Sexism in Costume Choices?




Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
Or they could just eliminate m/f/h skeletons all together and have one adaptable skeleton that can be resized.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I wouldn't mind short pants. My MA scrapper needs some short pants for his boxing costume, since it'll be a long time before I can get the official boxing costume.



Um.... seriously, there's a huge issue here. Why can't a male samuri toon have a panda on his shoulder? Why can't male toons have the dragon/cloud bracers?

Long hair works for guys... like this one

Skirts work for guys! Maybe no minis, but the long and pencil ones would. Could easily be called the lower half of a tunic! Didn't african tribesmen and hawaian guys have grass skirts? There's lots of options.

Guys are totally be left out here!

And this might be great for CoH Developers because all the meshes are already made! Maybe a little tweeking but otherwise would be easy compared to making something from scratch!



Originally Posted by TheMullet View Post
Um.... seriously, there's a huge issue here. Why can't a male samuri toon have a panda on his shoulder? Why can't male toons have the dragon/cloud bracers?

Long hair works for guys... like this one

Skirts work for guys! Maybe no minis, but the long and pencil ones would. Could easily be called the lower half of a tunic! Didn't african tribesmen and hawaian guys have grass skirts? There's lots of options.

Guys are totally be left out here!

And this might be great for CoH Developers because all the meshes are already made! Maybe a little tweeking but otherwise would be easy compared to making something from scratch!
The problem I see, is this is the forums, I really don't think the majority of the player base wants a skirt for their male models, so basically a lot of work, for very little of the player base.

Not only that, some will take the options and could try to make something (and act it) to what others may consider offensive. Believe it or not, people can people quite uncivil.

Not that I don't want some of these options mentioned, just something to think about, on why some options aren't ported over.

That said, I'd love a Baron Jacket for females, I'd love for them to make it so I could use the witch jacket with the fur shoulders, and males should for sure have the Hacker Top Design added to their list of top designs!

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
The problem I see, is this is the forums, I really don't think the majority of the player base wants a skirt for their male models, so basically a lot of work, for very little of the player base.

Not only that, some will take the options and could try to make something (and act it) to what others may consider offensive. Believe it or not, people can people quite uncivil.

Not that I don't want some of these options mentioned, just something to think about, on why some options aren't ported over.

That said, I'd love a Baron Jacket for females, I'd love for them to make it so I could use the witch jacket with the fur shoulders, and males should for sure have the Hacker Top Design added to their list of top designs!
funny thing is, back when shoulder pets came out in issue 4, we complained and cricket(i think) told us they were unaware that we wanted them, but would foreward our thoughts to the devs. there was a bit of a scuffle on that one. we also wanted parrots and dragons, but nothing ever came of it. my layman's guess is that the male and huge models expand a lot more in the shoulders than females do, so i could see some serious long-cats on a maxed huge model, but i just really wished they had found a way to do it. also, yeah female baron would be nice. as woudl boleros (and maybe furless boleros to, if i may push my cause again)



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I dont want this game becoming Rocky Horror Picture Show Online, I just don't.
It can already be done. Five minutes in the costume creator, and I got this:

I doubt we'd see a huge influx in transgender/transexual/whatever toons if we got more options. Most people just want more options to create awesome looks, they don't want to make crap that I can make in 5 minutes now.

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Originally Posted by FizRep View Post
Don't you think that 'sexism' is a loaded, overly dramatic term to use here? It's like saying that Sexy Jay has some kind of Victorian prude agena, that wedding lingerie notwithstanding.
Maybe he does? After all, it's well known that he dislikes "animal" costume pieces and doesn't intend to make any more. Judging by the complete lack of us getting any since he said that, I'd guess he got his way.


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I just hope if they chop the male legs to make skirts work they do it based on having a skirt not based on under garment.

I fully support costume proliferation.

Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
It's a political thing. Allowing males to wear female costume options would drastically change the ESRB rating of this game.
Since the game is already marked "Suggestive Themes" no change in rating would occur.

Drag only get you to T.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Maybe he does? After all, it's well known that he dislikes "animal" costume pieces and doesn't intend to make any more. Judging by the complete lack of us getting any since he said that, I'd guess he got his way.
We've gotten the wolf tail. Admittedly, it's not much, but it is something.
That and it's more than just Sexy Jay's desires, can you imagine what would happen if someone dropped an assignment on you at work and you didn't accept it due to personal hangups? They'd might fire you, find someone else, or both.

In fact, David Nakayama's gone over this, in the All Things Art: Super Boosters thread (linked in my signature, if you would like to voice your wishes!) but I will quote it here:
Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Actually, it's worth discussing in some depth. Clearly, animal parts are on some of your minds right now, and I want to understand why it's a top concern. IF we decide to do a Super Booster: Beasts set in the future, is that something the average COH fan really wants? With every Super Booster, the general aim is to expand the limits of the costume library while enabling as many new character concepts as possible. Animal heads and legs are a niche sub-category that, for whatever reason, seems to get a lot of attention in these parts.

Our top goal is to give players what they want. We're open-minded, eager to please, and not opposed to anything, but let me play devil's advocate here and tell you why there might be some resistance to a hypothetical Animal Pack:

A) There are already animal parts in the game. Given the LONG list of player requests, why build 'Werewolf Head #2' when we could make, say, a tech-themed fixed-wing, something that doesn't exist in the game currently?

B) Animal parts don't appear to have mass appeal. COH is a living, breathing comic book universe, and our ongoing goal is to reflect the diversity of all the comic titles out there. But take a quick look at any comic book store and you'll be hard-pressed to find a single issue featuring an anthropomorphic character on the cover or otherwise. They're simply not that popular. So why build lizard parts or giraffe parts when it seems like VERY few people would be interested in them?

C) Resources are limited. Everything we make comes at the cost of something else. If relatively few people would use animal parts, why should they be the top priority over some other theme?

Let me restate that I'm playing devil's advocate here. I wouldn't mind having a few more animal parts personally, but selling the team on a whole pack devoted to this theme is another matter entirely, especially with several other strong ideas on the table. If this is something you guys really want, please take this opportunity to make your case.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I want this.

Or heck, I just want more sci-fi costume options so I can make this one.

Edit: Swapped out Hello Kitty Vader picture with a non-photoshopped version.



Sailor Bubba (I've met him at cons, that's his official name) is actually sorta awesome. Not quite as disturbing as Man Faye.

Anyway, I guess I'd rather see more costumes available for more types -- it's frustrating trying to find something that would be PERFECT for a costume, only to realize it's tied to the other gender for some reason.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
Not quite as disturbing as Man Faye.
Ugh, out of curiosity I Googled Man Faye and now I'm scarred for life. Should have known better.



Originally Posted by baron_inferno View Post
Ugh, out of curiosity I Googled Man Faye and now I'm scarred for life. Should have known better.
he's not such a bad guy in my time knowing him, though brief.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
he's not such a bad guy in my time knowing him, though brief.
I only meant that his picture scarred me heh. Wasn't referring to his personality or character.



"Sexism" was indeed probably a bit strong & overly PC comment re: costumes, but it wasn't meant to be an accusation of a vast ongoing conspiracy, just an observation.

Some points I enjoyed hearing:

1) Lots of players REALLY want hair with their hats. Right now, the only way to get that is choose the "swabby" hat, but unless your hair & hat aren't vastly different colours, the hair sort of fades into the hat.

2) You can indeed give your male toon "fishnets" by properly manipulating "mesh" Mesh is lots of fun. I think the player who worried about the game being "overrun" by transvestites should costuming go totally unisex need not be concerned. A guy in fishnets doesn't strike much fear in the hearts of evildoers. Or maybe he would, depending, lol.

3) Good point that a "huge" skeleton might present a problem so far as "witch lace", etc. Yeah, there are some things that just won't work, like a "super foxy" hairstyle with a helmet.

4) Guys can't have "cloud bracers"? I never knew, not having tried it. This is senseless; think of the chop-socky costume possibilities.

5) One player showed us a good handful of fairly darn famous male comics characters with extremely long hair. This is what I mean by ONE male "long hair" (which is actually medium long) just not being enough. I was re-reading some graphic novels earlier today and was struck by the sheer intensity of the nearly waist-length hair of everyone's favourite Marvel Mutant Ninja, "The Gorgon". The guy looks BAD-A$$.

6) I personally would never put a male toon in a pencil skirt, but what about loincloths? Again, a unisex choice. Conan, Elektra, Shanna, Hercules, etc. I also agree that females have a very limited choice in skirts, and tops as well, when you come to creating a "Civlian ID Alt." Shirts for femmes also seem to be vastly limited.

I could go on, but basically was struck by the number of responses to this issue, most of which were highly thoughtful, and some which gave me cause to rethink my complaints. As always, I will end my ramblings by saying I feel grateful just to have CoH as a stress reliever and alternate-reality immersion system. Just think if our costume choices were as limited as those of the very first "Smackdown!" console game! (Shudders...)




Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
The problem I see, is this is the forums, I really don't think the majority of the player base wants a skirt for their male models, so basically a lot of work, for very little of the player base.
This is a case of "build it and they will come" sort of thing. People WILL find uses for the options given to them.



Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
This is a case of "build it and they will come" sort of thing. People WILL find uses for the options given to them.
I know I'd use the mini-skirt on a man... to make the overhang of a chain shirt with the mesh pattern.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Not only that, some will take the options and could try to make something (and act it) to what others may consider offensive. Believe it or not, people can people quite uncivil.

Not that I don't want some of these options mentioned, just something to think about, on why some options aren't ported over.

That said, I'd love a Baron Jacket for females, I'd love for them to make it so I could use the witch jacket with the fur shoulders, and males should for sure have the Hacker Top Design added to their list of top designs!
People are going to be uncivil with what ever you give them. Having more options probably won't change the frequency, just the flavour a bit.

Baron Jacket for females... I like that!

Originally Posted by Johnstone View Post
It can already be done. Five minutes in the costume creator, and I got this:

I doubt we'd see a huge influx in transgender/transexual/whatever toons if we got more options. Most people just want more options to create awesome looks, they don't want to make crap that I can make in 5 minutes now.
Very good point! The ability to offend is already there!

Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
You used Sephiroth. I can not take your argument seriously. Here are better examples of men with long hair.
............ I know. I'm sorry. I was feeling out of it yesterday and that's all I could come up with. Thank you for your help!

Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
I just hope if they chop the male legs to make skirts work they do it based on having a skirt not based on under garment.

I fully support costume proliferation.

Since the game is already marked "Suggestive Themes" no change in rating would occur.

Drag only get you to T.
You can already make naked ladies, guys in fishnets, priest and child duos, and a whole slue of other stuff. I am so for costume proliferation!!

I have already made women out of the huge build and have gotten a lot of compliments and lots of money through CCs with them!!

From my experience, most people (like 90%+) are open minded and accepting. Personally, I'm offended by Demon Sumoning, Devil emblem, and other stuff like that. But I tolerated it because of all the good that I can do with this game and all the fun I have with it.

No matter what you do or don't do, someone, somewhere will be offended by it. Don't make the many suffer because of the few!!!



Conversely, I think some of the costume pieces male characters have should be available to female toons. For example, why can't the women have the skull mask from the Magic booster, hmm?



Newer team is better at it as usual, but when people ask about shoulder animals and rabbit ears and get as a response 'we didn't expect them to be demanded,' that's at the least a sexist answer even if the real reason was limited resources.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Count me in as another who wonders just what the hangup is where men and long hair are concerned. Since I like long-haired men, there's only a tiny handful of men's hairstyles I can use- the rest don't work with my characters. I've been seeing requests for long haired male options since I joined, why don't we have more of them?
I would like more skirts for the guys too- we need loincloths for both genders. Even if we can't have the dynamic sybil-style ones, why can't we have the egyptian or Conan-styled ones for both genders?
And I'll also add my name to those who want to see the baron coat made available to women. While we're at it, a unisex version of the magic bolero jacket would also rock.

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QUOTE=TheLadyK;3386214]I happily blame soccer moms for everything.

I would like to see different shorts options for both genders and the (IMHO) poor quality of available male hairstyles means i don't play many male characters. I would love to see more options cross gender (the available skirts for women are pretty lame, so I don't have much of an opinion there, but headbands and hair? Do it.)

No no men can't have shorts. That brings up the whole shaved/unshaved legs issue. Then if you give men unshaved legs some women will want it to and there goes the ESRB again (in the US anyway) lol. We went through all this with nipples.

Seriously though there are a LOT of immature players and if you give them ammunition they will use it and you be admitting 'Nancy Boy' joining your SG because, after all, you shouldn't judge. As a GM do YOU want to put your job on the line for saying what is cross dressing and that it is inappropriate? Well for men anyway, no one dares tell women what to wear - no one would dare accuse a female charater in a flannel shirt and work boots of not dressing appropriately (unless she also had an inappropriate name then they'd make you change the name).

We live hip deep in hypocrisy. The easiest way to avoid problems is not to take risks. I think some long hair isn't TOO much, but I'm sure they had a lot of meetings before they even introduced kilts. Personally I don't think varieties of shorts would be all that popular for guys. "Bicycle Delivery Guy" dies on the vine.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



Originally Posted by Ultra_Violence View Post
We live hip deep in hypocrisy. The easiest way to avoid problems is not to take risks.
If everyone from here to the end of history took that advice, there would be no advances in our technology, our society, or our cultural ways. That's an extremely misguided thing to say. When it comes to a game, there will always be people who will try to work the system. Sometimes what they do will be for the greater good. If it is not, it's on the dev's shoulders to quash the issue before it pisses someone off. Besides, I think the Wedding Pack lingerie is just a little risky. That and the Witch Leather with Skin tops. C'mon.

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Originally Posted by Ultra_Violence View Post
As a GM do YOU want to put your job on the line for saying what is cross dressing and that it is inappropriate?
That seems like an utterly ridiculous worry. There's a game site out there specifically aimed at kids where the officially policy states it's absolutely fine to cross-dress characters. Why would the CoX GMs needs to concern themselves with it?

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