals. You are no longer reacting to the hostile character with your own character's imagined voice. You aren't reading the NPC chatter for what it says. You're monitoring team chat for scripted instruction on what to use next. You're talking with other players in your telephone voice. And you can't see the content that lies beyond unless you endure these mechanics.

At this stage, my interest in the game will inevitably start to wane. I do not want that to happen here. Please keep that kind of gimmick encounter out of this game. City of Heroes absolutely does not need progression raiding.
I'm sorry it won't be fun for you, but brutally honestly, I can't respect your outlook. I have nothing in particular against tank-and-spank, and I wasn't aching for the devs to provide new alternatives. But if you need tank-and-spank in order to facilitate your inner role-play narrative, in my opinion you're not very good at it, and I believe catering overly much to interests like yours are not good for the game.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Maybe some people would like to also play the new end-game content the way they choose, too?

Why do you care if people solo Trapdoor? Does that come into your house and kick over your soda or something? Grow up and stop insulting people who have different preferences and different experiences from yours.
I'm not saying people can't choose to play the way they want. That's the great thing about this game is that they can do exactly that.

I never said I cared if people can solo Trapdoor either. All I'm saying is that they can and I'm confident any SO'd character could pull it off. It's not my fault some people just want to be able to brawl everything to death rather than having to actually think.




Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Given the premises that all competent builds (e.g. not the semi-mythical "pure healer" or "man" builds) are supposed to be capable of soloing standard content and that TFs are not supposed to require particular team construction, "ranged builds sometimes have an advantage" fails.
That is not true. Just because all "competent builds" are supposed to be capable of soloing standard content, does not mean either that everyone should be capable of soloing standard content equally well nor does that rule apply to all content.

Normally, melee has a significant advantage over range, because melee is generally coupled to personal defenses. Scrappers have a much easier time soloing practically anything than Blasters, for example. The fact that this is sometimes reversed is not a design failure. The fact that this is not always true in non-standard content such as end game task forces is non-relevant to the design rule.

As a matter of degree, there are limits to how large the disparity should go. But as a matter of principle, I'm forced to state that the blanket assertion is not consistent with good game design. In fact it actually represents bad game design to forbid outright without qualifiers that which would have to occur at least to some degree in any good design.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

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Re: Venture,

Based on your posts (historically, not just in here), you are one of the most inflexible, intolerant players I have ever had the opportunity to read the posts of on this forum. You have always come across as wholly intolerant of game mechanics, lore, and just about anything else that does not fit nicely into your own box which outlines what is good and what is bad. I mentioned it before - I subscribe frequently to slippery slope defensive positions. However, even I have some damping in my feedback loop - you're in full avalanche breakdown mode here. We have the barest hint of a couple of mechanics that try something new and you want to "shoot the camel". That's ridiculous, as most of your positions are, no matter how eloquently stated.

I'm happy to come back later and say I was wrong if this turns into some vast episode of the new dev team wandering down some unpleasant change path. I also trust that there will be other, more reasonable people providing ever louder negative feedback if that happens. I'm willing to risk certain unpleasant outcomes in order to give the devs some leeway to try new things, because I want the game to continue to evolve.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA